关于自信的英语演讲稿(范文6篇) Many people yearn to be more self-confident. Yet they have no idea how to achieve that objective. They look at others who have the gift and say, “Hey thats what I want. I hate feeling unsure of myself. I wish I could stop obsessing about what others think of me and quit worrying about disappointing other people. I want to stop anguishing over my decisions and torturing myself about my mistakes. I think it would be so great to feel self-assured, hold my head up high and stand tall. Ive never been self-confident. I wish there were a way I could be.” There is a way. You dont have to be born with self-confidence. Self-confidence can grow and flourish and ripen and blossom until you actually come to feel as though there is a different person inside of you. Here are some insights that might facilitate the quest. Learn what a self-confident person is really like. They are not cocky, know-it-all people who dont care what anybody else thinks. They have their doubts. And make mistakes. And are far from perfect. However, they are willing to acknowledge their inadequacies without dwelling on them. They do this by maintaining a sense of humor, putting problems in perspective, and focusing mainly on what theyve done right, not wrong. Though self-confident people do believe in themselves, they dont try to suffocate others with their ideas or beliefs. They are confident in what they know not only because they read, learn and think but also because they respect their instinct, intuition and the unique body of knowledge that theyve developed by living life. They realize that one doesn”t have to be labeled an “expert” to believe in one”s own truths. Self-confident people dont undermine their own worth by comparing themselves with others, only to conclude that they arent “good enough”. They appreciate their strengths and accomplishments and can acknowledge, without embarrassment, their weaknesses. They dont live in the “victim” position. Even if something really bad has occurred, they turn it into a challenge, remembering to be grateful for the little things in life. Self-confident people let the world know who they are. If they want something badly enough, they know they have every right to “go for it.” Yet, they also know that the path will rarely be easy. Mistakes, blunders and failures are part of the learning process. They seek to learn from their mistakes and do not waste time torturing themselves over what “could have been”. Self-confident people are not obstinate people. If they have an idea about something and it differs from the way another person is thinking about it, they will usually try to look at it from that persons point of view, see why it makes sense to them. Yet, a confident persons sense of self is grounded. It does not blow in the wind. Their ideas do not fluctuate based on what others deem are important. I hope these insights are helpful to you. If so, perhaps one day you will be able to say what the actress Phyllis Rashad once said, simply but eloquently, ” I am just myself and who I am is a lot.” 第四篇:关于自信演讲稿 各位教师、同学们: 大家好!今日我演讲的题目是“胜利源于自信演讲稿”。 胜利之基”这句话曾经深深地振憾着很多人的心,曾经传遍了五湖四海,曾经很多次地鼓励着人们前进,曾经得到了亿万群众的认可,这是为什么呢?为什么简洁的七个字曾经走遍全世界呢?让我告知你,由于这是铁铮铮的事实,由于这是不行辩驳的格言,由于这是千古不变的人间真理。 自己的脑袋想想,在生活中这样的例子俯拾即是。想当时,爱因斯坦是一个被大家公认的低能儿,他不但不曾灰心丧气,仍坚信“天生我才必有用”,始终努力不懈,最终成为了闻名的科学家;爱迪生也曾经在试验中一次又一次地失败,但他没有放弃,信任自己,最终创造了灯泡;还有海伦凯勒,她小时候因生了一场大病,接二连三地丢失了正常人应有的力量,变得又聋又瞎又哑。在这种状况下,由于她有乐观的人生态度,她挺过去了,不仅成了闻名的教育家,还帮忙许很多多像她一样的儿童。 一次的逆境中,爱因斯坦若是不自信,那么他将一辈子是大家口中的弱智;爱迪生若是在他耳聋时丢失信念,那么他将永久是一个一事无成的懦夫;海伦凯勒若是在病后消极堕落,没有对人生以自信,那么她将只能悄悄忍受上天给她的这一切不公正的命运。很多事例证明,人生需要自信,拥有自信,方能胜利。 让我们放开自信的心扉,用我们的双手去制造美妙的明天,让自信之心布满全中国,让自信之声响起来,让自信之手挥动起来,让自信的风帆扬起来,让我们在逆境中,听到心灵的召唤,听到洪亮的声音,看到挥舞的千万只手,看到飘扬的船帆,提高我们的信念吧! 中学生关于自信演讲稿大全