优秀资料 欢迎下载 英语作文信息表达四步定乾坤 高考英语作文要求考生在阅读材料后获取信息,再通过思维和想象对信息进行处理并将处理后的信息用精彩的语句呈现出来。一般可遵循如下四个步骤:一、遣词 基本要求:尽量使用高级词汇、短语,或使用常见词汇的高级用法,避免用词重复,做到用词准确、地道、高雅。具体做法:在处理信息过程中,有意识地关注和揣摩所要表达的关键词(尤其是动词、名词和形容词)。通过近义词联想或头脑风暴法等列举出多个相关词汇,从中选择最佳词汇。示例 1:假如你叫李华,请参考下表,给英国笔友 Peter 写一封电子邮件,介绍正在召开的上海世博会情况。【分析】材料信息中“参展”“关注”“寻求”均是关键词,可通过联想,分别可以用如下词汇来表达,试比较异同:1.“参展”take part in(普通),attend(中等),participate in(高级)2.“关注”pay attention to(普通),concern about(中等),concentrate on(高级)3.“寻求”find(普通),explore(中等),seek for(高级)【参考答案】1.More than 200 countries and organizations have participated in the display which covers an area of 5.28 square kilometers.2.The first one is how to protect city heritage and concentrate on the development of cities.3.The second is to seek for the best way for city development in the developing countries.二、造句 基本要求:句法正确且较为复杂,富于变化,句数控制在 68 句话之内,每句话不少于 10个单词。具体做法有以下三步:1.严格控制简单句:简单句句法结构简单,涵盖信息量少,应尽可能使用较复杂的语法和句式结构,将要点连接成篇,避免频繁使用简单句。示例 2:请将以下信息写成一段连贯的文字。改建后前门大街的简况:长 800 余米、600 多年历史、300 余家商铺。【分析】可将上述信息串并为:“具有 600 多年历史的前门大街长 800 余米,沿街林立 300优秀资料 欢迎下载 余家店铺。”【参考答案】The 800-metre-long Qianmen Street,along which stand more than 300 shops,is a famous street with a long history of over 600 years old.试比较:Qianmen Street is a famous street of over 600 years old.Along this 800-metre street,there are more than 300 shops.2.主要使用复合句:复合句容纳信息量大,句式较为复杂。依据信息的主次关系,可对应地采用如下方法:当要点之间存在主次关系时,但又不能将次要点省略,这时便可尝试使用定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句,将简单句和零碎信息融入、整合,将次要点压缩为从句以突出主句。示例 3:请将以下信息写成一段连贯的文字。上海世博会简况:时间 2010 年 5 月 1 日至 10 月 31 日;主题“城市,让生活更美好”。【分析】主题为“城市,让生活更美好”的(将此要点压缩为一个定语从句)上海世博会于2010 年 5 月 1 日至 10 月 31 日在上海举办。届时,上海成为世界的焦点(此要点为拓展要点)。【参考答案】The Shanghai World Expo,whose theme is“Better City,Better Life”is being held from May 1st to October 31st during which time Shanghai is the focus of the whole world.(定语从句)试比较:The Shanghai World Expo is being held from May 1st to October 31st.The theme is“Better City,Better Life”.Shanghai is the focus of the whole world.当要点之间存在并列关系时,使用并列句将简单句和零碎信息并列。句与句通过连词的连接会在结构上更紧凑,在内容上逻辑意义更清晰,行文上更连贯,语言上更得体。示例 4:请将以下信息写成一段连贯的文字。改建后前门大街的特色:步行街、当当车、茶馆、剧院等。【分析】前门大街虽是步行街,但可乘坐当当车去商店、茶馆和剧院。在这里,你可以很好地体验中国人的生活。【参考答案】Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street,but there are trolley cars to take you not only to the shops,but also to theaters and teahouses where you can experience a truly Chinese way of life.试比较:Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street.However,you can take trolley cars to theaters and teahouses.3.灵活使用特定句式:特定句式的使用使句式灵活,避免刻板单一,使行文活泼流畅。考虑使用省略、替代、倒装、强调等变换句式,避免句式单一。示例 5:请将以下信息写成一段连贯的文字。随着哥本哈根气候变化大会的胜利闭幕,全球气候变暖问题再一次引起世人关注。气候变暖的原因(人类活动、温室气体等)。【分析】气候变化大会闭幕,全球气候变暖问题引起关注。人类活动是气候变暖的原因。【参考答案】The curtain went down on the Copenhagen climate summit,leaving the world concerned more about global warming once again.As is well known,it is human activity that has contributed to this problem(强调句).试比较:The curtain went down on the Copenhagen climate summit,and people are concerned more about global warming once again.Human activity has contributed to this problem.在表达观点,不需要使用人作主语时,可考虑使用被动句型,将收到意想不到的效果。示例 6:请适度拓展,就气候变暖的影响(乐观和悲观)写一段文字。【分析】科学家对全球气候变暖各持己见,有乐观和悲观两种截然不同的观点。乐观者对信息进行处理并将处理后的信息用精彩的语句呈现出来一般可遵循如下四个步骤一遣词基本要求尽量使用高级词汇短语或使用常见词汇的高级用法避免用词重复做到用词准确地道高雅具体做法在处理信息过程中有意识地关注和揣汇示例假如你叫李华请参考下表给英国笔友写一封电子邮件介绍正在召开的上海世博会情况分析材料信息中参展关注寻求均是关键词可通过联想分别可以用如下词汇来表达试比较异同参展普通中等高级关注普通中等高级寻求普通中有以下三步严格控制简单句简单句句法结构简单涵盖信息量少应尽可能使用较复杂的语法和句式结构将要点连接成篇避免频繁使用简单句示例请将以下信息写成一段连贯的文优秀资料欢迎下载余家店铺参考答案试比较主要使用复合优秀资料 欢迎下载 认为:植物长得更快,产量更高,物种更加丰富。悲观者认为:海平面上升,极端天气,物种灭绝。在表达科学家对全球气候变暖各持己见时可使用 its predicted that(有些科学家预言)和its supposed that(有些科学家认为)以避免重复使用 scientists 作主语引起的简单句。【参考答案】However,the attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different.On the one hand,its predicted that there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level,extreme climate change or the disappearance of species.On the other hand,its supposed that the rise will make plants grow quicker and produce more,thus encouraging a greater range of animals.试比较:However,the attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different.On the one hand,some predict that there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level,extreme climate change or the disappearance of species.On the other hand,others suppose that the rise will make plants grow quicker and produce more,thus encouraging a greater range of animals.在处理数字信息时可考虑使用“with+复合结构”,避免庞杂。示例 7:新渔市概况:【分析】对材料信息进行串并,新建城市新渔市,东临新海市,西接旺城市,距来福市北 150公里,昔日是一个小渔村,有 1000 多年的历史。【参考答案】The newly-built city Xinyu,which faces Xinhai City in the east and Wangcheng City in the west and lies about 150 kilometers north of Laifu City,used to be a small fishing town with a long history of more than 1,000 years.试比较:Xinyu City is a newly-built city.It used to be a small fishing town.It has a long history of more than 1,000 years.It faces Xinhai City in the east and Wangcheng City in the west and lies about 150 kilometers north of Laifu City.三、修改 “二句三年得,一吟双泪流”,一篇好文章离不开精雕细琢。修改主要针对写作疏忽所致的错误,主要包括:1.用词错误:常见用词错误包括单词拼写错误,用词不准,搭配错误,词性误用等。示例 8:Im LiHua,a student president in the Yucai middle school.(阅卷错句)【分析】president 表示大学校长或总统,用在此处显然不合适,宜改为:Im LiHua,the Chairman of the Students Union of Yucai middle school.2.语法错误:语法错误涉及主谓一致,名词单复数,时态和语态等。示例 9:在表达大量二氧化碳被排入大气中时就很容易出现主谓一致问题。试比较:(1)Huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide are put into the atmosphere.(2)Large amounts of extra carbon dioxide is put into the atmosphere.【分析】huge quantities of 后续名词时,谓语使用复数,而 large amounts of 后续名词时谓语使用单数。3.句法错误:句法错误涉及 there be 句型出现双谓语,主从复合句只出现从句无主句,把介词当连词用,并列句无连词直接用逗号连接,句子成分残缺等。示例 10:There are ten students will join the speech contest.(阅卷错句)【分析】此句受汉语思维影响,出现双谓语。宜改为:There are ten students participating in the speech contest.或 Ten students will participate in the speech contest.四、润色 对信息进行处理并将处理后的信息用精彩的语句呈现出来一般可遵循如下四个步骤一遣词基本要求尽量使用高级词汇短语或使用常见词汇的高级用法避免用词重复做到用词准确地道高雅具体做法在处理信息过程中有意识地关注和揣汇示例假如你叫李华请参考下表给英国笔友写一封电子邮件介绍正在召开的上海世博会情况分析材料信息中参展关注寻求均是关键词可通过联想分别可以用如下词汇来表达试比较异同参展普通中等高级关注普通中等高级寻求普通中有以下三步严格控制简单句简单句句法结构简单涵盖信息量少应尽可能使用较复杂的语法和句式结构将要点连接成篇避免频繁使用简单句示例请将以下信息写成一段连贯的文优秀资料欢迎下载余家店铺参考答案试比较主要使用复合优秀资料 欢迎下载 是对文章进行更高层次美化。主要考虑“三性”:1.上下文的连贯性:它包括段与段的过渡和句与句的衔接。可尝试使用过渡句、连接词、关联连词等以使行文紧凑,过渡自然,逻辑清楚。示例 11:(阅卷错句)Our school will hold a speech contest which the topic is“Man and Nature”.It will be held from 2 o clock to 5 o clock in the afternoon on June 15th.At that time,there will have ten students to give you a perfect speech in classroom 501.【分析】上述文字虽然涵盖了所有信息要点,但没能很好地串并,导致行文不连贯。不如这样思考:主题为人与自然的演讲比赛在 501 室举行,下午 2点开始,5 点结束,届时将有十名选手参加角逐。【参考答案】The contest,whose theme is“Man and Nature”,is due to start at 2 o clock pm and last for about three hours in Room 501,when ten students will compete.2.语言的得体性:避免汉语式英语和语言生硬,以及因过分注重形式而显得矫揉造作,形式和内容不符。示例12:(阅卷错句)The speech contest is expected to be held from 2 to 5 o clock on the afternoon of 15th June,when there will be 10 students participating in it.What s more,it will be hold in the 501 room.【分析】演讲比赛预计下午 2 点开始,5 点结束,届时将有十名选手参加角逐。并且比赛在 501 室举行。显然,前后句不构成递进关系。这是由于机械套用连接形状语导致语言僵硬,很不得体。【参考答案】It will start at 2:00 pm and last for about three hours in Room 501.Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic“Man and Nature”.3.词汇、语法的复杂性在:重复用词的替换、更新以及用词的准确性。同时尽可能使用较复杂的语法,如非谓语动词等为行文增色。示例 13:However,the attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different.On the one hand,it s predicted that there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level,extreme climate change or the disappearance of species.On the other hand,its supposed that the rise will make plants grow quicker and produce more,thus encouraging a greater range of animals.【分析】在谈及两种观点对比时,物种灭绝和物种丰富就分别使用了 the disappearance of species 和 a greater range of animals,以避免重复用词。温度升高,导致产量增加,自然促进物种的多样性,使用动词-ing形式作结果状语,恰如其分。对信息进行处理并将处理后的信息用精彩的语句呈现出来一般可遵循如下四个步骤一遣词基本要求尽量使用高级词汇短语或使用常见词汇的高级用法避免用词重复做到用词准确地道高雅具体做法在处理信息过程中有意识地关注和揣汇示例假如你叫李华请参考下表给英国笔友写一封电子邮件介绍正在召开的上海世博会情况分析材料信息中参展关注寻求均是关键词可通过联想分别可以用如下词汇来表达试比较异同参展普通中等高级关注普通中等高级寻求普通中有以下三步严格控制简单句简单句句法结构简单涵盖信息量少应尽可能使用较复杂的语法和句式结构将要点连接成篇避免频繁使用简单句示例请将以下信息写成一段连贯的文优秀资料欢迎下载余家店铺参考答案试比较主要使用复合