Unit 1 Assessing your progress & Project 教案 -2022-2023学年高中英语人教版2019选择性必修第一册.docx
新人教版选择性必修一 Unit 1教案Assessing Your Progress & Project课题UN: 1of achievement学科英语班级授课教师Period 6 Assessing Your Progress教学 目标By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. check and consolidate what students have learnt in this unit when it comes to vocabulary, such as gentle, sum up, patent, and etc;2. check and consolidate what students have learnt in this unit when it comes to grammar, like non- restrictive relative clauses;3. learn Sun Yat-sen and his contribution to the Chinese democratic revolution;4. improve students5 ability of self-evaluation and reflection.教学 主题该板块由一部分组成。第一部分是语言知识检测,设计了两个活动。活动1注重检测本单兀生 词在新的句子语境中的巩固和运用。活动2注重考查本单元目标语法结构在语篇中的运用。该 语篇简要介绍了孙中山及其对中国民主主义革命的贡献,丰富了单元主题内容,增加了教材中 的中国元素。第二部分是单元内容评价和自我反思(Reflecting),需要学生思考本单元的内容对自 己产生的影响。教学 重点引导学生熟练掌握和运用本单元词汇和语法,了解孙中山及其对中国民主主义革命的贡献。教学 难点引导学生结合单元内容进行评价和自我反思,思考本单元的内容对自己产生的影响,提高自我 评价和反思的能力。教 学 内 容 与 过 程Stepl语言知识检测1.引导学生完成活动1,指导学生自我检测本单元词汇的掌握情况。备注gentle sum up circumstance encounter novelist patent To our surprise, he was actually theand caring father of three children. To, his fame and wealth were gained through hard work and his in-depthknowledge of his business. A genius for invention, Thomas Edison obtained scores of. Under noshould we do terrible things to other people. As a botanist, he takes notes on the properties of any plant he. The first-person narrator is a stylistic device that has been used by manyandpoets throughout the ages.2.引导学生完成活动2,指导学生自我检测本单元语法的掌握情况。Sun Yat-sen( 1866-1925) was widely considered to be the founder and forerunner of modern China. He was only in power for a short time, when he was president of the country in 1912. So it may seem odd to some peopleknowledge of Chinamay be limited that he is such an important figure. However, his influence is not based on his time in office, but on his continuous struggle for a better society and his concern for all Chinese people. He also put forward many advanced ideas brought the Chinesepeople together, in particular, the Three Principles of the People. These principles were inspired by Lincoln,he admired, and were developed when he was travelling overseas,he went to find support for his country. The first principle is about nationalism,indicates that China should never be divided and should not be under any foreign control. The second is about people's rights. It means that all people have great value and should also have the same rights. The third is about people's livelihood,means that the government should create opportunities for people to make a good living.完成语篇填空后,教师可进一步提问,以帮助学生了解孙中山及其对中国民主主 义革命的贡献。 What type of writing is this passage? What remarkable achievement does the passage tell about Sun Yat-sen? Why is Sun Yat-sen considered a great person?Step 2反思与评价1 .引导学生自由讨论单元内容评价和自我反思部分的四个问题。 Did this unit cause you to change your thoughts about greatness? If so, how? Will what you have learnt in this unit inspire you to improve yourself? If so, how? What was the most important idea that you learnt in this unit?Overall, I thought this unit wasdifficult.2) inspiringusefulso-so2 .全班讨论该部分的第一条内容:Did this unit cause you to change your thoughts about greatness? If so, how?3 .学生先统计本单元都介绍了哪些卓有成就的人物,然后回答问题: Which one do you think influences you most? Why?Step 3 HomeworkRevise the words and grammar of the unit based on your self-evaluation.课题UNIT 1 PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENT Period 7 Project学科英语班级授课教师教学 目标By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. grasp the basic information about some famous people through reading biographies or autobiographies;2. infer the source of recommendations for good biographies or autobiographies;3. learn the structure of a book report;4. use knowledge they have learnt to write a book report;5. take characters in biographies as examples and strive to achieve their goals in life;6. improve their ability of evaluation and appreciation.教学 主题该部分是以项目活动("Project)的形式综合考查学生本单元所学的内容。该部分的活动主题是 “准备一个读书报告”(Prepare a book report),需要学生阅读一本人物传记,并完成一份人物传记 的读书报告。在读书报告中,学生需要简要介绍人物、概括传记内容并发表自己的评价。读人 物传记,能让学生从传记人物的身上获得榜样的力量,自我激励,为实现人生目标而努力奋 斗。教学 重点引导学生通过阅读人物传记的推荐短文,了解名人的基本信息,总结人物传记读书报告的内容 要点。教学 难点1 .引导学生运用所学知识写一篇读书报告,评价和鉴赏他人的读书报告。2 .引导学生以传记中的人物为榜样自我激励,为实现人生目标而努力奋斗。教 学 内 容 与 过 程Step 1 Lead-in通过如下两个问题,引入今天的话题。 Have you ever read a biography or an autobiography of a great person? Would you recommend this book? Why or why not? Which great person would you like to read more about?Step 2 Preparation引导学生阅读该部分活动1提供的三部人物传记的推荐短文,通过思考如下问题掌握 人物传记读书报告的内容要点。 Where can you find recommendations for good biographies or autobiographies? Who are the people in the picture? What's the structure of each recommendation?Recommendation for Cao Xueqin: Book summary-information of the person written aboutRecommendation for The Story of My Life: comment-book summaryRecommendation for Steve Jobs: information of the author_commentStep 3 Writing a book report1.引导学生基于阅读的人物传记,按照活动2提供的写作提纲写一篇读书报告。 Use the examples above to help you. Write about how the book makes you feel or think about that person. Write about your overall feelings about the book and its quality. Give your opinion: Should others read this book as well? Why or why not?Step 4 Sharing & Appreciating1 .学生分成小组进行访谈,以改进读书报告。备注第一步:向组内同学简要介绍读书报告的内容,包括人物简介、传记梗概、评论等。第二步:说明该书是否值得推荐,并阐述理由,可以包括该书或该人物对自己的思想、 行为产生的影响等。第三步:同组其他成员向发言者提问,并对其理由进行评价。2.学生根据同伴评价进行修改,然后完成读书报告。教师将作品装订成册供学生传阅。Step 5 HomeworkRead book reports done by your classmates, choose the best one in your eyes, and give yourreasons.