机器人技术课程教学大纲课程英文 名Robot technology课程 代码A0803Z05学分2总学时32理论学时32实验/实践 学时0课程类别专业教育课课程性 质选修课先修课程自动控制原理,现代 控制理论,运动控制系 统适用专业自动化及其相关专业开课学院机电工程学院一、课程的地位与任务Use of the industrial robot, which became identifiable as a unique device in 1960s, along with computer-aided design (CAD) systems and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems, characterizes the latest trends in the automation of the manufacturing process. This course focuses on the mechanics and control of the most important form of the industrial robot, the mechanical manipulator. This course will give introduction to robotics to students. In this course, students will study robot kinematics, dynamics, Jacobians matrix, and trajectory generation, linear control of manipulator and nonlinear control of manipulator. Robotics is very important to develop and use the robots. So this course is very useful to automation filed students, can make them master new robot technology of automation.二、课程目标1 .理解机器人的基本概念,掌握建立六自由度机器人系统的建模方法,理解牛顿欧拉和 拉格朗日动力学方法优劣;2 .熟练机器人的运动控制相关的模型、控制算法等,并利用MATLAB对算法效果进行评 估,能通过网络获取开源的机器人示例,并在MATLAB中进行仿真验证;3 .理解机器人在复杂系统中的应用方法,包含完整的机构选型、检测、控制和规划等, 掌握典型的应用场景。表1课程目标与相关毕业要求的对应关系课程目标毕业要求(支撑程度H、M、L)2-33-35-312-2课程目标(1)ML课程目标(2)LLH课程目标(3)M注:1.支撑强度分别填写H、M或L (其中H表示支撑程度高、M为中等、L为低); 2 .毕业要求须根据课程所在专业培养方案进行描述。三、课程主要内容与基本要求1 Introduction to robotics and the serial mechanism robot armBackground of robot, the mechanics and control of mechanical manipulators and robot arm, notation of robotics2 . The actuator and sensors for robotsIntroduce the pneumatic, hydraulic, motor actuators and the sensors for position, gesture, velocity, accelerator and force, torque.3 Spatial descriptions and transformationsDescriptions: spatial positions, orientations, and frames. Mappings: changing descriptions from frame to frame. Operators: translations, rotations, and transformations. Summary of interpretations transformation arithmetic and transform equations. More on representation of orientation. Computational considerations.4 Manipulator kinematicsThis chapter includes the follows. Link description. Link-connection description. Convention for the affixing frames to links. Manipulator kinematics. Actuator space, joint space, and Cartesian space. Examples: kinematics of two industrial robots. Frames with standard names. Computational considerations.5 Inverse manipulator kinematicsPay attention to the solvability. The notion of manipulator subspace when n<6. Algebraic VS. geometric. Algebraic solution by reduction to polynomial. Pieper's solution when three axes intersect. Examples of inverse manipulators kinematics. The standard frames. Solving a manipulator case.6 Manipulator dynamicsThis chapter includes the follows. Acceleration of a rigid body. Mass distribution. Newton's equation, Euler's equation. Iterative Newton-Euler dynamics formulation. Iterative VS. closed form. An example of closed-form dynamics equations. The structure of a manipulator's dynamic equations. Lagrangian formulation of manipulator dynamics. Dynamics simulation.7 Linear control of manipulatorsThis chapter includes the follows. Feedback and closed-loop control. Second-order linear systems. Control of second-order systems. Control-law partitioning. Trajectory-following control. Disturbance rejection. Continuous VS. discrete time control. Modeling and control of a single joint. Architecture of an industrial-robot controller.8 Nonlinear control of manipulators and controller hardwareThis chapter includes the follows. Nonlinear and time-varying systems. Multi-input, multi-output control systems. The control problem for manipulators. Practical considerations. Current industrial-robot control systems. Lyapunov stability analysis. Cartesian-based control systems. Adaptive control. What hardware can be used as the controller for manipulators.9 Trajectory generationThis chapter includes the follows. General considerations in path description and generation. Joint-space schemes. Cartesian-space schemes. Geometric problems with Cartesian paths. Path generation at run time. Description of paths with a robot programming language.四、课程教学学时安排表2课程学时安排表教学内容教学 时数学生任务对应课程目 标Introductionandactuator, sensors4Know history of robot and basic knowledge of manipulator. Key points of this chapter are the mechanics and control of manipulators. Know the coordination system, driven method, control structure and program language for the serial mechanism robot arm. Select the appropriate actuator and sensors for the special application robots. Master the working principle of the actuators and sensors.Homework: 1.11, 1.14, 2.8, 2.13, 2.14, 3.1, 3.5, 3.15, 4.17-20课程目标(1)Spatial descriptionsand transformation6Master the positions, orientations, and frames, mappings: changing descriptions from frame to frame. The translations, rotations, and transformations must be studied. Introduce others. Key points of this chapter are the positions, orientations and frames descriptions.Home work: 5.3, 5.5, 5.8, 5.9, Example 5.24课程目标(1)Manipulator kinematics4Master the link description, link-connection description, convention for affixing frames to links, manipulator kinematics, actuator space, joint space, and Cartesian space. Introduce others. Key points of this chapter are manipulator kinematics.Homework:6.1, 6.3课程目标(1)(2)Inverse manipulator kinematics2Master the solvability analysis. The notion of manipulator subspace when n<6. Algebraic VS. geometric. Know how to get the algebraic solution by reduction kinematics to polynomial. These must be studied. Introduce others. Key points of this chapter课程目标(1)(2)are the examples of inverse maniplulator kinematics. Homework:6.11, 6,14Manipulator dynamics4Master how to calculate the acceleration of a rigid body and the mass distribution. Establish the Newton's equation, Euler's equation, and iterative Newton-Euler dynamics formulation. These must be studied. Introduce others. Key points of this chapter are the examples of closed-form dynamics equations. Homework:7. 1,7.11, 8.2, 8.4,课程目标(1)(2)Linear control of manipulator4Analyze the feedback and closed-loop control structure of second-order linear systems. Design the control scheme for the second-order systems. And simulate the trajectory-following control. Introduce others. Key point of this chapter is the control of second-order systems.Homework: 10.1, 10.6, 10.9课程目标(2)(3)Nonlinear control of manipulator2Understand the concept of nonlinear and time-varying systems, multi-input, multi-output control systems. Use the control knowledge to the control problem for manipulators. Introduce others. Key point of this chapter is the multi-input, multi-output control systems. Design the hardware structure satisfying the control demand.Homework: 10.13课程目标(2)(3)Trajectory generation4Understand what should be the general considerations in path description and generation. Introduce others. Key points of this chapter are the joint-space schemes and Cartesian-space schemes.Homework: 11.5, 11.6,12.1课程目标(2)备注:根据学生学情适当调整教学进度,并安排部分教学内容为自学内容,通过大作业来对 学生自学情况进行考核。五、实践环节及基本要求o六、达成目标的途径和措施机器人技术教学以课堂教学为主,并结合自主学习、典型案例分析和作业练习。(1)课堂教学主要讲述工业机器人基本概念、典型机构、建模方法、控制和规划方法等。(2)案例分析主要针对六自由度机器人运动学建模、动力学建模、控制系统搭建、运动规划算法及其仿真等。(3)通过课堂提问、交流和作业使得学生获得熟练掌握机器人技术的基本知识。七、考核方法及成绩评定表3考核方法及成绩评定表考核形式考核内容占比评定标准过 程 考 核平时作业成绩考核课堂教学各知识点的理解程度、听课效 果和掌握熟练度。10%根据与参考 答案一致性 评定为五级课堂表现成绩以到课率,课堂互动回答问题等形式,检验 学生学习态度。10%中国计量学 院学生课程 平时成绩考 核细则实验成绩考核知识点的应用情况和实际编程能力。20%实验指导书期 末 考 核期末考试成绩采用开卷考试,试卷涵盖课程讲授范围。题型有:判断、选择、简答、模型求解以及 工业机器人应用案例设计等。60%试卷参考答 案和评分标准八、推荐教材与主要参考书(1)机器人导论(Introduction to Robotics),旧J萨哈,机械工业出版社,2010 References:(2)机器人导论(Introduction to Robotics),美约翰J.克拉克,机械工业出版社, 2005(3)机器人技术基础熊有伦 华中理工大学出版社1996