24小时第5季第10集前情提要有个自称是詹姆斯内桑森的人打来电♥话♥他以前是卡明斯的线人I'm on the phone with a man who claims to be James Nathanson. He was Cummings1 contact. 他说他有关于恐♥怖♥分♥子♥的情报但只愿跟你交涉He says he has information about the terrorists, but he will only talk to you.你想要什么? 我要保护 恐&hearts|布♥分♥子♥要杀我What do you want with me? - Protection. The terrorists are trying to kill me.你怎么知道我就不会亲自了结你?What makes you think I'm not gonna kill you myself?因为你和我都想阻止他们在美国释放Sentox毒气Because you want to stop the Sentox gas being released on American soil. So do I.内桑森趴下!Nathanson, stay down!趴下!Stay down!芯片上是什么?振作点!芯片上是什么?What's on the chip? Please! What's on the chip?奥布莱恩O'Brian.我拿到一个U盘它可以帮助我们找到SentoxI have a ThumbDrive that's gonna help us find the Sentox.解密文件显示为一个叫奥密克戎的国际公♥司♥The decryption only kicked out a company called Omicron International.调出他们的名单看上而有没有叫克里斯托弗亨德森的人Pull up their senior executive roster. See if a man named Christopher Henderson is on the list.好的在这里研发部高级副总裁Ok, here it is. Senior vice president of research and development.把破译后的文件传到我的PDA上-现在这里不太方便杰克Send me the decrypted files over to my PDA. - Thafs gonna be hard to do right now, Jack.你们俩在密谋什么?我不会容忍♥这样的行为The two ofyou are up to something. I'm not gonna stand for it.你们这是故意架空我林恩我们是同一战线的This was a deliberate attempt to circumvent me. - Lynn. We are on the same side.要不是你老子是国防部长我早就把你踢出去了If your father wasn't Secretary of Defense, Td have you thrown out of here.你就不一样了I don't have that problem with you.我花了一年来保护这个能摧毁莫斯科的武器Fve been doing that. - But you're not finished, yet somehow you have time to chat with Homeland Security.他们要我们提供密♥码♥组的更新再给我一分钟就行They needed us to give them updated code sets. It'll just take a minute.不需要了斯泰尔斯接她的班卡丽没你事了No, it won't. Stiles, finish her task. Carrie, you're done.“没你事了”什么意思? 你被解雇了可以走人了What do you mean, "done"? - Fired. You don't work here any more.那不是她的错她埃德加再废话就和她一起走It's not her fault. She. - Edgar, one more word, you walk with her.怎么样?What's it gonna be?奥布莱恩探员呢? 她刚刚离开了Where's Agent O'Brian? - She had to step away for a minute.去哪了? 我不知道Where? -1 don't know.好我进门了到停车场了OK, I'm through the gate. Pm pulling into a parking space now.我的假身份呢? 我正在向奥密克戎公♥司♥的系统输入你的身份证明 How's my cover? " I'm still trying to get your credentials into Omicronfs system. 没有这些你进不了 有什么问题吗?You can't get in without them. - What's the problem?奥密克戎的系统没有更新我们得手工输入Omicron's systems don't refresh enough. We need to push this page in manually.好了你以约翰巴里的身份进入B-a-r-r-i-eOK, I'm in. You're going in under the name of John Barrie, B-a-r-r-i-e.你为依可丽普斯LLC工作约翰巴里依可丽普斯LLC公♥司♥我知道了You're with a company called Eclipse LLC. - John Barrie, Eclipse LLC. I got it.等一下证件还没载入克萝伊你在这干嘛?Hold on. She hasn't planted it yet. - Chloe, what are you doing in here?是我叫她来帮忙的-她不是为你工作的雷恩斯女士她为我工作I asked her to help me. - She doesn't work for you Ms. Raines, she works for me.但我不为你工作而且国防部优先于反恐局But I don't, and DOD has assignment priority over CTU.现在正是调查的关键时刻人手不足We're in the middle of a real time of an investigation and we*re understaff.克萝伊是部门主管你不能把她带走Chloe's a department head. You can't just take her away from me.我可没有服务器上需要打个补丁只有克萝伊能做I'm not. We needed a system patch on the server. Chloe's the only one who could fix it.你应该先征求我的同意所有事情都应经我批准Then you come and you ask me. Everything in this office runs through me.林恩我们的目的是一样的Lynn, we are all trying to do the same thing.别计较这种小事了 -好我不计较我要克萝伊回来Can we please just get past this? - Yeah, Tm past it. I want Chloe back.我完成了抱歉麦吉尔先生这种事不会再发生了OK, I'm finished here. Sorry, Mr. McGill. It won't happen again.下午好我是依可丽普斯公♥司♥的约翰巴里四点半和研发部有约Good afternoon. Tm John Barrie with Eclipse. I've got a 4:30 with R & D.指纹谢谢Thumbprint, please.进去吧谢谢Go on in. - Thank you.那好听我的把和麦卡沃伊的会面挪到下周四其他照旧Well, TH tell you what to do. You kick the Macavoy meeting to next week on Thursday, but keep everything else.您的华盛顿之旅呢?-这个嘛What about your trip to Washington? - That*s right, OK.明天我会和卡根商量然后告诉你Well, I gotta talk to Kagen tomorrow. I'll get back to you.愿意为您效劳先生我有点迷路了洗手间在哪儿?Can I help you, sir? - Yeah, Fm sorry, I'm a little lost. I was looking for the menrs room.那儿二楼Over there. Second door.谢谢Thank you.奥黛丽雷恩斯Audrey Raines.帮我支走一个叫乔安娜坦迪的秘书I need you to lose a secretary. Her name is Joanna Tandy.好的交给我吧All right. Til take care of it.查询中克里斯托弗亨德森办公室坦迪小姐吗?Christopher Henderson's office. - Ms. Tandy?是的一会计部的简埃斯本森Yes. - Jane Espenson from accounting.您能卜来确认一些发&hearts漂♥吗?We need you to double check some of these invoices.什么发♥票♥? 电♥话♥里说不清楚What invoices? - It's difficult to explain over the phone.您能过来一下吗?Would you mind popping down for a minute?好的-谢谢Fine. - Thank you.会计部出了点问题我就回来There's a problem in accounting. Til be right back.好的Yeah, OK.杰克杰克Jack. Jack.坦白讲我一直相信你还活着Just for the record, I never believed you were dead.你来这儿干什么?What are you doing here?今天早上恐&hearts1|布♥分♥子♥控制了大量Sentox神经毒气 Earlier this morning, terrorists gained control of a large quantity of Sentox nerve gas. 是奥密克戎公♥司♥制♥造♥的我查主管人员名单时你在上面 Omicron manufactured it. I pulled up the executive list, you were on it.当然有我的名字我就在这儿工作奥密克戎有合同是我们制♥造♥的Sure my name's on it, I work here. Omicron had the contract. We manufactured the stuff. 但是我们已经全部送到国防部去了都有记录的But every single gram of it went to the DOD. It's all accounted for.不可能我们确认恐&hearts港♥分♥子♥握有19罐毒气That can't be true. We have confirmation the terrorists are in control of 19 canisters of Sentox.你要指控我什么?恐♥怖♥分♥子♥勾结?Are you accusing me now Jack, of being in bed with terrorists?我有线索的线索是错的I'm following the leads. - But the leads are wrong.国防部早已摧毁了整个储备DOD destroyed the entire stockpile.两小时前日出山商场里的死伤都是Sentox造成的Sentox was responsible for the death of the people in the Sunrise Hills Mall less than two hours ago.新闻上说是氯气-那只是为了防止大范围恐慌编造的故事The news said it was chlorine gas. - That was a story to stop widespread panic.拜托克里斯托弗你知道这是怎么回事Come on, Christopher. You know how this works.恐♥怖♥分♥子♥威胁要释放其余毒气The terrorists have threatened to release the rest of the gas.天啊Good God.不管是谁陷害我他一定知道我在反恐局的过去Whoeverrs implicating me in this knows my history with CTU.我是说我是替罪羊I mean, Fm an easy target. This is not a coincidence.听着杰克我知道我们关系不好但我发誓我与此无关Look, Jack. I know the deal between us, but I swear to you, Fve got nothing to do with this. 你叫我怎么相信你你必须相信我I can't afford to take your word on this. - You'll have to take my word.11个人死了如果他们释放毒气还会死成千上万的人11 people died in the mall. Hundreds of thousands of others will if they release the Sentox. 听我说杰克我跟这一点关系都没有You're not hearing me, Jack. I had nothing to do with this.证明给我看Then prove it to me.我要掌握奥密克戎公♥司♥关于 Sentox的资料I need complete access to Omicron!s Sentox programme.我正在查整个工程是在园区的一个地堡里面进行的I'm doing it now. The entire operation was run from a bunker across the campus.带我去那个地堡Let me see the bunker.走吧Let's go.谈话分♥析♥出来了破译了一些文字和术语Chatter analysis came in. They decoded some words and phrases.他们说了什么?-太杂乱了都不成句子What were they saying? - It's too scrambled to make a completely sentences.不过一个数字串多次出现5 110 10But number strings keep coming up . 5,110,10.高速公路? 是苏瓦若夫总统去机场的路线Freeways? - The routes Suvarovrs taking to the airport.能破解出的其他短语指向市中心The only other phrase I could decode refers to the downtown corridor.谈话什么时候开始的?How long ago did this chatter start?三十分钟前About 30 minutes ago.跟我来Come on.你扩大搜索范围了吗? 反恐局已经开始对东格伦戴尔的空中监视Have we expanded the search? - I*ve got CTU air surveillance east of Glendale.北边呢? 埃德华空军基地会提供支援What about the North? - Edwards Air Force Base is giving support.神经毒气的事仍然毫无进展We're still at a dead end on finding new leads of nerve gas.对不起麦吉尔先生苏瓦若夫总统的车队很可能会被人袭击Excuse me, Mr. McGill, there might be an attack on President Suvarov's motorcade.什么? 埃德加监听到来自国安局的对话并进行了威胁评估What? - Edgar just monitored some chatter from NS A and ran a threat assessment.你们分♥析♥那些与神经毒气无关的东西干什么?Why are you doing analysing chatter that isn't related to funding the nerve gas?它通过了我的过滤系统-关键是我们查到了一些东西It came through on one of my filters. - The point is we found something.你不警告特勤组吗?他正在去机场的路上Don't you want to alert Secret Service? He is on his way to the airport.基于两个分♥析♥员给出的无法证实的理论?Based on an unsubstantiated theory from two analysts?今天我已经够难堪的了I've been embarrassed enough for one day.能不能至少再拨出一些资源来确认这事?Can we at least devote some resources to try to confirm this?不好意思我刚才没说清楚不行你们该干嘛干嘛去I'm sorry. Maybe I wasn't clear. No. Now go downstairs and focus on what you're supposed to be doing.我觉得转达这项情报不是件坏事I don't think it would be a bad idea to pass along the intel.但我觉得是不要再提这件事了Well, I do. I don*t want to hear another word about it.喂我们的人就位了他们还有多远?Yes. - Our men are in place. How far out are they?20分钟内就到They will be there in less than 20 minutes.你确定没人会捣乱?Are you sure no one's gonna interfere?不会的罗根知道那样做的后果I don't think so. Logan knows the consequences if that happens.不过要小心确定他们没在附近部署人员But be alert. Make sure they haven*t placed any of their people near you.如果有警♥察♥我们会干掉他们-非常好If police show up, we'll deal with them. - Good.事成之后再联络Ill call you when it's over.来吧我们走Let's go. Let's go.把它装配好如果有突发&hearts/情♥况就在这里使用它们Keep them armed. If things don't go as planned, I'll use them here.我很忙雷恩斯小姐林恩我看了这份谈话报告I'm busy Ms. Rains. - Lynn, I just looked at this chatter report.我确定我们要通知特勤组I definitely think that we need to let Secret Service know of the threat.我不想对每个人重复我的命令I'm not gonna repeat my orders to every person.我的人不做无用功他们正忙着定位19罐Sentox神经毒气My people are not gonna chase that white elephant. They're trying to locate 19 canisters of Sentox nerve gas.你就没想过如果这是真的Has it occurred to you that if this is real,掌握Sentox的恐♥怖♥分♥子♥与计划袭击的是同一批?then it's likely the terrorists who have the Sentox are the ones planning this attack?这是一个未证实的危胁如果你想交给国安局随便你This is an unverified threat. If you want to hand it off to NSA, be my guest.没有繁杂的批准流程国安局不能召回车队NSA can't recall the motorcade without a time-consuming approval process.太好了!这些程序正好过滤那些虚假威胁Good! That process helps eliminate false threats.我们没有那个时间-雷恩斯小姐!Look, we don't have that time. - Ms. Raines! Ms. Raines.这个办公室犯的错误已经够多的了我尽力在组织This office has made enough mistakes and I intend to stop it.现在让我的人专注于他们的工作不然我叫人请你出去Now let my people focus on their work or I will have you escorted out of here.谢谢Thank you.我得报告特勤组但是需要有林恩的许可I need to call Secret Service but they won't act on this unless Lynn verifies it.他不可能支持你是的他不会He's never gonna back you up on this. - Yes, he is.我需要你侵入林恩的账户我会伪造一条信息以他的名义发给特勤组I need you to hack into Lynn*s account. I'll forge a message to Secret Service look like it came from him.那是违法的好吧That*s illegal. - Fine.埃德加你掩护我的子网让我看上去像是在做其他事Edgar, I need you to put a blanket on my subnet to make it look like I'm doing something else.我们会进监狱的你好好想想We could all end up in jail. - Think about it for a second.你想想俄♥国♥总统和他的夫人以及三十五名特工在几分钟内全死了You think about it for a second. The Russian president; his wife, about 35 Secret Service, all dead in a few minutes.好啦不过这真不是个好主意All right. For the record, this is not a good idea.行了我这就去写信息做好伪造认证后马上通知我All right. I'll compose the message. As soon as you have the forged verification, call me. 柯蒂斯等一下Curtis, excuse me.我们得谈谈We need to talk.怎么了? 林恩的事What is it? - We*ve got a problem with Lynn.哦别人说的话他都不听Yeah, he's not listening to anybody.人命关天啊给他点时间他会明白的It's gonna costing lives. - Give him time. Hell come around.柯蒂斯我们没有时间我们得把比尔弄回来Curtis, we don't have time. We've got to get Bill back here.那不可能必须让它成为可能That's not gonna happen. - We need to make it happen.你想怎么做?What are you suggesting?执行112条以什么名义?Section 112. - On what grounds?林恩精神状况无法领导反恐局Lynn is mentally incapable of running CTU.我也许不赞同他的决定不过扯到精神问题有点牵强I may not agree with his choices, but going from there to mentally unfit, that's a stretch. 不是的你知道的明摆着No, it's not, and you know it. You've seen him.比尔被拘禁现在你级别最高只有你能执行它With Bill in custody, you are the ranking agent. You're the only one that can invoke it.我不知道奥黛丽不你可以Look, I don*t know, Audrey. - Yes, you do.柯蒂斯反恐局都快瘫痪了只有你能挽救这个局面Curtis, CTU is barely functional. You are the one that can turn it around.即使我同意执行112条需要记录证词和调查准备Even if I agreed, section 112 requires documentation, testimony, groundwork.刚才所发生的一切就是最好的证词The record of what is going on right now is documentation enough.柯蒂斯拜托了Curtis, please.好好想想Think about it.我会的太好了谢谢I will. - Good. Thank you.总统先生Mr. President.进来迈克Come in, Mike.车队离机场只有15分钟的路程了The motorcade is only 15 minutes away from the airport.嗯Yeah.我父亲曾告诉我人生就是不断解决问题的过程所有问题都有解决方法My father always told me that life was about problem solving, that every problem had a solution.你说这个问题该如何解决You tell me where the solution is on this one.我不知道总统先生I don't have an answer, Mr. President.不过如果你想让苏瓦若夫的车队回来But if you want the Suvarov motorcade to turn back,我现在就得做了I need to do it now.我们知道恐&hearts1|布♥分♥子♥会杀害平民的We know the terrorists are willing to kill civilians. And the low.而最低伤亡人数是十万条人命the low end of the casualty range on this one is 100,000 lives.是的先生Yes, sir.我之前已经决定不能拿那些人命去救俄♥国♥总统I decided before that I couldn't risk all those lives to save one man, the Russian president. 所以我同样不能拿他们的命I can't risk those lives now.去救我妻子Even to save my own wife.妈的玛莎Damn you, Martha.让我进退两难Putting me in this position.你自找的You brought it on yourself.迈克Mike.和我一起祷告吧迈克Pray with me, Mike.总统先生恕我直言Mr. President, with all due respect,这是你的私人问题this is a personal matter.我不-求你了迈克I don't. - Please, Mike.还得多久才能发送? 几分钟就快黑进去了How much longer until we can send this out? - A couple minutes. I'm almost hacked in.我们没那几分钟了 马上就好We don*t have a couple minutes. - I'm almost there.不!被林恩切断了 我们怎么力、?Oh, no! Lynn cut us off, - What do I do?一切都来不及了I think it's too late to do anything.斯泰尔斯先生你真以为我不知道你在入侵我的电脑吗?Mr. Stiles. Did you think I wouldn't notice you accessing my comm?林恩听着我们得谈谈闭嘴这些人在和反恐局作对和我作对Lynn. Listen. We need to talk. - Shut up. These people working against CTU, that means working against me.林恩怎么了? 我们正试图警告特勤组关于苏瓦若夫车队的事Lynn. What is this? - We were warning Secret Service of an attack on Suvarov's motorcade.柯蒂斯逮捕斯泰尔斯先生和奥布莱恩女士把他们关起来Curtis, take Mr. Stiles and Ms. O'Brian. Put'em in Holding.然后把奥黛丽雷恩斯请出反恐局And then escort Audrey Raines out of CTU.我不能这么做I can't do that.是的这是命令快执行Yes, you can.