24小时第4季第12集前情提要他们还要熔毁五座核电站There are five nuclear power plants ready to melt down.我现在关心的事就是阻止他们All I care about right now is making sure that that doesn't happen.你的名字出现在一栋楼的租约上Your name is on a lease in a building that was恐♥怖♥分♥子♥就在那策划的今天的袭击 used by the terrorists to plan today's attack.那让你成为主要嫌犯That makes you a prime suspect.我对那栋楼一无所知I don*t know anything about some building in Chatsworth.我不相信你I don't believe you.杰克求你了别这样Jack. please don't.我我不知道你所说的楼I. I. I don't know the specific building you're talking about.但我能找找I can find out.怎么找?!How?!我的合作档案都存在笔记本电脑里My corporate records are stored on my laptop.嗯在这Yeah, here it is.哈里斯巴恩斯Harris Barnes.国际刑♥警♥组织调查了这个名字Interpol back traced a name and provided a list并提供了过去使用它的外籍人的名单of foreign nationals who've used it in the past.最近租用它的人是谁?Who used it most recently?一个叫哈比卜马尔万的人A man named Habib Marwan.好我们要找到他Okay, we need to find him.Are we going to ignore what just happened here?什么意思?What do you mean?她指埃林德里斯科尔She's talking about Erin Driscoll.她心不在焉She can't focus.她不该继续领导这了She shouldn't be running this place.她女儿几分钟前刚离世Her daughter died a few minutes ago.多给她点时间吧Give her a little more time.多点时间?More time?埃德加什么时候起我们时间充裕过?Edgar, since when do we have the luxury of time?她不傻莎莉She's not stupid, Sally.她知道当前形势危急She knows what's at stake here.你是对的萨拉You're right, Sarah.我们没有充裕的时间We don*t have the luxury of time.我们有工作要做但不包括讨论埃林德里斯科尔的去留We have work to do. Now, work does not include deciding Erin driscoirs fate. 我认为我们该告诉海勒部长I think we have to tell Secretary Heller.不不用现在还不用No, we don't. Not yet.好了回去工作吧Now let's get back on it.嘿是我Hey, it's me.你在哪?Where are you?我和柯蒂斯刚到反恐局Curtis and I just arrived at CTU.听着我要你保证安全的前提下Listen, I want you to get the security detail回旅馆去好好休息下and go back to the hotel and just get some rest.杰克我不能走Jack, I can't leave.现在不能Not now.我父亲需要我的帮助My father still needs my help.你到麦克伦宁福斯特公♥司♥ 了吗?Are you at McLennen-Forster yet?快了Almost.杰克你能答应我件事?Jack, can you make me a promise?什么?What?照顾好保罗Take care of Paul.他跟你不一样He's not like you.拜托杰克答应我你会照顾好他Please, Jack, promise me that you will look after him.好我会的Yeah, I will.谢谢Thank you.嗯好再联♥系♥Yeah, okay, I'll talk to you later.好的拜拜All right, bye.听着嗯Look, uh.我不恨你I donrt resent you.哦嗯Well, uh.你没有偷我太太我们分居了你们顺理成章you didn't steal my wife. we were separated and it's fair.但我不会让你从我身边抢走她的but I'm not gonna let you take her from me.我不认为这是你能决定的I don't think that's really up to you.我也不能Or me.是或许吧No, maybe it isn't.但她对我还有感情But. she. still has feelings for me.我能从她声音里听出来I can hear it in her voice.我会为此坚持到最后的And I'm gonna fight to keep those feelings alive.嗯随便你Well, you're gonna have to do what you gotta do.地勤人员没有在罗克林大楼None of field agents at the Rocklyn building 发现马尔万的踪迹have been able to pick up a threat on Marwan.看起来他可能跑掉了It*s starting to look like he might've escaped.我们该假定他马上就会去So I think we have to assume that the first thing he*s 联♥系♥那些秘密恐怖小组的人 going to try to do is activate some of these sleeper cells. 我同意I agree.他会再次实施袭击的He'll most likely launch a strike right 制♥造♥难以控制的恐慌 away, create fear that werre still vulnerable.我得失陪一下我不太舒服You'll have to excuse me; I'm not feeling very well.埃林Erin.坐下Sit down.你没事吧?You all right?马上叫医生过来Get me medical up here right away.埃林德里斯科尔需要医生Erin Driscoll needs assistance.不我很好我不需要任何人No, Tm fine. I don't need anybody.我只是刚才有点头晕I just. got a little light-headed for a second there.不我不需要医生了No, I don*t need you here.没事的我有点头晕但我现在好多了It's all right. I was dizzy, but I. I feel better.嗯那休息一下吃点东西Well, take a break, get something to eat.带德里斯科尔夫人去休息给她点吃的Take Ms. Driscoll down, and get her some food.你休息吧我可以应对I can handle the situation here while you rest.来吧Come on.好All right.这是个好主意That's probably a good idea.她暂时不能工作了She's going to need to be relieved of duty.联♥系♥总部告诉他们情况让他们再派人过来Contact division, alert them to the situation, and tell them to send someone. 我在这里负责了两年I ran this office for two years.我可以暂时接管埃林的工作I could take over for Erin on a provisional basis.别忘了技术上你还不算这里的职员Forget for the moment that you technically don't even work here.你离开了一段时间You've been away quite a while.新系统你还不够熟悉You're not fluent with the new systems.没有冒犯的意思先生你不需要程序员With all due respect, sir, you don't need a programmer.你需要一个决策者知道如何灵活运用规定What you need a decision maker who knows how to stack up protocols. 你可以胜任?And you can do that?是的先生我可以Yes, sir, I can.好Fine.我任命你为洛杉矶反恐局的临时主管ive immediately, you're the interim即刻生效director of CTU Los Angeles under my authority.我还要联♥系♥总部I still want to contact district, have让他们派个固定主管来them send someone on a more permanent basis.我明白先生I understand, sir.萨拉你有麦克伦宁-福斯特公♥司♥的资料吗?Sarah, do you have the abstract on McLennen-Forster yet?等下One second.好了I'm finishing it now.好All right.麦克伦宁福斯特公♥司♥是设计控制器的主要承包合作公♥司♥McLennen-forster was a principal contractor in the design of the override.马尔万用哈里斯巴恩斯的身份and Marwan. under the alias of Harris Barnes.拥有此项目最高安全级别had full security access on that project.你在FBI档案里查看那项目涉及的其他人了吗?And you ran FBI checks on the others that were involved in the project?恩他们都没问题Yes, they came up clean.看来这个恐&hearts怖♥分♥子♥打入了国防部合作单位So we're dealing with a terrorist who had inside access to a defense contractor.实际上没那么简单柯蒂斯Actually, more than that, Curtis.麦克伦宁-福斯特公♥司♥除了制♥造♥武器McLennen-Forster, in addition to being a weapons还培训他们的客户使用武器manufacturer, trains their clients to use those weapons.国际客户?International clients?是Yes.巴尔干半岛亚洲中东的一些国家Several countries in the Balkan, Asia and the middle east.这情况就复杂了This is a messy situation.等杰克到了麦克伦宁福斯特公♥司♥他得进入公♥司♥内部档案When Jack gets to McLennen-Forster, he's going to have to get into来查查马尔万到底跟哪些人打过交道those company records and find out exactly who Marwan dealt with.没那么容易的It's not going to be that easy.这牵扯到公♥司♥This reflects on the company.公♥司♥不会轻易交出违法活动的信息They'll be reluctant to give up incriminating information.即使马尔万是唯一有犯罪事实的人even if Marwan were the only guilty party.麦克伦南先生我们得在反恐局到之前好好谈谈Mr. McLennen, we need to talk seriously before CTU gets here.出什么事了?What's the problem?我们生产的控制器被盗并被用于今天的袭击中It was more than a coincidence that one of our products, the那不仅仅是个巧合override, was stolen and used in today's terrorist attack.什么叫不仅仅是个巧合?What do you mean, more than a coincidence?整个事件The entire operation从海勒部长被绑♥架♥到圣盖博岛核泄漏everything from Secretary Heller's kidnapping to the meltdown全部由我们的一个员工策划的of San Gabriel island, was organized by one of our own employees.你在说什么?What are you talking about?我们的一个工程师One of our engineers现在得知他是个恐♥怖♥分♥子♥叫哈比卜马尔万a man who we now know is a terrorist named Habib Marwan在我们公♥司♥内部经营他的秘密组织was running his own covert organization from within our company. 你什么时候发现的?When did you find this out?几分钟前A couple minutes ago.反恐局打电♥话♥来说我们的一个员_EThey called and said that one of our employees,哈里斯巴恩斯实际上叫哈比卜马尔万Harris Barnes, was actually Habib Marwan.还有谁知道这件事?Who else knows about this?只有我们俩个还有康林Just the two of us. and Conlin.先生们Gentlemen.我是大卫康林I'm David Conlin.内部安全主管Vp of internal security.杰克鲍尔反恐局的Jack Bauer, with CTU.这是保罗雷尼斯This is Paul Raines.杰克Jack.保罗Paul.我能帮上什么忙?How can I help you?我需要跟你们的总裁吉恩麦克伦南先生谈谈I need to speak with your CEO, Gene McLennen.吉恩先生现在正和经理们在开会Gene's in a meeting with a couple of directors right now.他让我来协助你们He asked me to assist you.我能知道公♥司♥的方方面面I've access to everything in the building.抱歉可能我的同事没有讲清楚I'm sorry, but maybe my office didn't make itself clear.这是个国 ♥家♥安 ♥全♥问题This is a matter of national security.我需要现在就跟麦克伦南先生谈谈I need to speak with Mr. McLennen now.我知道了I understand.我尽量帮你Let me see what I can do.怎么了?What's the matter?有点不对劲Something's not right.约翰我不能对此保密John, Tm not going to keep this a secret.我们得通知政♥府♥马上We have to let the government know, right away.先生如果你这样做.Sir, if you do this.那这家公♥司♥百分之百就完了it will, with 100% certainty, be the end of this company.你白手起家建立了麦克伦宁福斯特公♥司♥Now you built McLennen-Forster from scratch.公♥司♥是你的心血Everything you have is tied up in it.如果这件事曝光了你的名字就等同于If this comes out, your name will be synonymous今天发生的一切恐&hearts怖♥主♥义♥叛国 with what happened today. terrorism, treason.嗯那你想我怎么做约翰欺骗政♥府♥?Well, what do you want me to do, John, lie to the government?听着如果我24小时前知道我现在知道的一切Look, if I knew 24 hours ago what I know now, I我会尽我所能来阻止今天的袭击wouldVe done whatever it took to stop todayrs attack.但是现在我们无能为力But there's nothing we can do now只能保护自己让公♥司♥继续运营下去except protect ourselves and keep this company from going 不让反恐局发现关于马尔万的真♥相♥under, which it will do if CTU finds out the truth about Marwan.约翰反恐局会征用那些文件John, CTU will subpoena the file.他们会发现真&hearts湘♥的They will find out the truth.不会的吉恩They won't, Gene.我向你保证I promise you.如果你允许的话让我和康林来处理Conlin and I can deal with this, if you let us.我不喜欢这样I don't like the sound of this.麦克伦南先生我们的秘密行为触犯了国♥家♥安♥全♥法Mr. McLennen, we implicitly violated national security procedure.这意味着坐牢This could mean prison time.我们必须保护自己We've got to protect ourselves.你拿到圣盖博岛的最新伤亡数据了吗?Did you get the latest casualty figures in san gabriel island?没还没有No, not yet.你们现在使用哪个版本的数据链安全系统?Which version of the datalink security system are you currently running?什么?Excuse me?我公♥司♥的产品.针对数据链路的One of my companies produces. for datalink.我们安装了你的系统We installed your system.你用的是版本3.4还是3.5?You at 3.4 or 3.5?嗯3.5Uh, 3.5好用吗?Will that work for you?嗯Yeah.谢谢Thanks.戴夫请进Dave, come on in.约翰里斯我们的首席技术官John Reese, Chief Technology Officer.恩你早先帮我们鉴定了控制器我是杰克鲍尔That's right. You helped us identify the override earlier. Jack Bauer.很高兴见到您It's good to meet you in person.我是吉恩麦克伦南And I'm Gene McLennen.非常哦抱歉我有事耽搁了I'm, uh, sorry I was delayed.感谢您能抽出时间先生Thank you for your time, sir.我能帮反恐局做什么?So how can I help CTU?您的一个员工哈里斯巴恩斯实际上叫哈比卜马尔万One of your employees, a Harris Barnes, is actually Habib Marwan,是制 ♥造♥今天袭击的恐♥怖♥分♥子 ♥之一one of the terrorists responsible for today's他偷走了控制器装置attack and the theft of the override device.请您将你们的电脑系统与网络断开We need you to take your IT systems这样保罗就可以查看他的文件目录off-line so Paul can look into his directory.可以We can do that.是吧约翰?Can't we, John?当然Absolutely.跟我来Follow me.谢谢你先生Thank you, sir.客气Certainly.或许你该回家了Maybe you should go home.恐怕是Fm afraid to.我太太苏珊去世时When my wife, Susan, died,我什么也没管我想我们已经找到了I think we already have.你没事吧?You okay?嗯我偷听到马尔万和他手下的一通电♥话♥I overheard a phone conversation between Marwan and one of his men. 我们只有不到15分钟了We have less than 15 minutes.让你的人把守这层楼Have your men secure the floor.柯蒂斯和我去追控制器Curtis and I are going after the override.让开!Stay down!马尔万假扮成反恐局探员了Marwan is impersonating a CTU officer.重复嫌犯假扮反恐局探员了I repeat, the suspect is impersonating a CTU officer.埃德加一号♥线Edgar, line one.是柯蒂斯It*s Curtis.他拿到控制器了He has the override.控制器开启了吗?Is the override logged in?是Yes.好Good.转至11频道快点Send it to channel 11. Hurry up.开始反应了It's starting to respond.有用了埃德加It's working, Edgar.太好了!太好了!Yes! Yes!剩下的核电站的温度都降下来了The temperature is dropping on all remaining power plants.德里斯科尔夫人?I didn*t deal with it at all.实际上我第二天就去工作了Actually, I went to work the next day.我对自己说“这就是生活”I remember thinking to myself, "that's life."为自己难过Quit feeling sorry for yourself.想通了继续生活Get over it and get on with it.几周后我接到苏珊的一个老朋友的电♥话♥A few weeks later, I answered a call from an old她不知道她已经过世了friend of Susan's who did not know she had died.当我听到自己说And when I heard myself saying,“苏珊已经过世了”''Susan has passed away/1当我真正说出来的时候when I actually said those words,我撑不住了It hit me.一直以来我压抑的所有悲痛都涌上来了All the pain I was trying to shut out just overwhelmed me.埃林你不能都憋在心里Erin, you can*t keep it inside.你要哭责备上帝you cry, you blame god责备自己好好痛哭一场you blame yourself, and then you cry some more.但同时让你的朋友们帮你And all the while, you let your friends help you. 很简单It's pretty simple.也很痛苦Very painful.我真的非常非常难过And I am so, so sorry for you.爸爸我只想Dad, I just want.哦恩恩抱歉我Oh, um, uh, uh, I'm sorry. I.我我只想告诉你我回来了I. I just wanted to let you know that I was back.我要回家I will go home.你该走了去看看你女儿有没有事You should go, and make sure your daughter's okay.如果你需要我我就在大厅If you need me, Til be on the floor.打扰下先生?Excuse me, sir?托尼刚告诉我你让他接管反恐局?Tony just told me you put him in charge of CTU?是That's correct这不合情理That doesn't make any sense.他才刚复职而我是副主管He just got reinstated, and I'm second-in-command.托尼做过两年埃林的工作Tony had Erin's job for two years.他有经验He has experience running the CTU.你没有You don't.没有冒犯的意思放松柯蒂斯With all due respect. - Relax, Curtis.这只是暂时的直到总部找到合适人选It's provisional, till district finds someone else.说实话我不喜欢For the record. I don't like it.鲍尔有什么消息?What do you hear from Bauer?他几分钟前刚到麦克伦宁福斯特公♥司♥He just arrived at McLennen-Forster a few minutes ago.如果他遇到麻烦他会通知小组的He's gonna call on the com if he picks up interference there.嗯那角落里的就是马尔万的办公桌Okay, that was Marwan's work station in the corner.他的电脑连接到工程的子网络His computer is tied into the engineering subnet.其他网络呢?What about the rest of the network?用他的账号♥可以访问吗?Can you get into it from his account?嗯我想应该可以的Yeah, I think there's a way to do that.好了这有两个窗口All right, you*ve got two windows.一个是显示系统里他的文件One shows you his files in the system.另一个你可以访问其他网络and the other will get you outside the subnet.好All right.需要什么就叫我Let me know if you need anything.谢谢你的帮忙Thanks for your help.这个人看起来很熟悉我们的系统This guy looks like he knows his way around our system. 别担心我能够从这控制Don't worry. I'll be able to control things from here.他什么也找不到的He wonrt find a thing.马尔万删除了好多文件Marwan purged a lot of files.什么时候?When?删除日期没有显示Deletion dates aren't coming up.就是说可能是今天才被删除That means they could have been deleted today.马尔万今天不在这Marwan wasn't here today.他跟控