24小时第4季第23集前情提要我刚听说载有核弹的I'm just been told a cruise missle, has just巡航导弹已经发射了?been launched containing the nuclear warhead?是的阁下的确如此Yes, sir, thatrs correct.马尔万怎么样了杰克?What about Marwan, Jack?他会招供吗?You think that he will break?很难阁下That won't be easy, sir.他策划组织了今天的一切He's planned and organized everything that's happened today,我都激怒了一个核弹强国Now how am I supposed to be able to fight又该如何去对付恐♥怖♥分♥子♥?terrorists while I'm provoking a nuclear superpower?我们在中国领土横行绑♥架&hearts他们的国民We marched onto Chinese soil, we kidnapped one of their nationals还误杀了中国大使and in the process the Chinese consul was killed.在中国领土杀死中国大使这可能是一种宣战The murder of a Chinese consul on Chinese soil could be construed as an act of war.你应该认识这个人霍华德伯尔尼I assume you know this man. Howard Bern.你的外勤同事One of your field agents.使♥馆♥的监视录像拍到了你的脸A security camera at the Chinese consulate picked up your face.不可能That's impossible.我戴了面具I was wearing my mask.相信我我看到了定格画面Trust me, I saw the freeze frame.就是你It was you.You're hesitating.我没有我没有I'm not, I'm not.你想让我♥干♥什么I just need to know what you want me to do.你们的人挡在了我和出口之间Your men are between me and my exit.我要知道他们的搜索路线和人数I need to know what their search patterns are and how many men there are.好我去查Okay, okay, I'll find out.现在就要告诉我You'll tell me right now.我得和机动组谈I have to go downstairs and talk to my tactical team.哦米歇尔你在拖延时间Oh, Michelle, you're stalling.一共多少人?How many men are there total?30人不包括洛杉矶警局和赶来增援的人Upwards of 30, not including LAPD, and reinforcements are on the way.命令他们离开小区东北侧车道You will need you to remove your men from the northeast driveway of the complex 我我不知道能不能办到I. I. I don't know if I can do that.我下次联♥系♥你之前就要完成否则托尼就没命了You will redeploy your men by the time I call you back, or Tony dies.什么时候打过来?When are you calling back?过会儿Soon.抓紧时间米歇尔Get moving; Michelle.哦她依然爱你Well, she still loves you.就不知道爰得多深了The question is how much.埃德加斯泰尔斯Edgar Stiles.埃德加把小组的行动地图发给我Edgar, send the deployment group to my screen.正在上传It's updating.想要最新进展的话还要等一下Want the last version, or do you want to wait?发过来就行了Just send it!洛杉矶警局的增援到了吗?Are LAPD reinforcements there yet?一部分已经到了They're outside now.剩下的15分钟后到Some will be there in 15 minutes.新的搜索进度完成后要我上传给你吗?You want me to send the updated grid when it comes in?戴斯勒小姐?Ms. Dessler?是Yes.好就这么办吧Yes, do that.不不我们不能排除中西部或No, no, we can't eliminate the midwest, or导弹目标范围内的任何区域any region within the missile's flying range.是这就是我要说的Yes, that*s what I'm trying to tell you.导弹可以袭击任何地方This warhead could hit anywhere.我们正在累计预计伤亡人数We're still putting together the projected casualty numbers.数量庞大We just know they're gonna be high.是的Yeah.小区那边的搜索进展如何?Where are we on the search of the apartment complex?还没有发现Nothing so far.洛杉矶警局到了吗?LAPD there yet?还在路上They're on their way.保持联♥系 ♥PH be at comm.我不能这么做I can't do this.不能做什么?You can*t do what?我不能I can't.牺牲民众的性命要是核弹爆♥炸♥的话 sacrifice the lives of all those people if this warhead goes off. 她打给我了She called me.谁?Who?谁打给你了?Who called you?挟持托尼的人The hostile who has Tony.什么时候?When?怎么说的?What did she say?几分钟前A couple minutes ago.她让我调离我们的人让她逃跑She said to redeploy our men so she can get away.否则就杀了托尼Or Tony dies.什么事先生?Yes, sir.帮我接通杰克鲍尔Patch me through to Jack Bauer's comm.马上Right away.带着你的人Take your team.开始搜查11号♥楼的第2层Start working the second floor, building 11.杰克听到吗?Jack, you read me?是听到Yeah, I copy.我们有线索了We've got something.嫌犯给米歇尔打了电♥话♥The suspect contacted Michelle.她承认挟持了托尼She confirmed she's holding Tony hostage.她用托尼来要挟米歇尔帮他逃跑She's trying to use him as leverage against Michelle to open up an escape route.米歇尔在吗?Is Michelle there?我在杰克I'm right here, Jack.知道她在哪吗?Do we have any idea where she is?她让我清除东北侧的车道She wants me to clear a path in the northeast driveway.她会再打电♥话♥来确认She's going to call to confirm that I did it.什么时候?When?不知道I don't know.随时Could be any second.米歇尔你要让她相信你还在同她合作Michelle, I want you to make her believe that you're still cooperating with her. 把她引到外面来I need you to draw her into the open.我向你保证我们会尽全力来保护托尼I promise you that we will do everything we can for Tony.好Okay.做好准备接听她的电♥话♥Stay ready for her call.比尔我将立即从东北侧车道撤出我们所有的人Bill, I'm gonna pull all our units out of the northeast driveway,让他们到小区外的隐蔽地点put them in concealed positions outside the complex.她也有可能最后改变主意Ifs still possible she'll change her mind at改走其他路线the last minute and try another escape route.我知道我们会有所准备但如果她没改变计划I know, and we'll be ready for that, but if she doesn't, 就让她相信米歇尔还在合作I want her to believe that Michelle's still complying.一旦她走出小区50码远As soon as she's 50 yards outside of the complex and并且不能再回头的时候我们的小组就会开始行动can't reenter. that's when our teams will converge.你开始调动你的人员的时候通知我Let me know when your men are ready to redeploy.知道Copy that.你没事吧?You all right?没事Yeah.我本会照她的吩咐做I was gonna do what she wanted.米歇尔Michelle.我没有马上通知你I didn't call you right away.我最初想到的是保住托尼的命All I could think of, at first, was saving Tony's life.没事了It's okay.洛杉矶警局行动!It's done.各指定小组听我命令准备移至第二位置All designated teams, prepare to move into your secondary positions on my command. 柯蒂斯?Curtis?需要我做什么?What do you need me to do?一些居民不愿合作Some of the residents aren't cooperating with the search.让洛杉矶警局的人I want you to have LAPD units start逮捕那些找麻烦的人arresting anybody that's giving us a problem.明白You got it.我们为什么不从搜索小组中调派点人手?Why don't we pull some of the resources off the search?通过调查她和米歇尔的通话We have a better chance of finding the hostile我们更有把握抓住她through her communication with Michelle.不No.对方会抓住米歇尔背叛她的蛛丝马迹The hostile's gonna be looking for any sign that Michelle's betrayed her. 我们得假装她们没联♥系♥过We have to follow procedure as if we have no idea theyrve been in contact. 明白Understood.洛杉矶警局那边的事办完后到我这来As soon as you're done with LAPD; I need you with me.明白You got it.比尔我是杰克Bill, this is Jack.听至IJ吗?Do you copy?是的杰克Yeah, Jack.我们准备撤离We're ready to go down here.她来电♥话♥ 了 吗?Any new communication with the hostile?没有No.米歇尔还在等她电♥话♥Michelle*s still waiting for her call.根据现场情况能确定她的身份吗?Have you been able to make any kind of id on scene?取证小组正在出事地点采集指纹Forensics tried to pull prints from her last但还没有结果known position, but they came up with nothing.这边也是Same result here.没有匹配的声音曲线No match on the voiceprint.她能完全躲开雷达She's managed to stay completely under the radar.导弹移♥动&hearts汰快我们只能希望We're gonna have to hope that because how fast this is moving, 她能犯点错误she slips up and makes a mistake.否则我们就有麻烦了Otherwise, we're in trouble.准备好了就开始吧杰克Proceed when ready, Jack.我们随时待命We're standing by.明白Copy that.在东北车道的各小组移&hearts动♥至第二位置All northeast driveway teams, move in to secondary positions.我们开始转移We're a go.嗨Hi.你在干什么?What are you doing?嗨Hey.你该呆在自己的房♥间里You were supposed to stay in your apartment.你不知道这楼里有逃犯吗?Don't you know there's some crazy person loose in the building? 是我知道Yeah, I know, I know.嗨你好Hey, man.乔斯在哪?Where's Joz?刚起床He just got up.你能去叫下他吗?我要和他谈谈Can you just get him/cause I just need to talk to him?事出紧急Something happened.乔斯Joz.怎么了?What's going on?没什么Nothing.有点奇怪Just weird stuff.什么?What?没事Nothing.干嘛不和我说说?Why don't you just tell me?不没事了No, it's cool.嗨怎么了罗滕伯格?Hey, what's going on, Rothenberg?嗨Hey, man.你好吗?How are you?别出声Not a sound.我刚接到中国外♥交♥部♥长打来的电♥话♥很麻烦I just got off a very disturbing phone call from the Chinese foreign secretary.他们还在为使♥馆♥袭击对我们施压吗?So they're still pressing us on the attack on the consulate?更糟大卫It's much worse than that, David.你授权发动那次袭击的后果开始恶化了The fallout from that attack you authorized is escalating.他们把责任归咎于我们They*re determined to pin this on us.如果他们确认了那是我们的人If they manage to confirm that this is one of our men,我不用告诉你结果吧I don't have to tell you what kind of a disaster that would be.不阁下我明白No, sir, you don't.但是单凭此事还不足以But this alone is not conclusive enough for the让中国让它升级为国际冲突Chinese to turn this into an international incident.要是他们找到确凿证据呢?But if they find corroborating evidence?反恐局正全力阻止他们CTU is doing whatever they can to prevent that from happening, 包括藏起这名探员直到事情平息including getting this agent out of sight until it blows over.我知道我给了你决定权I know I gave you the authority to make the decision, 但你不应该发动那次袭击but you never should have ordered that assault.如果我们不采取行动阁下我们便无法阻止导弹If we hadn*t carried out the raid, sir, we*d be nowhere on stopping the missile. 但是现在呢大卫?And where are we, David?有什么我还不知道的进展吗?Is there some progress I don*t know about?反恐局已包围了马尔万的一个手下CTU is closing in on one of Marwan's associates.如果他们能及时捉住她他们认为可以利用她来找出马尔万If they apprehend her in time, they feel that they can use her to find Marwan. 你知道这听起来有多么不可靠吗?Do you know how speculative that sounds?天我们肯定无法及时找到导弹了!My god; we're never gonna find it in time.别这么说!Don't say that!我们会阻止它的We will stop it.但是如果今天是你领导这个国家你一定要坚信But you must believe that if you're gonna lead today.我要怎么相信?How am I gonna believe that?每一秒钟过后导弹就Every second that passes brings that missile更接近了它的目标这个目标就是我们closer to its target, which for all we know, is us.我们不会坐以待毙总统阁下We are not sitting on our hands, Mr. President.我们正利用一切资源来寻找这颗导弹We are using every resource at our disposal to find this missile.我们会阻止核弹引爆We will prevent the warhead from going off.我希望和你一样自信I wish I was as confident as you are.你必须要这样You need to be.保持总统的风度Remain Presidential.只要你领导这个国家的人♥民♥取得胜利你就会有这样的自信 Demand nothing less than success from your people, and you will get it.好吧All right.很好All right.下次我该怎么和中国的外♥交♥部♥长说?What do I tell the Chinese foreign secretary when I talk to him next?你不必出面You don't.迈克会处理Let Mike handle this.告诉他们除非找到确凿证据You'll tell them, unless they have proof of our involvement,否则你今天不想再接到他们的电♥话♥you don't want to hear from them today.布坎南先生伯尔尼探员在6号♥线Mr. Buchanan, Agent Bern on six.接到我的手♥机♥上Send it to my cell phone.是先生Yes, sir.布坎南Buchanan.我是伯尔尼探员先生It's Agent Bern, sir.我接到消息让我一到圣地亚哥就联♥系♥你抱歉杰克I'm sorry, Jack.你走吧You got to go.直升机在等你呢There's a chopper waiting for you.带我到哪都无所谓了It doesn't matter where you take me. 反正我的目的已经达成What I want is already happening. 走!Go!通知封锁小组马尔万跑了Notify the perimeter we no longer have Marwan in custody! 理查德海勒一周前给马尔万打过电♥话♥Richard Heller called Marwan a week ago.他们正把他送到反恐局They are taking him back to CTU.这是根据理查德海勒描述所画的素描This is a sketch of the guy that Richard Heller described.他和那个女孩是我们找到马尔万的唯一线索He and the girl are our only leads to finding Marwan, 我们中得有一个人牺牲去换另一个的生存?One of us is going to get caught to save the other?你必须牺牲It's gonna be you.托尼等等Tony, wait.我不能没有你I can't spend another day without you.我准备好I'm ready.离开这to leave here.我要和你在一起I'm ready to go with you.小心点Be careful.阿尔梅达我是杰克Almeida, this is Jack. 外面有什么情况吗?I got a message to call you as soon as I landed in San Diego.线路安全吗?Are we on a secure line?是的先生使用的是加密线路Yes, sir, it's an encrypted cell.关于对中国使♥馆♥的袭击The Chinese are continuing to press the case that中方还在对我们施压we were involved in the assault on their consulate.除了有我的录像外还有什么证据吗?Have they managed to find evidence beyond the surveillance video of me?没有No.必须保证他们没有证据And we have to make sure they don't.你要和圣地亚哥的反恐局合编一个事件I want you to start fabricating an alibi with CTU in San Diego.假装成发动袭击的时候你正在那里工作I want you to make it to look like you were working there during the assault. 我们的运输小组到了先生Our transport's arriving right now, sir.我马上来Fil get right on it.编造的事件一定要经得起严格审查The alibi has to withstand careful scrutiny.包括圣地亚哥那边的电♥话♥记录出勤名单电脑的资料都要做好 The San Diego phone logs, rosters, and mainframe records all have to back it up. 保证天衣无缝先生It'll be airtight, sir.必须这样It has to be.先生关于我的家人Sir, about my family.你认为中国那边会不会去找他们?Do you think there's any chance that the Chinese will try to get to them?不会的They can't.我已经联♥系♥了你的妻子让人把他们We*ve already contacted your wife, and we've moved暂时转移到酒店了her and your kids to a hotel for the time being.保持联络伯尔尼探员Fil be in touch, Agent Bern.非常感谢先生Thank you very much, sir.开车!Drive!这是怎么回事?What the hell is this?我想你已经知道是怎么回事了I think you already know what "this" is.几小时前反恐局派一个小组到我们的领♥事♥馆♥CTU sent a team into our consulate just a few hours ago.你就在那个小组中我们的领事被杀害了You were on the team, and our consulate general was killed.你要告诉我这件事是谁指使的You*re going to tell me who was responsible.我不知道你在说什么I don't know what you're talking about.真的?Really?那为什么你坐直升飞机从洛杉矶反恐局那边躲到这来?Then why were you being transported here by helicopter from CTU Los Angeles?你不知道我是从哪里过来的You don't know where I came from.事实上我知道Actually, I do.今晚在我去反恐局之前我们用卫星监视了那个地方Before entering CTU earlier tonight, we turned our satellite on that location.当我在询问你们主管的时候While I was questioning your superiors,我们的卫星显示出有人坐直升机离开了our satellite picked up someone being taken away by helicopter.那又怎样?So what?那不是我That wasn't me.不就是你No, it was you!中国政♥府♥坚持要The Chinese government insists that someone找出为我们领事的死负责的人take responsibility for the death of our consul.什么意思What does that mean.“负责任”?"take responsibility"?我相信你只是服从命令Now, I believe you were only following orders.告诉我是谁主使的我就放你走Tell us who gave the orders, and Ill let you go.无可奉告I'm not telling you anything.你会招的I believe you*re going to change your mind.喂?Yes?把你的人都撤走了吗?Have you redeployed all your men?是的Yes, I have.比尔?Bill?我是杰克It's Jack.收至 U 上传的信 ♥号♥♥ 了Uplink is on.你确定他们听从你的命令了吗?Are you sure they followed your instructions? 我确定I'm sure.外面雨下得很大杰克It*s starting to rain pretty hard, Jack.米歇尔Michelle.你爰托尼吗?do you love Tony?是我爰他Yes, I love him.很好Good.如果我发现你在骗我Because if I find out that you're trying to play me,我会马上干掉托尼the very first thing I'm going to do is blow his brains out,不用想方设法来阻止我and don't think that there's anything you can do to stop it,因为根本就没办法明白吗?'cause there's not, understand?是我明白Okay, I understand.很好Good.等我电♥话♥Stay by the phone.所有通讯分♥析♥员复♥制♥这个电♥话♥录音发 到各个计算机上All comm analysts, clone this call and filter it through a