ISOIEC 16022(2006)原版完整文件.docx
© ISO/IEC 2005 All rights reservedPOC SB PEG 2005.3-Doc 9.Annex 2ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 N1885Date: 2005-01-18ISO/IEC FCD 16022ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31/WG 1Secretariat: ANSIInformation technology Automatic identification and data capture techniques Bar code symbology specifications Data MatrixTechnologies de l'information Techniques de l'identification et de saisie de données automatiques Spécifications de symbologies de code à barres Data MatrixWarningThis document is not an ISO International Standard. It is distributed for review and comment. It is subject to change without notice and may not be referred to as an International Standard.Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation.Document type: International Standard Document subtype:Document stage: (40) Enquiry Document language: EC:Documents and SettingsWellsDesktopmytemp31N18851.doc STD Version 2.1c2ISO/IEC FCD 16022Copyright noticeThis ISO document is a Draft International Standard and is copyright-protected by ISO. Except as permitted under the applicable laws of the user's country, neither this ISO draft nor any extract from it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission being secured.Requests for permission to reproduce should be addressed to either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 · CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax + 41 22 749 09 47E-mail Web www.iso.orgReproduction may be subject to royalty payments or a licensing agreement. Violators may be prosecuted.vii© ISO/IEC 2005 All rights reservedContentsPageForewordviiIntroductionviii1 Scope12 Normative references13 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms, and mathematical/logical notations13.1 Terms and definitions13.2 Symbols and abbreviations23.3 Mathematical/logical notations34 Symbol description34.1 Basic characteristics.34.2 Summary of additional features44.3 Symbol structure44.3.1 Finder pattern44.3.2 Symbol sizes and capacities55 ECC 200 requirements55.1 Encode procedure overview55.2 Data encodation65.2.1 Overview65.2.2 Default character interpretation65.2.3 ASCII encodation65.2.4 Symbology control characters75.2.5 C40 encodation95.2.6 Text encodation105.2.7 ANSI X12 encodation105.2.8 EDIFACT encodation115.2.9 Base 256 encodation125.3 User considerations135.3.1 User selection of Extended Channel Interpretation135.3.2 User selection of symbol size and shape135.4 Extended Channel Interpretation135.4.1 Encoding ECIs135.4.2 ECIs and Structured Append145.4.3 Post-decode protocol145.5 ECC 200 symbol attributes145.5.1 Symbol sizes and capacity145.5.2 Insertion of Alignment Patterns into larger symbols165.6 Structured Append165.6.1 Basic principles165.6.2 Symbol sequence indicator165.6.3 File identification175.6.4 FNC1 and Structured Append175.6.5 Buffered and unbuffered operation175.7 Error detection and correction175.7.1 Reed-Solomon error correction175.7.2 Generating the error correction codewords175.7.3 Error correction capacity185.8 Symbol construction185.8.1 Symbol character placement195.8.2 Alignment Pattern module placement195.8.3 Finder Pattern module placement196 ECC 000 - 140 requirements206.1 Use recommendations206.2 Encode procedure overview206.3 Data encodation206.3.1 Base 11 - Numeric encodation226.3.2 Base 27 - Upper-case Alphabetic encodation226.3.3 Base 37 - Upper-case Alphanumeric encodation226.3.4 Base 41 - Upper-case Alphanumeric plus Punctuation encodation236.3.5 ASCII encodation236.3.6 8-bit byte encodation236.4 User selection of error correction level236.4.1 Selection of error correction level236.4.2 Other error correction levels based on convolutional code algorithms246.5 Constructing the Unprotected Bit Stream246.5.1 Format ID Bit Field246.5.2 CRC Bit Field246.5.3 Data Length Bit Field246.5.4 Data prefix construction246.5.5 Completing the Unprotected Bit Stream256.6 Constructing the Unrandomised Bit Stream256.6.1 Header construction256.6.2 Applying convolutional coding to create the Protected Bit Stream256.6.3 Trailer construction266.6.4 Completing the Unrandomised Bit Stream266.7 Pattern randomising266.8 Module placement in matrix267 Symbol dimensions267.1 Dimensions267.2 Quiet zone268 Symbol quality268.1 Symbol quality parameters278.1.1 Fixed pattern damage278.1.2 Scan grade and overall symbol grade278.1.3 Grid non-uniformity278.2 Process control measurements279 Reference decode algorithm for Data Matrix2710 User guidelines3610.1 Human readable interpretation3610.2 Autodiscrimination capability3610.3 System considerations3611 Transmitted data3611.1 Protocol for FNC1 (ECC 200 only)3611.2 Protocol for FNC1 in the second position (ECC 200 only)3611.3 Protocol for Macro characters in the first position (ECC 200 only)3611.4 Protocol for ECIs (ECC 200 only)3711.5 Symbology identifier3711.6 Transmitted data example37Annex A (normative) ECC 200 interleaving process39A.1 Schematic illustration39A.2 Starting sequence for interleaving in different sized symbols39Annex B (normative) ECC 200 pattern randomising42B.1 253-state algorithm42B.1.1 253-state randomising algorithm42B.1.2 253-state un-randomising algorithm.42B.2 255-state algorithm42B.2.1 255-state randomising algorithm43B.2.2 255-state un-randomising algorithm43Annex C (normative) ECC 200 encodation character sets44C.1C40 encodation character set44C.2 Text encodation character set45C.3 EDIFACT encodation character set46Annex D (normative) ECC 200 alignment patterns48Annex E (normative) ECC 200 Reed-Solomon error detection and correction50E.1 Error correction codeword generator polynomials50E.2 Error correction calculation52E.3 Calculation of error correction codewords.53Annex F (normative) ECC 200 symbol character placement55F.1 Symbol character placement55F.2 Symbol character placement rules57F.2.1 Non-standard symbol character shapes57F.2.2 Symbol character arrangement60F.3 Symbol character placement examples for ECC 20062Annex G (normative) ECC 000 - 140 symbol attributes68G.1ECC 00068G.2ECC 05069G.3ECC 08070G.4ECC 10071G.5ECC 14072Annex H (normative) ECC 000 - 140 data module placement grids73Annex I (normative) ECC 000 - 140 character encodation schemes90I.1 Base 11 encodation scheme94I.1.1 First stage procedure94I.1.2 Second stage procedure.94I.1.3 Example94I.2 Base 27 encodation scheme95I.2.1 First stage procedure95I.2.2 Second stage procedure.95I.2.3 Example95I.3 Base 37 encodation scheme96I.3.1 First stage procedure96I.3.2 Second stage procedure.96I.3.3 Example96I.4 Base 41 encodation scheme97I.4.1 First stage procedure97I.4.2 Second stage procedure.97I.4.3 Example97Annex J (normative) ECC 000 - 140 CRC algorithm98J.1 CRC state machine98J.2 CRC polynomial98J.3 CRC 2-byte header98Annex K (normative) ECC 000 - 140 error checking and correcting algorithms100K.1ECC 000100K.2ECC 050100K.3ECC 080100K.4ECC 100100K.5ECC 140100K.6 Processing the convolutional code100K.7 Convolutional codes reference decode algorithm101Annex L (normative) ECC 000 - 140 Master Random Bit Stream (in hexadecimal).104Annex M (normative) Data Matrix print quality symbology-specific aspects105M.1Data Matrix Fixed Pattern Damage.105M.1.1 Features to be assessed105M.1.2 Grading of the outside L of the fixed pattern105M.1.3 Grading of the clock track and adjacent solid area segments107M.1.4 Calculation and grading of average grade111M.2Scan grade112Annex N (normative) Symbology identifier113Annex O (informative) ECC 200 encode example114Annex P (informative) Encoding data using the minimum symbol data characters for ECC 200116Annex Q (informative) ECC 000 - 140 encode example using ECC 050120Q.1Encode example120Q.2CRC calculation for example124Annex R (informative) Useful process control techniques128R.1 Symbol contrast128R.2 Special reference symbol128R.3 Assessing Axial Nonuniformity129R.4 Visual inspection for symbol distortion and defects129Annex S (informative) Autodiscrimination capability130Annex T (informative) System considerations131Bibliography132ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO/IEC 16022 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information Technology, Subcommittee SC 31, Automatic identification and data capture techniques.This second/third/. edition cancels and replaces the first/second/. edition (), clause(s) / subclause(s) / table(s) / figure(s) / annex(es) of which has / have been technically revised.Annexes A through N of this International Standard are normative; Annexes O through T are informative.ISO/IEC FCD 16022IntroductionData Matrix is a two-dimensional matrix symbology which is made up of nominally square modules arranged within a perimeter finder pattern. Though primarily shown and described in this document as a dark symbol on light background, Data Matrix symbols can also be printed to appear as light on dark.Manufacturers of bar code equipment and users of the technology require publicly available standard symbology specifications to which they can refer when developing equipment and application standards. The publication of standardised symbology specifications is designed to achieve this.11© ISO/IEC 2005 All rights reservedInformation technology Automatic identification and data capture techniques Bar code symbology specifications Data Matrix1 ScopeThis International Standard defines the requirements for the symbology known as Data Matrix. It specifies the Data Matrix symbology characteristics, data character encodation, symbol formats, dimensions and print quality requirements, error correction rules, decoding algorithm, and user-selectable application parameters.It applies to all Data Matrix symbols produced by any printing or marking technology.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO/IEC 15424, Information technology Automatic identification and data capture techniques Data carrier and symbology identifiersISO/IEC 19762, Information technology Automatic identification and data capture techniques Harmonised vocabularyISO/IEC 15415, Information technology Automatic identification and data capture techniques Bar Code Symbol Print Quality Two-dimensional symbolsISO/IEC 15416, Information technology Automatic identification and data capture techniques Bar Code Symbol Print Quality Linear symbolsISO/IEC 646:1991, Information technology ISO 7-bit coded character set for information exchangeISO/IEC 8859-1 Information processing - 8-bit Single-byte Coded Graphic Character Sets - Part 1 (Latin Alphabet Number 1)ISO/IEC 8859-5:1999 Information processing - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 5: Latin/Cyrillic alphabetAIM Inc. ITS/04-001International Technical Standard: Extended Channel Interpretations- Part 1: Identification Schemes and Protocol3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms, and mathematical/logical notations3.1 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 19762 and the following apply.ISO/IEC FCD 160223.1.1codewordsymbol character value. An intermediate level of coding between source data and the graphical encodation in the symbol.3.1.2modulesingle cell in a matrix symbology used to encode one bit of data. In Data Matrix the module is nominally a square shape.3.1.3convolutional codingerror checking and correcting (ECC) algorithm that processes a set of input bits into a set of output bits that can recover from damage. The encoding process consists of breaking the input bits into blocks, then convolving each input block with the contents of a multi-stage shift register to produce protected output blocks. These encoders can be constructed in hardware using input and output switches, shift registers, and exclusive-or (XOR) gates.3.1.4pattern randomisingprocedure which converts an original bit pattern to another bit pattern by inverting selected bits. The resulting bit stream is less likely to have repeating patterns.3.2 Symbols and abbreviationsFor the purposes of this International Standard, the mathematical symbols which follow shall apply globally unless defined locally:d number of error correction codewordse number of erasuresk (for ECC 000 - 140) the number of bits in a complete segment input to the state machine to generate