The Diplomat《头号外交官(2023)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
我刚得知雷本总统I've just learned that President Rayburn,(前情提要本来承诺支持一项拯救我们同胞的who had pledged his support in a rather complex mission禊杂海上任务rescuing our men and women at sea,但却决定撤销这项承诺saw fit to revoke that promise.我们跟所有情报单位都谈过了We are talking to every intelligence service on the map.但没跟伊朗情报单位谈We*re not talking to Iranian intelligence.你得正式召见伊朗大使You need to officially summon the Iranian ambassador.-他们有情报要给我们-我们?They have intel for us. - Us?当你寻求帮助时你知道我会帮你吧?When you asked for help, you did realize that I would then help?哈贾大使,这位是-我知道她是谁Ambassador Hajjar, this is- -1 know who it is.没人知道大使在这狸我奉命给你们一个名字Nobody knows the ambassador's here. -1 was instructed to give you a name. 一个似乎主导这次攻击的人An individual who appears to have directed the attack.大使,你还好吗?Ambassador, are you okay?叫他的人进来Call his guy.娇不能在现场You can't be here.该死的俄♥国♥人It's the fucking Russians.英国被俄♥国♥人攻击The United Kingdom got attacked by Russia.这有什麽好笑的?-再帮我倒一杯Why is that funny? - Pour me another.-我真是个白♥痴♥ 不,没关彳系Oh. I'm a bloody idiot. - No, it's fine.片名:头号♥外交官如果我们跟俄♥罗♥斯♥开战我们该养条狗He's already wound up. - I'm really not.俄♥罗&hearts撕♥人也不是第一次在英国领土上下毒了 Wouldn't be the first time the Russians poisoned someone on British soil. -我想继续-请继续Ed love to keep going. - Please do.不会是第二次议程的第二Wouldn*t even be the second time. - Number two on the agenda.对第一是什麽?Yes. - What's number one?拥抱Hugging.转移对伊朗策略转移A pivot away from Iran. - Pivot.对Yes.-现在我们知道是俄♥罗&hearts撕♥.-下毒?Now that we know it was Russia- - Ah. The poison?他们把女尔当成嫌犯?因为他们该如此They treating you as a suspect? They should.回车上去Get back in the car.我要尿尿Gotta piss.是吗?Are they?把我当成嫌犯?Treating me like a suspect?不,是目击证人No. A witness.艾德拉今天稍晚可能需要跟妫立炎谈Eidra may need to talk to you later today.并且见警♥察♥And Met Police.好,第二,转移.对Okay. Number two. Pivot. - Yes.现在我们知道是俄♥罗&hearts撕♥我们必须从伊朗转移开Now that we know it was Russia, we need to pivot from Iran.你是说道歉You mean apologize.不是I don't.国♥务♥院♥特别强调这一点State was particular about that.我们不能对喊着“美国去死”的政&hearts叔♥道歉We can't say sorry to a regime that chants "Death to America.'1 夫人?Ma'am?安全Clear.上另一辆车Get in the other car.你要哈尔跟我搭同一辆车抵达You want Hal and I arriving in the same vehicle.但我想完成议程But fd love to finish the agenda.-第三是熊方寸Three is "Bear." Yeah.也就是俄♥罗&hearts撕♥ 一对Which is Russia. Yes.那根木是送分题It was a gimme.哈尔Hal!这事急不来It takes as long as it takes.谢谢Thank you.欢迎Welcome.很荣幸能邀请到女尔胡普,我负责伊朗Honored to have you here. Hoope. I cover Iran.幸会Nice to meet you.肯波维泰负责俄♥罗♥斯♥Russia. Kemper-Waithe.幸会Nice to meet you.我明白我们欠你一份人情I understand we owe you our thanks.很抱歉让你久等我以为你们早就先开始了I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. I thought you wouldVe started. 别胡说,妫来得正好Nonsense. You're right on time.你的乡村很不错Nice bit of country you got.我也很高兴能见到你,你一定很骄傲A thrill to meet you as well, sir. How proud you must be.对我太太吗?没错Of my wife? I am.肯波维泰负责俄♥罗♥斯♥Kemper-Waithe. Russia.海佛,负责全世界Hayford. The whole world.走吧? 好Shall we? - Yes.到底是怎麽回事?What the fuck is going on?我想念那些悦耳的语调I missed those dulcet tones.那个伊朗人一直对我笑Your Iran guy keeps smiling at me.娇是当红炸子鸡妫#卜灭了波斯湾的大火You're the woman of the hour. You put out the conflagration in the Gulf.他们知道发生了什麽事吗?They know what happened?他们不知道发生了什麽事他们知道跟女尔有关They have no idea what happened. They know you had something to do with it.女尔一开始就说不是伊朗也尔是对的You said it wasn't Iran from the get-go. Turns out you were right.你不居功吗?You don't get any credit?我们是强大的团队We*re a formidable team.但大家一致认为蛛是捕犬人But the consensus is you're the dogcatcher.什麽意思?What does that mean?意思是娇拴住了战狗That means you leashed the dogs of war.我喜欢I like it.我觉得很适合娇I think it suits you.我也这麽觉得I kind of think it does.欢迎莅临寒舍Welcome. Welcome to our modest monstrosity.不可或缺的西西莉亚丹尼森The indispensable Cecilia Dennison.当然,很高兴见到娇Of course. Of course. It's very nice to meet you.凯瑟琳怀勒大使Ambassador Katherine Wyler.他很生气吗?Was he terribly upset?他娇说什麽?Was.? Excuse me?奥斯汀,他自命清高吗?Austin. Was he a prig about it?是哪一件?About.?娇迟到了Well, you were tardy.我迟到时,他会大惊小怪He makes a fuss when I'm late.这是双重标准Ifs double standards.可以不要这样吗?Can we not do that?我同意,别站在这桂I agree. Let's not stand here.请进好Come in. - Yes.虽然不是家,但很温馨It's not home but it's much.谢谢,我是说,很高兴认识攵尔Thank you. I mean, it's very nice to meet you.你,肯定就是那位妻子了You must be the wife.败怎麽看出来的?What gave it away?来吧,我带你参观一下Come on. I'll give you the grand tour.好抱歉打扰Okay. - So sorry to interrupt.你得去安全动线You're needed on the secure line.我马上过去Fil be there in a minute.首相来了It's the prime minister.不好意思Excuse me.好Yeah. Mm-hm.你好-娇好Hello. - Hello.抱歉Apologies.雅努Anu.国务卿抵达后After the secretary of state arrives,我们先从双方知道托布里吉首相we'll start with a mutual acknowledgment about the sharp words对雷本总统尖锐的言论开始regarding President Rayburn from Prime Minister Trowbridge那只是朋友间的激烈辩论were simply a spirited debate among friends.接着进行第二项,伊朗Then we'll move onto item two, Iran-大使谢谢Ambassador. Thank you.对议程上会讨论伊朗的顺序有意见吗?Ah, comments with the placement of Iran on the agenda?不,不是伊朗,我只是No. Its not Iran. I was just.我没事I'm fine.-三她不好Three. - She's not fine.-三这正是Three. This is exactly威尔斯太太告诉我们的事情what we were told by Mrs. Wells.苗条/象娇一样的女人A woman, slender, like yourself-我想我们应该继续-我们不应该I think we should move on. We shouldn't.这是最简单的结构不平等It's structural inequity in the plainest sense.椅子是为男人的身体设计的Chairs designed for a man's build.如果我们希望女性参与会议If we want women at the table,我们就有义务拉张合适的椅子it is incumbent upon us to pull up a suitable chair.能给怀勒大使一张合适的椅子吗?Can we get Ambassador Wyler a suitable chair?-要帮女尔拿张椅子吗? .我爰我的椅子Can I get you a chair? -1 love my chair.我很好奇第三项议程I'm really curious about agenda item three.也许加个靠垫?Perhaps a cushion?完美,谢谢Perfect. Thank you.好Okay-谢谢Thank you.所以穆习一下So to review,首先,证明了美英关保稳固one, a demonstration of the strong, healthy U.S.-UK relationship, 第二伊朗,第三,俄♥罗 ♥斯♥two, Iran, and three, Russia.谢谢,雅努Thank you, Anu.如果可以把一挪到三而没有其他变动的话If we could move one to three, and if there are no other changes, 那麽我想应该可以继续then I think we can continue.当然Of course.为什麽?Why?为什麽要把一挪到三?Why are we moving one to three?因为娇的迟到Between your late arrival加上家具的结构不平衡and the structural inequity of the furniture,我们的进度已经落后了we*re running behind schedule.第一项可能需要讨论比较久Item one might warrant a longer discussion.雅努-我们的新项目一伊朗Anu. - Our new item one: Iran.请大家翻到第四页,谢谢Uh, if we can all turn to page four. Thank you.第四页Page number four.我可以当簪导,我都背起来了I can do the tour. Got it memorized.尤其是关于厄尔斯比伯爵的那段Especially your bit about Lord Earlsby.是威尔斯比Wellsby.我的版本不是这样Mm. Not in my version.没关保,夫人It*s no problem, madam.他不信任我He doesn*t trust me.她似乎很能干She seems competent.也许看看那张名单?Perhaps the list?你说得对,这是明智之举You*re right, it's wise.他们列了一张我能做的活动清单They keep a list of activities I can do.非常枯燥乏味It's terribly dull,但我发现如果一次做两样它们就会栩栩如生but I find if I do two at once, they spring to life.第一件是参观,你可以选第二件Tour of the grounds is thing one. You get to pick thing two.额头警探Hmm. Forehead Detective.好极了Excellent.我们必须证明伊朗的清白We need to exonerate Iran,公开声明而且越快越好publicly, vocally, and as soon as possible.所以当我们准备指控俄♥罗&hearts撕♥时So when we are ready to accuse Russia,我们已经为新的叙述打好基础we've laid the groundwork for a new narrative.国♥务♥院♥对道歉的态度是不State*s position on an apology is no.他没说道歉”He didn't say ''apology."伊朗人无罪释放明智吗?Is an Iranian acquittal wise, do we think?他们又不是修女They're hardly nuns.如果俄♥罗♥斯♥的目的是让我们搭入波斯湾战争If Russia's aim was to ensnare us in a war in the Gulf,那麽除了无罪开释之外的任何行动都是给克里姆林宫的礼物then anything other than an acquittal would be a gift to the Kremlin.在我们证明伊朗不是罪魁祸首之前Until we make it clear that Iran is not the culprit,全世界都会相信哈贾大使的死the rest of the world will believe Ambassador Hajjar's demise-在你的办公室In your office.向伊朗道歉An apology. To Iran.不-一场骗局Nope. - A shell game.俄♥罗 ♥斯♥换伊朗Russia for Iran.无论如何在公布俄♥罗&hearts撕♥前我们都不能宣告伊朗无罪 Either way, we can't acquit Iran till we're ready to name Russia.于此同时,我们要怎麽跟伊朗说?Meanwhile, what exactly do we tell Iran?我们可以提供其他让步We can offer other concessions.别请我喝茶就好Just don't offer tea.她说得对She's right, you know.我开玩笑的I was kidding.或是咖啡Or coffee, I'd say.天啊Oh, my God.什麽?Sorry?你们沉溺于强硬派的伊朗阴谋论You*re indulging hardline Iranian conspiracy theories 认为是我们把哈贾的尸体装进行李箱偷运出去的 and acting like we snuck Hajjar*s body out in a suitcase. 中情局没有杀害甘迺迪The CIA didn't kill Kennedy,Q不是网路救世主Q is not the Internet messiah, 茶也没有被下毒and the tea was not poisoned.我听说化学测试还没完成I was told the chemical testing is not yet complete. 如果他被下毒,肯定不是茶If he was poisoned, it wasn*t the tea.他直到症状出现后才喝He didn't even drink it until after his symptoms began. 奥斯汀?Austin?水Water.我想我们该休息一下I think we*re due for a break.好休息Okay. Break.娇知道妫刚说了什麽吗?Do you know what you just said?我有说你有点傲慢吗?因为你就是Did I say you were kind of snippy? 'Cause you are.女尔说他的症状是在喝茶前开始的You said his symptoms began before he drank the tea.对Yeah.中情局或许没杀甘迺迪但他们把娇偷渡进我的办公室The CIA may not have killed Kennedy but they did sneak you into my office,不久后伊朗大使就躺在轮床上离开了shortly after which the Iranian ambassador left on a gurney.该死Shit.女尔不该知道的,因为败根本不该在场You're not supposed to know when the symptoms began because you shouldn't have been in the room.对不起I'm sorry.让全世界以为我杀了哈贾,真的很糟It's bad enough我知道half the world thinks I killed Hajjar. -1 know.最好不要和撒旦大人同流合污It's best to have not done it in concert with the great Satan.怎样?What?你的Your.你的衬衫Your shirt. I think you missed a button.你少扣了一颗扣子该死Damn it.不No.谢谢Thank you.如果有人问起我们可以说是你告诉我茶的事We can say you told me about the tea. If anyone asks.我很怀疑他们会问Which I doubt they will.更长的讨论是什麽?If we go to war with Russia, we should get a dog.为了自保?For protection?不是No.美国和英国跟俄♥罗♥斯♥开战?U.S. and the UK go to war with Russia?就跟生孩子差不多That's the kind of thing where people have babies.因为是世界末日'Cause it's apocalyptic.小孩能让人活得更积极Babies are life-affirming.你是要我生? 没有Are you asking me to have a-? - No.没有No.这就是重点That's the whole point.我们才刚开始,我们没有要生小孩We're a new thing. We are not having a baby.但是养狗?But a dog?你是要求我搬去跟你住?Are you asking me to move in with you?不是No.狗可以一半的时间住这一半的时间住我家The dog can live half-time here, half-time my place.我要养鱼I'm getting a fish.总统要来志奋The president wants to come to Chevening.什麽?-是俄♥罗♥斯♥What? - It was Russia.他们不想把计画交给加侬They don't wanna leave the planning to Ganon.不要No, no, no.白宫认为这是对美国的间接攻击The White House sees this as an indirect hit on the U.S.What's the longer discussion?项目三,之前称为项目一我们称之为拥抱Item three, formerly known as item one. We call it the Hug.他们会注意到我们不见了Oh, they'll notice that we're gone.声明一下就可以了I think a statement will do the trick.你爱我们You love us,托布里吉就不会再骂总统溷蛋了Trowbridge won't call the president a douchebag again.为了表示你的悔过As a token of your contrition,你要说番茄,而不是“西红柿”you're declaring it "tomato,” not Htomahto.H他不会拥抱He will not hug.他想结束He wants to end it.结束什麽?End what?我们两国的纠葛The entanglement of our two nations.结束美国会播乱反正的假设The assumption that American might makes right.英国&hearts库♥队没有美国协助或批准就没行动能力That the British military cannot act without American assistance or approval. 我们受制于你民选官员的突发奇想That we suffer the whims of your elected officials被妫(不屈不挠的私利所打击and are bludgeoned by your unflagging self-interest.与美国为敌或许危险It might be dangerous to be America's enemy,但成为它的朋友是致命的but to be its friend is fatal.你♥他♥妈♥的疯了吗?Are you out of your fucking mind?请保持女尔的音量Please keep your voice你要跟我们分手?You're breaking up with us?-首相-你们抛弃了欧盟The prime minister- - You ditched the EU.苏格兰和北爱尔兰想退出Scotland and Northern Ireland want out.俄♥罗&hearts撕♥花了一年时间谋杀乌克兰人Russia just spent a year murdering Ukrainians,现在他们把注意力转移到你们身上now they're turning their attention to you.你现在才想重新考虑盟友关彳系?This is when you wanna rethink the alliance?你说得对,这要讨论很久You're right, it's a longer discussion.我们来想个对一个近乎核爆的Let's gin up a non-apology apology反西方神权政♥权♥非道歉式的道歉to a nearly nuclear anti-Western theocracy.结果并没有拥抱那麽沉重Turns out it's less loaded than the Hug.不是道歉Notan apology.这已经超出可能范围了It's beyond the realm of the possible.-艾利斯特超出范围Alistair. - Beyond the realm.好吧All right.我还可以想到几件他们宁愿道歉的事I can also think of a few things they would prefer to an apology. 例如?Such as?将他们的革命卫队Striking their Revolutionary Guard从外国恐怖组织名单除名from the Foreign Terrorist Organizations list.那不是重点That's not the point.我想伊朗会直接考虑到重点I think Iran would consider it directly to the point.怀勒大使,我们不再是帝国了Ambassador Wyler, we are no longer an empire.我们甚至不是大♥陆♥的一部分We're not even part of a continent.我们只是拥有伟大民&hearts注♥的小岛国We're a small island nation with a great democracy.我们说伊朗是敌人,但他们不是We called Iran the enemy and they were not,所以现在我们要说点什麽,道歉so now we say something. We apologize.即使美国不希望我们这麽做Even if America prefer we not,因为当世界其他地方不再相信我们的话because when the rest of the world stop believing our word,我们的力量也会随之消失our might goes with it.这到底是怎麽回事?What exactlyfs going on?好消息Some happy tidings.首相刚好来到附近The prime minister has found himself in the neighborhood顺道过来打声招呼and is dropping by to say hello.首相,真是荣幸Prime Minister, what an honor.道路在我眼前开启The road opened up before me恐怕就像整个肯特郡都往后靠张开and Fm afraid it was as if the whole county of Kent was lying back她健壮的双腿等着被这野兽般的引擎征服and opening her well-bred legs to be ravished by this beast of an engine. 所以我就来了So I find myself here.这辆车真不错It's quite the car.跟朋友借的It's a loan from a friend.他的名字很难脸He's got one of those names you can't pronounce,所以我想在道德纳粹so I thought fd take it for a spin破坏一切前先试用一下before the ethics Nazis spoil the whole thing.天啊Good God.闻闻看Sniff.继续,各位Go on. Everyone.告诉我,你闻到什麽?Tell me, what do you smell?朱利安Julian.-没什麽特别的? 没什麽特别的,对Nothing in particular? - Nothing in particular. Yeah.而契喀尔,我的恩典以及喜爱的乡野Whereas Chequers, which is my grace-and-favor retreat,有某种臭味has a certain pong.莉蒂亚老是挂在嘴边Lydia won*t shut up about it.你的办公室事件又重演了It*s your office all over again.我是他们选出来的人为什麽好玩具都归你?I'm the one they elected. Why do you get all the good toys?很高兴见到你,先生Good to