2021年新高考北京英语高考试题(网络收集版)一、完形填空Recently,I took a trip home by train.1 got a seat opposite a middle-aged manwith sharp eyes,who kept 1 a young woman in a window seat with a little boy onher lap.The womans eye fell on the mans face,and she immediately 1 ooked down and2_ her scarf.As the night wore on,people began to close their eyes,but the seats were souncomfortable that only a very heavy sleeper could manage to get any 3.The womanlooked over at the man.He was still staring at her.She looked back at him with firein her eyes.T was beginning to get 4,too.The train moved on.The 1ittle boy waswoman dropped off to sleep.A moment later,I5 awake on his mother,s lap,but thele began to 6 _the half-open window-oneleg went over it.The man jumped up and _7 the child just before he fell out.The 8 woke up the woman.She seemed to be in 9and then reality dawned(显 现).Your child has been looking for an opportunity to climb out of thewindow,“the man said as he gave the child back to h e r.“So I have been watchingthe whole time.The woman was 10,1.A.guiding B.bothering C.and so was I.watchingD.monitoring2.A.adjusted B.changed C.packedD.waved3.A.air B.joy C.spaceD.rest4.A.nervous B.embarrassed C.angryD.disappointed5.A.almost B.s ti11 C.hardlyD.even6.A.drag B.climb C.knockD.push7.A.grabbed B.rocked C.touchedD.picked二、用单词的适当形式完成短文8.A.alarmB.quarrelC.riskD.noise9.A.sorrowB.reliefC.panicD.pain10.A.astonishedB.confusedC.concernedD.inspired阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空.在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。W hy do we dream?Scientists aren*t completely sure,and they havediversel l.(idea).Dreams might be a side effect of memory making.When you sleep,yourbrain sorts through everything 12.hcippened during the day,trying to link newexperiences to old memories.As it 13(connect)things,your brain turns them into astory,and you get a dream.阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空.在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。Sam is an in-real-life streamer(播主),and he live streams himself just going abouthis day.While riding his bike home 14.a cold night,he came across a sad-lookingelderly woman wandering the streets by herself.The poor woman wasn,t able to give himany information about 15.she 1 ived.Sam walked her to a nearby convenience store sothat she could 16.(safe)wait for the police to take her home.阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空.在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个恰当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。There 17.(be)a dramatic rise in the number of extreme weather events over thepast 20 years,18.(cause)largely by rising global temperatures,according to a newreport from the United Nations.From 2000 to 2019,there were 7,348 major naturaldisasters around the world,19.(result)in U SD 2,970 billion in economic loss.Muchof this increase can be due to climate change.The findings show a critical need20.(invest)in disaster prevention.三、阅读选择If you ar e pl anning to star t a car eer in the fiel d of education,science,or cul tur e,then an inter nship(实习)at UNE SC O w i 1 1 be ideal for you.Who can app1 y?You have compl eted your ful l-time univer sity studies;or.You ar e studying in a gr aduate pr ogr am for a master1 s degr ee.A ppl icants in technical assignments must have r eached the l ast year of theirstudies in a technical institution.What ar e the r eq uir ements?You must be at l east 2 0 year s ol d.You shoul d have a good command(掌握)of either E ngl ish or F r ench.You must have an excel l ent know l edge of office-r el ated softw ar e.You shoul d be abl e to w or k w el l in a team and adapt to an inter national w or kingenvir onment.You shoul d possess str ong inter per sonal and communication skil l s.What do you need to pr epar e?Visa:You shoul d obtain the necessar y visas.Tr avel:You must ar r ange and finance your tr avel to and fr om the l ocationw her e you w i1 1 do your inter nship.Medical insur ance:You must show pr oof of a compr ehensive heal th insur anceval id(有效的)in the tar get countr y for the entir e per iod of the inter nship.UNE SC Ow il l pr ovide l imited insur ance cover age up to USD 3 0,0 0 0 for the inter nship per iod.Medical cer tificate:You must pr ovide a medical cer tificate indicating youar e fit to w or k.Motivation l etter:You shoul d have your motivation l etter r eady befor efil l ing out the appl ication for m.for six months.We do not r espond to ever y candidate.If sel ected,you w il l be contactedby a manager.If you do not r eceive any update w ithin six months,it means that yourappl icat ion has not been successful.2 1.A ccor ding to this passage,appl icants ar e r eq uir ed to.A.hol d a master*s degr ee in scienceB.have inter national w or k exper ienceC.be fl uent in either E ngl ish or F r enchD.pr esent a l etter fr om a technical institution2 2.What w il l UNE SC O pr ovide for the inter nship per iod?A.Limited medical insur ance cover age.B.Tr aining in communication skil l s.C.A medical cer tificate for w or k.D.F inancial suppor t for tr avel.2 3.What shoul d appl icants do befor e fil l ing out the appl ication for m?A.C ontact UNE SC O manager s.B.Get access to the database.C.Keep a motivation l etter at hand.D.Wor k in a team for six months.I r emember the day dur ing our fir st w eek of cl ass w hen w e w er e infor med aboutour semester (学期)pr oject of vol unteer ing at a non-pr ofit or ganiz ation.When theteacher intr oduced us to the differ ent or ganiz ations that needed our hel p,my l ast choicew as Oper ation Ir aq i C hil dr en(OIC).My fir st impr ession of the or ganiz ation w as thatit w as not going to make enough of a differ ence w ith the p kms 1 had in mind.Then,an OIC r epr esentative gave us some detail s,w hich somew hat inter ested me.A fterdoing some r esear ch,I bel ieved that w e coul d r eal l y do something for those kids.WhenI w ent onl ine to the OTC w ebsite,I saw pictur es of the Ir aq i chil dr en.Their facesw er e so pow er ful in sending a message of their despair (绝望)and need that I joinedYour appl ication w i 1 1 be accessed by UNE SC O manager s and w il l stay in our database this pr oject w ithout hesitation.We decided to col l ect as many school suppl ies aspossible,and make them into kits-one kit,one child.The most rewarding day for our group was project day,when al 1 the efforts we putinto collecting the items finally came together.W hen T saw the various supplies wehad collected,it hit me that every kit we were to build that day would eventually bein the hands of an Iraqi child.Over the past four months,1 had never imagined howI would feel once our project was completed.While making the kits,I realized thatI had lost sight of the true meaning behind it.I had only focused on the fact thatit was another school project and one I wanted to get a good grade on.W hen the kitswere completed,and ready to be sent overseas,the warm feeling I had was one I wouldnever forget.In the beginning,I dared myself to make a difference in the life of anotherperson.N ow that our project is over,I realize that I have affected not only one life,but ten.With our efforts ten young boys and girls wi11 now be able to further theireducation.24.How didA.It wouldB.It wouldC.It wou 1 dD.It wou 1 dthe author feel about joining the 01C project in the beginning?affect his/her initial plans.involve traveling overseas.not bring him/her a good grade.not live up to his/her expectations.25.What mainly helped the author change his/her attitude toward the project?A.Images of Iraqi children.C.A teacher*s introduction.B.Research by his/her classmates.D.A representative*s comments.26.The author*s O TC project groupwould help ten Iraqi children to.A.become O TC volunteersB.further their educationC.study in foreign countriesD.influence other chiIdien27.What can we conclude from this passage?A.One*s potential cannot always be underrated.B.First impression cannot always be trusted.C.Actions speak louder than words.D.He who hesitates is lost.Hundreds of scientists,writers and academics sounded a warning to humanityin an open letter published last December:Policymakers and the rest of us must engageopenly with the risk of global col lapse.Researchers in many areas have projected thewidespread collapse as“a credible scenario(情景)this centuryw.A survey of scientists found that extreme weather events,food insecurity,andfreshwater shortages might create global collapse.Of course,if you are a non-humanspecies,collapse is well underway.The call for public engagement with the unthinkable is especially germane in thismoment of sti11-uncontrolled pandemic and economic crises in the worlds mosttechnologically advanced nations.Not very long ago,it was also unthinkable that avirus would shut down nations and that safety nets would be proven so disastrouslykicking in flexibility.The international scholars*warning letter doesn*t say exactly what collapse willlook like or when it might happen.Collapseology,the study of collapse,is moreconcerned with identifying trends and with them the dangers of everyday civilization.Among the signatories(签署者)of the warning was Bob Johnson,the originator of theMecological footprintM concept,which measures the total amount of environmentalinput needed to maintain a given lifestyle.With the current footprint of humanity,“it seems that global col lapse is certain to happen in some form,possibly wi thin adecade,certainly within this century,w Johnson said in an emai1.“Only if we discuss the consequences of our biophysical limits,“the Decemberwarning letter says,“can we have the hope to reduce their speed,severity and harm”.And yet messengers of the coming disturbance are likely to be ignored.W e all want tohope things will turn out fine.As a poet wrote,Man is a victim of dope(麻醉品)In the incurable form of hope.The hundreds of scholars who signed the letter are intent(执着)on quieting hopethat ignores preparedness.Lets look directly into the issue of collapse,M theysay,“and deal wi th the terrible possibi i ties of what we see there to make the bestof a troubling future.”28.What does the underlined word“germane”in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Scientific.B.Credible.C.Original.D.Relevant.29.As for the pub!ic awareness of global col lapse,the author is.A.worried B.puzzledC.surprised D.scared30.What can we learn from this passage?A.The signatories may change the biophysical limits.B.The author agrees with the message of the poem.C.The issue of collapse is being prioritized.D.The global collapse is well underway.Early fifth-century phi losopher St.Augustine famously wrote that he knew whattime was unless someone asked him.Albert Einstein added another wrinkle when hetheorized that time varies depending on where you measure it.Todays state-of-the-artatomic(原子的)clocks have proven Einstein right.Even advanced physics can,tdecisively tel 1 us what time is,because the answer depends on the question you*re asking.Forget about time as an absolute.What if,instead of considering time in termsof astronomy,we related time to ecology?What if we tillowed environmental conditionsto set the tempo(节奏)of human life?Were increasingly aware of the fact that wecan,t control Earth systems wi th engineering alone,and realizing that we need tomoderate(调节)our actions if we hope to 1 ive in balance.What if our definition oftime reflected that?Recently,1 conceptualized a new approach to timekeeping that*s connected tocircumstances on our planet,conditions that might change as a result of globalwarming.Were now building a clock at the Anchorage Museum that reflects the totalflow of several major Alaskan rivers,which are sensitive to local and globalenvironmental changes.Weve programmed it to match an atomic clock if the waterwayscontinue to flow at their present rate.If the rivers run faster in the future on average,the clock will get ahead of standard time.If they run slower,you 11 see the oppositeeffect.The clock registers both short-term irregularities and long-term trends in riverdynamics.Its a sort of observatory that reveals how the riveis are behaving from theirown temporal frame(时间框架),and allows us to witness those changes on our smartwatchesor phones.Anyone who opts to go on Alaska Mean River Time will live in harmony withthe planet.Anyone who considers river time in relation to atomic time will encountera major imbalance and may be motivated to counteract it by consuming less fuel orsupporting greener policies.Even if this method of timekeeping is novel in its particulars,early agriculturalsocieties also connected time to natural phenomena.In pre-Classical Greece,forinstance,people ucorrectedM official calendars by shifting dates forward or backwardto reflect the change of season.Temporal connection to the environment was vitai totheir survival.Likewise,river time and other timekeeping systems were developingmay encourage environmental awareness.When St.Augustine admitted his inability to define time,he highlighted one oftime s most noticeabl e q ual ities:Time becomes meaningful onl y in a defined context.A nytimekeeping system is val id,and each is as pr aisew or thy as its pur pose.3 1.What is the main idea of Par agr aph 1?A.Timekeeping is incr easingl y r el ated to natur e.B.E ver yone can define time on their ow n ter ms.C.The q ual ities of time var y w ith how you measur e it.D.Time is a major concer n of phil osopher s and scientists.3 2.The author r aises thr ee q uestions in Par agr aph 2 mainl y to.A.pr esent an assumption B.eval uate an ar gumentC.highl ight an exper iment D.intr oduce an appr oach3 3.What can w e l ear n fr om this passage?A.Those w ho do not go on r iver time w i1 1 l ive an imbal anced 1 ife.B.New w ays of measur ing time can hel p to contr ol E ar th systems.C.A tomic time w il l get ahead of r iver time if the r iver s r un sl ow er.D.Moder n technol ogy may hel p to shape the r iver s tempor al fr ame.3 4.What can w e infer fr om this passage?A.It is cr ucial to impr ove the definition of time.B.A fixed fr ame w i1 1 make time meaningl ess.C.We shoul d l ive in har mony w ith natur e.D.Histor y is a mir r or r efl ecting r eal ity.四、七选五Music has l ong been consider ed to be an enjoyabl e pastime for manypeopl e.3 5.The mental heal th benefits fr om music can*t be ar gued.Music coul d al sobe hel ping you w ith many other heal th pr obl ems behind the scenes.3 6.How ever,for the same r eason,music can be ver y benef icicil if one is in pain.B ydistr acting(分心)the mind fr om the pain,music,peopl e say,can l ow er str ess andanxiety l evel s.This,of cour se,can l ead to l ess pain.Many peopl e enjoy r el axing music in the evening pr ior to going to bed.3 7.WhiIethe val idity of the idea is stil l being assessed,the l ow er ed str ess can even be tiedback to bl ood pr essur e.Simil ar l y,accor ding to r esear cher s,l istening to just 3 0 minutesof soft music ever y day may hel p w ith heal thy bl ood sugar l evel s,thr ough the l ow er ingof str ess and anxiety.When it comes to hear t heal th,ther e is specul ation(推测)that it,s not the styl eof music,but r ather the tempo that makes it so good for your hear t heal th.In oneE ur opean study,par ticipants l ist