2023Chinese GlobalBrand Builders中国全球化品牌中国全球化品牌IN ASSOCIATION WITHMethodologyTeams&AcknowledgementsBrand Profiles010402050306Consumer Insights:Power the Confidence Shift to capture new global audienceKantar BrandZ Chinese Global Brand Builders Top 50&Insights Kantar BrandZ Chinese Global Brands Rising Stars&Brand Cases Content01Consumer InsightsPower the Confidence Shift to capture new global audienceConsumers feel insecure pervasively worldwide but they are resilient and taking more responsibilities.Data source:Kantar 2023 Global OutlookHonestyHealthFamilyAuthenticityFairnessKnowledgeBalancePrivacyLearning01020304050607080910Rely on myself and my own resources-extremely/very importantGlobal ranking of Self-reliance:2020202266%The world I live in feels like an increasingly hostile and uncertain place3Self-relianceHonestyHealthFamilyAuthenticityFairnessSelf-relianceBalancePrivacyKnowledgeLearning01020304050607080910Data source:Google x BrandZ 2023 Survey in 11 markets;Total n=11959,Jan.2023Question:Which of the following actions have you taken while shopping for products of CATEGORY?Which of the following actions are you currently taking while shopping for products of CATEGORY?73%Purchased a different brand from usual55%Considering more brands34%Constantly keep an eye out for new brands Global consumers are rethinking their shopping choices and expanding their consideration set.As a result,Chinese brands have more opportunities to get into consumers consideration set.Brands in the consumers considerationChinese brand AChinese brand BOriginal consideration setNew consideration setImagine an average consumer.Data source:Google x BrandZ 2023 Survey in 11 markets;Total n=11959,Jan.2023Question:How likely are you to consider choosing each of the following brands the next time you BUY/USE CATEGORY?Base:For each brand,ask all respondents who are aware of the brandMany Chinese global brand builders now find themselves having a promising addressable consumer base.35%45%20%1st choice/Seriously consider35%45%Might consider20%Would not consider90%brands have at least 70%of their consumers might consider the brand.Among 234 surveyed Chinese brandsGlobal Consumers General Attitude to Surveyed Chinese BrandsThe cost leadership that Chinese brands normally own may help attract new consumers.Data source:Google x BrandZ 2023 Survey in 11 markets;Total n=11959,Jan.2023Question:Which of the following actions have you taken while shopping for products of CATEGORY?Price of the new brands that have been triedTried cheaper brands35%26%Tried different brands with similar price25%Tried more expensive brands especially in retail and online service categories.Price of the new brands that have been triedTried cheaper brandsTried more expensive brands50%40%30%20%10%0%Online FashionOnline Convenience ServiceHome&GardenEcommerce Electronics Accessories&SuppliesUtility AppsBeauty&Personal CareSmart DevicesHome AppliancesContent&Entertainment AppsMobile GamingArt&ToysAlcoholic DrinksConsumer ElectronicsCars23%18%23%20%26%18%45%43%41%39%38%36%36%24%Data source:Google x BrandZ 2023 Survey in 11 markets;Total n=11959,Jan.2023Question:Which of the following actions have you taken while shopping for products of CATEGORY?But actually consumers are torn between guarding their wealth and optimizing their life amidst global uncertainty.Data source:1.Kantar:Global Issue Barometer 2022;2.Euromonitor:Top 10 Global Consumer Trends 2023;3.Google x BrandZ 2023 Survey in 11 markets;Total n=11959,Jan.2023Question:What are the most important pursuits that you are focusing on in your life at this moment?Please select a maximum of 3 items.Consumers key focus of life3#2Physical and Mental Health33%#1Happy Family37%#3Finance Security/Growth27%Thoughtful response to financial uncertaintyof peoples big life plans have been impacted by inflation and other issues of concernsof global consumers did not plan to increase their overall spending69%175%2Smart DevicesCarsArt&Toys Home Appliances Alcoholic DrinksConsumer ElectronicsElectronics Accessories&SuppliesBeauty&Personal CareOnline FashionHome&GardenEcommerceUtility AppsOnline Convenience ServiceMobile GamingContent&Entertainment Apps40%30%20%10%0%Brands shouldnt be afraid to go premium as there are consumers willing to spend more,especially among high income groups for tech categories.All consumersHigh income group32%33%31%38%30%38%29%34%29%35%27%34%Tried more expensive brandsData source:Google x BrandZ 2023 Survey in 11 markets;Total n=11959,Jan.2023 Question:Which of the following actions have you taken while shopping for products of CATEGORY?Data source:Google/The Behavioural Architects,June 2022,US,n=1000 prospective online purchasers per category,ages 18-75.Well-known behavioral science principles and related tactics such as displaying high-star ratings or promising free delivery and returns could surpass the effectiveness of a discount.Specifically,using the two most influential behavioral science principles within a given product category There are other factors than price influencing shopping choices.While discounting is a powerful tool in influencing consumer decisions about both products and retailers,its not everything.In fact,we found thatwas more effective than a 10%discount in influencing choice across categories among US consumers.Social proofPower of freeare motivated by factors other than price73%Only 27%try a new brand because it is the best deal that they can findFocusing on price only will make a brand less competitive to win over new consumers.What motivates you to try a new brand?Data source:Google x BrandZ 2023 Survey in 11 markets;Total n=11959,Jan.2023 Question:What motivates you to buy/use a different brand from normal?Consumers are open to brands that provide functionality and support their life aspirations.22%I feel excited about using the product/service29%Im confident about what product/service quality I can get27%I think it is the best deal that I can find25%I feel curious about the product/service24%The product/service improves my quality of lifeFunctionalityValueLife aspirations#1#2#3#4#5Top motivations to try a new brandData source:Google x BrandZ 2023 Survey in 11 markets;Total n=11959,Jan.2023 Question:What motivates you to buy/use a different brand from normal?Brands have a new mission to shift from a value brandto capture market opportunities and win over new consumers.to a valued brandFunctionality and life aspiration work together to build a valued brand that consumers feel confident to make a purchase with.Confidence in the brandConfidence in life aspirationConfidence in functionalityData source:Google x BrandZ 2023 Survey in 11 markets;Total n=11959,Jan.2023Question:Which of these brands?Helping consumers be confident to make a decision is the most important factor to drive brand consideration across categories.Top drivers to considerationSelf-acceptance#2High quality#3Good variety#4Comfort&convenience#5Confidence in the brand#1Enjoyment#7Distinct design#8Innovation#9Social connection#10Spark inspirations#6Support my values#11While all kinds of value attributes convey functionality and life aspiration,and thereby feed into the confidence of the brand.Confidence in the brandConfidence in life aspirationConfidence in functionalityHigh qualityGood varietyComfort&convenienceDistinct designInnovationSelf-acceptanceSpark inspirationsEnjoymentSocial connectionSupport my values“(When a brand tells me that,)then I need more information to be able to trust it.”Gen X,APAC consumerHowever,its not enough to make the value proposition,you need to convince them that you are telling the truth.Data source:Google commissioned Kantar/Quantum Report:Emotional Value of Search 2021”Base:Those who have purchased from the vertical in the past 18 months across INSEAData source:Google commissioned Kantar/Quantum Report:EVOS 2.0:Trust in Times of Uncertainty 2022.Base:Those who have purchased or intend to purchase from the vertical within 12 months IN,ID,VN,TH,AU,(Quant=6002)Unfortunately,brands must work hard as many consumers assume that the information that they see may be misleading or deliberately deceptive.are concerned that information is misleading or deliberately deceptive76%Data source:Google commissioned Kantar/Quantum Report:EVOS 2.0:Trust in Times of Uncertainty 2022.Base:Those who have purchased or intend to purchase from the vertical within 12 months IN,ID,VN,TH,AU,(Quant=6002)Consumers enter the messy middle inherently with doubt and skepticism.“When deciding on a product,I want to feel a sense of relief,no regret.I will constantly think about it.In my mind Im feeling unsure,should I buy?Should I not buy?Should I buy?”UNCERTAINTYCERTAINTYtrustdoubtsskepticismdisillusionment“If youre not doubtful,youre being too vulnerable.”Gen Z,APAC consumerGen Z,APAC consumerIt is even harder to make decisions when consumers today are considering more brands.Find it harder to make a purchase decision47%“Digital platforms give us so many choices at a click of a button-but too many choices is also confusing.I struggle to figure out which one to go through,what to look for Its very overwhelming.”Gen Y,APAC consumerData source:Google commissioned Kantar/Quantum Report:Emotional Value of Search 2021”Base:Those who have purchased from the vertical in the past 18 months across INSEA(quant=5006)what they THINK they knowwhat they WANT to knowThe Confidence GapFor consumers,the gap between what they THINK they know and what they WANT to know to make good decisions is what we call“The Confidence Gap.”When theyre in this Confidence Gap,they want answers to get from the point where theyre wondering to that of knowing.Consumers proactively seek information to learn about brands,crosscheck,and make own decisions.Data source:Google x BrandZ 2023 Survey in 11 markets;Total n=11959,Jan.2023Question:What contributes to your perception of brands?Top information channelsthat contributes to consumers perception of brands2.4 typesof information channels on averageFamily/friends36%Advertising27%Consumer reviews35%Official website27%Physical stores18%4 in 5 want to feel that they have done their due diligence/enough research to make the right decisionConsumers want to trust,feeling like they have done due diligence to make the right decision.All brands are back on the tableData source:Google commissioned Kantar/Quantum Report:EVOS 2.0:Trust in Times of Uncertainty 2022.Base:Those who have purchased or intend to purchase from the vertical within 12 months IN,ID,VN,TH,AU,(Quant=6002)Data source:Google commissioned Kantar/Quantum Report:EVOS 2.0:Trust in Times of Uncertainty 2022.Base:Those who have purchased or intend to purchase from the vertical within 12 months IN,ID,VN,TH,AU,(Quant=6002)3 in 5 cant afford to make the wrong decision with this purchaseConsumers are choosing to stay in the Confidence Gap longer because they cant afford to make the wrong decision.Staying in the Confidence Gap too long does have a cost,especially for businesses competing for consumers who are considering more brands.Source:Iyengar,S.S.,&Lepper,M.R.(2000).When choice is demotivating:Can one desire too much of a good thing?.Journal of personality and social psychology,79(6),995.Staying too long in the gap can lead to consumers abandoning the decision altogetherIn the famous jam booth experiment conducted by the American Psychological Association,psychologists observedthat only 3%of consumers purchased when faced with a choice of 24 jams,vs 30%purchasing when faced with a choice of only 6 jams.Trust cues help consumers get confident that things will work out with a brand.Confidence in the brandTrust cuesTrust cuesConfidence in life aspirationConfidence in functionalityOur research found that consumerslook for 6 conscious cues to increasetheir confidence in a purchase decision.*Note:Combined Trustworthiness Score=Strength of Total Association with Trustworthiness x Speed of Association with Trustworthiness(Total Yes x Fast Yes)Data source:Google commissioned Kantar/Quantum Report:EVOS 2.0:Trust in Times of Uncertainty 2022 AU,IN,ID,TH,VN(qual,n=27,quant=6002)%who agree they are concerned about*INDUSTRY RESPECTaward winning brands80%AUTHORITYrecommendations by industry experts78%SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYinformation on social practices and values of the brand76%BRANDPOWERinformation onthe reputation of the brand75%SOCIALPROOFcredible reviews about the brand/product75%EFFORTlatest releasesof brands71%Signal trust with the 6 cues at the right point in purchase journey.What age learn to ride bike?How to learn to ride bike kids?What is a balance bike?How to teach riding a bike kids?Best training wheel bike 5 year oldHow to put on training wheels?Common problems learning to ride bike kidsHow to encourage kid learn bikeWhen to take off training wheelsIs it a fracture?This is where the journey startsTrust is built along the journey7Source:Wu&Neill,2021,Sun,2010,Hong&Cho,2011Trust transferencerefers to trust that individuals transfer to one thing based on their trust for something else.It has been shown that appearing on trusted platforms transfers trust.The Platform itself is The 7th Confidence Cue.Google Search provides the strongest trust signals across platforms that were tested 1#1of YouTube viewers agree that YouTube creators inspire confidence,shortening the consideration phase and expediting purchase 282%Trusted platforms give brands an advantage in the Confidence Shift.Data source:1.Google commissioned Kantar/Quantum Report:EVOS 2.0:Trust in Times of Uncertainty 2022.Base:Those who have purchased or intend to purchase from the vertical within 12 months IN,ID,VN,TH,AU,(Quant=6002)2.Google/Talk Shoppe,Shopping at the Speed of Culture study,2022,APAC,A18-64 GenPop video users,Survey in field December 21,2021 to February 17,2022.(Quant=18,000)Data source:1.Edelman,Trust,The New Brand Equity,2022,n=14,000 consumers across 14 countries;2.Twilo/Deloitte,Losing the Trust Gap,US,2021,n=1000 consumers aged 18+);3.Google/Ipsos,Decoding Repurchase,AU,IN,ID,JP,KR,VN,2023,n=1500 per market,Buyers of Home appliances,Personal care,Health and wellbeing products.Helping in the Confidence Shift leads to profitability for your business as consumers will choose you,stay loyal,and spend more.They will choose you.Globally,57%of consumers are willing to try a new product or service if they trust the brand.1They will spend more with you.On average,consumers spend 25%more money on trusted brands.2They will choose you again.Consumers who are confident with their product choice before purchasing are nearly 20%more likely to repurchase that product,and this is consistent across a range of APAC markets.302Kantar BrandZ Chinese Global Brand Builders Top 50&Insights 38%Average consideration of Top 21-5031%Average consideration of Top 20What determine brand equity of China global brand builders?Data source:Google x BrandZ 2023 Survey in 11 markets;Total n=11959,Jan.2023Question:How likely a