读后续写G ui de I ines THREEO N原 文 一 致 原 则内容要前后衔接,语言表达风格二致。02正 能 量 原 则RULES 03曲折性原则上下连贯 凡是故事都应有跌宕起伏,其中人物会遇到困难或问题,但最终能解决。故事内容一定要正能量,弘扬社会主义核心价值观。如迷路了但最终一定回到了家;失败了或遇到困难了,但最终一定成功了;吵架了但最后一定屋言归于好,和睦相处;犯错了,最后一定会改过自新,重获做人;贼逃了,最后一定是绳之以法,等等。t题再现My husband and I enjoy seeing life through the eyes of our children.Itsamazing to watch as they discover their world.While we were outdoors last summer enjoying the sunshine,our oldestdaughter.His first few visits to the great outdoors were funny.Just like a child,hewould play in the grass some and then run back to Kaytlin for safety.Soon shehad him climbing trees and finding nest material.One day in the trees,Squirt met up with a family of gray squirrels.One night,Squirt didnt come back to our house and it rained hardTHREE STEPS树口气,增加细节,润色整洁书写依据情节发和常识,在确定的框架内,可按“所见/遇所想,所为所感”等构思具体细节,适当润色开始写作。Branches分 枝2,细读首句,构思框架要点仔细阅读所给两段的首句,结合正能量结尾,思考大致框架。Trunk树 干L读懂大意,理清脉络方向2.人生哲理或启示读所给的不完整故事,弄清大意和主题,理清故事的主要人物和事件。1.读僮大意,理清脉络方向读所给的不完整故事,弄清大意和主题,理清故事的主要人物和事件。Squirt finally left us and lived with other squirrels in theforest,and we hoped it lived a happy life.2.人生哲理或启示Respect nature,value and appreciate life2,细读首句,构思框架要点仔细阅读所给两段的首句,结合正能量结尾,思考大致框架。Paragraph 1Paragraph 22.努力尝试融入(所做)1.未回,我们的反应2.试图寻找(雨大危险)3.最终被接名晴 后,S,寒交迫4.合群,仍回来(配合下一段)4.uirt5.5.ExampleOne加 团协。W ees,卬曲土川时郎M 4曲四曲o gy叫 5驷7阀s业 帆d址 的 g 耶/泌*es+door卅we/into:叮加耶W d m em bers s屈师 汨 娜 勿iW回以6祖 父 y缈缪.SqiM kh sad A nd 的 晓 痴 组物).S 况H m 复的党 沆w wM t M 恤忖依.S h e 切 成 sotne藐 from our h。ae 4nd enc皿娜d S他忧 rm back+。也e net agamJhe。1 也 即d SM R w碍s s恻力 狂振盛 一 f -J V a !-nIA HI IExample。啥M t co m e b a ck 切DW house and疝石出咒 也MUm m、O n e night Sit rained hard-.一Fow)d ris飒蜘蜘丽n ihouM.,礴A&二领再推一二狗-邺施/洌4 gusM it啰t e b加犷ne券S he called如 必 联/back切Iwe、&七he加切冰阿加眈切产S加 注M福由n觎 加S Q而彤E,I 血nd Sc/M W业(in一艇Y 力。e w hen 1of3,增加细节,润色整洁书写一、善用连续的动作描写,形成动作链He stopped the taxi,jumped in with the suitcase and told thedriver,Go to the police station9 please.分析 这句话的意思是:他拦下了车,拿着箱子跳进了车里,然后对司机说,“请到警察局去。”其实,这句话只是描写了“上车”的动作,然而通过拆解,细致地展现了一个动作的组成部分。其本质是避免简单粗暴地使用一个动词概括整个动作,而是用23个动词组合进行描述。用一个公式进行总结以上例句,即:上车=拦车+上车+告诉目的地。续写常用的动作链形式“A,BandC”结构“A,B and C”结构,就是多个连续的动作用在一个句子中。我们用几个例句来形象地解读一下这类动作链是如何形成的。小练:男孩们跳入湖中嬉戏。分析 跳入湖中,这个动作前面或后面会有哪些动作?动作链 跳入湖中嬉戏=冲向湖边+脱掉衣服+跳入水中。The boys rushed excitedly to the lake,took off their clothes and jumpedinto the water.续写常用的动作链形式“句子+非谓语动词”结构下面用三个句子来说明这种描写动作的句子结构。She would get off the car excitedly,laughing and dancing around.分析这句话的意思是:她会兴奋地下车,又笑又跳。这句话讲的是一个比较粗线条的妈妈,动作描写完整地描述了这位妈妈下车时及下车后的表现,即:下车=下车+笑+跳。写 作 第 二 节_上切2蚂 四tup再 其皿 心 恤 晚 啊 也M I辰n ilu/叔_ _Lb一 一 加加比二幼衽 四/切心力2-J 7 J axL一 口叫 而%板必We.b吗世)协电j 扬cL%rd&L.胡 一 et-ihem吠叫 曲九一凶竹6 .旭i,啊如准出e.:Bod QtimctecL 加j 岳Q_&S_J 曲叫 叫 .丁同fLh叩曲4 d岫坨A胸sWri业M qAg!and 1今Q Y D四二旎后加 也虑After 仇忧 6oujvehi_ow ijiJ 完e 物 的0I生 叫 .So加施es,We ctko加rt七P标 汽J“,(/,/G(Z“rv it-j甲/S俨yye/.劭,h&%叱 t happily /与gweo/七/白em处e he dicing ew勿体s-力 义 小。+犯 *七/c%”8旬 上 _/?“田 a 一 血 吨 疔力_巧 皿 丫 班 以3立decided-to石)-vy/j,/e.z Th叼/W&pped sc,e厂七+h e 0八。-9丫6/,巩,u/C.Txeep/如pwM._0nd,d:虺一30m e 4 Wy/必 会立 力 吵奶xMV _)G-/“乞 2/?如一/取=平吐一严九M yze ci0d_6湛i LQ吗 二/6阳版_匕2丛which 也,介,少.1%?7.;八 对_a;m及d 咛力 心 力 度!nd_J“hfm 法6nd_ _片 已 遂川ovgd 劣 吆 on Me wtxy urr%/)im鱼 f 2dd2为7杉y加 门M g 0团Ry-(1)cheerful 力.快乐的(2)excited 力.兴奋的(3)joyful 0.欢乐的(4)pleased Q4.欣喜的,高兴的;满意的(5)tear%常用复数 眼泪,泪珠(6)sorrow n.悲痛;忧伤(7)sadness n,悲伤,忧愁(8)pain n.痛苦(9)grief n.悲痛(lO)glare v,对.怒目而视(1 l)annoyed。的:恼怒的,气恼的(12)shame n.羞愧;耻辱(13)hopeless Q 祝没有希望的,绝望的(14)anxiety n.焦虑(15)be wild with delight欣喜若狂(16)be in high spirits情绪高涨(17)be seized with panic惊慌失措(18)a strong sense of loss强烈的失落感(19)make one,s heart bleed使人心碎(20)be down in spirits情绪低落(21)lose one s spirit垂头丧气(22)get mad/cross at sb.对某人勃然大怒(23)ignore a complaint对抱怨不予理会(24)stamp one,s foot in anger愤怒地跺脚(25)feel discouraged感到泄气的(二)场所环境描写环境描写是指对人物所处的具体的社会环境和自然环境的描写。其中,社会环境是指能反映社会、时代特征的建筑、场所、陈设等景物以及民俗民风等。自然环境是指自然界的景物,如季节变化、风霜雨雪、山川湖海、森林原野等。在进行读后续写时,要着重事件发生的地理位置和天气变化1)在这两个镇的中间有个小村子。There is a small village midway between these two towns.2)乌云密布。Dark clouds were gathering in the sky.3)一道道光照亮了夜空。The night sky is lit up by flashes of light.4)太阳正高挂在南边的天空The sun was now high in the southern sky.Could you add something about the environmentin your writing?One day in the trees,Squirt met up with a family of gray squirrels.Butthe family was none too happy about his visit.They scolded and swattedat him.At first Squirt was so unhappy that he avoided them.And then hequickly learned some social skills.He would take some snacks to meetthem.For several days he played all day in the trees surrounding ourhouse but came down at bedtime.One night Squirt didnt come back to our house and it rained hard Ourgirls fretted.They wanted to seek Squirt.We prevented them because itwas too dangerous.But when the sun rose the next day,there was Squirt,begging for food.And that remained the pattern for weeks.Theexperience was entertaining and heartwarming for our family.In the wildand somewhat silly moments of raising an orphaned baby squirrel,ourchildren learned tn value and life