Certification of Employment and Income在职及收入证明Dear Officer,This is to certify that Ms. XXX, female, born on XXX, Passport No. XXX, has been employed by Binzhou Medical University Hospital since XXX. Now she is working as a XXX at XXX Department and her annual income (including salary, bonus, subsidy, etc.) is RMB XXX. Her individual income tax has been cut off from her salary and paid by Binzhou Medical University Hospital. We will approve her leave to XXX in XXX and keep her position. All the expenses during the travel will be covered by herself. Person to contact: Gao LiboDirector of Human Resource DepartmentBinzhou Medical University HospitalTelephone: +86-543-3256509XXXXX尊敬的签证官先生/女士: 兹证明XXX,女,出生日期XX年X月X日,护照号码XXX,自XX年X月至今在*医学院附属医院工作,现任XXX科XX,年收入(包括工资、奖金、补贴等)为人民币XX万元,其个人所得税由医院统一代扣代缴。我院批准她XXX年X月赴XX的假期,并保留其职位。期间一切费用自行承担。联系人:高立波*医学院附属医院人力资源部主任联系电话:+86-543-3256509 XXX年X月X日