写作技巧点拨系列(四)巧妙遣词造句,实现升级策略1/24【语语篇篇锤炼锤炼】(江江西西高高考考)I like reading.Reading is my favorite hobby(我我最最喜喜欢欢兴兴趣趣).I can never stop the love for reading because books are like wise teachers as well as good friends(像像良良师师益益友友)in my life.As we know,books are the source of knowledge(知知识识源泉源泉).I benefit a great deal from(受益匪浅受益匪浅)reading.2/24There are a variety of(各各种种各各样样)books for us to choose from,like history books,science books,literary books and so on.But what interests me most is literary books,especially those by famous writers.For one thing,they help to improve my writing skills and broaden my horizons(拓拓宽宽我我视视野野).For another,they can enrich my life(丰丰富富我我生生活活)and provide me with great fun.Isnt it a pleasure to have great calm in mind(内心巨大平静内心巨大平静)while you are reading?3/24点点拨拨:1.巧巧用用词词汇汇:my favorite hobby,source,benefit a great deal,broaden my horizons,enrich my life2.妙妙用用短短语语:as well as,a variety of,for one thing,for another,have great calm in mind3.复复杂杂句句式式:because原原因因状状语语从从句句,for us to choose from不定式复合不定式复合结结构构,what名名词词性从句性从句,while时间时间状状语语从句。从句。4/24【关【关键键点点拨拨】高高考考书书面面表表示示最最高高档档次次评评分分标标准准中中,要要求求“词词汇汇丰丰富富,有有修修辞辞意意识识,显显示示出出较较强强语语言言利利用用能能力力”。所所以以要要想想在在高高考考英英语语写写作作中中取取得得高高分分,就就必必须须使使用用一一定定高高级级词词汇汇及及复复杂杂句句式式,为为文文章章增加增加闪闪光点光点,从而提升文章档次。从而提升文章档次。5/241.遣遣词词方面方面:(1)措辞要措辞要贴贴切切详细详细试试比比较较下面句子下面句子:一个人正在街上一个人正在街上闲闲逛。逛。A man is walking down the street.A man is wandering down the street.经经过过比比较较能能够够看看出出,前前一一句句不不如如后后一一句句表表示示得得详详细细、生生动动。一一个个词词假假如如内内涵涵越越详详细细,那那么么在在特特定定场场景景中中恰恰当当地地使使用用它它,就就会会收到意想不到效果。收到意想不到效果。6/24(2)要善于利用短要善于利用短语语短短语语用得好用得好,会会给评给评卷老卷老师师留下深刻印象。比如留下深刻印象。比如:When he was a child,he wanted to learn everything.(普通普通)When he was a child,he had a strong appetite(胃胃口口)for knowledge.(高高级级)7/242.造句方面造句方面:(1)巧用非巧用非谓语动词谓语动词利利用用非非谓谓语语动动词词,可可使使文文句句看看起起来来更更简简练练,使使语语言言愈愈加加丰丰富富多多彩彩,重点愈加突出重点愈加突出,增加文采。增加文采。I covered my ears,trying to keep the noise out,but failed.8/24(2)巧用巧用with复合复合结结构构“with+名名词词/代代词词+现现在在分分词词/过过去去分分词词/形形容容词词/副副词词/介介词词”结结构构,常常作作伴伴随随状状语语以以增增加加被被描描绘绘内内容容生生动动性性和和情情感感性性,使使文文章章读读起起来更来更简练简练明了。明了。试试比比较较:He slept all the night and the window was open.(普通普通)He slept all the night with the window open.(高高级级)9/24(3)巧用复合句巧用复合句评评分分标标准准中中强强调调使使用用语语法法结结构构数数量量和和复复杂杂性性,勉勉励励考考生生尽尽可可能能使使用用较较复复杂杂结结构构,而而且且对对由由此此产产生生错错误误采采取取了了宽宽容容态态度度。假假如如恰当利用各恰当利用各类类从句从句,就会增加文章亮点。就会增加文章亮点。Soon I became one of the top students in my class,which greatly increased my confidence and got me motivated.(定定语语从句从句)10/24(4)巧用倒装句、感巧用倒装句、感叹叹句、句、强强调调句、虚句、虚拟语拟语气句等气句等使使用用这这些些句句式式可可使使文文章章化化平平淡淡为为生生动动,加加强强语语气气,使使评评卷卷老老师师感受作者感受作者强强烈情感烈情感,起到升起到升级级文章作用。文章作用。Disappointed as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorly-equipped classroom,I found the teachers patient and considerate.(倒装句倒装句)11/24(5)巧用排比等句式巧用排比等句式如如能能利利用用一一个个个个排排比比句句、对对偶偶句句、不不定定式式或或短短语语,可可使使文文章章增增色不少色不少,会会给评给评卷老卷老师师眼前一亮感眼前一亮感觉觉。The purpose of the program is to make our school more beautiful,to make the air cleaner and fresher,and to turn our school into a better place for us to study and live in.12/24【写作指【写作指导导】1.巧妙遣巧妙遣词词中忌中忌讳讳(1)防止使用自己没有把握防止使用自己没有把握词汇词汇、句式等、句式等,造成弄巧成拙造成弄巧成拙;(2)防防止止受受汉汉语语思思维维影影响响,用用词词要要符符合合英英语语表表示示习习惯惯,语语言言要要地地道道,如如一一些些名名词词和和动动词词搭搭配配已已约约定定俗俗成成,不不能能随随意意打打乱乱其其搭搭配配习习惯惯,不不然然会会显显得得生生硬硬和和词词不不达达意意。如如汉汉语语中中“学学到到知知识识”,英英语语中中就就不不能能说说learn knowledge,而而要要说说acquire knowledge(取取得得知知识识)。类类似似动动宾宾结结构构还还有有achieve success取取得得成成功功,gain reputation取得声誉取得声誉,attain ones end到达目到达目标标等。等。13/242.遣遣词词造句关造句关键键遣遣词词造句是造句是为优质语为优质语篇打基篇打基础础,其关其关键键就是就是:(1)用用词词要准确要准确,词义词义要得当要得当;(2)采取采取“曲曲线线救国救国”克服生僻关克服生僻关键键点表示点表示;(3)预预防防拼拼写写错错误误,用用自自己己最最有有把把握握、最最贴贴切切词词汇汇、句句式式来来表表示示关关键键点点;(4)防防止止受受汉汉语语干干扰扰,尽尽可可能能用用较较为为复复杂杂句句式式来来增增加加文文章章亮亮点点,从而从而实现实现高分目高分目标标;14/24(5)在在表表示示时时能能够够采采取取各各种种手手法法,只只要要词词能能达达意意,没没有有语语法法问问题题即即为为好表示好表示;(6)熟熟练练利利用用基基本本句句型型,适适当当利利用用复复合合句句式式,重重视视语语言言表表示示灵灵活活性就能造句生性就能造句生动动。15/24【对对点点训练训练】.请标请标出下面作文亮点句式出下面作文亮点句式How we can build up a harmonious familyA harmonious family is essential to our personal development and our physical and mental health.A harmonious family is alwaysfull of warmth,love and laughter.Parents and children love and show concern for each other.They also respect and understand each other.If a child grows up in a harmonious family,he is more likely to be cheerful and optimistic.Otherwise,he may be miserable and pessimistic.Meanwhile,parents in a harmonious family are sure to live more happily and healthily.16/24Since a harmonious family plays a very important role in our life,it is up to every family member to contribute to the building of such a family.First of all,parents should be a role model for their children and pay more attention to their own words and behavior.Besides,they must trust their children and often communicate with them.As children of the family,we should also respect and understand our parents,and try to share their burdens.If we do so,our family will always be harmonious.17/24.巧用遣巧用遣词词造句造句,升升级级下面文章下面文章留留心心一一下下我我们们周周围围,能能够够发发觉觉陪陪读读现现象象很很普普遍遍。请请你你依依据据以下关以下关键键点写一篇短文点写一篇短文,内容内容应应包含包含:1.简简明描述陪明描述陪读现读现象象;2.分析父母陪分析父母陪读读原因原因(2至至3个个);3.发发表你表你对对此看法。此看法。注意注意:1.词词数数100个左右。个左右。2.标题标题已已给给出出,不不计计入入总词总词数。数。18/24Should Our Parents Accompany Us in Studying at School_19/24【参考范文】【参考范文】Should Our Parents Accompany Us in Studying at SchoolIn recent years,many parents choose to accompany their children in studying,which has aroused a wide concern.These parents are willing to leave their hometown,even quit their jobs to follow their children into the campus.Most of them rent an apartment nearby so as to take good care of their children.20/24Parents consider it necessary to offer a better living condition to their children.Meanwhile,it enables them to keep track of their childrens academic performance.Nevertheless,what they have ignored is that it will get their kids into the habit of being dependent.Thus,they will never develop the ability of self-control in the future.Trust leads to independence.So it seems to me parents should create room for childrens growth and study in order to ensure their overall development.21/2422/2423/2424/24