专题三怎样写出凝练的句子 在英语短文写作中,提倡使用并列句、复合句,因为使用并列句、复合句能增强句子间的逻辑关系。但万事万物都不能走极端,我们在使用并列句、复合句的同时,还要追求语言的简洁性。这里的“凝练”并不等同于“简单、单调”,而是合理地使用一些写作技巧将松散的简单句、并列句或过于复杂的复合句简化,从而达到长短句结合紧凑,表达言简意赅的效果。为避免句子冗长,通常可采用以下办法:一、利用非谓语动词、名词短语、介词短语、同位语、with的复合结构等将从句内容浓缩成表意不变的短语。二、使用省略或替代来简化句子内容。三、避免不必要的或易引起误解的迂回表达、累赘表达;避免使用空洞、多余的短语。例如:1.Owing to the fact that I had a lot of work to do,it wasnt possible for me to accept their invitation.本句要表达的意思很简单,可是一堆空洞的短语使句子显得很累赘,改为下面的表述,意思就更简洁明了。修改:I was too busy to accept their invitation.2.He is a man who is honest,who always pays his just debts,and who observes the golden rules in his dealings with others.英语中比较重要的从属概念可用从句的形式表达,其他次要的概念常用词或短语来表达,因为句子比短语显得更重要。过多地使用从句会把主次概念相混淆,削弱句意的重点。修改:He is an honest man,who always pays his just debts,and observes the golden rules in his dealings with others.3.My hometown is a quiet,peaceful place.It is quiet and peaceful because of the small number of people living there.有时为了构成平行的句子结构或达到强调的目的,会重复使用某些词语。但是,无目的的重复会导致句子累赘。修改:My hometown is a quiet,peaceful place because of the small number of people.即时巩固即时巩固1.请使用非谓语动词简化下列简单句或并列句。He heard the childrens sad story in the war-stricken area and then he took out all he had to build a school for them._I got back home and saw a message.It was pinned to the door and it read“Sorry to miss you,will call later.”_He was badly injured in the right leg and that made it difficult for him to run or even to walk as usual._The lecture started at 700 last night and it was followed by an observation of the moon with telescope._Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office,but because our work was not finished,we refused the offer._Key:1.(When/On)hearing the childrens sad story in the war-stricken area,he devoted all he had to building a school for them.(When)getting back home,I saw a message pinned to the door,reading“Sorry to miss you,will call later.”Being badly injured in the right leg made it difficult for him to run or even to walk as usual.Starting at 7:00 last night,the lecture was followed by an observation of the moon with telescope./The lecture,starting at 7:00 last night,was followed by an observation of the moon with telescope.Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office,but our work not finished,we refused that.2.请使用非谓语动词简化下列复合句。When she was asked why she was late for work this morning,Mary said that she wrongly set the alarm time last night before she went to bed._As she felt that things were getting more and more urgent,Batty decided to report it to the police._He started his own enterprise of chicken raising with much borrowed money,and he hoped to gain good wealth._Because people believed the earth to be flat,many of them feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth._People expect that the technique will be used in the study and treatment of nerve disorders such as Parkinsons disease._Key:2.When asked why she was late for work this morning,Mary said that she wrongly set the alarm time last night before going to bed.Feeling that things were getting more and more urgent,Batty decided to report it to the police.He started his own enterprise of chicken raising with much borrowed money,hoping to gain good wealth.Believing the earth to be flat,many people feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth.The technique is expected to be used in the study and treatment of nerve disorders such as Parkinsons disease.3.请使用名词(短语)、动词、介词短语、with复合结构、同位语等形式简化下列句子。We left the farm and took the school bus back home.At that time the moon just appeared._Having worked for almost ten hours in the hospital,he lay in the couch and he felt tired and hungry._The English that he spoke was so fluent and beautiful that all of us took him for someone who comes from Britain or America._At the party,there will be many programs.And singing,dancing and reading poems will be part of them._What idea do you want to express when you frequently mention Mr.Blair,who directs our project?_Key:3.With the moon appearing,we left the farm and took the school bus back home.Having worked for almost ten hours in the hospital,he lay in the couch,tired and hungry.His spoken English was so fluent and beautiful that all of us took him for someone from Britain or America.At the party,there will be many programs,such as singing,dancing and reading poems.What do you mean when you frequently mention Mr.Blair,director of our project?4.用非谓语动词(短语)改写短文中的画线部分内容。Several years ago,while I was attending a communication course,I experienced a most unusual progress.The instructor asked us to list anything in our past that we felt ashamed of.The next week he invited participants to read their lists aloud.This seemed like a very private process,but theres always some brave souls in the crowd who will volunteer.As people read their lists,mine grew longer.After three weeks,I had 101 items on my list.The instructor suggested that we find ways to make amends,apologize to people,or take some actionThe next week,the man called Jimmy raised his hand and volunteered this story.“While making my list,I remembered an incident from high school.There was a police officer Brown in our town that we hated.One night,my two friends and I decided to play a trick on him.After drinking a few beers,we found a can of red paint,climbed the tall water tank and wrote on the tank:Brown is an so.b.The next day,the town arose to see our glorious sign.Within two hours,Brown had us in his office.My friends confessed and I lied,and denied the truth”Key:4.while attendingsomeone in the crowd volunteering bravelyour finding ways to make amends,apologize to people,or take some actionvolunteered this story with his hand raiseddenying the truth