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Course For mat College of Management,National Sun Yat-Sen University Chin ese Course Title 孙子兵法中的策略原理 Course Number M4010028 En glish Course Title Strategic Prin ciples in the Art of War Class Format Lecture iRequirement Elective Departme nt MBA|In structor Fen g-Lee Lin Credit 3(Course Objective Many well-k nown bus in ess schools in the west,such as Harvard Un iversity and Columbia University,have long been providing Sun Zi s strategic thinking courses in their MBAprograms.Just as their purposes,our objective in this course is thus to bring about Sun Zi s strategic principles in military wars and learns how to adopt them for the competiti ons in the bus in ess Ian dscape.Course Outl ine The course can be outli ned as follows:1.To go literally over the content of the book-The Art of War-and bring about the strategic principles in Sun Zi s ever-lasting thinking 2.To view Sun Zi s strategic prin ciples from the perspective of the con temporary bus in ess strategic man ageme nt 3.To explore the success and failure less ons in real-world bus in ess cases by adopting Sun Zi s strategic principles 4.In the midst of the exploration of Sun Zi s Art of War,the course also addresses the differe nee betwee n the East and West strategic perspectives.5.To un cover Sun Zi s in sights in buildi ng competitive adva ntage Teachi ng Format Lectures,assig nment,class discussi on Grad ing Stan dard 1.Class discussion:30%prese ntatio n(Mid-term):30%prese ntatio n(Fi nal-term):40%Refere nce/Text 1.Sun Zi,.,The Art of War,Zhou Dynasty,China.2.Departme nt of Busin ess Man ageme nt of the Nati onal Sun Y at-Se n Un iversity at Kaohsiung TAIWAN,ManagementCases:Analysis and Application,Taipei:Chien-Chen Book Co.Cases_Read ing 1.Businessweek 2.Harvard Busin ess Review Course content/Progress/Docume nts The course pla ns to progress as follows:Week Course content(1)Chapter 1 of the Art of War:In itial Estimatio ns(2)Chapter 2 of the Art of War:Wagi ng War(3)Chapter 3 of the Art of War:Planning Offensives(4)Real-world bus in ess cases read ing and explorati on I(5)Chapter 4 of the Art of War:Military Dispositio n(6)Chapter 5 of the Art of War:Strategic Military Power(7)Chapter 6 of the Art of War:Vacuity and Substa nee(8)Real-world bus in ess cases read ing and explorati on II(9)Chapter 7 of the Art of War:Military Combat(10)Chapter 8 of the Art of War:Nine Changes(11)Chapter 9 of the Art of War:Maneuvering the Army(12)Real-world bus in ess cases readi ng and exploratio n III(13)Chapter 10 of the Art of War:Configurations of Terrain(14)Chapter 11 of the Art of War:Ni ne Terra ins(15)Chapter 12 of the Art of War:Incen diary Attacks(16)Chapter 13 of the Art of War:Employing Spies(17)Real-world bus in ess cases readi ng and exploratio n IV(18)Term Project Prese ntati on Office Hours Mon day 14:10-16:00 Thursday14:10-16:00 Location:Room 4110