公司财务报告:理论与实践课程简介课程编号:10014011课程名称:公司财务报告:理论与实践(Corporate Financial Reporting, Theory and Practice)学分:3学时:48适用专业:会计、财务管理、审计及其他开设本课程的专业建议修读学期:6或7学期开课单位:会计系先修课程:财务会计、财务管理、成本会计考核方式与成绩评定标准:开卷考试、大作业、小论文,成绩按五级制或百分制教材与主要参考书目:教材:张新民等编著企业财务报表分析北京大学出版社2012年3月主要参考书目:1.会计报表的阅读与分析张中秀 赵胜编著 企业管理出版社2007年版2会计报表的编制、分析与审查赵保卿主编 经济管理出版社2010年1月版内容概述:中文:本课程为合作会计学生的专业相关课程,是一门必修课。财务报告分析 课程对合作会计的学生来说是一门非常重要的课程。通过该课程的学习,有助于学生掌握基 本的分析工具、方法等,合理地评价企业基本的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量情况等,以 进行投资、信贷决策等。学生在掌握财务报表编制的基础上进一步加深对财务报表的理解, 使学生掌握财务报表分析的体系、程序、工具和方法,能够利用企业披露的财务信息及其他 相关信息对企业的偿债能力、盈利能力、营运能力以及发展能力等做出合理的分析,有效地 评价企业的筹资、投资和经营活动,减少投资、信贷等决策过程中的不确定性。英文:This course is a compulsory course for students majored in cooperative accounting. The course Financial Statement Analysis is quite important fbr students who major in cooperative accounting. The course in helpful fbr students to master the basic analytical tools, methods, etc., make reasonable evaluation of enterprise's basic finance, operating results and cash flow conditions, etc., so as to make investment and credit decisions. On the basis of the command of compilation of financial statements, students further deepen the understanding of financial statements, and master the analysis system, procedures, tools and methods of financial statement. Besides, students will be able to make reasonable analysis on enterprise's solvency, profitability, operation ability and development ability with the use of the financial information disclosure by the enterprise or other relevant information, and make effective evaluation on the uncertainty in the process of financing, investment and business activities, reduced investment and credit decisions.