阿尔卑.斯山脉意大利段你好格雷戈Ciao, Gregor.已发现约瓦诺维奇I have Yovanovitch.这么久才搞定啊纳迪亚Took you long enough, Nadia.我也想你了伯纳德Missed you, too, Bernard.人们常说久别情深Well, you know, they do say a year away makes the heart grow fonder.但我前妻却是个例外Although that didn't happen with my ex-wife's heart.她让我在恩西尼塔斯的一套公♥寓♥里住了一年你知道那是哪里吗Do you know that she had me living in a condo in Encinitas for an entire year? Do you know where that is?恩西尼塔斯一回来真好Encinitas? - It's good to be back.听好r要记住我们的情报显示那个混♥蛋♥的手提包里-Now, remember, our intel says that this shitbag is carrying装的是高浓缩铀highly enriched uranium in that case他打算将其卖♥♥给任何一位或多位愿意出价的恶棍and he's intending to sell it to any number of nefarious bidders.我看到你给我留了几样新玩具I see you left me a few new toys.没错我特意为我最喜欢的间谍亲手打造Yes. I built them for my favorite spy.启动中Aw.可惜他不喜欢用所以我想着别浪费给你用吧He hated them, and I didn't want them to go to waste, so.你个混♥蛋♥Asshole.那个小化妆盒能追踪到一英里以外的目标The compact can track a target a mile away.那瓶香水是定点爆♥炸♥物The perfume is a localized explosive.那口红是干什么的What about the lipstick?就是口红过去这几个月我脑子里一直有.These past few months, I've been having these.幻象visions of a.是一个of a女人的幻象woman.一个女人的幻象A woman?没错我觉得当年她和我都坐在那列火车hYeah, I-I think she was on that train with me.我敢肯定她也在火车上I know she was. And, uh.如果我能查清楚她是谁那么也许我就能查清楚我是谁if I can find out who she is, then maybe I can find out who I am.凯尔Kyle.虽然我很愿意每周都收你的治疗费靠你的病情发家致富as much as I'd love to charge you weekly and make a small fortune off your condition, 但最好的办法是提取你的DNAI think the best course would be to swab your DNA,找一个国家级的数据库作比对run it through one of the national databases,看看我们能不能找到任何亲属任何信息see if we can find any relatives, any information.我们以前有过没有任何结果Yeah, I did that before, and nothing showed.但跟上次查询相比这项技术已经更加先进了Well, the technology's gotten more advanced since then.美国弗吉尼亚州国务卿先生感谢你能在这么短的时间内来看我Mr. Secretary, thank you for coming to see me at such short notice.大使女士Madam Ambassador.我本来想在华盛顿与你会面但是.I would've met you in D.C., but这些玫瑰太粘人了离不开我的照料roses can be needy little wankers.我就开门见山了哈罗德Let me cut to the liver, Harold.八年前堡垒被摧毁时Eight years ago, when Citadel fell,将大量的机密藏在r 一个用铝强化过的箱子里it buried its trove of secrets in a tungsten-fortified case.这些机密可能包括暗点的位置Secrets that may have included black site locations, 特工的身份信息agent identities,甚至是核弹发射密♥码♥even nuclear codes.而我刚刚得知你们中♥央♥情报局近期发现fAnd I've just learned that your CIA recently discovered这个堡垒X箱子的下落the whereabouts of this Citadel X Case.您这位英国大使是在请美国国务卿The UK ambassador is asking the secretary of state泄露国&hcarts;家♥安♥全♥机密吗to divulge national security secrets?我不是以大使的身份要求的I'm not asking in my capacity as ambassador.不是的这是这是为了另一项事业No, no, this is. this is for a different cause.一项更伟大的事业A greater cause.为真♥相♥The truth.我不再为曼提柯尔效力rI don't work for Manticore anymore.我们以前帮助过你所以We've helped you before, so.现在我们需要你还这个人情now we're calling in our favor.你到底帮不帮这个忙哈罗德So, what will it be, Harold?我们要不要在你女儿Shall we plant explosives明天从牛津飞回家的英国航♥空♥公♥司♥飞机上on your daughter's British Airways flight tomorrow安放炸♥弹♥呢as she flies home from Oxford?或者说.Or shall要不要绑♥架♥你的妻子把她活埋在我的玫瑰园里呢 we abduct your wife and bury her alive in my rose garden?你来告诉我You tell me.苏黎世夫人Ma'am?婚礼进展如何How is the wedding?都搞定了It's over.我敢肯定新娘生前肯定很漂亮I'm sure the bride looked darling.我有个新任务交给你戴维克I have another job for you, Davik.他们找到了堡垒X箱子They found the Citadel X Case.它已经被转移到迈阿密一家船厂的中情局暗点It's been moved to a CIA black site at a shipping yard in Miami.我想让你把箱子取回来I want you to retrieve it.明白Understood.你兄弟能参与这次任务吗Is your brother up for this?他当然愿意参与了Of course he's up for this.他让我们在北♥京♥损失惨重Ah, he cost us dearly in Beijing.而且他撒手不管大家族对此很不爽He's letting things slide. The families weren't pleased.安德斯我说的话你听到了吗Did you hear that, Anders?是的我听到了黛丽娅Yeah.听得非常清楚I hear you, Dahlia, loud and clear.我们着手去办We're on it.芝加哥太好了Oh, yes.我超爱这个游戏I love this game.好了伙计们我们要玩一个游戏Okay, guys, we're gonna play a game.规则很简单The rules are simple.谁能猜tl1对手的“秘密人士”的Whoever guesses three distinctive features三个显著特征of an opponent's Secret就算赢Someone wins.很简单吧I mean, it's pretty easy, right?好的很好要开始了我先来Okay, great. Here we go. I'll begin.你的秘密人士是金发吗Does your Secret Someone have blond hair?是的那我猜对了一条Yes. That's one for me.继续该你了Go ahead. Your turn.你的秘密人士有雀斑吗Does your Secret Someone have freckles?没有No.好了你的秘密人士有胡子吗Okay. Does your Secret Someone have a mustache?你♥他 ♥妈♥有毛病吗What the fuck is wrong with you?好了就剩咱俩了Okay. Just you and me.你的秘密人士是否知道Does your Secret Someone know为什么你的曼提柯尔搭档黛丽娅阿奇尔why your Manticore pal Dahlia Archer had a meeting 昨天会在她家里跟国务卿麦卡洛会面呢with Secretary McCulough yesterday at her home?她想知道堡垒X箱子的位置She wanted the location of Citadel's X Case.为什么Why?想要核弹发射密&hcarts;码&hcarts;Nuclear codes.有点意思That's interesting.收到安全信息DNA已确认匹配一级特匚居住在俄勒冈州尤金我的天啊Oh, my God.不要啊No. No!稍等一下Just a sec.“稍等一下”"Just a sec"?你在里面做什么狠琐的事呢“手部运动”吗What kind of shady shit you doing in here? Little rub and tug?不是No.那就好Good.刚才在演单身汉的梦幻套房♥之夜而且我刚喝完一杯红酒'Cause it was fantasy suites on The Bachelor, and I just finished a glass of wine.一整杯一半杯A whole glass of wine? A whole half.亨德里克斯睡着了-Hendrix asleep?艾比康罗伊Abby C.你愿意接受这朵玫瑰吗Will you accept this rose?我爱你I love you.怎久了What's wrong?凯尔Kyle.爸爸Dad?地球呼叫凯尔Earth to Kyle.爸爸Dad!我去安顿孩子I got it.我就在你身边呢I'm right here.又做蛋梦了Had another nightmare.又做了-Another one?这次梦到什么了What was it this time?学校里有些孩子说我们要被轰炸了然后还梦到打仗了Some of the kids in school said that we're gonna get bombed and there was a war. 人吃人甚至还要吃我And people are gonna eat people, including me.学校里有些孩子是真的蠢Well, some of the kids at school are stupid.我不会让你出任何事的I'm not gonna let anything happen to you.你小时候做噩梦的时候爷爷也会给你掖好被子吗Did your dad tuck you in when you had bad dreams?我不记得了I don't remember.你想记起来吗Do you want to remember?该睡觉了宝贝Time for sleep, sweetheart.晚安小美女Good night, beautiful.家里进人了-Hey. - There's someone in the house.艾比Abby!-凯尔爸爸Kyle. - Dad!-上车-你们找错人了-Get in the car. Get in the car! For goodness' sake, we're not who you think we are. 凯尔康罗伊阿比盖尔康罗伊亨德里克斯康罗伊Kyle Conroy, Abigail Conroy, Hendrix Conroy.没错吧我的回答怎久样赶紧上车Right? How did I do? Get in the car.抓我吧你不需要抓她们-Take me. You don't need them.-你知道我是谁我们要去哪吗-不知道-Do you know who I am? - No. - Do you know where we're going? - No. 那你怎么会知道我需要什么-Then how the fuck do you know what I need?上车往后退Get in the car. Back up. Back up.进去Get in.快点我们走Come on. Let's go.这就对了That's it.别担心我们没事的一切都好It's all right. We're okay.-驾驶舱安全-让他们睡觉Everything's gonna be all right. Cabin secure.气体释放中Put them to sleep.释放中Dispensing. Dispensing.出发吧Let's go.-别这样你个王八蛋-她还是个孩子Don't you do that, you son of a bitch! No!-妈妈-不要-Mom! - No. No, no.别那样做Don't you do that!迈阿密中♥央♥情报局暗点已解锁好了各位准备开始Okay, everybody. Here we go.直播倒计时三二We're live in three, two.您是否认为某些民族国家过于强大Ambassador, do you believe that certain nation-states are too powerful,垄断着自然资源拥有核武器with monopolies on natural resources,而且倾向于发动战争以进一步提高国内生产总值possession of nuclear weapons, inclinations to wage war to further GDP interests?听起来这问题像是个陷阱但是你说得对Sounds like a gotcha question, but yes.您会支持加以限制可能对全球构成威胁的国家吗Would you support limiting the powers of a nation that may pose a global threat?我支持I would.首相肯定也持同样观点而且我今天能很自豪地代表首相本人As would the prime minister, who I so proudly represent here today.所以您愿意支持对英国的权力加以限制吗So you would support limiting the powers of Great Britain?您认可英国及其盟友入侵过其他国家Surely, you would recognize that Great Britain and her allies have invaded other countries, 导致了经济不稳定destabilized economies,还创造了由狡猾的政客和企业巨头经营的寡头政♥治&hcarts;created an oligarchy that is run by crooked politicians and corporate titans.这我不承认不认可玛乔丽I don't recognize that, Marjorie, no.英国终结过很多战争有时直接将战争阻止于萌芽This is a nation that has ended wars, sometimes before they've even begun,英国保护了自然资源还在全球范围内促进和平和人道主义protected natural resources, and furthered peace and humanity worldwide.有人说你很擅长说“另类事实”Some would say you are the queen of alternative facts.我把话说清楚Let me be clear.英国在这世界上有一席之地我为此感到骄傲I take great pride in Britain's standing in the world,也很自豪英国所做的历史选择请允许我说卜面的话in the choices she's made. And let me say this, too.我们将强力回击任何胆敢威胁我们民♥主♥的实体We will strike back in force against any entity that threatens our democracy,无论是黑客还是外国政♥府♥whether that be hackers, a foreign government或者说那些带头搞虚假信息运动or, say, an agent of the press to further foreign state interests.从而促进他国利益的新闻代理人leading a dangerous misinformation campaign停And we're cut.你刚才在电视直播里把我说成了俄♥罗&hcarts;斯♥间谍的线人Did you just call me a Russian asset on live TV?拜托亲爱的我又没说你是"俄♥罗&hearts撕♥的”Come on now, dear. I didn't say Russian.那兄弟俩拿到了 X箱子但锁加密了The brothers have the X Case, but the lock is heavily encrypted.他们正在赶往纽约破解They're headed to New York to decode it.大家族肯定会很高兴The families will be pleased.告诉戴维克一旦破解完成我要立刻掌握里边的信息Tell Davik i want that information the moment it's ready.没问题夫人-Of course, ma'am.整这么一出我很抱歉但这也是为门尔们和我们的安全I apologize for the theatrics, but it's for your safety and ours.你们是什么人Who are you people?我女儿呢Where's our daughter?我叫伯纳德奥立克I'm Bernard Orlick.-这位是我妻子乔前妻-This is my wife Joe. - Ex-wife.前妻-这位是我妻子桑德拉Ex-wife. - This is my wife Sandra.嗨-Hi.你女儿在楼下跟我女儿瓦尔在一起安全得很And your daughter is downstairs and safe with our daughter Vai.如果你敢碰她I swear to God, if you lay a finger on her.碰她我带你们来就是为了保护你们的安全Lay a finger on her? I brought you here to keep you safe.安全你在车里放毒气熏我们Keep us safe? You gassed us in your truck.抱歉当时真没时间解释了I'm sorry, there wasn't really time for a cappuccino and a chat. 你们很走运我抢在曼提柯尔之前找到了你们You're lucky that I found you before Manticore could.-你想把我们怎么样-听我说你这个到处寻亲的人-What do you want from us? - Listen, 23andMe.你一直在探索自己的身份对吧You've been searching to find out who you are, right?想知道八年前你出什么事了What happened to you eight years ago?不用再查rWell, look no further.我们就是来帮你的We're here to help you.我为什么要相信你说的话Why should I trust anything you say?因为不管你信不信我们是老朋友了Because, believe it or not, we're old friends.很高兴见到你梅森It's good to see you, Mason.梅森-Mason?准备好了解你的身份了吗Ready to find out who you are?好了登录梅森凯恩特工Okay, logging Agent Mason Kane.任务扫描初始化中Mission scan initializing.站定了 我本来就站着没动-Stand still. -1 am standing still.-微笑-我他妈不微笑Okay, now smile. - I'm not gonna fucking smile.你看你以前有多逗-You see what a joy you were?-指令要求梅森凯恩从来不微笑Command says you have to smile. Mason Kane doesn't smile.你用第三人称谈论你自己You talked about yourself in the third person.好吧那用眼睛微笑一下好吗用眼睛微笑Fine. How about a smize? That's where you smile with your eyes. 伯纳德我要杀了你真杀了你I'm gonna kill you, Bernard. I'll actually kill you.Lipstick.对变♥态♥老男人而言还有比红唇杀伤力更大的武器吗 Nothing more dangerous to a pervy old man than red lips.拭目以待吧我得下线了You would know. Got to go.这里有人坐吗Anyone sitting here?我被赶出一等座车厢了那里不让吸烟Got kicked out of first class. They wouldn't let me smoke.这是一列无烟列车-This is a nonsmoking train.我不抽烟我只是不喜欢被别人约束而已-Oh, I don't smoke. I just don't like being told I can't.这座位有人了我在等朋友Seat's taken. I'm waiting for a friend.我陪你一起等你朋友怎么样Well, how about I keep you company till they show?我朋友可比你英俊多了The thing is, he's far more attractive,而H.这个视野好的座位是我重金购买♥&hcarts;的and I'm a girl who paid a fortune for a good view.是吗Is that right?我很惊讶你居然会露脸I mean, I'm surprised you'd show your face at all.你有口罩能借给我吗-You got a mask I could borrow?亲爱的我有几十个呢-1 got dozens, love.那我联♥系♥铁路公&hearts词♥让他们给你退款怎么样How about I call the rail line, give you a refund?他们会赔偿精神损失吗我觉得这一节是静音车厢Will they cover emotional damage? I think this is the quiet car.我说我能把他带回来I told them I was bringing him in myself.你来干嘛梅森What are you doing here, Mason?格雷斯需要最好的人来Grace needed the best on this.好吧正如我刚才问的你来干嘛Right. So, as I said, what are you doing here?我们的办公环境充满了敌意It was a very hostile workplace.-你用仁慈杀死我怎公样-妈的How about you try killing me with kindness? - Fuck me.妈的-Fuck me.你是说我以前是间谍You're telling me I was a spy.不然你以为你为什么会完全没有踪迹Why do you think there was no trace of you?因为根本没有凯尔康罗伊Because there is no Kyle Conroy.说对了朋友-Bingo, my friend.这是化名-It's an alias.是我给你起的化名之一One of many I came up with for you.我在取名字方面很有天赋当然了我天赋很多I have a gift for names. I mean, I have many gifts.那我身上的伤疤是枪伤刀伤And my scars, they're, what, bullet wounds, knife wounds?有砍刀伤弹片伤甚至还有牡蛎刀导致的伤Machete wounds, shrapnel wounds, oyster shucker wounds.你受过无数种伤the list is endless.那我们是什么人中♥央&hearts借报局特种部队So what were we? CIA? Special forces?都不是你以前的身份是神话Nope. What you were was a myth.你以前隶属于堡垒What you were was Citadel.堡垒你不是挺会取名字的吗Citadel? I thought you had a gift for names.自打间谍机构存在起他们就不断挑起战争For as long as they've been around, spy agencies have started wars,刺杀世界领袖assassinated world leaders,参议员中毒俄♥罗&hearts撕♥联邦安♥全♥局♥杀害无辜killed innocents.所以一个世纪前一群在法国的间谍So, a century ago, a group of spies and friends recruited individuals从世界各地招募许多个人共同创建了一个间谍机构from around the world to create a spy organization这一机构不忠于任何人任何国家loyal to no man and to no nation.只忠于保护所有人的安全Loyal only to the safety and security of all people.你不会知道我们的存在You wouldn't know we existed,但在过去的百年间我们帮助塑造了每一起重大事件but we helped shape every major event for good in the past 100 years.人♥质♥被解救那我们是好人We were the good guys.我们是全球好人的最后一道防线The last line of defense for good in the world.但后来八年前我们被一个自己人出♥卖♥♥♥广But then, eight years ago, we were double-crossed by one of our own, 一名身份未知的特工拿走了堡垒所有间谍的名单an unknown agent who took a list of all of Citadel's spies并使其落入了坏人之手and transferred it into the wrong hands.他们当年想在那列火车上杀了我They tried to kill me on that train.八年来我一直在寻找幸存者I've been searching for eight years for survivors.我以为只有一名堡垒间谍幸免于难I thought that only one Citadel spy had survived.幸运的是这名堡垒间谍在所有人中脱颖而出Luckily, this Citadel spy was head and shoulders above the rest.他是该机构的技术天才注定要像阿特拉斯一样背负全世界The agency's tech genius. Destined to carry the world on his back like Atlas.千万别跟我说-他的名字Please don't tell me. - His name?是你吗-Is it you?.天啊.不-Jesus Christ. - No.确实是伯纳德奥立克Bernard Orlick.小心脚下Watch your feet.过来Come here.这就是我们的对手This is who we're fighting against.“曼提柯尔” "Manticore"? 是他们干的 T