爱英语作文(精彩5篇)在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。那要怎么写好作文呢?它山之石可以攻玉,下面一秘范文为您精心整理了5篇爱英语作文,希望能为您的思路提供一些参考。爱英语作文 篇一 My twin brother is the person i love the most .Hes just minutes older than me. We look the sameand wear same clothessame shoes.We sleep togetherstudy together and play together.People usually cant tell us apart except my mother.My twin brother usually helps me when i m teased by othersand accompanied me when im punished by my parents. My twin brother is my best friendhe know everything about me.We have no secrets.Hes the person i love the most. 爱英语作文 篇五 树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不在题记 The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, the son wants to raise but the relative is not there 父母是赐予我们生命的,是他们把我们带来这个世界上,养育我们,教育我们,使我们健康快乐地生活,茁壮成长。在这么多年中,父母给我们的爱无法衡量。 Parents give us life, they bring us to the world, nurture us, educate us, make us live healthy and happy, and thrive. Over the years, the love our parents have given us is beyond measure. 然而,父母在一点一点地变老,我们孝敬父母的,孝养父母的时间也在一日一日地递减。如果不能及时行孝,会徒留终身的遗憾。如果没有办法把握与父母相聚的时间来孝敬他们,等到你想要来报答亲恩的时候,为时已晚。但愿我们在父母健在的时候,孝养要及时,不要等到追悔莫及的时候,才思亲,痛亲之不在而现在,我们唯一能报答父母的就是用心地学习,不让他们失望。 However, as our parents grow older and older, the time for us to be filial to our parents and raise them also decreases day by day. If we cant act filial piety in time, we will regret for life. If there is no way to spend time with your parents to honor them, it is too late when you want to repay them. I hope that when our parents are alive, filial piety should be in time. Dont wait for the time of repentance to think about our parents. Now, the only way we can repay our parents is to study hard and not let them down. 父母的爱,可能真的是这个世界上唯一绝对无私的感情。他们对子女没有任何奢求,他们从来没有想过要得到子女的任何回报那么子女对父母的爱,也应该是绝对纯粹的。 Parents love may be the only absolutely selfless feeling in the world. They dont have any extravagance for their children. They never want to get any return from their children. So their love for their parents should be absolutely pure. 当夏天的夜晚来临时,我们是否想到过早早地开冷风让房间凉爽,父母入睡再及时地关掉冷风,以免着凉?冬天时,是否想到开暖风让父母感到丝丝暖意?行孝,不是孝子的专利,而是天下所有做子女的应该做的事情。 When the summer night comes, do we want to turn on the cold wind early to cool the room, and then turn off the cold wind in time for parents to fall asleep to avoid catching cold? In winter, do you want to turn on the warm wind to make your parents feel warm? Filial piety is not the patent of filial piety, but all the things in the world that should be done for children. 礼记中说:“恒言不称老”。为人子女永远不要在父母面前声称已老,一位孝顺的孩子,总是想方设法让父母察觉不到岁月的流逝,年纪的增长。为了让父母亲过上幸福快乐的生活,想尽种种办法来体慰父母的新,把这句善体亲心的话发挥得淋漓尽致。人都有孝心,孝行,天下不会有铁石心肠的人。只要我们肯用心,发自内心的对父母孝顺奉养,父母会感动的,我们也会感受到父母真诚的爱,而这种力量只在我们一念之间,这一念就是纯洁之孝,也就是每个人心目中都有的自性的纯孝。 The book of Rites said: eternal words do not call old.。 Children should never claim to be old in front of their parents. A filial child always tries to make his parents unaware of the passage of time and the growth of age. In order to let parents live a happy life, I try my best to comfort my parents new life, and give full play to this saying of good body, good heart。 People have filial piety, filial piety, the world will not have a heart of stone. As long as we are willing to devote ourselves to the filial piety of our parents, our parents will be moved. We will also feel the sincere love of our parents, and this power is only between our thoughts, which is pure filial piety, that is, pure filial piety of our own nature in everyones mind. 我们要知道,尽孝并不是要用物质来衡量的,而是要看你对父母是不是发自内心的诚敬,孝无贫贱之分,上至大官下至百姓,只要有孝心,在任何情形之下,不计千心万,你都能曲成亲意,尽力去做到。而当父母上年纪时,更需要的是精神上的关爱。行动起来吧!让父母感受到亲情的温暖! We need to know that filial piety is not to be measured by materials, but by your sincere respect for your parents. Filial piety has no difference between poverty and baseness. From the top officials to the people, as long as you have filial piety, in any case, regardless of thousands of hearts, you can become a family and try your best to do it. When parents are old, they need more spiritual care. Take action! Let parents feel the warmth of family! 读书破万卷下笔如有神,以上就是一秘范文为大家带来的5篇爱英语作文,能够给予您一定的参考与启发,是一秘范文的价值所在。5