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2022年华南师范大学907英语教学专业基础考研真题和答2022年华南师范大学907英语教学专业基础专业硕士考研全套内容简介说明:本全套共包括3种电子书。1.考研真题全国名校英语教学论考研真题汇总说明:本科目考研真题不对外公布(暂时难以获得),通过分析参考教材知 识点,精选了有类似考点的其他院校相关考研真题,部分真题提供了答案详解。王蔷英语教学法教程(第2版)笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解 王蔷英语教学法教程(第2版)配套题库(含考研真题)说明:以上为本科目参考教材配套的辅导资料。11. theory emphasizes interaction and engageme nt with the target language in a social context.【答案】Socio-constructivist查看答案【解析】社会建构主义理论注重学习者在社会环境中使用目的语 进行互动(的能力)。12. The most important and most difficult part of the making of a good language teacher is the developme nt of .【答案】professional competence 查看答案【解析】成为一位优秀的语言教师最重要也是最难的是职业能力 的发展。13. Wallace uses ato demonstrate the development of professional competence.【答案】7 reflective model'查看答案【解析】华莱士采用一个"反思模型”来解释(教师)职业技能 的发展。14. In language teaching, methodology is the study of the practices and procedures used in teaching, and t he and that underlie them.【答案】principles z beliefs查看答案【解析】语言教学的方法论是指对语言教学实践和步骤,及其背 后的原则和观念的研究。15. The functional view not only sees language as a _ system but also a for doing things.【答案】linguistic , means/ tool查看答案【解析】功能主义语言观认为语言不仅仅是一套语言系统,还是 一套做事的工具。16. The way language teachers teach in the classroom is to some extent influenced by the way theyIanguages.【答案】learned查看答案【解析】语言教师学习语言的方式从某种程度上影响他们的课堂 教学方式。17. Different views on language generate different【答案】teaching methodologies查看答案【解析】对语言的不同观点会产生不同的教学方法。18. In the past century, language teaching and learnin g practice has been influenced by three different view s of language: the view, the view and the view.【答案】structural , functional , interactional 查看答案【解析】上世纪的语言教学和语言学习受三种语言观的影响:结 构主义,功能主义,交互主义。试看部分内容第1章语言和语言学习1.1 复习笔记本章要点:The way we learn languages我们习得语言的方式Views on languageThe structural view of language结构主义语言理论g The functional view of language功能主义语言理论The interactional view of language交互语言理论Common views on language learning关于语言学习的普遍观点Process-oriented theories and condition-oriented theories强调过程的语言学习理论和强调条件的语言学习理论The behaviorist theory行为主义学习理论Cognitive theory认知学习理论10Constructivist theory建构主义学习理论11Socio-constructivist theory社会建构主义理论12Qualities of a good language teacher一个好的语言老师必备的素养13Teacher' s professional development教师专业技能发展本章考点:我们如何习得语言;结构主义语言理论;功能主义语言理论;交 互语言理论;关于语言学习的普遍观点;强调过程的语言学习理 论和强调条件的语言学习理论;行为主义学习理论;认知学习理 论;建构主义学习理论;社会建构主义理论;成为一个好的语言 老师所要具备的基本素质;教师专业技能发展图。本章内容索引:II. Views on languageThe structural view of languageThe functional view of languageThe interactional view of languageIII. Views on language learning and learning in generaResearch on language learningCommon views on language learning and learning ingeneral(1) Behaviorist theory(2) Cognitive theory(3) Constructivist theory(4) Socio-constructivist theoryIV. Qualities of a good language teacherV. Development of a good language teacherVI. An overview of the bookThis chapter contains the foundation of this methodol ogy course, discussing issues covering the definition o f language and the language learning theories, as well as the impact of these theories on teachers' teaching methods as well as learners7 learning ways. Moreov er, this chapter discusses the qualities that a good En glish teacher should possess to help language teachin g participants establish the proper teaching awareness. 这一章介绍的是教学法的基本方法论,探讨的问题涵盖语言的定 义和语言学习的观点,以及这些观点对教师教学方式和学习者学 习方式的影响。另外,本章还探讨了一个好的英语教师应具备的 素质,以帮助语言教学参与者树立应有的教学意识。1 . The way we learn languages (我们习得语言的方式) Many human behaviors will show the influence of pers onal past experience, including learning foreign langua ges. The language learning mode that the language te achers accepted will affect their later teaching method s in the class.The difficulty of language teaching is to enable learne rs with many differences to successfully acquire the n ew language.许多人类行为会显现出个人过往经验的影响力,学习外语也是如 此。语言老师接受过的语言学习模式会影响他们之后在课堂上的 教学方式。语言教学的难点在于尽量使存在许多不同之处的学习者成功习得II. Views on language (语言理论)【考点:结构主义语言理论、功能主义语言理论、交互语言理论 的定义及具体应用】Three views about the nature of language: There are many possible theoretical positions about the nature o f language. Here are three different views which are e xplicitly or implicitly reflected in current approaches t o language learning.关于语言本质的三种观点:在语言的本质上有很多潜在的语言观 点,当前语言学习的方法直接或间接反映了三种不同观点。The structural view of language (结构主义语言理论)The structural view of language is that language is a system of structurally related elements for the transmi ssion of meaning.结构主义语言理论认为语言是一个用于传递意义的系统,其中各 因素在结构上相互联系。第1章 语言和语言学习I . Fill in the blanks.1. According to the theory represented by Vygot sky, learning is best achieved through the dynamic int eraction between the teacher and the learner and bet ween learners.(山东师范大学2018研)【答案】socio-constructivist查看答案【解析】本题考查的是社会建构主义理论的观点。以维果茨基为 代表的社会建构主义理论认为学习的最佳途径是师生之间以及学 生之间的活跃互动。2. The functional view not only sees language as a system but also a means for doing things.(安徽师 范大学2015研)【答案】linguistic查看答案【解析】本题考查的是功能主义语言理论。该种语言理论不仅将 语言视作语言系统,还将它看作一种方法。3. There are at least three theoretical views of langua ge and the nature of language proficiency. The first i s , the second isand the third is .(天津师范大学2012研)【答案】structural view , functional view , interactional vi ew查看答案【解析】本题考查的是语言理论。语言理论有三种,分别是结构 主义语言理论、功能主义结构理论和交互式语言理论。4. The constructivist theory believes that is a pr ocess in which learners construct meaning based on t heir own experiences and what they already know. ( ill 东师范大学2017研)【答案】learning查看答案【解析】本题考查的是建构主义学习理论的观点。建构主义认为: 学习是学习者依据已有经验和已有知识建构意义的过程。5. theories emphasize the nature of the human a nd physical context in which language learning takes place, such as the number of students, the kind of in put learners receive, and the atmosphere.【答案】Condition-oriented查看答案【解析】以(学习)条件为导向的理论注重人的本质和语言学习 的物理环境,如学生的人数,学习者接收的语言输入类型,以及 学习气氛。6. The theory of language learning was initiated by behavioural psychologist Skinner.【答案】behaviourist查看答案【解析】语言学习的行为主义理论是由行为主义心理学家斯金纳 提出的。7. Skinner suggested that language is also a form of【答案】behaviour查看答案【解析】斯金纳认为,语言也是一种行为。8. The termis often used loosely to describe methods in which students are asked to think rather th an simply repeat.【答案】cognitivism查看答案【解析】认知主义常用于描述那些需要学生思考而不只是重复的 教学方法。9. According to Chomsky, language is not a form of behaviour, it is an intricatesystem and a largepart of language acquisition is the learning of this sy stem.【答案】rule-based查看答案【解析】乔姆斯基认为,语言并不是一种行为,而是一套精密的 以规则为基础的系统,语言习得主要是学习这一系统。10. The theory believes that learning is a proces s in which the learner constructs meaning based on h is/ her own experiences and what he/ she already kno ws.【答案】constructivist查看答案【解析】建构主义认为,语言学习是学习者基于自己的知识和经 验建构意义的过程。