xx网络应用优化平台软件CDN解决方案服务合同Wangsu Network Application Optimization Platform Software CDN Solution Service Contract 合同编号/Contract No. _ 本合同由以下双方于 年 月 日在 北京市朝阳区签订: 甲方: (以下简称甲方)一家依据 法律设立并有效存续的公司地址:_ 法定代表人:乙方:xx科技股份有限公司 (以下简称乙方)一家依据中华人民共和国法律设立并有效存续的公司地址:_法定代表人:THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into in _ on the _th day of _, _ ,by and between: , a company duly incorporated and existing under the laws of _, with its principle business office at_(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”),andWangsu Science and Technology Company Limited, a company duly incorporated and existing under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China, with its principle business office at _(hereinafter referred to as “Party B”).依据中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国电信条例及其他相关法律、法规之规定,甲乙双方本着平等、自愿、互利的原则,经友好协商一致,就乙方向甲方提供xx网络应用优化平台软件CDN解决方案服务事宜(以下简称“CDN服务”)达成如下约定,以资遵守:In accordance with the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Telecommunications Regulations of the Peoples Republic of China, and other relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B, adhering to the principles of equality, voluntariness and mutual benefit, and through friendly consultation, have reached the agreement on the provision of Wangsu Network Application Optimization Platform Software CDN Solution Service, and enter into this Contract with the following terms and conditions for the Parties to comply with:第一条 缔约诚信承诺1. Representation and Warranties1.1 甲方承诺Party A hereby represents and warrants that: 甲方是一家经工商管理机构正式注册登记并合法存续的合法企业,具有签署本合同的合法主体资格。甲方承诺,在签署本合同时,甲方无任何法律障碍和重大事件能够导致影响甲方继续正常存续或有效履行本合同的潜在风险存在。Party A is a legitimate enterprise registered at the administrative organ for industry and commerce in due form and validly exists, has obtained all the qualifications and licenses necessary for the operation of Internet business and licenses complete. Party A has full power and authority to execute this Contract, at the time of entering into this Contract, there is no legal barrier or significant event that may affect its normal operation or the performance of this Contract. 1.2 乙方承诺Party B hereby represents and warrants that:乙方是一家拥有中华人民共和国增值电信业务经营许可证,获准经营因特网数据中心业务和因特网接入服务业务的高科技公司(经营许可证号为 xxx),并已经取得签署及履行本合同所必要的互联网业务、服务经营资格,各类证照齐全的合法企业,且具有签署本合同的合法主体资格。乙方承诺,在签署本合同时,乙方无任何法律障碍和重大事件能够导致影响乙方正常存续或有效履行本合同的潜在风险存在。Party B is a high-tech company that holds the License for Cross-Province Operation of Value-Added Telecom Service issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the Peoples Republic of China (License No. B1.B2-20050405), and is eligible to operate Internet data center (IDC) business and Internet access business.Party B has obtained all the qualifications and licenses necessary for the operation of Internet business and licenses complete. Party B has full power and authority to execute this Contract, at the time of entering into this Contract, there is no legal barrier or significant event that may affect its normal operation or the performance of this Contract. 1.3 甲乙双方承诺:如在签订本合同过程中及本合同随后的执行过程中,任何一方发生影响本合同有效执行的变化,均应在发生该等变化后3日内通知合同相对方,否则可视为违约。这些变化包括但不限于:经营资质或履行本合同所必要的各类证照、资质发生变化;影响本合同的正常履行的股权抵押质押、重大资产变化;破产清算;因违反电信(互联网)行业法律法规而被处罚;以及其它影响本合同生效或有效执行的其他各种情形。Both Parties warrant to each other that, during the negotiation and performance of this Contract, if any changes arise that may affect the performance of this Contract, the affected Party shall notify the other Party promptly, otherwise it shall be attributed as a breach of contract. Such changes include, but are not limited to: changes to the qualification for business or records, mortgage and pledge, debt profile or important transformation of assets, bankruptcy liquidation, information of penalties resulting from the violation of telecom and/or Internet industry regulations, and other information that may affect the entry-into-force or the performance of this Contract.1.4 甲乙双方承诺:双方的合作应该严格遵守国家、各级主管部门、行业协会制定的各类法律法规、管理办法及行业规范。包括但不限于现行的或不时更新、出台的各类法律法规、管理办法及行业规范。Both Parties warrant to each other that, the corporation between the Parties shall strictly comply with any and all laws and regulations made by the State and/or the competent authorities (including, but not limited to the laws and regulations currently in force or being released or updated from time to time).第二条 名词解释2. Definitions and Interpretation本文中下列词汇的含义,除相关条文另有明确说明外,均应依照以下含义解释、理解:In this Contract, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise:2.1 xx网络应用优化平台软件CDN(Content Delivery Network) 解决方案: 即xx网络应用优化平台软件内容云分发加速网络解决方案,指通过在现有的互联网中增加一层新的网络架构,将网站的内容发布到最接近用户的网络边缘,使用户可以就近取得所需的内容,改善网络的传输速度,解决互联网络拥挤的状况,从技术上解决由于网络带宽小、用户访问量大、网点分布不均等原因所造成的用户访问网站响应速度慢的问题。CDN服务:是指利用高速缓存及负载均衡等技术,将互联网内容发布到各地的网络节点,以提高网站响应速度的一种服务,包括了网页加速、HTTP下载加速、流媒体直播点播加速、上传加速、及其他增值服务(如智能采集等)等多个产品。 “Wangsu Network Application Optimization Platform Software Content Delivery Network (CDN) Solution”, means by adding a layer of network architecture to the existing networks, deliver the content on the webpage to the edge of the network the closest to the end user, so as to have the end user access the content locally, improve network transmission speed, and solve the network congestion. CDN could solve the problem of slow site access which caused by the narrow network bandwidth, large number of user visits, and unevenness of network distribution. “CDN SERVICE”, means by using the web caching and server-load balancing technology, deliver the content on the Internet to the nodes deployed in multiple locations, so as to improve website response times. CDN Service includes webpage acceleration, http download acceleration, streaming media live and/or on demand acceleration, upload acceleration, and other value-added services (for example, intelligent collection).2.2基础电信运营商:是指在中国境内合法取得中华人民共和国工业与信息化部(以下简称“工信部”)颁发的基础电信业务经营许可证的经营单位。 “BASIC TELECOM SERVICE OPERATOR”, means the legal entity that operates telecom services in China, and has obtained the License for the Operation of Basic Telecom Services issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the P.R.C.2.3 电信部门:特指工信息部及其下属对互联网信息技术、接入、各类服务进行管理的有关监管部门。 “TELECOMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATION”, means specially the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the P.R.C. and its subordinated departments, which carry out the administration over Internet and information technology, Internet access, and other kinds of services.2.4有关管理部门:依据国家法律法规,有权对互联网接入、信息内容、各类服务、知识产权等进行管理的行政管理机构或第三方机构。如公安局网监分局、互联网行业协会等。 “RELEVANT GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY”, means the governmental authority or third-party organization that carries out the administration over Internet access, information content, miscellaneous services, intellectual property rights and other relevant issues pursuant to the laws and regulations of the P.R.C. Such governmental authorities include the Internet Surveillance Branches under Public Security Bureaus of the P.R.C., the respective Internet industry associations, etc.2.5 第三方权利人:指持有具有法律效力的证明文件的第三方机构、政府部门或个人。前述证明文件包括但不限于:著作权证明、专利证明、法院判决文件以及与本合同及其部分约定(服务)继续执行、终止的合法性具有密切关联关系的法律法规、行政命令、部门规章等。“THIRD PARTY RIGHT HOLDER”, means the third-party organizations, governmental authorities or individuals that hold the legally effective documents legitimately. Such documents include, but are not limited to: certificate of copyright or patent, judgment, and any laws, regulations, departmental rules, or administrative orders which are closely relevant with the legitimacy of the continuing performance or early termination of (all or part of) this Contract.2.6 合同双方及合同相对方:本合同中“双方”仅指本合同的缔约方,即上述甲方和乙方;“相对方”指相对与一方而言的参与本合同订立、签署与执行的另一个缔约方。“BOTH PARTIES AND THE OTHER PARTY”: “BOTH PARTIES” means the Contracting Parties under this Contract, which refers to Party A and Party B specifically; “THE OTHER PARTY” means the other Contracting Party that takes part in the process of negotiation, execution and performance of this Contract.2.7 合同负责人:指合同签订双方各自授权的在合同执行过程中进行技术、商务、服务等决策、解释、沟通的,能够代表授权方意思表示的人员。“CONTRACT PRINCIPAL”, means the persons as designated by the Parties, that could represent the authorizers intension, and are responsible for decision-making, explanation, and communication regarding technology, business and/or service matters for the performance of this Contract.2.8 服务费用计算及数据查询系统(以下简称“计费系统”):本合同所指计费系统专指由甲方确认认可的,由乙方提供服务接口的,以xx科技客户服务系统所提供的计费图和数据为依据进行数据查询并依此进行费用计算的服务系统。“SERVICE FEE ACCOUNTING AND DATA INQUIRY SYSTEM” (hereinafter referred to as “the ACCOUNTING SYSTEM”), means specifically the system to inquire data usage and calculate service fees therewith. The billing figure and data used to calculate service fees are derived from Wangsu Customer Service System. The service interface (SI) of the Accounting System is provided by Party B, and Party A fully acknowledges the objectivity and fairness of the Accounting System.2.9保底服务费用:是指甲方购买之乙方的服务中,甲方承诺每月所使用的带宽/流量或其他双方约定的最小计量数额,如甲方实际使用中未达到该最小数额,甲方仍按最小数额对应的服务费标准向乙方支付费用。超出最小数额部分应向乙方补缴相关费用。“MINIMUM SERVICE FEE”, means the traffic (or bandwidth) that Party A commits to use every month, or the committed amount as agreed by both Parties while Party A purchasing the service from Party B. If the traffic (or bandwidth) actually used by Party A did not meet the committed amount, Party A shall still pay Party B the service fee which equivalent to the committed amount. The burstable part shall be additionally paid by Party A to Party B.2.10 预约增加服务:指甲方临时预约增加带宽、流量或其他服务项目。“BOOKED ADDITIONAL SERVICES”, means the bandwidth, traffic or other services provisionally purchased by Party A.2.11服务可用性描述:l 服务可用:指甲方使用乙方CDN服务的域名下的网页、文件、流媒体内容可以被访问或被下载;l 服务不可用:指总服务时间剔除服务可用时间后,剩余部分时间为服务不可用。“DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AVAILABILITY”: l “SERVICE AVAILABLE”: means after using the CDN Service provided by Party B, the webpage, documents and/or streaming media of Party A under its domain name can be accessed or downloaded;l “SERVICE UNAVAILABLE”: after deducting the service available time from the total service time, the rest is the service unavailable time.第三条 服务与结算3. Service and Settlement of Payments3.1 服务(合同)期限:共 个月,自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止。Service (Contract) Period: _ months in total, as from and including_ (dd/mm/yyyy) to and including_ (dd/mm/yyyy).3.2 本合同期满前10日内双方均未提出书面(包括书信、传真、电邮,下同)终止要求,且甲方继续使用乙方服务,则视为双方同意本合同自动顺延,顺延期限与本合同服务期限相同,相关权利义务约定适用本合同约定。此类自动顺延不设定次数限制。本合同执行期间任何一方如提前解除合同应至少提前30日通知对方,并按照本合同的相关规定执行。Where no written request for termination is submitted by either party ten (10) days before the expiry of this Contract, and Party A continues to use the service provided by Party B, this Contract will be automatically extended for the same contract period, and the terms and conditions of this Contract shall be applied to the renewed contract also. Such extension shall have no limit on times. Either party proposes to terminate this Contract shall give the other party a written notice at least thirty (30) days in advance. 3.3 甲方购买的服务之期限、价格、结算及支付方式等详细内容见附件一xx科技加速服务订单。As for the term, price, settlement of payments and payment methods for the services purchased by Party A, see Appendix 1, Wangsu Acceleration Service Order for details.3.4 双方确认:本合同涉及的费用一律以人民币元为计量单位。基于互联网与CDN服务的特殊性,甲方使用乙方提供的服务费用计费及数据查询系统,并不代表甲方认同其计费方式及计费依据。甲方若对计费及数据产生异议的,可向乙方提出书面通知,乙方应在收到通知后3日内提供充分的计费依据及说明。在乙方提供充分的计费依据及说明前,甲方有权暂停其履约或支付义务,并无需为此承担任何法律责任。Both Parties hereby confirm that, all the service fees under this Contract shall be settled in RMB. Concerning the particularity of Internet and the CDN Service, Party A agrees to use the Service Billing and Data Inquiry System provided by Party B. Party As doubts about the bill or data should not be the ground for its unilateral termination or suspension of this Contract, or the relief of its payment obligations.3.5 经双方协商,甲方对乙方的服务采用 预付费,后付费 方式支付服务款项。双方 约定,不约定 保底服务费用。By mutual agreement, the service fees shall be paid by Party A to Party B as follows:Settlement of Payment: pre-paid, post-paid;Minimum Service Fees: included, not included.3.6 本合同约定的保底服务费用(如适用)为按月支付的费用,甲方应于合同生效后、当期实际使用前支付。对于超出保底费用之部分或超出约定服务内容之要求(指超出约定服务内容及其收费标准,参见本合同附件一xx科技加速服务订单,即预约增加服务),应另行以书面形式提前5个工作日通知乙方,并得到乙方确认。对于预约增加服务部分,双方应以实际使用量据实结算。The minimum service fees (where applicable) as agreed under this Contract are the fees to be paid monthly. Party A shall pay such fees since the entry into effect of this Contract and before the actual use of the Service. As for the part exceeds the minimum service fees or exceeds the agreed service (means the booked additional service), a written notice shall be sent to Party B five (5) working days in advance, and such notice should be confirmed by Party B accordingly. Where Party A did not use the aforementioned additional service, the relevant service fees should still be paid to Party B.For the charging standard and other relevant matters of the booked additional service, see Appendix 1, Wangsu Acceleration Service Order for details.3.7 双方约定:乙方于提供服务的次月5日前向甲方发出付款通知书,付款通知书传递或电子邮件地址详见本合同第十条第一款。甲方应在收到付款通知书后5个工作日内完成确认工作并同时通知乙方开具等额发票。乙方应在收到发票开具通知后5个工作日内将发票专递至本合同第十条第一款确认的甲方联系地址。甲方应在收到发票后10个工作日内完成向乙方支付相关费用。如甲方在收到付款通知书后5个工作日内未提出异议视为甲方无异议,或依据本合同附件一xx科技加速服务订单(以下简称“订单”)的相关约定执行。如本合同与附件一内容冲突,以订单为准。Both Parties agree that, Party B shall send the Notice of Payment before the fifth of the month following the actual provision of service (for the address (or e-mail address) for receiving the Notice of Payment, see Clause 10.1 of this Contract). Party A shall complete the confirmation of the Notice of Payment within five (5) working days upon the receipt, and notify Party B to issue the invoice with the same amount as the service fees. Party B shall deliver the invoice to Party As address as confirmed in Clause 10.1 within five (5) working days upon the receipt of Party As notification. Party A shall complete the payment within ten (10) working days upon the receipt of the invoice. Party As failure to confirm the Notice of Payment in writing within five (5) working days upon receipt shall be regarded as Party A has no objection, or the relevant issues shall be settled in accordance with the provisions set forth in Appendix 1, Wangsu Acceleration Service Order. In case of any inconsistency between this Contract and the Service Order, the Service Order shall prevail.3.8 如果在合同执行期间,甲方需要就本合同项下甲方所购买的服务范围内增加或减少使用量,需提前5个工作日向乙方书面提出,并经过乙方同意后,双方可以通过变更服务订单,或另行签订补充协议的形式完成合同变更。除前述服务数量变动外,双方其他约定的变更应以双方协商后的书面补充协议形式予以确认。During the performan