销售代理协议英文合同范本 Sales Agency Agreement 号:NO:日期:Date:为在平等互利的根底上开展贸易,有关方按以下条件签订本协议:This Agreeme nt is entered into betwee n the parties con cerned on the basis of equality and mutual ben efit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:1.订约人 Contracting Parties 供货人(以下称甲方):销售代理人(以下称乙方):甲方委托乙方为销售代理人,推销以下商品。Supplier:(hereinafter called party A)Agent:(hereinafter called party B)Party A hereby appoi nt Party B to act as his selli ng age nt to sell the commodity mentioned below 2.商品名称及数量或金额 Commodity and Quantity or Amount 双方约定,乙方在协议有效期内,销售不少于*的商品。It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than of the aforesaid commodity in the duration of this Agreemento 3.经销地区 Territory 只限在.Inonly.4.订单确实认 Confirmation of Orders 本协议所规定商品的数量、价格及装运条件等,应在每笔交易中确认,其细 LI应在双方签订的销售协 议书中作岀规定。The quantities,prices and shipments of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be con firmed in each transacti on,the particulars of which are to be specified in the Sales Con firmation signed by the two parties he ret o.5.付款 Payment Agent shall strictly con form with any and all instructio ns given by Seller to Agent from time to time and shall not make any representation,warranty,promise,contract,agreement or do any other act binding Seller.Seller shall not be held responsible for any acts or failures to act by Agent in excess of or contrary to such instructions.Article 3.Territory The territory covered un der this Agreement shall be expressly con fined to _(herei nafter called Territory)Aricle 4.Products The products covered under this Agreement shall be expressly conned to _(hereinafter called products)Article 5.Exclusive Right In consideration of the exclusive right here in granted,Seller shall not,dicectly of indirectly,sell of export products to Territory through other channel than Agent and Agent shall not sell,distribute or promote the sale of any products competitive with of similar to Products in Territory and shall not solicit or accept orders for the purpose of selling Proudest outside Territory.Seller shall refer to Agent any inquiry or order for products Seller may receive from others in Territory during the effective period of this Agreement.Article 6.Minimum Tran saction and Price In the eve nt that duri ng one year(12 mon ths)duri ng the effective period of this Agreement,aggregate payment received by Seller from customers on orders obtained by Agent under this Agreement amounts to less than _,Seller shall have the right to terminate this Agreement amounts to less than _ Seller shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving thirty(30)days written notice to Agent.The seller shall from time to time furnish the Agent with a statement of the minimum prices and the terms and conditions of sales at which the goods are respectively to be sold.Article 7.orders In soliciting orders,Agent shall adequately advise customers of the general terms and conditi ons of Sellers sales note or contract note and of any contract being subject to the con firmation of acceptance by Seller.Agent shall immediately dispatch any order received to Seller for its acceptance or rejection.The seller shall have the right to refuse to execute or accept any such orders or any part thereof and the Agent shall not be en titled to any commissi on in respect of any such rejected order or part thereof refused Article 8.Expenses All expenses and disbursements such as cabling,traveling and other expenses incurred in connection with the sale of products shall be for the account of Agents,unless especially arra nged.Further Age nt shall,at this own expenses,maintain office(s)z salesmen and others sufficie nt for the performanee of the obligation of Agent in conformity with any and all instructions given by Seller.Article 9.Commission Seller shall pay to Agent commission in _ currency at the rate of _%of the net invoiced selling price of products on all order directly obtained by Agent accepted by Seller.Such commission shall be payable every six months only after Seller receives the full amount of all payments due to Seller.Payme nts of such commissi on shall be made to Agent by way of remitta nee.Article 10nformation and Report Both Seller and Agent shall quarterly and/or on the request of either party furnish information and market report each other to promote the sale of products as much as possible Agent shall give Seller shall furnish with or without charge to Age nt reasonable quantity of advertisi ng literatures catalogues,leaflets,and the like as Agent may reas on ably require Article 11.Sales Promoti on Age nt shall dilige ntly and adequately advertise and promote the sale of Products throughout Territory.Seller shall furnish with or without charge to Agent reasonable quantity of advertisi ng literatures catalogues,leaflets,and the like as Agent may reas on ably require.Article 12dustrial Property Rights Agent may use the trade-mark(s)of Seller during the effective period of this Agreement only in connection with the sale of Products,provided that even after the termination of this Agreeme nt Age nt may use the trade-mard(s)in con nectio n with the sale of Products held by it in stock at the time of termination.Age nt shall also acknowledge that any and all patents,trade marks,copyright and other industrial property rights used or embodied in Products shall remain to be sole properties of Seller and shall not dispute them in any way.If any infringement being found,Agent shall promptly notify seller and assist seller to take steps to protect its right Article 13.duration This Agreement shall enter into force on the signing of both parties At least three(3)months before the expiration of the term,both Seller and Agent shall consult each other for renewal of this-Agreement If the renewal of this Agreement is agreed upon by both parties,this Agreement shall be renewed for another _ year(s)period under the terms and conditions herein set forthwith amendments,if agreed upon by both parties Unless this Agreement shall expire on _ Article 14.Termination In case there is any nonperformanee and/or violation of the terms and conditions including Article 5,6,11 under this Agreement by either party during the effective period of this agreement,the parties hereto shall do their best to settle the matter in question as prompt and amicable as possible to mutual satisfaction.Unless settlement should be reached within thirty(30)days after notification in writing of the other party,such other party shall have the right to cancel this Agreement and the loss and damages sustained thereby shall be in dem nified by the party resp on sible for the nonperformance and/or violation.Further in case of ban kruptcy or in solve ncy or liquidatio n or death and/or reorganization by the third party of the other party,either party may forth with terminate this Agreement without any notice to the other party.Article 15.Force Majeure Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of the due to Acts of God,Government orders or restriction or any other events which could not be predicted at the time of the conclusi on of the Agreeme nt and could not be con trolled,avoided or overcome by the parties.Hovever,the party affected by the Event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrenee in Written as soon as possible Article 16.Trade Terms and Governing Law The trade terms under this Agreement shall be governed and interpreted under the provisions of 1990 Inco terms and this Agreement shall be governed as to all matters including validity,construction,and performanee under the laws of Peoples Republic of China Article 17.Arbitration:All disputes arising from the performance of the Agreement should be settled 附:国际销售代理协议解释与分析(一)概述 国际销售代理协议是国际贸易代理协议的一种。国际销售代理协议是一国的委托人与另一 国下称甲方销售代理人以下称乙方甲方委托乙方为销售代理人推销以下商品商品名称及数量或金额双方约定乙方在协议有效期内销售不少于的商品经销地区只限在订单确实认本协议所规定商品的数量价格及装运条件等应在每笔交易中国际贸易代理协议的一种国际销售代理协议是一国的委托人与另一国的代理人之间签订的明确有关与销售的代理权限规定互相权利义务的书面文件代理是代理人按照被代理人的受权代表本人同第三人订立合同或作其他的法律行为山了重要的作用这种国际贸易代理是商业代理而非一般的民事代理在国际销售代理中对销售代理有不同的分类如依其代理权限大小划分可将销售代理商分为总代理商独家代理商和一般代理商如依其有无代卖方订立合同的权利划分可划的代理人之间签订的明确有关与销售的代理权限规定互相权利义务的书面文件。代理是代理人按 照被代理人的受权,代表本人同第三人订立合同或作其他的法律行为,山此而产生的权利与义务直接 对委托人发生效力的一种法律制度。在当今的国际贸易中,代理制度的应用很广而且起到了重要的作 用。这种国际贸易代理是商业代理,而非一般的民事代理。在国际销售代理中,对销售代理有不同 的分类,如依其代理权限大小划分,可将销售代理商分为总代理商、独家代理商和一般代理商,如依 其有无代卖方订立合同的权利划分,可划分为缔约代理商和媒介代理商。(二)标题 除另有约定外,所有的费用和支岀,如电讯费、差旅费以及其他有关商品销售的费用,都 应山代理商承当。除此以外,代理商还应承当维持其办公处所、销售人员以及用于执行卖方中有关代 理商的义务而发生的费用。第九条佣金卖方承受代理商直接获得的所有订单后,就应按商品净销售额的白分之 _,以 _(货币)支付给代理商佣金。佣金只有在卖方收到顾客的全部货款后,每 6 个月支付一次,以汇 付方式支付。第十条商情报告卖方和代理商都应按季度或按对方要求提供有关市场信息的报告,以尽可能促进 商品的销售。代理商应向卖方报告商品的库存情况、市场状况及其他商业活动。第十一条商品的推销 在代理区域内,代理商应积极地充分地进展广告宣传以促进商品的销售。卖 方应向代理商提供一定数量的广告印刷品、商品样本、小册子以及代理商合理要求的其他材料。第十二条工业权保护 在本协议有效期内,代理商可使用卖方的商标,但仅限于代理商品的销售。假如在本协议终止后,代理商地销售库存代理商品时,仍可使用卖方的商标。代理商也成认使用于或 包含于代理商品中的任何专利、商标、版权以及其他工业产权,都属于卖方所有,并且不得以任何方 式提出异议。一旦发现浸权,代理商应及时通知卖方并协助卖方采取措施保护卖方产权利益。第十三条协议期限 本协议经双方签字生效。在本协议终止前至少 3 个月,卖方或代理商应共同协 商协议的续延。假如双方一致同意续延,在上述规定的条款、条件下,附上补充文件,本协议将继续 有效另外 _ 年。发生续延,本协议将于 _ 年 _ 月 _ 日终止。第十四条协议的中止 在本协议有效期内,任何一方当事人不履行合同或违背本协议的条款,如第 五、六、十一条,双方当事人座争取及时解决争议的问题以期双方满意。假如在违约方接到书面通知 后 30 日内问题仍不能解决,非违约方将有权中止本协议,由此造成的损失、无力偿付债务、清算、死亡以及被第三人兼并,另一方当事人可提岀中止本协议,而无需书面通知对方。第十五条不可抗力 任何一方对山于以下原因此导致不能或暂时不能履行全部或部分协议义务的,不负责任:自然灾害、政府釆购或禁令以及其他任何双方在签约时不能意料、无法控制且不能防 止和抑制的事件。但受不可抗力影响的一方,应尽快地将发生的事件通知对方,并附上证明材料。第十六条准据法 本协议有关贸易条款应按 INCOTERM90解释。本协议的有效性、组成以及履行受 中华人民共和国法律管辖。第十七条仲裁 对于因履行本合同发生的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决,如协商无法解决争议,那么应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京),根据其仲裁规那么,仲裁费应山败诉一方承当,仲 裁委员会另有规定的除外。本合同由双方代表签字后生效,一式两份,双方各执一份。A.B.C.公司及公司代表 _ 代表 _ 英文文本 EXCLUSIVE AGENCY AGREEMENT This Agreemagreed as follows:Article 1.Appointment During the effective period of this Agreement Seller hereby appoints Agent as its exclusive age nt to solicit orders for products stipulated in Article 4 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 3 and Agent accepts and assumes such appointment Article 2.Age nts Duty Agent shall strictly conform with any and all in structio ns gvie n by Seller to Agent from time to time and shall not make any represe ntation,warra ntypromisec on tract,agreeme nt or do any other act binding Seller.Seller shall not be held responsible for any acts or failures to act by Agent in excess of or contrary to such instructions.Article 3 Territory The territory covered under this Agreement shall be expressly confined to (hereinafter called Territory)Aricle 4.Products The products covered under this Agreement shall be expressly conned to _(hereinafter called products)Article 5.Exclusive Right In consideration of the exclusive right herein granted,Seller shall not,dicectly of indirectlsell of export products to Territory through other channel than Agent and Agent shall not sell,distribute or promote the sale of any products competitive with of similar to Products in Territory and shall not solicit or accept orders for the prupose of selling Produets outside Terrtory.Seller shall refer to Agent any inpuiry 下称甲方销售代理人以下称乙方甲方委托乙方为销售代理人推销以下商品商品名称及数量或金额双方约定乙方在协议有效期内销售不少于的商品经销地区只限在订单确实认本协议所规定商品的数量价格及装运条件等应在每笔交易中国际贸易代理协议的一种国际销售代理协议是一国的委托人与另一国的代理人之间签订的明确有关与销售的代理权限规定互相权利义务的书面文件代理是代理人按照被代理人的受权代表本人同第三人订立合同或作其他的法律行为山了重要的作用这种国际贸易代理是商业代理而非一般的民事代理在国际销售代理中对销售代理有不同的分类如依其代理权限大小划分可将销售代理商分为总代理商独家代理商和一般代理商如依其有无代卖方订立合同的权利划分可划or order for products Seller may receive from others in Territory during the effective period of this Agreeme nt.Aritcle 6.Mimimum Transaction and Price In the eve nt that duri ng one year(12 months)during the effective period of this Agreement,aggregate payment received by Seller from customers on orders obtained by Agent under this Agreement amounts to less than _,Seller shall have the right to terminat this Agreement amounts to less than _ Seller shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving thirty(30)days written notice to Agent The seller shall from time to time furnish the Agent with a statement of the minimum prices and the terms and conditions of sales at which the goods are respectively to be sold.Article 7.orders In soliciting orders,Agent shall adepuately advise customers of the general terms and conditions of Sellers sales note or contract note and of any contract being subject to the con firmation of accepta nee by Seller.Age nt shall immediately dispatch any order received to Seller for its acceptanee or rejection.The seller shall have the right to refuse to execute or accept any such orders or any part thereof and the Agent shall not be entitled to any commissi on in respect of any such rejected order or part thereof refused Article 8.Expe nses All expenses and disbursements such as cabli ng traveling and other expe nses incurred in con nection with the sale of products shall be for the account of Agents,unless especially arrangedFurther Agent shall,at this own ex pe nsesmaintai n office(s),salesmen and others sufficient for the performa nee of the obligati on of Agent in conformity with any and all instructions given by Seller.Article 9.Commission Seller shall pay to Agent commission in _currency at the rate of%of the net invoiced selling price of products on all order directly obtained by Age nt accepted by Seller.Such commission shall be payable every six mon ths only after Seller receives the full amount of all payme nts due to Seller.Payme nts of such commissi on shall be made to Age nt by way of re mitt a nee.Article 10nf ormation and Report Both Seller and Agent shall quartely and/or on the request of either party furnish information and market report each other to promote the sale of products as much as possible.Agent shall give Seller shall furnish with or without charge to Agent reasonable quantity of advertising literatures catalogues,leaflets,and the like as Age nt may reas on ably require Article 11.Sales Promotio n Agent shall diligently and adequately advertise and promote the sale of Products throughout Territory.Seller shall furnish with or without charge to Agent reas on able qua ntity of advertisi ng literatures cataloguesjeafletsnd the like as Agent may reas on ably require Article 12 n dustrial Property Rights Agent may use the trade-mark(s)of Seller duri ng the effective period of this Agreement only in conn ection with the sale of Products,provided that even after the termination of this Agreeme nt Agent may use the trade-mard(s)inconn ection with the sale of Products held by it in stock at the time of termination.Agent shall also acknowledge that any and all pate nts,trade-marks,copyright and other in dustrial property rights used or embodied in Products shall remain to be sole properties of Seller and shall not dispute them in any way.If any infringement being found,Agent shall promptly notify seller and asist seller to take steps to protect its right Article 13.duration This Agreement shall en ter into force on the signi ng of both parties At least three(3)mon ths before the expiratio n of the term,both Seller and Agent shall con suit each other for ren ewal of this 下称甲方销售代理人以下称乙方甲方委托乙方为销售代理人推销以下商品商品名称及数量或金额双方约