信息检索课程实习报告 一、 序言局部实习题目:柜台交易及其交易模式及流程学生姓名:熊炎波(01083094)分工内容:制定检索策略,选择检索入口词,并对检索入口词进展修正检索,选择ABI(商业信息数据库)进展检索,并选择检索结果进展翻译,并编写综述。检索系统:ABI(商业信息数据库)数据库名称:ABI(商业信息数据库),详细应用的是数据库是: Business ABI/INFORM Trade 13篇) Business-ProQuest Asian Business(第1420篇) 二、检索策略局部: 课题分析:“柜台交易及其交易模式及流程”有两局部构成,一局部是柜台交易,柜台交易的交易模式及流程。柜台交易又称场外交易是证券交易的一种方式,是经济金融学讨论的一种课题。 针对本课题的检索,应从“柜台交易”一词入手,然后通过二次检索获得关于“柜台交易及其交易模式及流程”的有关论文。检索系统的选择:图书馆网络数据库在线检索系统ABI商业信息数据库数据库的选择:ABI商业信息数据库Multiple databases, Business-ABI/Inform Trade Business ABI/INFORM Trade 13篇)ABI(商业信息数据库)Business-ProQuest Asian Business(第1420篇)检索的时间范围是:All dates 检索结果列出:(113)篇: 1、所用数据库名称:ProQuest Business ABI/INFORM Trade ABI/INFORM Trade ABI/INFORM Trade ABI/INFORM Trade ABI/INFORM Trade We have a personalized approach, unlike other card companies wherein all you are is a card number, said Ronald Bibonia, first vice president for business development of Diners Club Philippines. We keep track of our clients almost on an individual basis.Aside from insurance, Diners Club also provides its clients an array of services and privileges. With Club Cash, for instance, cardholders can avail of up to 50% available credit line which can be accessed via the ATM or over-the-counter transactions at the Diners Club Centre, Security Bank and Pilipinas Bank branches, and select Cashlink and Bancnet ATMs. Utility bills, on the other hand, can be settled through the Club Bill Connection facility. This enables cardholders to pay electric bills, Internet subscription, phone bills and the like by just enrolling these services to their Diners Club card.More than these services, Diners Club takes pride in offering Club members free access to exclusive airport and business lounges in major cities worldwide through the Club Lounges facility. One doesn”t have to be a gold cardholder or a member of the frequent buyer program of an airline to enjoy luxuries such as free buffet or the use of private toilets and bath. Club members are welcome to all these facilities by just presenting their Diners Club International card. Other people would have to pay to have access to those lounges or maybe don”t get the chance to enter, said Mr. Patrick Carlos. B译文:菲律宾就餐者俱乐部有安全就餐者多国合作的特许权,并且在一个安全银行的全资子公司下经营。 与今日市场上其他竞争者不同,它给它的客户供应共性化的效劳。 作为其品牌建议,就餐者俱乐部为持卡人供应一个属于一个专有的组织的感觉。 我们让共性化接近, 与你的全部是一个卡片号码的其他卡片公司不同 ,罗纳德Bibonia,首先就餐者俱乐部菲律宾的商业进展的副总统说。 我们在一个个人的根底上几乎跟踪我们的客户。 除了保险,就餐者俱乐部也为它的客户供应一系列效劳和特权。 例如,有现金俱乐部,持卡人能用处的50% 可得到信贷限额的,那个可能通过ATM 或者柜台交易在就餐者俱乐部中心事物,保安银行和Pilipinas银行分行访问,和选择Cashlink 和Bancnet自动提款机。 效用账单, 另一方面,可能被通过俱乐部议案连接设备解决。 这使持卡人能够通过刚刚把这些效劳登记到他们的就餐者俱乐部卡片支付电的账单,因特网订购,电话账单等等。更多的效劳是, 就餐者俱乐部对供应俱乐部成员免费参加专有飞机场和生意休息室在通过俱乐部休息室设备全世界的主要城市感到骄傲。 一个人不必是 一黄金持卡人或者一频繁购置者享有浪费品象免费打击或者私人洗手间和洗澡的使用那样的一航空公司的规划的成员。 俱乐部成员通过刚刚为他们的就餐者俱乐部提出国际卡片可以随便使用这些设备。 其他人必需支付能进入那些休息室或者或许不得到进入的时机,帕特里克卡洛斯先生说 。但是正从飞行到飞行等转变的就餐者俱乐部成员实际上能呆在家里并且很舒适。 及单位名称:ANN KATHLEEN M. JABSON Diners Club International (NAICS: 8139 90) 刊名及卷、期数:BusinessWorld. Manila: Mar 30, XX. pg. 1 6、所用数据库名称:ProQuest Business ABI/INFORM Trade they can pay via over-the-counter transactions or through two modes of PCIBank FASTPay - if they are PCIBank FASTeller International ATM cardholders, through the automatic debit arrangement (ADA), or FASTPay which is available in over 200 of PCIBank”s FASTeller International ATMs or almost 1,000 BancNet- member ATMs nationwide. FASTPay via PCIBank FASTPhone, another convenient bills payment mode, will be available before the end of the year.译文: PCIBank在付账方面给聪敏的用户更多的选择; 他们能通过柜台交易或者通过PCIBank FASTPay的两种方式支付 - 假如他们是PCIBank FASTeller 国际ATM 持卡人, 通过自动的借方安排(埃达) ,或者FASTPay,在超过全国性的PCIBank的FASTeller 国际自动提款机或者将近1,000台BancNet 成员自动提款机中的200台可供应。 通过PCIBank FASTPhone的FASTPay,另一种便利的账单支付方式,在年底之前将是可得到的。 及单位名称:Ortiz, Justo刊名及卷、期数:BusinessWorld. Manila: Mar 30, XX. pg. 1 7、所用数据库名称:ProQuest Business ABI/INFORM Trade merely regulated by law. It said Mr. Tan opened his account with the firm in May 1997 with a safekeeping agreement or a pact with the firm that it will act as custodian of his (Mr. Tan”s) shares. express orders and instructions of Mr. Tan.Based on the complaint of the SEC filed at the Department of Justice (DoJ) last March, Mr. Tan and other BW officials resorted to a classic stock price manipulation technique called wash sale.The corporate watchdog presented evidence at the Justice department supposedly proving Aurora, and brokerage firms PNB Securities, Inc., Mark Securities, Belson Securities, Inc. and Securities XX allowed Mr. Tan to skirt Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) rules to jack up trading volume and price of BW.译文: 在费用上它参与柜台交易,XX上述OTC 分派的证券不不合法,但是仅仅以法律治理。 它说 Tan 先生在1997 5月与公司由于一保管同意或者一个条约与公司翻开他账户 将担当他的(Tan先生) 的股票的保管人。 表示Tan先生的命令和指示。 基于去年3月在司法部(DoJ)正式提出的证交会的埋怨, Tan先生和其他BW 官员常去一种最优秀股票价格操作技术叫洗销售。 公司的监管人在司法部依据推想证明极光提出证据, 以及经纪人事务所PNB证券, 股份有限公司, 马克证券, 贝尔森证券股份有限公司和证券XX 允许先生Tan 给裙子顶起成交量和BW的价格的菲律宾证券交易所(PSE) 规章。 及单位名称:Tan, Dante T, Juan, Jimmy刊名及卷、期数:BusinessWorld. Manila: May 12, XX. pg. 1 8、所用数据库名称:ProQuest Business ABI/INFORM Trade Form P1 as from January 1.It says that under the Statistics Act, Chapter 81 from Laws of Brunei Darussalam, every remitter is requested to complete all the required information译文:由于经济规划和进展而起动的行动, 财政部规定普及对外国的柜台交易被以一个特别形式记录自1月1日起被称作FROM P1。 它说那在统计下面行动,来自文莱达鲁萨兰国的法律的第81章,每位汇款人被恳求完成全部被要求的信息 及单位名称:Cayetano, Renato L刊名及卷、期数: The Borneo Bulletin. Kuala Belait: Jan 9, 1998. pg. 1 9、所用数据库名称:ProQuest Business ABI/INFORM Trade they can pay via over-the-counter transactions or through two modes of PCIBank FASTPay - if they are PCIBank FASTeller International ATM cardholders, through the automatic debit arrangement (ADA), or FASTPay which is available in over 200 of PCIBank”s FASTeller International ATMs or almost 1,000 BancNet- member ATMs nationwide. FASTPay via PCIBank FASTPhone, another convenient bills payment mode, will be available before the end of the year.译文:PCIBank在付账方面给精明的用户更多的选择; 他们能通过柜台交易或者通过PCIBank FASTPay的两种方式支付 - 假如他们是PCIBank FASTeller 国际ATM 持卡人, 通过自动的借方安排(埃达) ,或者FASTPay,在超过全国性的PCIBank的FASTeller 国际自动提款机或者将近1,000台BancNet 成员自动提款机中的200台可供应。 通过PCIBank FASTPhone的FASTPay,另一种便利的账单支付方式,在年底之前将是可得到的。 及单位名称:Bermudez, Joey A刊名及卷、期数: BusinessWorld. Manila: Dec 8, 1997. pg. NOPGCIT 10、所用数据库名称:ProQuest Business ABI/INFORM Trade ABI/INFORM Trade ABI/INFORM Trade We have a personalized approach, unlike other card companies wherein all you are is a card number, said Ronald Bibonia, first vice president for business development of Diners Club Philippines. We keep track of our clients almost on an individual basis.Aside from insurance, Diners Club also provides its clients an array of services and privileges. With Club Cash, for instance, cardholders can avail of up to 50% available credit line which can be accessed via the ATM or over-the-counter transactions at the Diners Club Centre, Security Bank and Pilipinas Bank branches, and select Cashlink and Bancnet ATMs. Utility bills, on the other hand, can be settled through the Club Bill Connection facility. This enables cardholders to pay electric bills, Internet subscription, phone bills and the like by just enrolling these services to their Diners Club card.More than these services, Diners Club takes pride in offering Club members free access to exclusive airport and business lounges in major cities worldwide through the Club Lounges facility. One doesn”t have to be a gold cardholder or a member of the frequent buyer program of an airline to enjoy luxuries such as free buffet or the use of private toilets and bath. Club members are welcome to all these facilities by just presenting their Diners Club International card. Other people would have to pay to have access to those lounges or maybe don”t get the chance to enter, said Mr. Patrick Carlos. But Diners Club members who are waiting for transitions from flight to flight can actually stay in and be comfortable.译文: 就餐者俱乐部菲律宾在安全就餐者多国合作的特许权,一个安全银行的全资子公司下经营。 与今日的在市场的其他竞争者不同,它给它的客户供应共性化的效劳。 它的品牌建议当时,就餐者俱乐部为持卡人供应一个属于一个专有的组织的感觉。 我们让共性化接近, 与你的全部是一个卡片号码的其他卡片公司不同 ,罗纳德Bibonia,首先就餐者俱乐部菲律宾的商业进展的副总统说。 我们在一个个人的根底上几乎跟踪我们的客户。 除了保险,就餐者俱乐部也为它的客户供应一系列效劳和特权。 有现金俱乐部,例如,持卡人能用处最多50% 可得到信贷限额, 哪个可能通过ATM 或者柜台交易在就餐者俱乐部中心事物,保安银行和Pilipinas银行树枝访问,和选择Cashlink 和Bancnet自动提款机。 效用账单, 另一方面,可能被通过俱乐部议案连接设备解决。 这使持卡人能够通过刚刚把这些效劳登记到他们的就餐者俱乐部卡片支付电的账单,因特网订购,电话账单等等。 多于这些效劳, 就餐者俱乐部对供应俱乐部成员免费参加专有飞机场和生意休息室在通过俱乐部休息室设备全世界的主要城市感到骄傲。 一个人不必是 一黄金持卡人或者一频繁购置者享有浪费品象免费打击或者私人洗手间和洗澡的使用那样的一航空公司的规划的成员。 俱乐部成员通过刚刚为他们的就餐者俱乐部提出国际卡片可以随便全部这些设备。 其他人必需支付能进入那些休息室或者或许不得到进入的时机,先生说 帕特里克卡洛斯 . 但是正从飞行到飞行等转变的就餐者俱乐部成员实际上能呆在家里并且舒适。 及单位名称:ANN KATHLEEN M. JABSON刊名及卷、期数:BusinessWorld. Manila: Mar 30, XX. pg. 1 1 3、所用数据库名称:ProQuest Business ABI/INFORM Trade pg. 6, 1 pgs (1420)篇: 1 4、所用数据库名称:ProQuest Business-ProQuest Asian Business检索的时间范围:All Dates论文题目(Title):Answering the call文摘(Abstract):For credit unions, handling phone calls is a vital part of member service - so much so that many have created whole departments that do nothing but transact business by telephone. Credit unions have created call centers for a variety of reasons, ranging from member complaints to conflicting demands on member service representatives between serving customers in person and answering calls. In addition to improved member service, routing transactions to a call center can result in significant cost savings. Studies showed that over-the-counter transactions cost between $3.50 and $4.50 each, while automated and phone transactions cost between $1 and $1.50. Executives interviewed say those considering a call center should: 1. pick the right people and give them adequate training, space and equipment, 2. pick the right phone system, 3. keep transactions secure, 4. measure results both objectively and subjectively, and 5. use marketing and pricing tools to encourage call center use.译文:对信用合作社来说,处理电话是一个成员效劳的至关重要的局部 - 以致于许多已经建立除了用电话办理生意什么都没做的整个部门。 信用合作社已经制造叫中心因种种缘由, 从成员埋怨到在亲自为用户效劳并且应答电话呼叫之间在成员修理代表身上抵触需求的范围内。 除改良的成员效劳之外,正在运送交易到一个电话时,中心能导致显著的本钱节省。 讨论显示买卖双方直接交易交易费用在3.50 美元和4.50 每一个元之间,当自动化时和在1 美元和1.50 美元之间的电话交易费用。 接见的执行者说那些考虑到一个电话中心应当: 1 . 挑适宜的人们并且给他们足够的训练,空间和设备,2。 挑正确的电话系统,3。 保持交易安全,4。 既客观又主观测量结果,以及5。 使用销售和鼓舞的工具定价叫中心使用。 及单位名称:Minderman, Dean C刊名及卷、期数:Credit Union Management. Madison: Jul 1995. Vol. 18, Iss. 7; pg. 36, 3 pgs 15所用数据库名称:ProQuest Business-ProQuest Asian Business检索的时间范围:All Dates论文题目(Title):Swaps Group Urges Futures Agency to Rethink Proposals文摘(Abstract):Publicly reported losses by municipalities and pension funds have been in transactions involving securities, not swaps, the association maintains. At the same time, recently publicized disputes regarding swaps transactions have involved large corporations and banks that are ”eligible participants” under any definition, the association said.In large part, the businesses of banks and other financial institutions, government-sponsored entities, and corporations that provide and use swaps and other similar over-the-counter transactions are based on the legal conclusion that these transactions are not futures contracts subject to federal futures trading laws, the association said.ISDA believes that the CFTC should avoid steps that will reverse a seven-year effort to provide legal certainty for swaps transactions, create new confusions as to the legal standards applicable to swaps, potentially render a large number of transactions void and unenforceable and undermine the continued growth of swap activity.译文: 公开报告通过自治市和养老基金的损失在与证券有关的交易过程中,不交换,协会主见。 同时, 最近宣布关于交易与是” 合格参与者”在任何定义下的大公司和银行有关的交换的争辩,协会说。 在大的局部, 银行和其他金融机构,政府发起的实体的生意, 以及公司, 那供应并且使用交换和其他相像柜台交易基于合法这些交易不是期货签订须经联邦期货贸易法律的结论, 协会说。 ISDA信任CFTC避开走将抵消一7 年供应给交换交易的合法确信的努力, 关于对交换适用的法律标准造成新混乱, 潜在使得很多交易无效和无法实施并且破坏交换活动的持续的增长。 刊名及卷、期数 Credit Union Management. Madison: Jul 1995. Vol. 18, Iss. 7; pg. 36, 3 pgs 1 6、所用数据库名称:ProQuest Business-ProQuest Asian Business检索的时间范围:All Dates论文题目(Title):Market Efficiency Across Securities Exchange文摘(Abstract):The efficient market hypothesis holds that investors are aware of all information concerning prices of securities. Any new information is quickly reflected in the current prices of securities without bias. This efficient dissemination of information thus makes it impossible for investors to earn consistently superior investment returns. The hypothesis is strongly supported by studies of large investment firms on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). However, the pricing efficiencies of the American Stock Exchange (ASE), regional stock exchanges, and over-the-counter transactions are not as rigorous. From a large sample of common stock transactions, results show that securities off the NYSE are more likely to sell at prices farther away from equilibrium values than those on the NYSE. The involvement of smaller companies implies a loss of efficiency in the digestion and processing of price information. Away from the NYSE, securities tend to be underpriced, enabling investors to earn higher rates of return on short-term security trades.译文:有效率的市场假说认为投资者知道全部关于证券的价格的信息。 任何新信息被无偏见快速反映在证券的时价上。 信息的这有效率的传播如此使投资者一贯挣优良的投资利润不行能。 假说剧烈大投资的讨论支持坚决支持纽约证券交易所(纽约证券交易所)。 不过,美国证券交易所(ASE) 的定价效率,地区证券交易所,和柜台交易不那么严格。 从一个一般股交易的大的样品, 结果显示与在纽约证券交易所上的相比拟,离纽约证券交易所的证券很可能远离平衡值以价格出售。 更小的公司的介入在消化和价格行情的处理过程中示意效率的丢失。 离开纽约证券交易所,证券倾向于被定价过低,使投资者能够关于短期保密贸易获得更高的收益率。 及单位名称:Lease, Ronald C., Lewellen, Wilbur G.刊名及卷、期数 :Journal of Economics and Business. New York: 1982. Vol. 34, Iss. 2; pg. 1 7、所用数据库名称:ProQuest Business-ProQuest Asian Business检索的时间范围:All Dates论文题目(Title):A Hedge in the Future文摘(Abstract):Financial futures (contracts to buy or sell securities at an agreed-upon price on a specified future date) offer investors various financial planning opportunities. A contract can be canceled by the buyer or seller at any time by entering an opposite contract. By hedging financial futures, financial planners can freeze portfolio values and protect clients from unfavorable interest rate fluctuations. Financial planners can use financial futures to freeze their clients” costs of borrowing by maintaining current interest rates; real estate developers find this technique advantageous. Also, financial planners can freeze clients” lending or investing rates. Examples of these applications are included. Compared to possible losses from changes in interest rates, hedging is relatively economical. Moreover, interest rates and the stock market can be predicted by financial futures since futures prices are merely expectations and, as such, can be self-fulfilling 译文:金融期货(签合同买或者出售在一双方商定的价格关于一棵指定的将来日期的证券) 给投资者供应各种各样的编制财政规划时机。 通过输入一份相反的合同随时买方或者卖方可能取消一份合同。 在套头交易金融期货时,金融规划者能结冰文件夹估价并且爱护客户拦住不利的利率波动。 金融规划者能使用金融期货通过保持当今的利率冻结他们的客户的借款本钱; 地产进展商发觉这种技术有利。 此外,金融规划者能冻客户借给或者投资的比率。 这些应用的例子被包括。