习题4.1 data segment lp:mov al9si buf db ABCDE mov di,al bufr db 5 dup,$inc si data ends dec di dec ex code segment jnz Ip assume cs:code,ds:data lea dx,bufr startzmov ax,data mov ah,9 mov ds,ax lea si,buf int 21 h lea di,bufr mov ah,4ch add dijength bufr-1 int 21 h mov ex,length bufr code ends end start 习题4.14 data segment buf db 9 db 0,1,2,3,1,0,0,3,2 data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start:mov ax,data mov ds,ax xor ex,ex mov cl,buf lea si,buf+1 mov di,si11:mov al,si emp al,0 jz next mov di,al inc di jmp next2 next:dec buf next2:inc si dec ex jnzh mov ah,4ch int 21 h code ends end start 习题425 code segment assume cs:code startzmov bl,1 xor ax,ax xor ex,ex lp:mov al,bl mul al inc bl add ex,ax emp ex,2000 jle Ip dec bl mov dl,bl mov cl,4 shr dl,cl or dl,30h mov ah,2 int 21 h 习题4.35 data segment Ip1:inc si str1 db fabcA111cB7$f dec ex data ends jnzlp code segment lea dx,str1 assume cs:code,ds:data mov ah,9 start:mov ax,data mov ds,ax int 21 h lea si,str1 mov ah,4ch int 21 h mov ex,9 code ends Ip:emp byte ptr si,60h end start jblpl emp byte ptr si,7Ah ja Ip1 and byte ptr si,5fh mov dl,bl and dl,Ofh or dl,30h mov ah,2 int 21 h mov dl/H*mov ah,2 int 21 h mov ah,4ch int 21 h code ends end start data segment mov bx,number lea dx,str number dw 25afh and bx,OfOOh mov ah,9 strdb4dup(?);$*mov cl,8 int 21 h data ends shr bx,cl mov ah,4ch call hexasc int 21 h code segment assume cs:code,ds:data mov bx,number hexasc proc start:mov ax,data and bx,OOfOh cmp bl,Oah mov ds,ax mov cl,4 jb 11 shr bx,cl add bl,07h lea si9str call hexasc 11:add bl93Oh mov bx,number mov si,bl and bx9OfOOOh mov bx,number inc si mov cl,12 and bx,OOOfh ret shr bx,cl call hexasc hexasc endp call hexasc code ends end start