七年级下册英语期末复习一一短文康空(-)Do you like aninials?What*s your favorite animal?Thcrc arc many kinds of wonderful animals in the world.But I like mon keys 1 (good). Monkeys are fun.They climb trees, jumping up and down.h seems that they never gel bored.2_summcr holiday comesjny family visit a special place called the African Safari (非 洲野生动物园).Il's a pail where the animals live freely, and people stay inside their cars 3 (watch).As we drive slowly.we see many aniinals-lionsjigers.elephants and so on.This is not the 4 (onc)tinK I have watched them.But in 5 open flcldjt is quite different.Ever' time I come here.watching them living happily and peacefully.! feel very互(relax).When wc arc about halfway(中途through the safari a group 7 monkeys always climb onop(顶)of our car.They enjoy 8 (gepsome food from us.Among (hem. I can always see other monkeys holding the 9 (baby)in their arms(在它们的怀里).Through the car's roof window(天窗),we can see (he monkeys clearly.Thal's so 10 (interest). And I can't wait to come here again(再一次).I. 2. 3.4. 5. .6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .(二)we don,t can be two very join interesting boy like girl musicOur school has many interesting clubs,such as the I. club.thc basketball club, the chess club and the art club.We 2. these clubs and many of us arc in ihese chibs.Bui I think the movie club in our school is really 3. Sixly-four students are in it.Forty are 4. and twenty-four arc girts.We all like seeing movies5. much.So we 6.the movie chib.Here you can see many kinds of movies.This month we have 7. action movics.two ihriIlers(恐怖片)and three comedies(喜剧片).Boys like action movies and thrillers.But girls 8. like those movies.They like comedies.They think comedies 9. very funny.Do you like seeing movics?Plcasc join 10. movie club.(三)Mr.Brown is 1 old man.Every morning he 2 (go)fbr a walk in the park.And he comes home_3_half past twelve for his lunch.But today a car stops at his house at twelve o'clock.Two policemen help him 4 (get) out.One of.(they)says to Mr.Brown,s daughterThe old man can't find his way in (he park. He asks us 6 (takc)him home in the car.*The daughter (hanks (he policemen and they Icavc.Thcn she asks_L(she)fathcr, ,tDad.you go to (hat park every day. 8 todayt you can't find the way.Whal's wrong with you?”The old man smiles like a child and says 9 (happy)71 can 10 (find)my way. I don't want to walk home.you know.1. 2. 3.4. 5. .6. 7. 8.9. 10. .(W)it sun cold when sit back call winter because seasonDear Wang Hong.Thank you for your letter.Y(>u said,',Many trees and flowers conic 1. to life." So it must be spring in China now.In Australia* 2. is fall.The weather is gelling 3. .Bui il never gets really cold hcre.4. is the best time to go <o Australia? Australians will tell you “Any lime is good".but many people think the best lime is suninier.lt is ho< and 5. I like summer best. 6. in summer I can go swimming in the sca.Aftcr swimming,! enjoy 7. on the beach and drinking apple juice. It's great.Swimming is very popular in Australia.Somc people swim in four 8. .But I don't swim in July.k is 9. in Australia.The sea waler is too cold.Now my mother 10. me.I have to say goodbye!Bese wishes.Yours.Tom(五)Dear Tom,My name is Sieve.I'm ihineen years old.rm I (study )in a middle school.My school is nice 2_clean.There arc 40 students in my class.ICs 3 (sun)today.My classmates and I arc having 士good (iine in (he park.Il's a nice place.ManyJ_(bird)are singing in the trees. Many people arc 6 (cxcrcisc).Samc boys arc playing soccer. Some people arc sitting on the chairs.A girl is drawing picturc.Hcr picture Iooks_7_(hcauty).Another girl is taking 8 (photo).Thc weather is just for 9 (relax).rm writine IQ you!What are you doing?】 hope to hear from you soon.Yours.Steve1. 2. 3.4. 5, .6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .(六)body coine strict really they over because speak pari badArc you happy with your l(x>ks?Somc students arc not.1( seems(似乎)thai large eyes.white skin and a very thin body are the only standard(标 准)of beauty these days.But can following this standard 1.make us feel good about ourselves?Body image anx沁ly(形象焦虑)is common(常见的).According to a study.2.six inten girls don't join in some daily activities,because (hey feel 3.about (heir looks.About 31% of students arc afraid of 4.in claxs because they worry that others will notice (heir looks and laugh al 5.Many students arc unhappy about their looks 6.they believe in the standards of beauty.Beautiful faces and 7.are everywhere on TV shows.Sccing all these things can make anyone believe (hat theyrc too dark.too fai.ioo short.or too tall.These 8.standards make us feel anxious.In fact,wc arc too hard on ourselves.Beauty 9.in all shapes and sizcs.Plus-sizc models arc having an important 10.in some fashion shows.AH of us should be just as confident 自 信)as they arc.(七)sun go always she be milk so countryside relax withJenny's grandparents arc healthy and they live in a countryside.The weather is I.greai.lt is 2.almost all year round(全年)Jenny likes to visit them on wcckcnds.Hcr grandparents arc happy to see 3.Last Sunday>shc 4.there again.In the moming.she helped her grandparents 5.a cow and feed chickens. She loved to do them because the animals 6.lovcIy.Aftcr (hat, she went to the supermarket 7.her grandfather.They often go shopping together.It's far from their housc.8.they can only get there by car.Jenny loves staying in the 9. It*s a good place 10.And she thinks the best thing in life is free like sunshine and the clean air.(A)like slay they plan arrive place shape fun because flyh was sunny yesterday. 1 1.in Beijing with my friends at nine in the morning. We had breakfast on ihe plane.and we went io (he hotel by taxi at once.After lunch, we decided to visit some 2.of intcrcst.First,wc took a bus to the Summer Palacc.Wc had 3.boating on Kunming Lake and we 4.there for about two houis.In the evening,we walked to Tiananmen Square 5.it was not far from our hotcl.Wc took some photos there. My parents liked 6.very much. This morning we walked to the Palace Museum.On the way.we saw some people 7. kiies.The kites were in different 8. .Some were like birds and sonic were 9. fish.They looked very interesting. Tomorrow we 10.to visit (he Great Wall.h's a wonderful place and I think we will have a good lime there.(九)Do you want (o bea good neighbor?And I.can you do lo make the neighborhood a great placc?Rcmcmbcrjt's never too late to start with some new habits.Slop and talk.You can do one thing to be a good neighbor-stop and (alk with your ncightx)rs,say hcllojalk about the weathecor talk about 2.(thcy)pct dogs.Everyone can do this very 3.(easy).Don't be 4.(noise).It's okay for you to watch TV or listen to music at your home 54.(he late evening.But you need io (urn (hem down.And if you don't live on the first fl<x)r.do not play basketball 6.dance in the house.Be helpful.Good neighbors arc always happy 7.(help) each other.If you arc free, you can help (he old in ihe neighborhood do the 8.(clean).If you arc good al playing a ball gamc.you can teach some 9. (child)in the neighborhood how to play it.Following 10. tips above(在上面3 you will be a good neighbor for sure.(十)Chen Yue gets up at 6:00 every wcckday.Shc I.(cat) breakfast at 6:15. Then she 2.(learn)English.At 6:5(),she 3(leave)homc.Shc takes a bus to school.She gets (here al 7: lO.She doesn't warn 4.(be)laie.5. (class) begin at 8:00.Chen Yue has lunch at her 6. (unclOhouse at around 12:00. In 7. afternoon, classes are over at 4:00.and then she plays games.8.gets home at 5:00.In the evening she does 9. (she)hornework.And sometimes she waiches TV. She goes 10. bed at 10:00.参考答案(一)I .best 2.Whcn 3.to watch5.an 66.rclaxcd 7.of S.gctting9.babies lO.intei'esiing(二)1 .music 2.likc 3.interesting 4.boys 5.very 6.join 7.two S.don't 9.arc lO.our(三)Lan 2.goes 3.at 4.(io)ge(5.(hem6.(o take 7.her 8.Bui 9.happilylO.find(四)Lback2.i( 3.cold 4.When 5.sunny 6.bccausc 7.sizing S.scasons9.winter lO.is calling(3i> I .studying 2.and 3.sunny 4.a 5.birds 6.cxcrcising 7.baiutiful 8.photos 9.rclaxing 10.10(六)I .really 2.ovcr 3.bad 4.spcaking 5.thcm 6.bccausc 7.bodies 8.strict cs lO.part (七)I .always 2.sunny 3.her 4.weni 5.milk 6.were 7.with 8.so 9.countryside lO.to relax(A) I .arrived 2.placcs 3.fun 4.staycd 5.because 6.thcm 7.flying 8.shapes 9.likc lO.plan(九)1 .what 2.thcir 3.easily 4.noisy 5.in 6.or 7.to help R.clcaning O.childrcn lO.lhe(I ,) 1 .eats 2.leams 3.leaves 4.U)be 5.Classes 6.uncle's 7.the 8.She 9.her lO.to