2021年山西吕梁高三一模英语试卷-学生用卷一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共4 5分)1、【来源】2021年山西吕梁高三 一 模(A 篇)第 2123题 9 分(每题3 分)The holiday season is upon us and though they may feel a bit different this yearwithout large get-togethers,the holidays themselves are certainly not canceled.December is filled with celebrations.Hereare some of the most unusual ways people bring the festivities home-all around the world.KentuckyFried ChristinasJapanKentucky Fried chicken might not he the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Christmas,but over the years,it has become quite the holiday tradition in Japan.In order to ensure you get your handsin a holiday bucket,it is suggested that you order in advance,as nearly 4 million people choose KFC astheir Christmas dinner.Throwing of the ShoeCzechRepublicThis Christmas tradition has nothing to do with trimming trees or singing carols.Rather,youngwomen step outside their homes on Christmas Eve and instead of waiting fbr Santa,they throw a shoe overtheir shoulders.How it land is said to predict if the woman will marry next year.Burning EffigiesEcuadorNew years Eve comes with a whole set of traditions and customers to symbolically leave the previousyear behind.Here,monigotes-figures that represent what went wrong in the last year,sometimespoliticians are then burned into the night.Sauna VisitEstoniaThis is a holiday tradition most people would happily get behind.On Christmas Eve,after spendingthe day setting up for the following days festivities,it is traditional to sweat it out in sauna with yourfamily.(1)Which holiday tradition do you need to book in advance?A.S au n a V i s i t.B.Bu r n i n g Ef f i g i e s.C.Throwing of the Shoe.D.Kentucky Fried Christmas.(2)If a young woman throws a shoe over her shoulder on Christmas Eve,she wants toknow.A.whether she will get promotedB.how much money she will makeC.whether she will get married or notD.how many new friends she will make(3)Where is the text probably from?A.A science fiction.B.A news magazine.C.A travel brochure.D.A government report.2、【来源】2021年山西吕梁高三 一 模(B 篇)第 2427题 12分(每题3 分)I was sent to the Persian Gulf War in 1991.Married for only a year and a half,I was missing my wifeand baby daughter.In the years before cell phones and Wi-Fi,we had limited opportunities tocommunicate with loved ones.One night while sitting by myself,I investigated the Any Soldier1 mailbox,an old cardboard boxwith letters and packages from Americans.I chose one shoebox-size package,Inside was a bag of cookies.Underneath,I found about 20 cards from children.At the bottom was a letter from their teacher in Ohioexplaining how her kids had put the box together and how they supported our efforts in the war.I was truly touched by this gesture and decided to write a letter of gratitude.I thanked the teacher forwhat her children had doneits impact on me.For security reasons,I was able to sign only my name.Around 2013,1 received a Facebook friend request from a woman with whom I shared no contacts.Ireplied that unless we were friends,I could not accept her request.Her reply stuck with me.Dear sir/she wrote.We have never met,but in 1991 I was a second-grade teacher at a school inOhio and our classroom sent a care package addressed to Any Service Member.The thank-you letter youcomposed was framed and has been posted on the wall of the school for more than 20 years.I wanted toagain thank you fbr your service to our country.God bless you.We never spoke again,but this teacher strengthen my belief in doing what my mother always taughtme:Write thank-you notes-you never know how many people your kindness can touch.(1)Why did the children send the cards to the soldiers?A.T o f i n i s h t h e t as k t h at w as as s i g n e d b y t h e i r t e ac h e r.B.T o e x p r e s s t h e i r s u p p o r t t o t h e s o l d i e r s,e f f o r t s i n t h e w ar.C.T o w r i t e d o w n t h e i r d r e am s t h at t h e y w i s h e d t o r e al i z e.D.T o s h o w t h e i r h i g h s k i l l s i n m ak i n g t h o s e b r i l l i an t c ar d s.(2)What did the author find in the package?a.A shoe boxb.A bag of cookiesc.About twenty cardsd.A letter from a teacherA.b e dB.ab cC.ac dD.ab d(3)What can we learn from the passage?A.T h e p ac k ag e w as ad d r e s s e d t o t h e au t h o r h i m s e l f.B.T h e au t h o r c o n n e c t e d w i t h h i s f am i l y v i a t h e In t e r n e t.C.T h e au t h o r m e t t h e t e ac h e r i n p e r s o n ar o u n d 2013.D.T h e Fac e h o o k f r i e n d r e q u e s t w as r e f u s e d at f i r s t.(4)Which of the following would be the most proper title for the text?A.T o an y s o l d i e rB.A l e t t e r f o r m eC.A k i n d t e ac h e rD.Lo v e l y c h i l d r e n3、【来源】2021年山西吕梁高三 一 模(C 篇)第 2831题 12分(每题3 分)Hidden in the rolling mountains of the southeast Chinese province of Fujian is a series of giantmultistoried homes built with wood and defended with mud walls.Mostly built between the 15th and 20thcenturies,these shared homes purposefully nestle among tea,tobacco,rice fields and thick forests of pineand bamboo.These structures are known as the Fujian Tulou.Throughout history,their residents have mostly beenHakkamigrants in southern China who originated from lands next to the Yellow River.Populationpressures created conflicts between the Hakka and their neighbors,so they built their homes to double asfortification(防御)structures.Walls are up to 5 feet thick and can reach 60 feet high.Defensive features include iron gates,underground escape tunnels,tiled roofs,a water well,and a backup stock of grains and livestock in theevent of a lengthy conflict.The buildings,usually three to four stories,are symmetrical(对称的)in theirshapes-this means that in the event of a conflict there are no blind spots.While tulou translates as earthen building1 in Chinese,the construction materials are made up of furmore than just mud.The foundations of the structures are made of local river stones and the walls are madeof fine mud sourced from rice fields.The mud is reinforced(力 口 固)with bamboo mixed with sand andlime,and then compacted(压实)with a thick stick.While similar in layout,each tulou is unique.The Yuchang Building,built in 1308,is the oldest andtallest and known for its tilted pillars,some of which lean at a sharp 15-degree angle.The Hegui Buildingis the largest rectangular(矩形的)one,covering an area of nearly 1,300 square meters.The ChengqiBuilding is the most massive in size,with about 400 rooms.Because of the economic draw of the neighboring cities,theres been a great loss of residents over thelast 25 years.Today the structures that once housed thousands of people are only home to a couple ofdozen permanent residents,most of them elderly.In 2008,46 tulous were given World Heritage status byUNESCO.The growth of tourism in the area not only has kept the buildings from being destroyed,but alsohas promoted local businesses and allowed tulou to remain living and functional relics.(1)What*s the original purpose of Hakka*s building tulou?A.T o l i v e i n h ar m o n y w i t h n at u r e.B.T o m ak e t h e m s e l v e s m o r e s p ac e t o l i v e.C.T o p r o t e c t t h e m f r o m b e i n g at t ac k e d.D.T o at t r ac t v i s i t o r s t o ap p r e c i at e t h e s c e n e r y.(2)What function do the symmetrical shapes of the buildings have?A.T o k e e p t h e b u i l d i n g s b al an c e d.B.T o i n c r e as e t h e s p ac e t o l i v e i n.C.T o m ak e t h e b u i l d i n g s m o r e at t r ac t i v e.D.T o e n s u r e t h e y c an at t ac k e n e m i e s i n al l d i r e c t i o n s.(3)How many different tulou buildings are mentioned in paragraph 5?A.T h r e e.B.Fo u r.C.Fi v e.D.On l y o n e.(4)What can we infer from the last paragraph?A.T h e t r ad i t i o n al s t r u c t u r e s h av e p e r f e c t d e f e n s i v e s y s t e m s.B.T h e t o u r i s m i n t h e ar e a b e n e f i t s t h e s t r u c t u r e s s i g n i f i c an t l y.C.Mo s t o f t h e p e r m an e n t r e s i d e n t s i n t h e s t r u c t u r e s n o w ar e t h e e l d e r l y.D.T h e t r ad i t i o n al s t r u c t u r e s ar e d i s ap p e ar i n g w i t h e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t.4、【来源】2021年山西吕梁高三 一 模(D 篇)第 3235题 12分(每题3 分)Robots will be used to charge electric cars at only a small pan of the price of installing fixed roadsidecharging devices.A fleet of autonomous charging devices is being developed that will seek out vehicles running low onbattery power with little involvement from the human driver.Volkswagen,the German car maker,said thata sample of the robot had been developed.The move would help to allay concern over the shortage ofroadside charge points needed to support the rising demand for electric cars.A recent report by theInternational Council on Clean Transportation found that Britain has only 5 percent of the roadside chargesthat will be needed by 2030.It can cost thousands of pounds to install a charger,which involves feeding apower supply to the roadside or car park and installing charging structure.VW Group Components,asubsidiary of the car maker,is developing innovations that would cut the cost of charging.One ideainvolves creating multiple mobile energy units that can be charged in a single location,such as a car park,and then moved into position next to a car.Such quick charging stations have been developed and arelikely to be introduced early next year.To improve the technology,the company is developing a robot that can move the charger intoposition and complete the process with no human input.When activated via an app,the robot would takethe charger to the car,open the socket flap on the vehicle and connect the charging wire.The system wouldenable operators to quickly and simply electrify every parking space using the mobile charging robot0,the company said,which would reduce the construction work needed as well as the cost.(1)Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word allay in the second paragraph?A.r i s eB.r e u s eC.r e p l yD.r e d u c e(2)We can learn from the passage that.A.t h e r o b o t s h av e b e e n u s e d t o c h ar g e e l e c t r i c c ar sB.t h e r o b o t s c an b e u s e d w i t h t h e h e l p o f h u m an sC.a d r i v e r c an u s e t h e m o t s b y d o w n l o ad i n g an ap pD.i t c an c o s t t h o u s an d s o f p o u n d s t o d e v e l o p a r o b o t(3)How can the charging cost be cut according to the text?A.By i n c r e as i n g t h e h u m an i n p u t.B.By i n s t al l i n g m o r e r o ad s i d e c h ar g e r s.C.By d e v e l o p i n g q u i c k c h ar g i n g s t at i o n s.D.By d e c r e as i n g t h e p r i c e o f c h ar g i n g v e h i c l e s.(4)Whafs the main idea of the text?A.It i s m u c h c h e ap e r t o u s e r o b o t s t h an t o u s e h u m an s.B.T h e r o b o t s w i l l c o n n e c t t h e c h ar g e r t o t h e e l e c t r i c c ar.C.It c o s t s m o r e t o i n s t al l a f i x e d r o ad s i d e c h ar g i n g d e v i c e s.D.T h e r o b o t s w i l l b e u s e d t o s e e k o u t v e h i c l e s w i t h l o w p o w e r.二、七选五(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)5、【来源】2021年山西吕梁高三一模第3640题 15分(每题3 分)Drugs are chemicals that change the way a persons body works.Youve probably heard that drugs arebad for you,but what does that mean and why are they bad?Medicines Are Legal Drugs1you already know about one kind of drugs.Medicines are legal drugs,meaning doctors are allowed to prescribe them for patients,stores can sell them,and people are allowed tobuy them.Illegal DrugsWhen people talk about a drug problem,they usually mean abusing legal drugs or using illegaldrugs,such as cocaine(冰毒)and heroin to get high.2Illegal drugs arent good for anyone,but they are particularly bad for a kid or teen whose body is stillgrowing.Illegal drugs can damage the brain,heart,and other important organs.Cocaine,for instance,cancause a heart attackeven in a kid or teen.While using drugs,people are also less able to do well inschool,sports,and other activities.Its often harder to think clearly and make gooddecisions.3Why Do People Use Illegal Drugs?Sometimes kids and teens try drugs to fit in with a group offriends.4 Someone may use illegal drugs for many reasons,but often becausethey help the person escape from reality fbr a while.5And using drugs often causes other problems on top of the problemsthe person had in the first place.Somebody who uses drugs might need professional help to stop usingdrugs.A grownup can help the person find the treatment needed to stop using drugs.Another way kids canhelp kids is by choosing not to try or use drugs.A.Why Are Illegal Drugs Dangerous?B.Are IIleal Drugs Dangerous for People?C.Drugs dont solve problems,of course.D.Or they might be curious or just bored.E.When you are not feeling well or right.F.If youve ever been sick and had to take medicine,G.People can do dangerous things when they use drugs.三、完形填空(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共4 0分)6、【来源】2021年山西吕梁高三一模第4160题 40分(每题2 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I was at work one day when I had my first seizure(发作).I woke up ina(an)1 and had no idea what was happening.A colleague Id known was inthe ambulance with me and although I was very confused,I was 2 that Irecognised her face,at least.I was finally diagnosed 3 epilepsy(癫痫),which was a huge 4 to me.The hardest thing in the early days was losing my 5.I had to rely on myfamily to do everyday things,like taking a bath,6 we never knew when aseizure could hit.I also suffered with brain fog and 7 loss,which was bothfrustrating and 8.And then there was the added knowledge that Icould 9 at any moment.A friend suggested I try yoga,so I started doing a few classes a week and it proved to belief-changing.There were 0 benefits,for sure,but more important were the changes itbrought to my thinking.I knew I needed to 1J to my lifestyle if I wanted tostay well in the long learn,so I became a yoga 12.AH these have made ahuge 13 to my health.Tve been seizure-free for more than two years now andIm living a life I never thought was 14.I feel genuinely happy every day and Ithink its because teaching yoga makes me feel like Im 5 to society in apositive way.When I teach,I let 16 know that were alldifferent 7 were all doing our best,and when I tell my students notto 18 to life,its a good 19 for me,too.I am so 20 for my experience.A.hospitalB.clinicC.ambulanceD.officeA.relievedB.terrifiedC.confidentD.nervousA.withB.byC.forD.aboutA.surpriseB.mistakeC.diseaseD.blowA.confidenceB.independenceC.freedomD.consciousnessA.whenB.unlessC.becauseD.soA.eyesightB.hearingC.feelingD.memoryA.amazingB.embarrassingC.amusingD.puzzlingA.recoverB.sleepC.dieD.lieA.mentalB.physicalC.innerD.psychologicalA.changeB.chooseC.exchangeD.challengeA.coachB.studentC.fanD.founderA.effectB.senseC.differenceD.effortA.meaningfulB.colorfulC.properD.possibleA.donatingB.contributingC.attributingD.comparingA.anyoneB.someoneC.no oneD.everyoneA.soB.butC.andD.orA.give inB.give upC.give outD.give offA.problemB.opportunityC.mannersD.reminderA.anxiousB.famousC.gratef