24小时第4季第3集前情提要你是谁?Who is this?安德鲁我是杰克鲍尔Andrew, my name is Jack Bauer.我在海勒部长手下做事I work for Secretary of Defense Heller.不到半小时前海勒部长被劫持了Secretary Heller was kidnapped less than half an hour ago.我确信劫持他的人和I believe the same people that kidnapped him追杀你的人是一伙的are the ones that are chasing you now.现在最安全的办法是The safest thing for you to do等我来接你right now is let me bring you in.我找到那个I found the person who stumbled侵入我们服务器的人了onto our server.抓到他了吗?Is he with you now?还没不过快了No, I'll have him shortly.弄清楚他都告诉谁了Find out who he's talked to.你是谁?Who are you?如果你不按我说的做I'm the man that's going to kill you我就杀了你if you don't follow my instructions.这个任务很简单贝鲁兹This is a simple task, Behrooz,可正是简单才容易出错but these are the ones where mistakes can be made.黛比你来这干什么?Debbie, what are you doing here?Understood.火车站这有点麻烦There was a problem at the train station.出什么事了?What happened?我跟一个联邦特工交了火A federal agent interfered, 我杀了他I killed him.有人正在追你吗?Are you being pursued?没有如果有人想追踪我No, anyone that left the station after me 我早被追上了would have caught up to me by now.除非他们不想被你发现Unless they don't want you to know they're there. 注意点Take precautions.保证你没被追踪就这样Make sure that you are not being followed. Go. 闪开!Move!爸爸Dad.你没事吧?You okay?他们伤到你了吗?Did they hurt you?没有No.他们只是想在发表声明的时候They just wanted me present让我露个脸while they broadcast an announcement.他们将会审判我They're going to put me on trial.因为什公?For what?反♥人♥类♥战争罪Crimes against humanity.这太荒谬了什么时候开始?That's ridiculous. When?3小时之内Less than three hours.爸爸我确信杰克和总统先生正在Dad, I'm sure that Jack and the President竭尽所能找到我们are doing everything they can to find us.或许在审判之前他们就可以赶到Maybe they'll get here before then.这些杂种为我准备的一切I can deal with anything我都能应付these bastards have got for me.多希望你没和我在一起就这些I wish you hadn't come this morning, that's all.这是控告你的This is a list of the offenses罪名清单you are being charged with.签字吧Sign it.我是美国政♥府♥的高级官员I'm a senior member of the United States government. 我不会签字的I'm not signing it.那你就死定r部长先生Then you will die, Mr. Secretary.捡起文件然后签了它Pick up the document and sign it.不!No!放开她Let her go.放开她你们这些杂种Leave her alone, you son放开她of a bitch. Come on! Leave her alone.杀了她!Kill her!好吧All right.好吧!我签!All right! I'll sign it!把文件捡起来Pick up the document捡起来Pick it up.找到鲍尔了吗? 目前毫无进展Where are we on finding Bauer? - So far nowhere.这样可不行-他可能去的地方有很多That's unacceptable. - There are a lot of places he could be.我们得一处一处的查We're working up everything we can.海勒那怎么样了?What else are you doing to find Heller?这边的事一完After I'm done here我就去问问理查德看他知道些什么I'm going to find out what his son Richard knows.萨拉正在处理与那帮人的谈判Sarah's working on the forensics from the kidnapping.有什么进展吗?-没有Have you gotten anything new yet? - No.还有什么吗?-萨拉加文.Great, what else? - Sarah Gavin.我们试图追踪那段视频的来源-然后呢?We're trying to trace the origin of the terrorist web cast. - And? 系统被多层加密了我们无法读取源码The code's been braided, and I can't get into the system file.就是说亳无进展In other words, nothing.德里斯科尔夫人是总统Ms. Driscoll, it's the President.做点什公出来吧Make something happen.你好总统先生Yes, Mr. President.我知道你失去了一个得力助手I understand you lost one of your field operatives.是的Yes, we did.有没有目击者或者俘虏?Did the engagement yield any witnesses or prisoners?没有但是有希望Not yet, but there's some hope.告诉我Tell me.杰克鲍尔以前在这里工作过Jack Bauer, who as you know used to work here,现在正在追踪疑犯is currently in the field trailing a suspect.追踪疑犯?Trailing him?为什么不把他直接抓住?Why doesn't he bring him in?我们正在这样做阁FWe're in the process of doing that, sir.埃林Erin,在那个审判之前are we going to be able to save Jim and his daughter我们能救出吉姆和他女儿吗?before this. trial starts?我是这么希望的阁h-I certainly hope so, sir.总统先生我要问你点事情Mr. President, I have to ask you something now因为时间可能不够了because we may not have time later.什么事?What is it?我们可能会到这样一种地步We may find ourselves in a situation找到海勒部长但却不能安全的救他出来where we have Heller's location but can't extract him safely.如果是那样If that's the case,你能批准我们would you authorize, in advance,进行全面进攻吗?an all-out assault?也就是假设部长不会生还?The assumption being that the Secretary would not survive? 是的Correct.该出手时就出手We'll cross that bridge if the scenario presents itself.好的阁FYes, sir.再见埃林Good-bye, Erin.曼宁Manning.嗨柯蒂斯我是玛丽安娜Hey, Curtis. It's Maryanne.听着我知道你正被劫持案搞得焦头烂额Look, I know you're busy with the Heller kidnapping.是的Yes, I am.我朋友艾琳说My friend Aileen said you're calling in因为人手不够你今天找来了五级顾问level-five consultants today because you're overloaded there.因为情况危急所以我们增加了一些人员We added some personnel because of the crisis.可是名单上没有我She said you struck my name from the list.为什么?Why?你不合格玛丽安娜You don't meet the criteria, Maryanne.别这样敷衍我柯蒂斯Don't give me that, Curtis.我有资格而且有能力加入进来I have the qualifications and I have the clearance.为什么将我排除在外?Why'd you exclude me?好吧你要我直说吗?All right, you want it straight?我们不适合一起工作I don't think we'd work very well together.为什么?就因为我们在一起睡过Why? Because we slept together a few times你再也没有打电♥话♥来?and you stopped calling me?我不给你打电♥话♥I stopped calling you因为我意识到because I realized you were using me你在利用我来升职to get ahead in your career.那只是你的臆测柯蒂斯That's your interpretation, Curtis.你当时也没什么意见啊And you didn't seem to have a problem with it at the time.谈话到此为止吧I'm not going to have this conversation.好吧我去跟埃林德里斯科尔谈Fine, i'll have it with Erin Driscoll.玛丽安娜-与反恐局合作对我来说是一个Maryanne. - Consulting with CTU would be a huge opportunity 很好的机会柯蒂斯for me, Curtis.我不会因为你觉得不自在And I'm not going to let you get in the way而放弃加人的because you're uncomfortable.把FBI的简报发到哪?Where should I post those FBI bulletins?23号♥服务器At two-three.奥布莱恩O'Brian.克萝伊是我方便说话吗?Chloe, it's me. Can you talk?杰克安德鲁那到底发生了什么?Jack, what the hell happened with Andrew?有人先我们一步Someone got to him带走了他before we could pick him up.你没告诉你他人Did you tell anyone at CTU我们的会面地点吧? 没有where we were supposed to meet him? - No.你在干什么杰克?What are you doing, Jack?德里斯科尔刚才宣布Driscoll just announced你已经无权参与这个行动ryou're operating outside her authority.我没得选I don't have a choice,她本来就处理的不对she's not handling this the right way.如果你是错的呢? 我没错What if you're wrong? - I'm not这是找到海勒部长最好的方法This is the best chance we have of finding Secretary Heller.杰克保证安德鲁别受什么伤害Jack, if anything happens to Andrew.克萝伊我会竭尽所能的Chloe, I'm doing the best I can,但现在我们的首要任务是找到那帮恐♥怖♥分♥子♥but right now our first priority is to find these terrorists.你想要我做什么?So why are you calling me?那个人开车去了峡谷那边The hostile's headed towards the canyons.我需要卫星监视系统追踪他I'm going to need satellite surveillance那样我就不会被发现了to help me track them without being seen.你想让我在不为人知的情况F盗取You want me to steal satellite bandwidth from CTU,反恐局的频带宽度? 是的without anyone knowing? - Yes.你在哪?Where are you?我在奥查德路14号♥公路的北边I'm on Orchard Road just north of the 14在巴伦西亚以东约4英里about four miles east of Valencia.好的运输部这里有监视系统Okay, Caltrans has traffic cams in the area,但是在你接近峡谷的时候but you will need satellite coverage就会需要卫星信♥号♥♥once he gets closer to the canyons.连接上卫星后就给我打电♥话&hcarts;Call me back as soon as you've got the coverage. 我为你留一个专用频道-好的I'll keep a private channel open. -1 will.是谁?Who was that?只是个私人电♥话♥It was personal.有什么不对吗?Something wrong?我不确定I'm not sure.克萝伊的举动有点奇怪Chloe's acting kind of strange.这不是什么新鲜事了That's nothing new.嗨有什么事吗?Hey, what do you need?我刚和I just got off the phone玛丽安娜,泰勒通完电♥话♥with Maryanne Taylor.埃林不管她说什么Erin, whatever she told you,都不一定正确的it's coming from a very disturbed place.也许吧That may be.可是她跟你今天带来的其他人一样But she's as qualified as any of the others有能力胜任这个工作you brought in today.我跟她在一起工作有点不适I'm not comfortable working with her.这应该足够吧That should be enough for you.正常情况下是如此Normally it would be.可是她说你在她床上However, she mentioned that your pillow talk 泄露了我们搜集信息的新规则included a synopsis of the new data mining protocols. 她胡说That's a lie.她肯定是从其他人那If she got that information, 得到消息的it was from someone else.现在拿来对付我Now she's using it against me.她对UVX系统的情况非常熟悉She knows details about the new UVX system. 这是高度机密的信息That's classified information.她可以让我们前功尽弃She could force us into a section one security reboot 然后将我们拖入到一个长达6个月的调查之中 and drag us through a six-month investigation. 我不信I don't believe this.我要她加入I asked her to come in.处理好这事Deal with it.海勒部长儿子那边有消息了吗?Do you have the results on Secretary Heller's son yet? 是的Yeah.测谎仪显示The polygraph makes clear he didn't have any 他并没有参与他父亲的劫持案knowing involvement in his father's kidnapping.还有?But.?他依然声称He's still insisting他没告诉任何人he didn't tell anyone他父亲早上会来他那his father was coming to his house this morning.这个陈述没有通过测谎仪The polygraph was inconclusive on that claim.那你觉得他在撒谎了?You think he's lying?有可能It's possible.理查德是唯一一个知道Richard was the only one who knew他父亲早上会来的人where his father would be this morning.所以他可能告诉了其他人And he may have told someone about it.理有德为什么要保护背叛他的人呢?Why would Richard protect somebody who's betrayed him? 因为他太自大了所以不相信这些既成的事实Because he's too arrogant to believe that's what's happened. 调查他的通话记录It'll take days to go through还需要一段时间his phone records.你看看I want you to see能不能用其他办法撬开他的嘴if you can get the name out of him another way.你是什公意思?What do you mean?你知道我什么意思You know what I mean.埃林我们还不能确定他是否有罪Erin, we're not even sure if he's guilty of anything.所以我们才要刨根问底This is how we*ll find out去做吧Get started.爸爸跟你说了黛比的事吗?Did Father talk to you about Debbie?她怎么了?What about her?我去给奥马尔送箱子的时候 我跟踪了你 I followed you. 奥马尔在场外看见 Omar saw you with someone 你跟一个女孩在一起 outside the compound. 她什么都没看到 She didn't see anything. 我保证I made sure of it. 我们为了这一天 We've spent years planning for this, 已经筹划了很多年 waiting for this day to come. 可现在你几乎使一切前功尽弃 Now it's here and you've compromised everything. 这个任务很简单罗尼 It's a simple job, Ronnie.找到那个人然后把他带回来You pick up the subject and you bring him in. 鲍尔不干这行已经一年半了对吧?Bauer has not been in the field for a year and halt okay? 所以我才让你盯紧点他Which is why I need you to keep him on a tight leash. 说实话杰克 For the record, Jack, 我认为德里斯科尔让你加人进来I think Driscoll made a mistake 是个错误的决定 letting you come along. 你去门那儿You get the gate.我去把那个孩子救出来I'll get the kid out of the car. 我爸爸是国防部长My father's the Secretary of Defense.理查德 Richard, 目前你是劫持案件的 right now you're the only witness 唯一目击者When Dad told me to take the briefcase to Omar. 黛比跟踪了我Debbie followed me. 她不知道我要去哪 She didn't know where I was going. 她只是想跟我说话而已 She just wanted to talk. 黛比看到了关押海勒的那个仓库吗?Debbie saw the warehouse where we're holding Heller? 是的Yes.可当时我也没什么办法But there wasn't anything I could do about it. 你应该像我和你父亲告诉你的那样You could have broken up with her months ago 几个月前就跟她分手 like your father and I told you to. 我知道我错rI know I made a mistake, 可是爸爸知道她跟踪我以后 but Father found out she was with me 让我打电♥话♥叫她来这 and now he wants me to get her over here. 你知道那意味着什么You know what that means.如果他认为If he thinks她肯能会毁掉我们的计划 there's the slightest chance 即使可能性很小she could expose what we're doing. 我没想到你会这么在乎她I didn't realize you felt so strongly about her. 她不会She's not going 毁掉我们的计划的我发誓 to mess anything up, I swear to you. 你想让我♥干♥什么? What do you want me to do? 跟他谈谈Talk to him.他会听你说话的He'll listen to you.拜托了Please.好吧Okay.你♥爸♥爸已经去开会f Your father's on his way to a meeting. 我尽量联&h ea rts;系&h ea r ts;他 I'll try to reach him.谢谢你妈妈Thanks, Mom.什么时候放我出去?When can I get out of here?把他捆起来Secure him.你们到底在干什么?!What the hell are you doing?!别碰我!Get your hands off me!还有谁知道Who else knew your father 你父亲今早会去你那? would be at your house this morning? 我告诉你了没人知道I told you, no one.干什么你们疯吗?What, are you crazy?这个神经传递素This works on the neurotransmitter level. 会让你身体的每个神经末梢It makes every nerve ending in your body 感觉像是火烧一般feel like it's on fire.你在吓唬我You're bluffing.你们不能这样做You know you can't get away with this.等你被放出去了And by the time you're released, 此刑不在身上留下任何印记 the mark on your arm will be gone.你没证据控告我It'll just be your word against mine.老天啊我父亲可是国防部长My father is the Secretary of Defense, for God's sake.你不是讨厌他吗I thought you hated him.现在乂成你亲爱的老爸了?Now he's dear old dad?救救我!Help me!来人啊!Somebody!拜托!Please!救救我!Help me!慢Stop.我不能这样做埃林I can't do it, Erin.我不会让艾瑞克给理杳德海勒注射的I'm not going to let Eric work on Richard Heller.为什么?-或许他在保护一个朋友Why not? - Maybe he's protecting a friend,而且不能确定他与恐&hearts怖♥分♥子♥有牵连 but he wasn't knowingly involved with the terrorist.这是滥用刑罚It's an inappropriate use of force.我给过你命令了I gave you an order.拿给我一份书面的吧埃林Then give it to me in writing, Erin.你到底是什么意思柯蒂斯What are you suggesting, Curtis,放了他吗? 不that we release him? - No.有一种让感官混乱的药物I've seen good results with sensory disorientation.能让他暂时失去视力和听力Cut off his sight, saturate his auditory.且对身体无害It's noninvasive.好吧Fine.试试Try it.你好?Yes?贝鲁兹刚找过我I just spoke with Behrooz.他给我说了那个女孩得事He told me about the problem with his girlfriend.他很心烦纳维He's very upset, Navi.我正担心这个That's what concerns me.尽管他没明说但他跟那个女孩的感情很深He has feelings for this girl, despite what he tells us.现在她又看到了那个仓库Now she's seen the warehouse.我知道I know.这有点棘手It's very troubling.我让他叫那个女孩过来I told him to get her over to the house我们就可以问问清楚:他打电♥话♥吗?so we can question her. Did he make the call?没有他让我跟你谈谈No, he asked me to talk to you instead.嗯Hmm.上楼去Go upstairs.我们该怎么办?What are we going to do?你在跟爸爸说话吗?Are you talking to Father?回头再打给你I'll talk to you soon.你来处理这件事吗?You'll take care of this?是的Yes.谢谢Thank you.他说什么?What did he say?我还要叫黛比过来吗?Do I still have to call Debbie and get her over here?不了No.谢谢你妈妈Thank you, Mom.一会我就停车我们谈谈I'm going to pull over soon, and we're going to talk,行吗?okay?很好Good.有些事情你必须知道There's some things I need you to know.这不是你和我的个人恩怨Today is not about me or you.而是关于一些更重要的事情It's about something bigger.我想明确的知道What I need to know with certainty,你在互联网上看见的is that whatever you saw on the Internet没有阻碍我们的计划will not interfere with what we have planned.这件事你得说清楚You have to convince me of that.你好?Yeah?卫星还要花一点时间It's going to be a while on the satellite.海勒被抓以后我们这人手已经严重不足了Ever since Heller was taken, the load is through the roof.还要多久?-还不确定How much longer? - I'm not sure yet告诉我你现在的准确位置?What is your current position exactly?我需要不断更新请求I need it to update the request.嫌犯停靠在了 31英里标志处Suspect pulled over just past