Big Beasts《巨兽(2023)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
巨型的动物鲜活的传说Giant animals, living legends.神奇的生物Fantastic creatures.这些就是自然界中的大型动物These are nature's big beasts.但从它们的视角去体验这个世界But experience the world from their perspective, 你会发现当大块头并非易事and you'll see it's not easy being huge.动物的体型越大风险就越大The larger the animal, the higher the stakes其冒险旅程也就更具有史诗色彩 and the more epic the adventure.从深海归来的巨兽A colossus returning from the deep.体型较小的雄性让开Smaller males, make way.(旁白汤姆希德斯顿)这只公象海豹This bull elephant seal.整个冬天都在养膘现在已经有40个人那么重了spent winter bulking up to the weight of 40 men.它现在回来捍卫自己的重量级冠军头衔Now he's back to defend his heavyweight title.但面对如此巨大的竞争But in the face of such huge competition.很少有哪只雄性能统治超过一年very few males rule for more than a year.成为统治者实属不易It*s tough to get to the top.一直保持统治地位则是难上加难and even tougher to stay there.象海豹每年春天在亚南极群岛的南乔治亚岛Every spring on the subantarctic island of South Georgia, 成千上万的象海豹会上岸繁殖thousands of elephant seals come ashore to breed.它们分成小组每组大约50只母象海豹They split into groups of around 50 females, 由一名公象海豹严密看守着The old bull is back,夺回了自己的海滩和后宫back to reclaim his beach and his females.在山上某个动物也该把握时机了In the hills above, it's time someone else seized the moment too.现在它减掉了 2公斤的脂肪所有的绒毛也已褪去Now she's lost five pounds of fat and all of her down,这只幼鸟轻了不少the chick is lighter on her feet.经过数周的训练它已经练就了足够的肌肉And weeks of practice have built enough muscle来控制这对非凡的翅膀to control those extraordinary wings.在花了十个月时间欣赏别的鸟在空中翱翔后After ten long months of admiring others in the air,它终于准备好开启自己的海上冒险之旅了she's finally ready to head off on her own adventure out at sea.就差一点Almost.这种起飞还需要一些练习That takeoff still needs some work.但当翅月旁迎着风But with her wings to the wind.再扇动几下翅膀and a few flaps to get her going.终于它飞到了空中finally, she's airborne.很快它就能每天飞行970公里了Soon she'll be flying up to 600 miles a day.可能需要十年时间It could be ten years飞行相当于环游地球30次的距离后and the equivalent of 30 trips around the globe它才会回来生下自己的孩子before she returns to have chicks of her own.随着繁殖季节接近尾声As the breeding season draws to an end,这个老统治者终于可以休息了the old beachmaster can finally rest.它已经和后宫所有的雌性都交♥配♥ 了He's mated with all his females.去年的幼崽正在茁壮成长and last year's pups are growing strong.短短三周内它们的体型增加了两倍In just three weeks, they've tripled in size.大量的脂肪可以为它们保温Plenty of blubber will keep them warm让它们很有希望能够顺利成年and give them the best hope of reaching adulthood.虽然每30只雄性中只有一只能成为统治者Although only one in 30 males ever makes it to the top, 但继承了父亲的强大基因by inheriting their dad's giant genes, 它们仍有通过努力而成功的机会they've got a fighting chance.老公象海豹是时候回到海里去了It's time for the old bull to return to sea.它巨大的身体饱受打击就让海洋帮它减轻负担吧Let the ocean ease the burden of his battered bulk.它可能活不到见证第三个繁殖季He may not live to see a third season,但现在这位重量级选手but now this heavyweight已经成功卫冕领地和后宫两年了has defended his title for two years, 它将作为南极真正的巨星之一被铭记he'll go down as one of Antarctica's true greats.fiercely guarded by a beachmaster.它动用全部力量试图控制它们Using his full force, he tries to keep them under his control. 它希望像去年一样成为所有幼崽的父亲He's hoping to father all their pups, just like last year. 但其他公象海豹总在尝试挤进来But other males are always trying to muscle in.它发出了一声比雷鸣还响的吼声With a roar louder than a thunderclap.竭尽全力去恐吓对手he does his best to intimidate.如果这招没用它必须把它们撵走If that doesn*t work, he has to chase them off. 问题是The problem is.它那肥硕的身躯无法在海滩上灵活移♥动♥ his body is not exactly beach ready.拖着约三千六百公斤的身体移♥动♥极为困难 Shifting four tons of bulk is a huge effort.挡路者死You definitely don't want to get in his way.解决掉一个挑战者One challenger seen off.现在去收拾下一个 he's on to the next.在长达两个月的时间里每天多达17次的对抗和Up to 17 confrontations a day over two long months, 无休止的追逐正在让这头年迈的公象海豹付出代价 relentless pursuit is taking a toll on this aging bull. 而战斗才刚刚开始And the battle has only just begun.一年的大部分时间里For much of the year, 南极洲和周围的海洋黑暗而冰冷Antarctica and the surrounding ocean are dark and icy. 但当春天终于来临But when spring finally arrives, 变暖的海洋迎来了鲸鱼的到来 the warming sea welcomes an invasion of giants. 鲸鱼最多迁徙八千多公里Whales migrate up to 5,000 miles来到这片丰饶的水域享受盛宴to come and feast in these fertile waters.这头三万六千公斤重的座头鲸妈妈第一次带着它的孩子This 40-ton humpback mother is leading her calf here 来到这里for the very first time.大量的企鹅也向这些海岸游来Vast numbers of penguins are also swimming to these shores.成群结队地筑巢形成巨大的巢穴聚集地and gathering in huge nesting colonies.漂泊信天翁拥有所有鸟类中最长的翅膀And soaring on the longest wings of any bird, 它们又飞回到陆地上wandering albatrosses are returning to land.很多信天翁是来繁殖但这只是来探亲的Many are coming to breed, but this one already has family waiting. 在南乔治亚岛上的草丛里On the island of South Georgia, sheltering in the tussock grass, 又大又饿的幼鸟宝宝在等着它回来 her very heavy, very hungry chick.八个月来它一直坐在自己的窝里She's spent eight months sitting on her nest, 等待父母给自己带回食物waiting for her parents to bring her food.日复一日它看着成年鸟来来去去Day after day, she watches adults come and go.但它们都没有给自己任何吃的but none of them have anything for her.终于妈妈回家了Finally, Mum's home.它们间打招呼的方式让妈妈确信这就是自己的孩子Their greeting convinces Mum she has the right chick 并鼓励它快点吃饭and encourages her to hurry up with dinner.这是一顿它迫切需要的超大份高能量的鱼和觥鱼大餐a much needed, supersized portion of high-energy fish and squid. 美食一顿后妈妈又要走了Once dinner has been served, Mum has to leave again.但对于这样一只笨拙的大鸟来说起飞可不是一件容易事 but taking off isn*t easy for such a big, ungainly bird.它必须转身迎着风She must turn to face the wind.撑起它3米长的翅膀然后等待brace her 11-foot wings and then wait.一股强大的风帮它起飞for a powerful gust to help lift her.上升飞走了Up, up and away.这可能是这只幼鸟最后一次见妈妈了This could be one of the very last times the chick will see her mum. 不久后它必须飞离巢穴Soon she must fly the nest到遥远的海上自己觅食to go and find her own food far out at sea.但在这只11公斤重的鸟宝宝有希望离开地面前But before a 25-pound baby has any hope of getting off the ground. 它还要进行许多的训练 there's a lot of training to do.在海滩上另一个重量级选手Down on the beach, another heavyweight也面临着艰巨的任务also has his work cut out.这只公象海豹仍在争斗中处于领先地位The beachmaster is still on top of the competition.到目前为止它的对手大多是年轻的觊觎王位者So far, theyfve mostly been young pretenders.但现在它面临着一个严峻的挑战but now he's facing a serious challenge.这个挑战者和它一样庞大一样强壮Just as big, just as strong却不像它一样因接连的战斗而疲惫不堪and far fresher to the fight.新来的挑战者想要对它造成致命一击The newcomer wants blood.势均力敌的对手战斗起来可以持续十分钟Battles between evenly matched opponents can last ten minutes. 而年轻公象海豹的优势是精力充沛and the younger male has stamina on his side.老公象海豹被逐出了海滩Banished from his beach, 它现在只能眼睁睁地看着对手 now the old bull can only watch on.霸占了自己的后宫as his rival lays claim to his females.只剩一个月繁殖季就结束了With only a month until the breeding season is over, 除非老公象海豹能恢复体力unless he can regain his strength.否则它的统治也将结束the old beachmaster's reign will be over too.现在南方的太阳全天候照耀着海面The southern sun is now shining 24 hours a day, 把冰冷的海水transforming freezing waters 变成了地球上最多产的海洋 into some of the most productive seas on Earth.像虾一样的小生物被称为磷虾Small, shrimp-like creatures called krill 它们大量繁殖形成巨大的群体 multiply into swarms large enough 足以成为巨兽们的食物 to become food for giants.这只约15米长的庞然大物已经七个月This 50-foot leviathan has barely eaten 儿乎没吃任何东西了in seven months.仅凭一己之力来聚拢磷虾并不容易Herding krill isn't easy on your own, 但它有一个巧妙的技巧but he has an ingenious trick.而这个技巧从未被拍到过never filmed before.它用3米长的鳍在海中画圈With ten-foot flippers, he draws circles in the sea. 从而制♥造♥出一个漩涡 to create a vortex把这些小甲壳类动物聚集在一起 and round up the tiny crustaceans. 每一 口都能吃掉成千上万只磷虾With every gulp, he sieves out thousands of krill.对于一只鲸鱼来说这样的收获很了不起 It's an impressive return for a single whale. 而不是只有它成功捕食And he's not the only one making a killing.豹斑海豹的体型是狮子的两倍Twice as large as a lion and armed to the teeth, 它们武装到了牙齿速度很快a leopard seal is built for speed.虽然在冰上行走很迟缓Not so much on the ice.但在水里它可是身形敏捷的恐怖捕食者but in the water, he flows like liquid terror.它瞄准了一大群巴布亚企鹅He's homed in on an enormous colony of gentoo penguins. 数量足够让它整个夏天都能填饱肚子Plenty here to keep him fed through summer.它们迟早会跳入水中去觅食Sooner or later, they'll have to take the plunge.被击败的冠军也需要选择时机进行反♥攻♥The defeated champ needs to pick his moment too.当新的雄性统治者加强了对老公象海豹While the new beachmaster tightens his grip后宫的控制时on the old bulFs harem.它仍在海上苦苦挣扎he's still floundering at sea.谢天谢地雌性们现在还没有发&heartsHW♥Thankfully, the females aren't receptive right now.它们专注于哺育They are focused on nursing their pups, 去年和最大公象海豹所产下的幼崽 fathered by last year's biggest bulls.还有希望There is hope.只有当它们的幼崽长大Females only come back into season足以面对海上的生活时once their pups are big enough雌性才会发&hearts ,情♥to face life at sea.老公象海豹必须等待时机积蓄力量The old bull must bide his time, gather his strength.并相信作为统治者所面临的考验and trust that the trials of being beachmaster会慢慢让它的对手疲惫will slowly wear his rival down.距离妈妈上次回来已经过去一周了It's now a week since Mum last returned.其他的成年信天翁已经开始繁殖Other adults are already beginning to breed.是时候离开窝巢了so it's time she got going.随着夏天的到来它的绒毛消失了As the summer arrives, her down disappears.身上也冒出了飞行羽毛And now that flight feathers are poking through,一个想法遍油然而生an idea is forming.漂泊信天翁Wandering albatrosses是自然界最伟大的飞行奇迹之一are one of nature's greatest aeronautical marvels.一种特殊的肌腱A special tendon将它们3米长的翅膀固定在合适的位置上locks their 11-foot wings into position.这样它们就能在海洋上飞翔so they can soar above the ocean几乎不费吹灰之力就能飞行一千六百公里的距离and cover 1,000 miles with barely a flap.而飞行所消耗的能量并不比坐在巢里多They use scarcely more energy flying than sitting on the nest.也许是时候成为那只鸟了Perhaps it's time to become that bird.但起飞需要练习But taking off takes practice.控制这对巨大的翅膀并不容易Controlling those enormous wings isn't easy.比妈妈重近50%And nearly 50% heavier than her mother,它需要把婴儿脂肪转化成肌肉she needs to convert her baby fat into muscle.在它继续严格饮食的同时As her strict diet continues,其他巨兽正在准备享受盛宴other giants are preparing to feast.越来越多的座头鲸聚集在一起More and more humpbacks are gathering. 有这么多其他鲸鱼在周围With so many other whales around, 妈妈可以和它们组队Mum can team up示范给孩子看该如何捕食and show her calf how to catch food.它绕着圈子游着边游边吹气Swimming in circles, blowing out air as she goes, 成群的磷虾被它惊吓后聚集得更紧密 she scares the swarms of krill tighter together. 它将磷虾困在螺旋状的气泡中Trapping them in a spiral of bubbles.这种泡泡网捕食技术This bubble-netting technique 可以让整个鲸鱼群享用一顿自助餐allows the whole pod to take their fill.但必须经过多年的练习才能完全掌握这种技术 but it has to be mastered over years.至少幼崽也在尝试At least the calf is giving it a go.当多个智慧的巨兽合作时When big brains combine,每条鲸鱼可以捕食高达1吨♥重的磷虾 each whale can harvest up to a ton of krill, 一天就能摄入一百万卡路里a million calories a day.座头鲸会继续进食The humpbacks will keep feeding直到海洋再次结冰until the seas freeze over once again.这只豹斑海豹也饱餐了一顿The leopard seal has been gorging too.一天捕食了六只企鹅on six penguins a day.即使它吃饱了And even once he's caught his fill, 也无法抗拒追捕的快♥感♥ he can't resist the thrill of the chase.巴布亚企鹅是地球上速度最快的企鹅Gentoos are the fastest penguins on the planet, 能以每小时35公里的速度游泳capable of swimming 22 miles an hour.长而有力的脚跳和流线型肌肉的身体Long, powerful flippers and a streamlined muscular body意味着豹斑海豹在速度上要更胜一筹mean the leopard seal is more than a match.但如果企鹅装死But if the penguin plays dead.就能侥幸逃生The one that got away.不过这里还有很多企鹅可以追捕But there are plenty more penguins to chase 而且距离企鹅群体离开还有几个月的时间呢 and still months to go before the colony leaves. 留给老公象海豹的时间所剩无几 Time is almost up for the old bull. 现在雌性们正在给幼崽断奶Now the females are weaning their pups;它们准备再次交♥配♥they're ready to mate again.而它的对手也没有浪费任何机会And his rival isnrt wasting any opportunity.然而即使是统治了短短几个星期Yet even a few weeks of being beachmaster这只年轻的公象海豹也已经筋疲力尽了has exhausted the young male.老公象海豹能感觉到对手的疲惫And the old bull can sense it.当对手专注于雌性时防御能力随之下降When his rival is focused on females and his defenses are down.是时候出击了it's time to strike.年轻的公象海豹又一次占据了有利位置Once again, the younger bull has the higher ground.但通过把它引诱进浪中老将抹去了对手的优势But by luring him into the surf, the veteran evens things up.最终它令对手仓皇而逃Finally, he sends his rival packing.老公象海豹回来了