一轮复习 选必二 Unit 3重点词汇 知识清单语境重现温故知新:conditioned athletes; race walking; remain in contact with the ground; at all times; conservative; objective; skeptical; tolerant; shoe laces; energize; get a head start; stick to healthy food choices; a rent-free place; run the park / restaurant; a substitute teacher; under a jeweled sky; live on; at the entrance of; a pack of dogs; be greeted with; hardships; be desperate for重点词汇旖法填空:01. New goals are not always(consist) with the existing policies.新目 标并不是星芍现行政策一致。02. Most are also equipped with automaticfire alarm systems(consist) ofheat detectors? smoke detectors and sprinklers.大多敷迂配备有火灾 由财报警系统,包括热探测器、烟雾探测器和洒2) You are.(P26)人如基£3) What wecansay,however,is thatcultureandcuisine, and if you do not experience one, you can never really know the other. (P27)但是,我叼可以确 定的是,文化和美食这两者邕扈理叁,如 需你没有体验过其中的不?而泵逐 无法真正了解套一个。 Food brings people together on many different levels. It' s nourishment of the soul and body; it' s truly love. (P25)食 扬在许多不同的层面上把人说聚哀在一 起,它是心灵和身体的养料,是真正的知。 You are what you eat. (P26)Adfno What we can say, however, is that culture and cuisine .o hand in handand if you do not experience one, you can never really know the other. (P27)但是, 麦由可以确定的是,文化和美食这两者 戛戛相关,如黎你没有体验过其中的一 个,你就永远无法真正了解另一个。4) The food was wonderful and different5 butwas thefriendship offered us. (P26)这些食粉炒不可畲.芍众不同,但更为重要的星教说 所获卷的友茂。5) There is much debate nowadays as towhat makes up(P32)当下,T可为建康乞食仍众说纷布。6) However,thereishealthy eating attitudethat the real driver of poor health is not so much fatty food, as it is sugar. (P32)然而,越来越多 的证据费明,导致健康状况不隹的真正因 素丽的脂肪食扬,而是糖。7) eating. Rather, healthy having a healthytowards food. (P32)境康力食没有诔窍。 更确切点跳,境康坎食始于健康的坎食态 度。 The food was wonderful and different, but what was even more importantwas the friendship offered us. (P26)这些优 物好不可言、与众不同,但更为重要的是 再队所疏蹲的友谊。 There is much debate nowadays as to what makes up a healthy diet. (P32)当下, 1 可为超噬丝邕V5众说纷线。. However, there is increasing evidencethat the real driver of poor health is notso much fatty food, as it is sugar. (P32)然而,而耒越多的证据寝明,导致建康状况不隹的真正因索养昨高脂肪盒扬,而是糖。 There is no one trick t。healthy eating. Rather, healthy eating starts withhaving a healthy attitude towards food. (P32)K 霰款盒没有玦窍。更确切点跳,健康诜食 始于健康的灯食态度。归新痂展:be consistent with; detector; sprinkler; elegant / elegance; personification; in exceptional circumstances; stable / stably / stability; treaty; tremendous; modest /modesty; sensitive / sensitivity; sensible / sensibly; vulnerable / vulnerability; trick / tricky; persist / persistent; resist / resistant; naive; tolerate / tolerant / tolerance; prior to / priority; be composed of; particle; molecule; familiar / familiarize; politics / politician processed foods contributor; abide by; regardless of; There is no limit to.; end up; on many different levels; bring people together; go hand in hand; make up a healthy diet; increasingevidence; fatty food;tos no one trickto; start with; have a healthy attitudetowards food; be set in; give priority to sth; a hot potato水装置。(高考真题 2018天律阙谟A) 03. True education does not consistsimply being taught facts.嘉正 鬲藏膏并不在子皆单地阱接*实。04. She was the personification of 一 (elegant).他是典雅的化身。>New goals are not always consistent|vith the existing policies.新目标并不是是芍 现行政策一致。>Most are also equipped with automaticof heatfire alarm systems consistdetectors? smoke detectors and sprinklers. 大多数还配备有火灾百劭报警冢统,包括热探测器、烟雾探测器和酒水装置。(高考真题 2018天津阅模A)A True education does not consist simply being taught facts.真正的教育并不在亍 曾单地辨授事实。A She was the personification of elegance, 地是典推的化身。05. All 300 (elegant) furnished rooms have private bath. 300 个布宜讲究 的房间全都配有被元岩室。06. This deadline will be extended only in (exception) circumstances.只有 云特殛注况下才会延展最后期限。07. All his novels are set in Italy with the(except) of his last.他的小说除最后一部外全是以意大利为背景。08. The system work(stable)practice and improve product efficiency.实际便用证明,开发曲的系统能缚持续稳定地工隹,大大理高劳动生产率。09. They hope the treaty will bring peace and(stable) to Southeast Asia.他说.圣以案匏能缚为东南亚带来和平与稳定。>A11 300 eleuantlyfurnished rooms have private bath. 300个布置游究的房间全都 配有被五浴室。A This deadline will be extended only in exceptionalcircumstances,只有在特殊 情况下才会延展最后期限。A All his novels are set in Italy with the exceptionof his last.他的小说除最后一 部外全是以意大利为背来。A The system work stablyin practice and improve product efficiency.实际段用证 明,开发函的系统能弊持续稳定地工隹, 大大程高劳动生产率。>They hope the treaty will bring peace and stability to Southeast Asia.他 新餐该条约能缚为耒南范带来和平与稳定。10. He plays the character with tremendous concentration combinedwith a pleasing(modest).他衰演这个角色时帧注h苣夫的心血,而且昨常谦虚和善。11. (fundamental)? women likehim for his sensitivity and charming vulnerability.基本说来,女人喜欢他是因 为他细腻的情感和逑人的文弱名质。12. It's a very(trick) problem, but I think there are a number of things you can do.那是个非常棘手的同豆,但再想有几样事你是可以做到的。13. Salaries and(associate) costshave risen substantially.薪金芍相关费 用大大增加。>He plays the character with tremendous concentration combined with a pleasing modes*他底演这个角色时帧注了巨大的心血,而且非常谦虚和善。A Fimdamentally今 women like him for his sensitivity and charming vulnerability.基本说来,女人喜欢他是因为他细赋的情感和逑人的文弱名质。Alt's a very trick-problem, but I think04/13there are a number of things you can do. 那是个非常棘手的问题,但我想有几样事 你是可以做到的。> Salaries and associatedcosts have risen substantially.薪金与相关费用大大增加。14. A few months ago, I was down with a terrible cold which ended in a (persist) bad cough.几个月前,我 严重的感曾,最终演变成了持续的咳嗽。15. Some people are very(resist) to the idea of exercise.有些人十分反对 殿煤。16. It's naive to think that teachers arealways(tolerate)髭为老师 TH 感那幺宽喜亮丽福的。17. A man seen hanging around the area priorthe shooting could havebeen involved.在检杀案发生之前,有人目睹一但男子在这附迎游荡,该男子可能 芍此案有再。18. The government has given top(prior) to reforming the tax system.政府 优先致力于税制改革。A A few months ago, I was down with a terrible cold which ended in a persistentbad cough.几个月前,麦蹲了殂严重的感最终演变成了持续的咳嗽。A Some people are very resistantto the idea of exercise.有些人十分反对敏嫌。Alt's naive to think that teachers are always tolerant髭为老师说感耶幺宽容 是幼稚的。A A man seen hanging around the area prior to the shooting could have been involved.在检杀案发生4前,有人目睹 伍男子在这附现游号,该男子可能与此 案有关。A The government has given top priorityto reforming the tax system.政府优先致力 亍税制改革。19. Every substance, no matter what it is, (compose) of very small particles called molecules.各种物质,不 论它是什幺,都是由一些都为分子的很小 的粒子构成的。20. Foreign visitors help to give a _ (true) international flavour to the occasion夕卜国 客人院这个拶合显画一种真正国际嵯的 名氛。21. The goal of the experiment was to (familiar) the people with the new laws.武行的目的就是英让人叼慈悲新法规。22. The Mideast conflict is really a hot potato for all(politics) aroundthe world.中东西应由世羽所有的政治 家来说都是个烫手的山茅。23. Nadeau says sugar and (process) foods are big contributors to the rising diabetes rates among children. 纳多说糖和加工食晶星导致儿童糖尿病 发病率上升的更要因素。> Every substance? no matter what it is, is composedof very small particles called molecules.各种物质,不留它是什幺,都 是由一些椰汤分子的很小的粒子构成的。> Foreign visitors help to give a truly international flavour to the occasion夕卜国客人使这个杨合最幽种真正因陈帙的 名氛。A The goal of the experiment was tofamiliarthe people with the new laws.武行的目的就是要让人力熟题新法规。A The Mideast conflict is really a hot potato for all politiciansaround the world.中东问题对世界所有的政治家宋 说都是个烫手的山茅。>Nadeau says sugar and processedfoodsare big contributes to the rising diabetes rates among children.纨多说糖和加工 食品是导致儿童糖尿病发病率上升的至24. The company also offers a repair program for their customers for a (modesty) fee.该公司还为顾客 瓦做获而遣中的维修服务。25. Her humour and determination were asource of (inspire) to others.她的幽联言谈和瓦定决心对其他人来说是一种毂舞。26. Regardlesswhether he is right orwrong, we have to abide by his decisions. 不管他正确与香,再说都薄服从他的决 定。27. There is no limithow much fresh fruit you can eat in a day每天食用 多少新鲜水果都可以。28. If you fool about with matches, you'll end up (get) burned.如象你摆葬火葬,直后药能烧到官已。29. If you go on like this you'll end up prison.如累你继续这样,早晚 至进还蕨。A The company also offers a repair08/13program for their customers for a modest fee.该公司迂为顾客理供费用适币的箍 移服务。A Her humour and determination were a source of inspirationto others.她的幽默 音琰和罂定决心对其他人来说是一种效o> Regardless of whether he is right or wrong, we have to abide by his decisions. 不管他正确与香,我1口都蹲服从他的决 定。> There is no limit to how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day.每天食用多少新鲜水 某都可必。>If you fool about with matches, you'll end up -ettiiiwburned.如累你摆舞大柴,最 后可能烧到百日。>If you go on like this youll end up in prison.如累你继续这样,早脱潺就监贰 谟文原电得块填空:1) Food brings people together . It ' s nourishment of the soul and body; it' s truly love. (P25)食物在许多不后I的层面 上把人用聚集在一超,它是心灵和身体的 养料,是嘉正的爱。