课题:Linking verbs1. Teaching aims(1) Knowledge aimStudents can identify five types of liking verbs in different sentences and master their usage. (2) Ability aimStudents can use linking verbs correctly in their daily lives.(3) Emotional aimStudents can develop teamwork spirits and realize the importance of teamwork.2. Teaching key and difficult point(1) Teaching key pointStudents can find linking verbs in different discourses, summarize their usage and use them flexibly in their daily lives.(2) Teaching difficult pointStudents can understand the difference among the five types of linking verbs and use them properly in their reading, writing, speaking and translating.3. Teaching methodTask-based Language Teaching Method, Audiolingualism4. Teaching procedures(1) Lead-in1) Greetings2) ScenarioTell students that they are detectives to solve a case and show them some clues about it. Their partners are going to call them after 3 minutes, so they should describe the situation according to the script which doesnt include important information on the PPT. After 3 minutes, some students will be invited to perform the dialogue. After performance, students are asked to pay attention to the blanks in each clue and fill in the blanks as soon as possible. Then, the teacher shows the correct answers and lead in the concept of linking verbs.图1 案件线索填空图2 案件线索答案(评析:教师创设破案情境,学生扮演侦探角色利用多媒体所展示的证据进行破案,极大提高了学生的学习积极性与课堂注意力。)(2) PresentationThere are five types of linking verbs with special Chinese names on the PPT(武林盟主、享受派、八卦派、古墓派、无相派). Students will be very curious about what are they. Since they have learned some knowledge about linking verbs before Grade 9, some students will be invited to share their opinions about these special names. After that, the teacher will invite one student to lead the whole class to review the usage of “be” (武林盟主) and they will also do a simple test with two questions of multiple choices to check if they master it or not. Then there will be a mans funny face shown on the PPT and students should match the five parts of the man (eyes, ears, nose, mouth and skin) with “sound, feel, look, smell and taste”. If they are correct, the man will smile. If not, he will cry. Afterwards, the teacher will tell students why these linking verbs are called “享受派 (sensory verbs)”. Because sensory verbs are commonly seen in our daily lives, students should use them correctly, and thats why an activity called “emoji” is set in the stage. Students should guess the correct words according to the different emojis downloaded from WeChat. Then students will do three multiple choices to check their learning. After that, they will learn the words in “八卦派” because “seem” and “appear” mean “看起来”. And then, the words in “古墓派” (keep/stay/remain) will be introduced which mean “保持”. Finally, the words in “无相派” (come/become/turn/grow/go/get) are shown which mean “变化”. Since some of linking verbs are also notional verbs, the teacher gives some sentences to lead students to think about how to judge their parts of speech. 图3 系动词“五大门派” 图4 感官系动词匹配图5 感官系动词与表情包(评析:教师引导学生将系动词分类记忆,同时利用“武林盟主、享受派、八卦牌、古墓派、无相派“等学生熟悉的武侠小说门派帮助学生强化记忆。在讲解“感官系动词”时利用PPT制作人脸以及动画、微信表情包等,增强了课堂的趣味性。同时强调了实义动词与系动词的区分方法,解决了学生的易错点。)(3) Practice1) Fill in the blanks图6 希沃白板制作的选词填空题2) True or False图7 希沃白板制作的判断对错题(评析:在练习阶段,老师利用课前使用希沃白板制作的选词填空和判断对错进行活动,使英语语法的学习更具互动性。增加了学生的参与度。)(4) ProductionStudents watch a short video about the Sorting Hat in Harry Porter. And then they will be divided into groups of six to have a role play. The student who play the role of the Sorting Hat should imitate the tone of the hat to classify the five types of linking verbs and dub for the film. After that each group should give a presentation.图8 系动词版“学院帽”(评析:在这一阶段,老师让学生组队配音哈利波特中学院帽分配的情节,将系动词分类,巩固了学生对系动词的理解,提高了学生的团队合作能力。) (5) Summary and Homework1) SummaryStudents make a summary about what they have learned in this class.2) HomeworkDescribe another case using linking verbs.5. Board designLinking Verbs武林盟主:be (am/is/are)享受派:sound/feel/look/smell/taste八卦派:seem/appear古墓派:keep/stay/remain无相派:come/become/turn/grow/go/get一、 案例分析及反思在本案例中,教师充分利用信息技术,如PPT、希沃白板、配音等,创设情境,进行语法教学,提高了学生的学习兴趣,让传统意义上枯燥无味的语法课变得生动有趣,且互动性极强,实现了教学目标。但是,应当注意到的是,并不是所有语法教学都能和信息技术“配合默契”,因为大部分学生已经比较熟悉语法翻译法这样的“填鸭式“教学。所以教师在进行信息技术与语法教学融合时,应当具体问题具体分析,这样才能达到事半功倍的效果。 10 / 10