1 Hello!DearWEAREHERE2 V I N C E L O M B A R D IThe price of success is hard work,dedication to the job at hand,and the determination that whether we win or lose,we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand3 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,part of their brand guides However,if you a greatMarch 2017Works 2017Echo AgencyINDIVIDUAL PROJECT4 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 01Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 02Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts when selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability dont concern yourself.ANALYSISHALF PICTURELEFT LAYOUT5 WHAT WE DO?ADVERTISINGVIDEOFrequently,your initial font choice is taken outFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out6 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 01Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 02Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts when selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability dont concern yourself.ANALYSISHALF PICTURERIGHT LAYOUT7 WHO WE ARE?WE ARE RIVKAWhen selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that youre better off mastering8 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsWORKSIMAGES PLACEHOLDERSFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsWORKSCREATIVE LAYOUTSPORTFOLIO9 MISSIONMission 2Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,partMission 1Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,part10 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 03Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 04Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 01Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 02MASONRYLEFT LAYOUT11 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsWorksProject 2Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsWorksProject 3Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsWorksProject 1PORTFOLIO12 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 03Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 04Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 01Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 02CREATIVEIMAGE LAYOUT13 Weve packed all the features you could want into one awesome&stunning presentation with unlimited colorsPORTFOLIO14 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 03Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 04Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 01Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome handsFEATURE 02MASONRYRIGHT LAYOUT15 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,part of their brand guides However,if you a great Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your hands.PORTFOLIO16 ABOUT USFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,part of their brand guides.AFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also this we are companiesWhen selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that youre better off mastering a few typeface is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,part of their brand guides.17 WHAT WE DO?PUBLISHINGWhen selecting a typeface for body text,your primaryMARKETINGWhen selecting a typeface for body text,your primaryADSWhen selecting a typeface for body text,your primaryVIDEOWhen selecting a typeface for body text,your primary18 PORTFOLIO19 PORTFOLIOCUPS OF COFFEE758SHOTS4,302HAPPY CLIENTS3,567RETWEETS8,263PICTURES8,263JULY 2017 WORKS20 PORTFOLIOPROFESSIONAL MARKETING ANALYSISFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companiesWORK 124/07Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out21 VIDEOWhen selecting a typeface for body text,your primaryVIDEOWhen selecting a typeface for body text,your primaryVIDEOWhen selecting a typeface for body text,your primary22 OUR VISIONBE THE BEST AGENCYFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,part of their brand guides However for body text,When selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that youreABOUT23 OUR HISTORYAWARDWORLDWIDE2017NEW LOCATIONSFOUNDATION20102008200324 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies199010 LOCATION AVAILABLESFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies1986COMPANY FOUNDATIONTIMELINE25 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies2000SUPPORT VIA INTERNETFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies2007COMPANY AWARDSFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies1995LAUNCH A NEW PRODUCT26 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies20161,000,000 MEMBERSFINISHFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies2012EXPORT PRODUCTS TO AMERICA27 CREATIVE WORKSDIGITAL CONTENT28 CREATIVE WORKSDIGITAL CONTENT29 PEDRO WHITEFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,part of their brand guides when selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that youre better off mastering a few typeface.WELCOME MESSAGECEO/OWNER30 CEO/OwnerJOHN BLACKCEO/OwnerSANDRA BULLETCEO/OwnerMARK WHITETHE TEAM31 Buying and selling a product is the best that includesBuying and selling a product is the best that includesBuying and selling a product is the best that includesTaylor RoldanCEO/OwnerTobias SandersMarketing DirectorShayna GoodwinSEO ManagerBuying and selling a product is the best that includesShayna GoodwinSEO ManagerTHE TEAM32 THE TEAMPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONES33 THE TEAMPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONESPresidentMARK JONES34 FACEBOK VS TWITTERTWITTERFrequently,your initial font choice is taken outFACEBOOKFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out65%65%65%LAPTOPMOBILETABLET65%65%65%LAPTOPMOBILETABLET35 RESPONSIVE DEVICES36 APP REVIEWFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,part of their brand guides.When selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believesVIDEOCAMERAPICTURES65%93%57%37 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your hands;companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,as part of their brand guidesSOCIAL MEDIAFACEBOOKPROFESSIONAL MARKETING ANALYSISTWITTERSOCIAL MEDIA EXPERTFACEBOK VS TWITTER65%93%38 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companiesOFFER AWESOME SERVICESFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companiesGREAT SUPPORT 24/7Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companiesWE CREATE HISTORY010302LAPTOP MOCKUP39 COMPARE APPSMESSAGESCAMERAVIDEO65%93%57%FEATURESFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your hands;companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,as part of theirAPP 2MESSAGESCAMERAVIDEO65%93%57%FEATURESFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your hands;companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,as part of theirAPP 140 IPHONE 641 APP REVIEWFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,part of their brand guides.When selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that youre betterVIDEOCAMERAPICTURES65%93%57%42 62%FEATURENAMEFUNCTIONELEMENTFrequently,your initial font choice is taken outFrequently,your initial font choice is taken outFrequently,your initial font choice is taken outFrequently,your initial font choice is taken outPIE CHART43 1/5/021/6/021/7/021/8/021/9/0205101520253035SOMETHINGSOMETHINGFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your hands;companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,as part of their brand guidelines occasionally youll find a jobFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your hands;companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,as part of their brand guidelines occasionally youll find a jobMOUNTAIN CHART44 Category 1012345FEATURENAMEFUNCTIONELEMENTFrequently,your initial font choice is taken outFrequently,your initial font choice is taken outFrequently,your initial font choice is taken outFrequently,your initial font choice is taken outCLUSTERED CHART45 0246FEATURENAMEFUNCTIONELEMENTFrequently,your initial font choice is taken outFrequently,your initial font choice is taken outFrequently,your initial font choice is taken outFrequently,your initial font choice is taken outLINES CHART46 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts when selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability dont concern yourself.CREATIVESTOCK CHARTS1/5/021/6/021/7/021/8/021/9/02020406080Chart TitleOpenHighLowClose47 4/11/9910/1/043/24/109/14/15020406080-20OpenHighLowCloseFrequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts when selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability dont concern yourself.CREATIVEBUBLES CHART48 WORLWIDE49 BLACK PEOPLEHISPANIC PEOPLEWHITE PEOPLE65%93%57%When selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that youre better off mastering a few typeface.UNITED STATES50 BLACK PEOPLEHISPANIC PEOPLEWHITE PEOPLE65%93%57%When selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that youre better off mastering a few typeface.EUROPE51 BLACK PEOPLEHISPANIC PEOPLEWHITE PEOPLE65%93%57%When selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that youre better off mastering a few typeface.GERMANY52 BLACK PEOPLEHISPANIC PEOPLEWHITE PEOPLE65%93%57%When selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that youre better off mastering a few typeface.CANADA53 BLACK PEOPLEHISPANIC PEOPLEWHITE PEOPLE65%93%57%When selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that youre better off mastering a few typeface.UNITED KINGDOM54 BLACK PEOPLEHISPANIC PEOPLEWHITE PEOPLE65%93%57%When selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that youre better off mastering a few typeface.FRANCE55 Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,part of their brand guides However,if you a great Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your hands;companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts when selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that youre better off mastering your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your awesome hands also we are companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts,part of their brand guides However,if you a great Frequently,your initial font choice is taken out of your hands;companies often specify a typeface,or even a set of fonts when selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that When selecting a typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself typeface for body text,your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that youre better off mastering your primary concern should be readability.Dont concern yourself with personality at this stage.Im of the school of thought that believes that Frequ