小学小学家长家长会会班 级 情 况 概 述本学期安排作 息 与 生 活家 长 的 配 合CONTENTS班级情况概述PART01班级情况概述优异表现不良表现l男生:30人l女生:22人lThis template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCER,designed by miss flowerlOriginal ppt template by DOCER,the author of Miss Flower,focuses on PPT design and productionlThis template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCER,designed by miss flowerlOriginal ppt template by DOCER,the author of Miss Flower,focuses on PPT design and production班级情况概述l学生成长 阶段特点生生 理理心心 理理行为行为lThis template is Original,designed by miss flowerlcreative and copyrights,belong to DOCERlThis template is is OriginallThis template is Original,designed by miss flowerlcreative and copyrights,belong to DOCERlThis template is is OriginallThis template is Original,designed by miss flowerlcreative and copyrights,belong to DOCERlThis template is is Original班级情况概述科目科目分数分数平均分平均分6060分分以下以下60607070分分70708080分分80809090分分9090分分以上以上语文91.24612206数学9525141710英语86.603913159现阶段主要成绩分析存在的问题1您的内容打在这里,或者通过复制您的文本后,在此框中选择粘贴,并选择只保留文字存在的问题2幻灯片中不能直接修改的图形或文字,请进入幻灯片母版,找到对应的位置进行修改:单击“视图”单击“幻灯片母版”进入幻灯片母版视图找到对应的母版幻灯片进行修改完成后关闭母版视图本 学 期 安 排PART02本学期安排 星星 期期 时时 间间星期一星期一星期二星期二星期三星期三星期四星期四星期五星期五 8:108:50早读晨会第一节(9:009:35)语文数 学语 文语 文数 学9:3510:00课间操、眼保健操第二节(10:1010:45)数 学英 语语 文英 语数 学第三节(10:5511:30)数 学语 文数 学体 育语 文11:3014:20午饭午休第四节(14:3015:05)品 德体 育自然科学音乐班会第五节(15:1515:50)体 育美 术体 育自然科学体 育l课程安排本学期安排l养成良好的行为习惯真诚待人诚实守信认真负责遵守规则主动学习独立思考勇于实践善与合作自强自信合理消费讲究效率总结反思This template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCER,designed by miss flower本学期安排学习目标1学习目标2学习目标3学习目标4This template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCERThis template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCERThis template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCERThis template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCER好好学习天天向上作 息 与 生 活PART03作息与生活l到校:8:008:20l离校:5:005:20lThis template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCERl时间规范l您的内容打在这里,或者通过复制您的文本后,在此框中选择粘贴,并选择只保留文字lThis template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCERl您的内容打在这里,或者通过复制您的文本后,在此框中选择粘贴,并选择只保留文字作息与生活lPlease enter the text you need herelThank you for using the rice husk ppt templatelMiss Huaer focuses on PPT design and productionlPlease enter the text you need herelThank you for using the rice husk ppt templatelMiss Huaer focuses on PPT design and productionlPlease enter the text you need herelThank you for using the rice husk ppt templatelMiss Huaer focuses on PPT design and production清洁卫生用餐安排户外活动作息与生活123This template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCER,designed by miss flowerThis template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCER,designed by miss flowerThis template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCER,designed by miss flower3This template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCER,designed by miss flower校园安全事项您的内容打在这里,或者通过复制您的文本后,在此框中选择粘贴,并选择只保留文字家 长 的 配 合PART04家长的配合保持营养均衡,不暴饮暴食,主食粗细要搭配,每天吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果,适量的多喝水,每天不少于 1500ML每天坚持 1.5 小时的体育锻炼,如原地跑、健身操、哑铃操、仰卧起坐、俯卧撑等,选择适合自己的运动,循序渐进,持之以恒,增强体质,提高防病能力l合理饮食l适量运动家长的配合家庭作业说 明 文 本 1This template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCER,designed by miss flower说 明 文 本 3This template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCER,designed by miss flower说 明 文 本 2This template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCER,designed by miss flower说 明 文 本 4This template is original,designed by miss flower,creative and copyrights,belong to DOCER,designed by miss flower家长的配合l给家长的一些建议1 12 23 34 4添 加 建 议1添 加建 议2添 加建 议3添 加建 议4Original ppt template by DOCER,the author of Miss Flower,focuses on PPT design and productionOriginal ppt template by DOCER,the author of Miss Flower,focuses on PPT design and productionOriginal ppt template by DOCER,the author of Miss Flower,focuses on PPT design and productionOriginal ppt template by DOCER,the author of Miss Flower,focuses on PPT design and productionhttps:/ 的的支支持持