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威盛公司软件C+工程师笔试题面试题 问题:威盛公司软件 C+工程师笔试题面试题 回答:I.How good do you see yours program ming skills Please circle your an swe rs C:Fair/Good/Excelle nt C+:Fair/Good/Excelle nt 2.Please estimate your programmi ng experi nee:How many lines of code are your biggest C Program ever writte n exclud ing the sta ndard linked library How many lines of code are your biggest C+program ever writte n excl udi ng the sta ndard linked library 3.Please explai n the followi ng terms Data En capsulati on In herita nee Polymorphism you and 4.What is a virtual base class How do you declare such a class How woul d you use it in a desig n 5.What is a template or container class How do declare such a class 6.Which are the access con trol levels for C+Ian guage 7.What is RTTI How do you achieve RTTI in your desig n 8.What are the major differences between static non-static member f un cti ons 9.How do you call a regular member fun cti on from a static member fun cti on Please use pse ndo-code to provide your an swer 10.How do you declare/defi ne a type of poin ter to a class member fun cti on Please use pse ndo-code to provide your an swer 11.Please expla in the follow ing tyoes:Here is a short lise of comb in ati ons and their meanin gs:1.Refere nce-Ca n cha nge the refere need object 2.C on st-Refere nee 3.Co nst-Poi nter-4.Poi nter-Co nst-5.C on st-Poi nter-C on st-CFoo In sta nee CFoo ReferenceT olnstance=lnstanee;1 const CFoo Con stRefere nceTol nsta nce=l nsta nee;2 const CFoo*pC on stPoi nter二 In sta nee;3 CFoo*const pPoi nterC on st=In sta nee;4 const CFOO*const pPo in terC on st=In sta nee;5 12.What are top-dow n and bottom-up approach How do you usually use them 13.Please use pseudo-code to design a set of stack operati ons with temp late 14.Please use pseudo-code to design a set of double lin ked list operati ons with template Opti onal Questi on s:(for extra credits)15.Please write a un ix makefile for Questi on13 16.Please explai n these com mon secti on s:text,data,bss