2021年江苏泰州高三二模英语试卷-学生用卷一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2.5分,共37.5分)1、【来源】2021年江苏泰州高三 二 模(A 篇)第 21 23题 7.5分(每题2.5分)The independence you want,the safety you need!In emergencies big or small,just press the button on the Lively Mobile Plus to speak to our highly-trained Urgent Response Agents 24/7.The Lively Mobiles Plus has the fastest call response time,the mostreliable network coverage and perfect GPS technology.Also,there are no long-term contracts,nocanceling fees and no equipment to install.Therefore,its one of the most affordable mobile medicalwarning systems you can.The Lively Mobile Plus has two-way communication that works like a cell phone outside the home.Using high GPS accuracy,Agents will confirm your location,assess situation and get you the help youneed.It has a long-lasting battery and its waterproof,so it goes anywhere and everywhere that you do.With our Fall Detection service,Agents can send help even if you*re unable to press the button.FallDetection works with Urgent Response and our specially designed lanyard to sense the sudden movementof a fall.If you are unable to press the button,the Lively Mobile Plus will automatically call an UrgentResponse Agent.There are three monthly Health&Safety Packages for you to choose from:FunctionsBasic$19.99Preferred$29.99Ultimate$39.99Urgent Response7qUientCareVGreat call Link7VFall DetectionVFirst Montii Free when bought at:Plus,AARP members can save$60 per year on the Preferred or Ultimate PlaiL(1)Lively Mobile Plus is most useful fbr.A.a n o l d m a n l iv in g a l o n eB.a p rim a ry s cho o l s t u den tC.a co u p l e w it h l it t l e k idsD.a t een a ger s t u dy in g a bro a d(2)How much should an AARP member pay per year if he buys a Lively Mobile Plus with Fall Detectionservice at BESTBUY?A.$269.89.B.$379.89.C.$439.89.D.$479.88.(3)Which of the following statements about Lively Mobile Plus is NOT true?A.The s erv ice ca n be ca n cel l ed fo r n o t hin g.B.It ca n be u s ed in t he s ho w er o r in t he ra in.C.Urgen t res p o n s e is a v a il a bl e a ro u n d t he cl o ck.D.It p ro v ides a l l Det ect io n s erv ice w it h a n y p a ck a ge.2、【来源】2021年江苏泰州高三 二 模(B 篇)第 2427题 10分(每题2.5分)For most of us,the worlds southern-most point seems like a pretty place,but for Hannah,Hannalore,Sophie and Julia,its home.Each year they spend five months living and working in Port welcomingvisiting ships and,best of all,watching over the native colony of penguins(企 鹅).They live on a tiny island the size of a football pitch,but share it with about 2000 gentoo penguinsand their chicks,as well as other birds.Life here is different every day and depends on weather and iceconditions,as well as the visiting ships1 schedules.Port Lockroy is one of the most visited places inAntarctica,with one to three ships visiting a day.Between ship visits we have other duties to attend to.These include maintenance jobs,sending postcards from the post office,checking conditions on thehistorical items in the museum and monitoring the penguin colonies and other wildlife.Hannah spends much time stamping peoples postcard,which makes her happy to think of the joyover 70,000 people per year get when they receive a postcard from Antarctica,and the most southerly postoffice in the world!For Sophie,the most amazing thing about my job is being able to live and work withmy feathery friends,the penguins.Sophie says they have to make sure the penguins are not disturbed whenthey are resting or waddling their way back to their nests.They mark specific routes for visitors to walk onso that they dont use the penguins1 highways.Part of their job is also to count the penguin colony whenafter theyve laid their eggs,then again when the chicks are born and when the chicks are old enough toventure beyond the nest.The information collected will help scientists know if the breeding season hasbeen a successful one or not.(1)What can we learn from the passage?A.Ho w t o l iv e a n d w o rk in An t a rct ica.B.Wha t t he rea l l ife is l ik e in An t a rct ica.C.Wha t t he fo u r w o m en do in An t a rct ica.D.Ho w t o ex p l o re t he bea u t y o f An t a rct ica.(2)The duties of the four women includeA.p o s t in g w il dl ife t o p eo p l e a ro u n d t he w o rl d.B.cha n gin g t he w ea t her t o p res erv e his t o rica l it em s.C.reco rdin g t he da t a o f t he ice co n dit io n s in Po rt Lo ck ro y.D.co l l ect in g in fo rm a t io n a bo u t t he breedin g s ea s o n o f p en gu in s.(3)Which of the following is TRUE about Port Lockroy?A.Po s t ca rds fro m Po rt Lo ck ro y a re free o f cha rge.B.Port Lockroy welcomes the most tourists in Antarctica.C.Weather is a factor to consider if people are to visit Port Lockroy.D.When visiting Port Lockroy,tourists can travel wherever as they like.(4)In which our column of the newspaper are you most likely to read thepassage?_A.Book review.B.People in the news.C.Economics and business.D.Sports and events.3、【来源】2021年江苏泰州高三 二 模(C 篇)第 2831题 10分(每题2.5分)2021年河北衡水武邑县河北武邑中学高考模拟第2427题 10分(每题2.5分)What should we get for our kids this holiday?As children get older,giving them something they canexperience instead of material things makes them happier,according to a new research led by Chaplin.The research compared the level of happiness children get from material things with that fromexperiences.The results showed that children aged 3-12 get more happiness from material things thanfrom experiences.However,older children get more happiness from experiences than from theirpossessions.It means experiences are highly preferred by adolescents,not just expensive material things,likesome might think/Chaplin says.She goes on to explain,Dont get me wrong.Young children do loveexperiences.And given this concept,theme parks such as Disneyland are being built everywhere.In fact,young children are excited throughout the experience.However,for experiences to provide lastinghappiness,children must be able to recall details of the events.1Long after they have unwrapped their Legos and stuffed animals,there will still be a physicalreminder to give them happiness.However,young children cant see or touch experiences after they areover,making it harder for them to appreciate experiences after a long time.Theres an easy fix,though,according to Chaplin.nTake pictures or videos of family walks,playing in the snow,and birthday parties,she said.Children are likely to appreciate those experiences more if there is something to remind them of the event.Additionally,theyll be able to learn the social value of shared experiences.1Children will remember and appreciate not only the birthday gifts they received,but also the timespent with family and friends as they recall the experience through concrete reminders such as photos andvideos.Since memory is developed over time,its likely that children,especially young ones,may not get asmuch happiness from past experiences as from possessions.But with age,creating new memories andexploring new interests may be far more valuable than getting possessions.(1)Why are theme parks springing up according to Chaplin?A.They ca n o ffer chil dren l a s t in g ha p p in es s.B.Ev en t s in t hem a re cen t ered o n s p ecific t hem es.C.Direct in v o l v em en t in ev en t s t here ca t ers t o chil dren.D.Kids ha v e a n a ffect io n fo r t he a t m o s p here t hey o ffer.(2)The underlined word fix in Paragraph 4 can be replaced be.A.s o l u t io nB.a rra n gem en tC.p rep a ra t io nD.fo cu s(3)Which of the following would Chaplin probably agree with?A.Video s a p p ea l t o chil dren m o re t ha n gift s.B.Lego s a n d s t u ffed a n im a l s a re n o t k ids cu p o f t ea.C.Ol der chil dren v a l u e fa m il y t im e m o re t ha n y o u n ger o n es.D.Phy s ica l rem in ders hel p rem em ber p a s t ex p erien ces bet t er.(4)What can be inferred from the passage?A.Ex p erien ces a re bet t er gift s fo r o l der chil dren.B.So cia l v a l u es s ho u l d be p u t in t he firs t p l a ce.C.New in t eres t s a re m o s t p recio u s fo r chil dren.D.Ma t eria l p o s s es s io n s brin g m o re ha p p in es s t o chil dren.4、【来源】2021年江苏泰州高三 二 模(D 篇)第 3235题 10分(每题2.5分)Inequality in the workplace has long been a hot topic but gender economist Roy is actively turningthat conversation into action.She founded Pipeline Equityk,a company that employs artificial intelligence(AI)to identify and drive economic gains through gender equality.The idea was:If we could changedecisions that are made in organizations,we could actually make gender equality a reality in our lifetime,rather than the hundred or so years that we World Economic Forum(WEF)predicts.1 Roy said.The WEFs predictions were made before the COVID-19 pandemic hit,which Roy called a ushe-session,nbecause women have lost the majority of jobs during this particular economic downturn.Withremote work and with people being at home with children,most caregiving and unpaid work falls towomen.There has been much talk about such situations being good for gender equality,but Roy warned whileworking from home could help keep more women in the workforce,it could have a negative impact onfemale promotions.At this moment theres the opportunity to employ AI to ensure we make progress on genderequality,Roy explained.For companies,that is particularly important because in the 008 GreatRecession(经济大萧条),companies that put equality at the core of their crisis management strategyactually increased the speed of their recovery/1But to close the gender pay gap,we cant start by talking about pay.Pay is the symptom its not thedisease.Roy said.Pay is the quantitative(数量的)value that you place on your talent.But the actualvalue happens before that in performance and potential.Thats where Pipelines platform steps in.Using natural language processing,Pipelines platform reads through performance reviews and callsout any biased phrases.Theyve found that on average,women are under-valued 4 percent of the time,andthat actually impacts their ability to be promoted,as well as their pay.As this moment,we have the opportunity to embrace AI as a tool to achieve get equality.M Roy said.(1)Women in the workplace may face problems EXCEPT.A.bein g u n der-v a l u edB.get t in g a l o w er p a yC.hea v y eco n o m ic bu rdenD.s m a l l er cha n ces o f p ro m o t io n(2)By mentioning the 2008 Great Recession,Roy meant.A.AI ha d l o n g been em p l o y ed in t he w o rk p l a ceB.gen der equ a l it y w a s t he k ey t o s o l v in g t he cris isC.Gen der equ a l it y co u l d p l a y a n im p o rt a n t ro l e du rin g eco n o m ic cris isD.the present situation was similar to that of the 2008 Great Recession(3)What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 imply?A.Pay is the root of gender inequality.B.Pay is not worth attaching importance to.C.Pay is just an indicator of gender inequality.D.Pay is the first step towards ensuring gender quality.(4)Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A.Pay gap will soon be closed.B.Al brings equality into the workplace.C.Its time to ensure equality in the workplace.D.The more women in the workplace,the better.二、七选五(本大题共5小题,每小题2.5分,共12.5分)5、【来源】2021年江苏泰州高三二模第36-40题 12.5分(每题2.5分)In everyday life,we are often faced with important decisions-such as whether to apply for a new jobor start a new course.1 The more we can test our limits and abilities,the morewe will learn about ourselves.New challenges are opportunities for us.2 Rather than seeing the opportunity,often,we focus on what it will belike to fail.As a result,taking on a new challenge can be frightening.In these cases,we may avoid thechallenge altogether and carry on down the same path we were on.We make some excuses to ourselves so that we can stay in our comfortzone.3 By avoiding challenges,we dont have the opportunities to learn aboutourselves.We feel trapped.We are troubled by discomfort,anxiety,and the sense that things are not quiteright.There are times when we might want to avoid a challenge for good,realistic reasons.Perhaps,deepdown,we are frightened of what other people might say and of what we might leam about ourselves.Butinstead of acknowledging that,we tell ourselves that now is not a good time,or that this isnt the rightopportunity.4To lead an authentic life,we need to take on new challenges that give us more opportunities to beourselves.It is not that authentic people dont feel the same fear;rather,they are simply more willing toface their fear.5 The question is not how to lead a life in which we never feelthe fear of failure,but rather,how we can move forward despite our fear.A.In reality,it is our fear talking.B.The fear of failure can be too much to bear.C.However,we dont always see it that way.D.People think we can stay in our comfort zone and keep learning.E.Taking on such challenges is an important part of growing as a person.F.But the truth is that staying in our comfort zone is not necessarily comfortable.G.They are open to new experiences,cherishing the challenges of learning aboutthemselves.三、完形填空(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)6、【来源】2021年江苏泰州高三二模第4155题 15分(每 题 1分)Whatever makes you fall in love with horses happened to me.Ioften 1 myself owning my own horse.After taking riding lessons for a year,1 decided to buy a horse and Dad agreed一ifI 2 half the money.I worked and saved 100 dollars,a3 those days.4,200 dollars wasnt much to buy a horse.But Iwas 5 to look for one on a limited 6.I wasintroduced to Rusty,a 20-year-old horse,who had been abused and had a mistrustof 7.When I approached,he looked 8 at me.However,he was my dream horse and I decided to take it!Gradually,we became inseparable and he grew strong and energetic despitehis 9.But one morning,Rusty was suddenly ill.The vet said he had cancerand suggested humanely putting him to 10.The next morning,Dad loadedRusty into the truck and I waved goodbye to him,pretty sure it was forthe H time.Later that day,I was crying in bed when Dad called me.There,inside the truck was Rusty!I jumpedup,hugging him and crying with 12.Rusty 13 me for another happy year before the cancer finally took him.Bythen,we were a little more 14.Rusty isn*there 1 5,but love lives on,and Rusty will live in my heart forever.A.enjoyedB.picturedC.appreciatedD.foundA.donatedB.borrowedC.earnedD.allocatedA.dealB.prizeC.bonusD.fortuneA.ActuallyB.StrangelyC.AlternativelyD.TotallyA.obiigedB.determinedC.delightedD.expectedA.basisB.scaleC.levelD.budgetA.customersB.strangersC.childrenD.adultsA.reluctantlyB.eagerlyC.sadlyD.cautiouslyA.illnessB.sizeC.ageD.disabilityA.testB.sleepC.trainingD.competitionA.biggestB.worstC.lastD.firs tA.excitementB.shockC.pityD.blessingA.inspiredB.defendedC.accompanied!),refreshedA.preparedB.relaxedC.amazedD.concernedA.completelyB.eventuallyC.spirituallyD.physically四、语法填空(本大题共i o小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)7、【来源】2021年江苏泰州高三二模第56-65题 15分(每 题 1.5分)Every culture creates music,but what shapes our perception(感知)of music?In the past few years,psychologist Jacoby and his colleagues 1(visit)a remote area to investigatethe que