2021年12月皖南地区高三英语第二次联考试卷二分 幽1 1做(黄 篇 中.羯 分 加 分)X U (儿 小JhM小 戏Z分.调 分 串“八Mit-攵.从“tir C M M S.H.r w iHf.ftfhUii 造 蝎5 A liMfdrR.AIhlGrtui fi TU M W IN,h CL ,m、,m1 5 6 0 IIH trUy 2 i 4 l!hi d Z M 4 h it w.ll knnKRUrxt.”小u with g r my ih U ri u*W IWUMICV”w U k irm.lM.ki nl I Um*MUH*1 WII M H hr the rureG,r IIM of th11|MI hui ni k*7 they nn1 tarlin.pcwnt for bri|(hirrfulurc,八 ,。Vrrra/i(;HASTALLA.ITALY1 h*z TI E oppn1imilv tn IMGI X.rrrogni/r nnd ih*nk tbr on the frnoQ line,llx ir(fS#nn h r AMI iMtiiM on llw hirtnnn nyh4ifwif liwlrn nnl”m wouldMVt brvn the|iri Io pp|ofl fwnx力/rnmllim wnrkt r Prrwrxi“the Ymr.S.)1 v /5”川,FA Y E ITH V ILIJ:.X Y.h iiu3mi、c h,小k ihct rim did tuH j.1rrl 角 Prftrwt f th*Yrne rhr lrn ofof hnhh 4 .tvr u orki r whs wrnl mlt w*rk im h ln)r and pul fhrir live*at to rakr ffr n(C 11)|9|V1H ni.Tbcv wrrr thr(itvtnrn rutilling inlu(be Mrrmrg feHdir*!n M V F other,nd ih-PIIH nM n rimninv inwnrd ihr Kiitifirc,Mnny uf th m fell ill.mdrqd.“imr died.、EW OkLEAXST rfon*,m*u卜r.When Trump WAR n4med Person of thr Yrnr Ut yrr.it wA*n I aTrump IVncv co%er.IF th”juM a subtle reminder io the American people th*t Harrn r thercul jwrsn in chjirgv?AAiL 司rsBELLA V1STA ARK.Ewryunc hope Biden and Harris can do better than their prede”,9 rt did butunforiunaivty*rmmin.them Person of(he Year ia pohiicised decision*and I am very A JAIKUI lluLP“”/,G,c CONCOREZZO.ITALY21.Who WE chosen Perwn of tM Yetr in?020 in America?A.Biden and Herrin K Trump and Pence*.C(Hjm nd Biden.I).Hrririivt.II.ruutral.C.iMhffrrvnt.D.dovbdul.23.W IHI alwrr,Louin Shipluird w a(Nni(m on thr right rhoki,ol*Prrmm of the Year*?A AIIM rto Ve/nli.K S.Jeff rry Unuhk.(Alah liihU.U,4 m.nAh ihi-KMinfry 1中,MMIC M rml dm.hot in HK uhrnhigh lrfinitioi TheFofLiddt n(iiy M 12 s p g/ikumin niNr)r hw w rcuhlly run on lkw,Y Sih lliu,T V.which iin|*ri 八,1 1 4 IIFIIIHHI*f ilw M l.i iHinivifMify u(I hi(iHihdiug o(till*iniptfiftt 帝 内)duririx tli Ming&nd QM IIK(l34iK|M|I)v1 h-lKuni nlry Knilu rril 12 h,、Mikxrfu io r(hi*bvdy mwlerC Mt|)iheme ongAfor rh ipiMidr.rnm m ly mu rpn HUM ouIvthifM(hiMiHiral rhaplrrn with mcnin I IM hir m iilh,d tlwi hr viiic4 the ForlnddenCity for OH firM uruv whrn Lv yuMhf(trr hvlinn H M ply upim diAcuvrrmg that theMuidc hr lolluwed ofGrotl 种 thwrd inimdihiiuM io ihv Mh.-SJKC ht n I h*d W IMIHII f(w muy ymrn thi I nuhl itmkr A tkKumenliiry io reiell the realhi7”f of lh I,nr I HI hl n(,iiy HI elrtAil,l.vMliih,with I IM*Pnlucr MiiMiim/upport.cm r r r Usvinjiwd lo l *rn n!i 川 kiwmIMIIIV.inh rvirwuni many hzh,。,nnd hcMiiini!thr m“7irAnquil nMnu-ni nf dir HU|M rinl w b u rJ H MI WH.1h|4r h*d|N*I I moiitMl lh,rrMINihr crr|rt wilh llw hi Ip of inrt lhn M ,uprf”frnm nmltiplrk|Mfinu nl o(UM PnLrt Nii,rirn mvrfinR R WHII-rnh|(r of mrhi4mg 川fu“mnfrhihctMtr.*4而(nJ。川 卜|(九4小 court wnr MIT(rem the F m h O n Cife lln-rr*w tnArk*tip“lh”rmrr irAm,!7niZl*m w 4V wvk no vrni 1”,imv4luf 1 Ai/rn*J ,一,*ich x nlSii/hw in.,wi ll c、FU/IMHI*Xmnwn Rtil QiAh/hnl hiuiry rrklnl In tin trmr rinj(ini4*,h,*E,2L Wh:i thv|uir|HM-nf hnoimg llu*ducummfAry*.I n furihcv the hiNanr Mmly.Ik To fh*To r IrlitAic IIM gRm&rncv.D.Tn mrmnfiw the(otiiwlin*nF fH ,“*C.Th iindrrhnuk.*.WHJII c n wr rnlrr from ihc pa*Mc?.Thr Enrlmlck-n(*Hy wa.founded in the IS*rrniury.H.The krumcnury WA、merely/hot in fivr ciiim in iwo provincrv(Thr iheme 0gM.of the epiodtF urc performed by a kmou、I).Thr donimmury wa crfAted by the hmtoemn of the PAIMT Mueum.2T,Which o(thr following may prclshly hr hown tn the documentary?A.European eouz building*R Royd family Hfc HiMory of drawings D,Work*of(nmou ealliffM|h rCHavr you etrr ifMfpnrd ihm your mmpk T-thin could cool you down by up m*X nib r.b ummr eby,?Thankn to c rrccni AwnYeryt ihr poMbiliiy i 即巾”clm r.*h ih there*rr truny altrrMinc*that mAfiAgc to krep ihc body wnrm lhi mwnjc invcntum,urn*lu Q(c r n d relit/hr tbiM*who arc eager to feci comforublc ami(r h in t hr onriirtTrwly hoi dnysIn tnvvntor*e vnamrer*M Yuoftutnir o(Zhrjuinic Unhm ity and Gunnnhi(tilHunikiritf UmvrrMty ul Science ami Technology m n ru iw ykcemplenk intMiMhe&PprgM They designed special in tilr,妨6!打)that ran absorb bmty and rrvniiK.5k出)it、inrry into M*(Y“mid infrared radUthm(M IR).Thi tritik cunU K b ibr2objti ik.nd ihnr urr(MjndinK ihrrr ,fcMbr hirt.vnu irex iuilly wt nrin|(n iriur ih*t hk mW iMwinnr by 3、bui iln prrviuu*irial*a、limitni.SM Mill io iv*i ih-newuplKwh Ui rle hnniiH hw d h s iv/y 加 libfk IIW4*w h i L ww)”031MhM orWAlking,Atxi no din illy f*uiH(IIH,hy.IM m iM “加l in y*4MI IK KI IO vnimnir andtnrufr IMJW w!l H*”小、wUn I Iw、M I mH in HUM-nmiiMi with I hr km.bivrniof*Y,嘲M“U(uhd GiMiigtHiiiH*,kkiM|t HIimuir ih.il tin-ntiirfitilwill imrrawr(luthllM 2 1*1 4阐|1 n*H W J2 I|H.*W i huk2/士“-wl.u k mi ib Mill tfrl B 1*hrl Z l l-7,IMMVJIIIV ihr MUM Hthen dd Ynri|(uiing MM.Su 4 you*rr An aihlrtr or dimply MIC ilwii lvi io deni with the cMiremdy hightcm|K*rdiurrw U-fiAitml your iky(l Irrhn*hot und hoihcrcd nmy be commM ion end!2M WhaQ i*t hr N J.m w invert Hon 7A.1.wurni up|x,)|tlrM)N Jy.Tn drtrci ihr tem|*tlMfr.2,How doo thl produtI w h?A.Wy hirmnic mmlighl mtn H tc ti,C.Hy kn junf;hrm oai rowpl trly,M Whit the fiMUH irf 4 of w,|,h A?A The intciutim(iirthrr iroimic.IV The prr*Hn*la k cvulcnrc.Ik Tti I prn|ilr off in hoi wruthcr.I).1 r proircf riothrt,nm Stemming wri.IL lly HWITM fMit 河lewhed htl.I).Hy”z n.hfcht tn rrflrrt minhuht(Thlini(effrti.IX The nr*(ahfir pphr io various tiiiiRhonmAl.Which N the fnllowing AUtemenu c n bcM deKribc iK mvmtion of t h T,e shin?,Itarkinc up the wronn ircc H.robk”Peter re pey PAU!f.Achic vr I we thinR*t onr Mrokc D.puthng the crt before the horneDThe prnpoMl(or a new ladoncMin capital city hat been on the crd ever since theroumry gained independence from the Dutch in 194s.The pohckil and economic eriMt whichfollowed huvr Inog dfluyrd the plan,but current pretidenG Joko Widodo,now appen,drh rminrd io mike the mave reality.The governmcni officially confirmed that the capiul*tll IM moved from Jakirtu to a new location within Kahmntan part of the iiland o(Borneoin Indcm a.A number of faciom arc likely to have influenced the decision to(orge(曜 苦 做 成)aheadwiih ihr move but H ME,likely that Jakanat environmenial problem*are chief tmongibrm,Uuih on(沼伶的)Rround Jakaru i sinking,in nomc pant At rale of 20cm ayear.Experu predict thit mom o Jakarta it r&rdy mentioned without relerenee to it,eMtreme kveh o(raf(icjam*and air pollution.There could be other rctRon too.John MrCn八h八 an expert on hndu*t in Kthrtuiftun al thr Auiraliin Naiicnftl University Crawford School points io a pottnttaldeirr w Mpfctd wenkh ihroughoui Indomia Jakarta g the mou highly dfvlpcd corr o(IndufRi,which ock all the money and opporiumtieN from other nrrA!%*he M y.I ihinhihtrr luitic in p!iihn th-economic and pohlKal cafMtal.Kui thr locution of thi new polihral center u iMOving coat rover UL Some etivivonmrnul3*rt tin*r nd that ihr cbcwn local ion m Ei Ktiimantaa will increase loggin andk*iruction U n arby G i r o tci orn|(uian and other entUnf(rrrrier that the*new rApital wilt br A tujiiainabk a(orestry tliMi w“n i n*uh in ilir dintruciMin l prohclnl infrl but how riacdy this would workh*not yt-t Uvn rxplajnrd.IX-fcpitr thMr chAlknifeii.ihc xovrrnmrni u now pulling Hu phn in motion.But even iftki.n w cpiia)i built*Jakeru will mill nerd|iro(ecnon.Home to ten million people,thecily Mmply e rf t hr itefflmcd.32 What iw Ihe IndonrMan KnvarmMVH、rurw|a|Bn?A.Building (nret city.It Hireling new prrmdent.1.Relocating he riry.D.Developing rcourceii of Borneo.33.W M i my lie ihc n n re 7 M (nr ihr d c,ina?A.To rt,cr IHIMIIL Tn niJikc full iBr o(*wmpv uruund.C.To”/IteiicT li、Eg rnvirontttcni.IX To IKIURCV ih r comoiiMr Rruwtb b r iw y cilirw.3,What worries mmc people 期,w rm o n lQ rlniM r?A.1i may ro z n k*t of 孕|1 may destroy rmnl life.I),It rny)-nd IIM elcrlinc of ihr oM capitAl niy.33.Whl I*the suaiabk litk (or I he pnMiMC?a.Move to new.以 C y I M on*wamp.C.rrn irri ih Forr*City.D.Abandon he hewne.胡:乃(共 5 小小凶2 分Ml分 I。分)切如包丈内容,叭打文的u m 中电出冲城人 空 白 处的 融佳 选E 通 刚 叱 行 两 期 为 多 余 通 玻PrAriieirm with men player*它 a very effective M M lety for RUCCCFM in women*basketball.、十mot(M-opk M irp riZ io learn that he leading women*bt*kctlM lI colketn the Uniictl Siwiec u*c mle practice players Men playing on the Qfnc court a。3cm m?.rm t tKcy in control of the game?36 Thv men arc then,to make*the practice Fc*ion more dcmAnding for the tenm h.nfrm!v p riic e pUyer*would.37 Mni of ihvm r*vo1uni who Are good players but who arc foi on ihv men*U kctbuH tcm%.Thv N C A A,the mhlette federation,approve*of men practicv p l a y butih*huve to qualify(or the team juai womn players do.”M ostly,though*theyromc tu Ivtlp ihv ncLapl und improvr.B rid e ihe diMinciion of pracBeing with top notch women playcr5 arc there lot-t uf otherndvntaRrs to lring on th*practice tram?39 For example,men never io pUy in actual m r nnd thvy dont(ftY to travel with the iCAtn io sway 翼 m o They cnni rrcriw sport殳Mhhouffh fegitrred college p1ayer*they have to keep up th*ir ci4l*micI1owevrr they!loin of indoor rxemmr.40A.Unfurtunalely lhrr arcnl mny,H How do m*n*,io le pmclice pl”。”?C M rn(who qukify came(or rxrrnsr nnd IO M off M em.K.PUyrr*on dn-tnrfi bm*krtball tnm*1 K4I down on tlwnr i*ohinlrersi.F.In th rnd,they know tbir roniribuie to thr tmmA uccr.、o ihry dont control thr xrnr/w n tltough they arr typirnlly lu ry r ntul AironKcr.,三 分 遇育旬候匕用(共冈1不,0 分 4 3 分)5n n%形 填 整 小 0H川 小 地 3 分涓 介*M J i f 卜 面 的 知 文,从 川 文 第 所 绐 的 四 个 人J L 林中运 州 中 山 加 入*I 处的M i l a 顼川 在 芥 曲、上将注硼除依.l.lln HR Admtarvii LifeNrnfly trn yv r、第,t lokl lht I hmfl a hran itinur 4函)nnd ih i.r,|H*nincechanced my AHiiudt-aboul 4 1 hn-vvr.I ih31ahi ihnl I WA xmx Is dir and ihal nil mydvenitirr,-4Z,4I h.winch mcani ihnt I I lhy wvrr thv k*lmilion f my ndvrnturrs rul1 h典vr hud.EnchI。ihiU I niiikr CATrirM ilit*hirt dunums g 仙卜 hnlb JR flown,!”、I rrHM mH hr“Mr i do itih,E w could not 1S_ in itinn thry wiubl likrly rlntwn im-in Jin&r;md in M-U pily.I AIIIUIW I he gTAiid(UrnfuTrA of imi/ian.I h w wulkfil with 一 Annie ip dcwiu ini WIMI MTURQ l irikrr(*rrrk in nil lUin hn、Kfncwith me nkm tlO mikff M 1%由再mv“W.ami lul Abln y hn M rru-down ilw(olonidoRiver.I enjoy the advuiiurr o(ihr*c 52 who rnn k nui rn tripM-225O rnilrs rnilrs rcAtly io IMMF mid AIMI 53,inrlrid not jut ,bar but toerkhrM,Bui r、for mr 11 den 1 wen makr il1 CAn IM longer walk wry hr from th*&4 ih which 1 w,aL dny,to die liflckynrd.And yri 1ni 迪 to give up ihv eclvf niurous Inc.ihcddhrnliy of il m m he 56 ihr Hnxidy 4ind k a r und the Mxiden brief lift _ 1 7 hattnako n Iwrd jnurnry more aiirnctivr!:Q adventure,make it smaller and smaller.And now.whether I am moving on mykhd詈 ami knees across the dining room to help my cat lyinR59 in the dark batllinganmhrr period of gathering(lowers from the garden*_ 60 n(riend for lunch.1 amfdays hAvin tht ad%*cniurr thai are mine to have.41.A.;tdveniurcB.diMrnseC deathD.life42 A.upIk downC.overD.out43.A.broketi.turnedC madeD.figured4 b A.MnecH beforeC.untilD.nkhough4S.A.rh*np*B,explainC.approveD.acquireM A.journeyB.rinkC.progress0.gnature;.A.demand(B,drawsC.focusesD.avoids;A.A.wavingB.UppingC.walkingI),slidingV A M ilkB.delighiC.pullI).tikvJCI.A.iractdB.hikedC.puxhvdIX、”油留3.A.*wamB.(lowedC.nnvigiilnl1).rvwcd52.A.prrriuuhli.anxiousC.courngrouK1).luxurious:3.A.hw pincrB.tirednrsM(w rim iw 1).kitkineitsSi.A.iirmchwirB.niounuinC.IKIQMIX cwvtli1沁iiA.!pfiiivB.unforiumitrC unwdUnflD.Mii%firdSG,A.warmthIk bruviTy(M ill(X%utKKiiy57.A.hvihhB.ra*piiniiniwtailh0.W”il5K,A.fck-linB.rrviM-(rrvuwIL rvgmn力.A.j,w Jrup|M.widv ryvdM.A.crnrhiDKli.Hirt IHIl.dr(viihiig,龙1 小心,W小&1.5分,向 分1;分)Wik I-咖U,L 4 F lrl.4的内7 I 1 精D四子X的i l收 形 人Sckmu firliuti|ion*nir N.itiunnl(hitstarMlingChildren Ijirfjiluri Awurd G”hi、jil(lair)work Chum Orlni.Thv bock on ihrdcvclopnxm 4 tin-(IHRCM 4M*r2(mpirc)by thrplanning and prepjirMtUHi fo rId as fir*i lu carurlrd G:“uuwrMt.MShugunnR】aho kiH)wn Prtijirt 711,durinK ilkt Lrc 1M k,*cd*w WHS 八 wn rt|)rrirRrr in ihc l*70.I hr UM II i gw ihr l mkmil and|vi vni ntrrl up n lkw in Uw G K ,“*”th!H 情x,&lioc.pnpulnr EWV hlrfiilwe.or cq,i Kllie (dliwr nrm JE wrher Lui CiaiRt emhoe hl 1 hr There Hfxly PrriMrm.hrtiewwCbifia umphculnl lu hr UJ1 A H 卜*iJ M K加的*公的H川斜 八)”仲.除a t M M H卜向内一格嫂并在4伺卜*V iM H a r;的HL注,:1打杜任4及 均 仪 取 伺,:.n f t i lt t it W t t多(从第I1处超)不什分.Hr”A lw.lcAnu”yvii IOM in T M Chincr Manners 00111 iton lawl week.I(eel terribly orrybcfAUftc 1 oner had Mme experience.I iruv undrriand your feeling.But you hve RCM fully prepared on advance*n there ihoihmc to refftt.Actuallyt you have benefited ireatly from ihi experience,through thatyou*rM tKeit meanin.I am always ready to five you moredetailiRir infurm*Ioa about 1 be Chiaee manner*.Dont k*e your hv“i And keep on irpng and your rfforln will 9urrly p”y out next nni.YumU HUJ为:8 淌分2 5分)自个蝴峭中R ”为。体欧欲做出门已贡献的人.请你门.A d v e iN;,;一 口M人向与牧物杜世9,内”包|A.1.他施力第燎管玳的五*12.你“值修的旧像“0/H故IUQ左 .2.坳|已 为 体 一 个人A实M Q.A detailed clntMiialt善老若岑1-5 A ttA C 6-K*BCBAC 11-15 ACBCA:G、ZO EtCfcA-1.A 城节理惧图 fS据第一段 B:6en ht.d Hanis tlone will i.ol be iht.uie for th*diM&ters of the p zAdminiKrtioo bcc t lease they tre t urtin poin:for 4 brighter future.可口费出6d顿*0 Harris 是今年的H 1人物、横透22.D推再用断鹿.电格Ahrnhui”的这段话他裘苏年度人物无愎足隼找的,去年的hum p被代为年度人皆附,石面没有出现Trump和Pence 一起,而今郎是两个人,是不是.存珠量Harri*才是掌仅人艺,施的态度舟朴疑的核选口2:七 常理葬庭、侯禺又拿中哥、的&点列断6 k M y th su lk tfl LOM*Shepsd祗表小片度人灼应笈是长发前筑隹医务人员,他们两人的弱点 或,放选B.24.D 缰 厚第I j j.根帼第一设which if in part 一cehbration of the I st annin:Qty of th founding ot心 impml,帚 J*的 不左介故论&.27.D 蒯节理第(0文,用散第二 t i covering A wide range of reu including andeot arfhitectiure*dtwMg&nd ulligf4Phy,oour:warnnc royal g ry.可以*41 D 选项芭内需很有W98会我展示,故选 D.22.R堀个JI舒 西.3常第一段,5knujxEg invention aim*:o offer rc.relief for:hos who arc eager toted comiortible nd tresh m the outdoor on extrettb,hoc days.可泳,这个 I 憧的目的是埼M f在尸外前人们0 1的作用,较选B.3.B埴工理WE.I 据第二区侑叙述可H,新T U跖工作雁母彳似于慑于的作用,伏医B.10.A t之*塞8.I:1 I,:JI i,d m.,:tw|:arh to determine hovr rffertthe M W fabric csb while the welters r standiim or walking and no(directly f&ang(he sky,like in theirCriab.可知 故商A.H.C世环判断画、H i:章四段可以出也料新 仇兄。一件着遭Ti n价格却町以同时因到降R的4,一室四得.故武S 2.C推理打断眼.根据笫一盘中的郎一句恬可知,母尼自人波工以来,一E3J要迁都 故选C.?3.C金忖理保剧.咫据喀二精中第一旬色可知.环境网也是打JT迁都的主考JR国,*4.T 濯干理解8S 口刻皑二忸 1T的 Sxik rnvunnmcittal gron|i*irr.roniTtniil tkit th chosen luoition in E.uttKahmsuji wiD ircredse logging and d*,ruction of tiettby ION虱 心 可 人F主要指心新址 i t环当XI的生$国蜿.35.A 主 g大甯翘.文章1*t l The political and eccconuc crio which foUavred have iang delayed the 此口.but m MT p咐“Lnr.Joka Widodo,no。“下心”dtemuiwd s make the 4 b w ii,J 达的官也,印尼决定迁都了,所以.,作为标H台道.3 C.G设主处是承上寺下的作用.甘先国售上文的同婚.用后面的活来僻鼻.疗I 口士结用其后的T M r】句足中耳大亳口口时情回寄此交的对T:tG G幅亲欠丑龄13,勺?33.D 上交处是色上借下的作用野或于后面的Mcstly*thought they tome to hdp che team?adapt andimprove.郁是济男Jk R的作N.3y.A 他三处与下一句是凭图关系 T 句 For cumpkv men nev”get to pky in acliul games and ibey dontget to Jve l with:h-m to away g g x.是早的证明男旗员的不利之处.故i A、t0.F设空处在门不是悬结作庠.根JRlIt面U句话However,(bey get lx of indoor exercise.可以*由是通雄男R A的作用.n.i I中可LX 6也/&的关向总J I作者时小5,:.c是词汇的复现,审一段曾到:b y叩,,甲F A CJ 3.B从低,发展来含,后来证明不是脑福.而是多筮性使化#,工e。山络早是传rak DIM/发,.x h o m羯认jfigirv o