每日热词-5.8 一周热词复习检测.docx
欢迎关注脑洞英语课堂 50万教师都在这里共同成长,更有干货分享社群,欢迎你的加入5.8 一周热词复习检测用适当的介词填空1. On April 24th, 2022, China marks the 7th Space Day _ busy mission schedule.2022年4月24日,在繁忙的航天任务中,中国迎来了第七个航天日。2. I'm dying _ a breath of fresh air. 我真想呼吸点新鲜空气。3. Different vegetables spoil _ different rates.不同蔬菜变质的速度不同。4. Keep your vegetables away _ ethylene-producing produce.蔬菜要远离会释放乙烯的农产品。5. Sales of new cars grew _ 10% last year.去年新车的销量增长了10%。6. The new president delivered his inaugural address _ English.新总统用英语发表就职演说。7. He addressed an audience _ 10,000 supporters.他对一万名支持者发表了演说。8. He was nominated _ the best actor award. 他获得最佳演员奖提名。9. The clothes she wears are much too young _ her.她穿的衣服显得过于年轻了。10. Distance is no problem _ the Internet. 在互联网上距离已不成为问题。参考答案1. amid2. for3. at4. from5. by6. in7. of8. for9. for10. on用所给词的适当形式填空1. Their debut album _(record) in 1991.他们的首张专辑是1991年录制的。2. Water _(short) is an important factor that restricts the sustainable development of Beijing.水资源短缺是制约北京可持续发展的重要因素之一。3. He claims that several countries have developed nuclear weapons _(secret).他声称有几个国家已经秘密研制出了核武器。4. Skiing has really grown in _(popular).滑雪真是越来越流行了。5. The king _(address) as “Your Majesty”.国王被称呼为“陛下”。参考答案1. was recorded2. shortage3. secretly4. popularity5. was addressed句子翻译1. 2016年,中国将4月24日定为“中国航天日”。2. 如果你将蔬菜装袋后放进冰箱,不要在同一个袋子里放不同种类的蔬菜。3. 你们公司提供职业培训吗?4. 报告显示,北京买家最多,其次是上海和杭州。!5. 无论是台式电脑、笔记本电脑、手机、平板电脑还是路由器,每个设备都有一个编号。6. 此次开放IP属地是为了减少冒充热点事件当事人、恶意造谣、蹭流量等不良行为,确保传播内容的真实,透明。7. 微博一直致力于维护健康有序的讨论氛围。8. 会上向模范单位和劳动者颁发了全国五一劳动奖和授予荣誉称号。9. 他受到了奖励,这是对他过去一年的成绩的肯定。10. 你想弥合代沟吗?11. 这是有利于年轻一代发展的时代。12. 新的行业和商业形式创造了更多的机会和选择,如电子竞技玩家、直播主持人和网络作者。参考答案1. China designated April 24 as Space Day of China in 2016.2. If you keep your vegetables in bags in your refrigerator, do not mix the typesof vegetables inside of a single bag. 3. Does your company provide vocational training?4. Beijing had the largest number of buyers, followed by Shanghai and Hangzhou, according to the report.5. Each device is given a number whether it is a desktop computer, laptop, mobile, tablet or router.6. The settings are designed to reduce bad behaviours such as impersonating parties involved in hot topic issues, malicious disinformation and traffic scraping, and to ensure the authenticity and transparency of the content disseminated.7. Weibo has always been committed to maintaining a healthy and orderly atmosphere of discussion.8. Exemplary units and workers were presented with national labor awards and honorary titles at the meeting.9. He received the award in recognition of his success over the past year. 10. Do you want to bridge the generation gap?11. This is an era conducive to the development of young generation.12. New industries and forms of business spawn more opportunities and choices, such as e-sports players, livestreaming hosts, and web writers.