NE20产品 NE20NE20可维护可维护可维护可维护EFUEFU调试命令介绍调试命令介绍调试命令介绍调试命令介绍NE20 NE20 产品产品产品产品 主要流程介绍主要流程介绍 数据报文计数命令数据报文计数命令 数据报文数据报文debugdebug命令命令 NP NP表项查询命令表项查询命令 NP NP心跳处理命令心跳处理命令 NP NP调试命令调试命令转发流程转发流程所有转发流所有转发流 主要流程介绍主要流程介绍 数据报文计数命令数据报文计数命令 数据报文数据报文debugdebug命令命令 NP NP表项查询命令表项查询命令 NP NP心跳处理命令心跳处理命令 NP NP调试命令调试命令TS计数计数unps ts display send-counter all-count-number|l2-encap-number|l3-ip-number|dirtran-number|l3-mpls-number /nps ts send-counter clearunps ts display receive-counter all-count-number|l2-local-number|l3-ip-local-number|l3-mpls-local-number|ip-vlink-trans-number|mpls-vlink-trans-number|ip-nexthop-trans-number|mpls-nexthop-trans-number|trans-ppp-number|trans-chdlc-number|trans-eth-number|trans-vlan-number /nps ts receivecounter clear TS计数计数Quidway-efunps ts display send-counter all-count-number l2 encaplate transport packet number:984 l3 ip transport packet number:12753 l3 mpls transport packet number:0 direct transport packet number:6497 TS计数计数Quidway-efunps ts display receive-counter al l2 local packet number:53 l3 ip local packet number:19227 l3 mpls local packet number l3 ip vlink transport packet number:0 l3 mpls vlink transport packet number:0 l3 ip nexthop transport packet number:0 l3 mpls nexthop transport packet number:0 l2 ppp transport packet number:0 l2 chdlc transport packet number:0 l2 eth transport packet number:0 l2 vlan transport packet number:0 PTS计数计数u u nps pts display/nps pts clearuQuidway-efunps pts displayu=PTS Statistic List Begin=u PTS Xmit Ctrl-27542.|PTS Xmit Data-20351.u PTS Xmit Total-47893.|CPU Xmit Total-47893.u Xmit Done Xdone-47893.|Cant DMA CtDma-0.u FPGA Xmit Total-47893.|Xmit Excp NoPac-47893.u Xmit Excp DmaEr-0.|Xmit Excp Full-0.u Xmit Excp NoFiF-0.|Xmit Ring Last-21.u Xmit Ring Tail-21.|Xmit Ring Head-21.u FPGA Rcv Total-46235.|CPU Rcv Total-46235.u PTS Rcv Ctrl-26873.|PTS Rcv Data-19362.u PTS Rcv Total-46235.|Rcv Excp NoFiF-0.u Rcv Ring Tail-34.|Rcv Ring Head-34.u RcvCtlRing Tail-121.|RcvCtlRing Head-121.u Rcv Ring Free-128.|RcvCtlRing Free-128.u FPGA Ring CrPtr-111.|FPGA Ring BpCt-0.u FPGA Ring FifoBp-0.|FPGA Ring CpuBp-0.u=PTS Statistic List End=u g_ulFlowCtl=1,ulDmaFlow=5000,ulFlowCtlTimeout=1000 DMU计数计数nps dmu receive-counter display dmunum portnum/nps dmu receive-counter clear dmunum portnumnps dmu transit-counter display dmunum portnum/nps dmu transit-counter clear dmunum portnumDMU计数计数uShort Frames Addr:88000000 number=8uRunt Frames Short Frames with Bad CRC Addr:88000010 number=0uFrames Transmitted 64 Octets Addr:88000020 number=0uFrames Transmitted 127 Octets Addr:88000030 number=27517uFrames Transmitted 255 Octets Addr:88000040 number=32291uFrames Transmitted 511 Octets Addr:88000050 number=56uFrames Transmitted 1023 Octets Addr:88000060 number=33uFrames Transmitted 1518 Octets Addr:88000070 number=6uLong Frames Transmitted Addr:88000080 number=0uJabber Addr:88000090 number=0uLate Collisions Addr:880000a0 number=0uTotal Collisions Addr:880000b0 number=0uSingle Collisions Addr:880000c0 number=0uMultiple Collisions Addr:880000d0 number=0uExcessive Deferrals Addr:880000e0 number=0uTransmit Underruns Addr:880000f0 number=0uCRC Error Addr:88000100 number=0uExcessive Collisions Addr:88000110 number=0uUnicast Frames Transmitted Addr:88000120 number=34572uBroadcast Frames Transmitted Addr:88000130 number=25418uMulticast Frames Transmitted Addr:88000140 number=0uTotal Octets Transmitted Addr:88000150 number=15588uJumbo Frames Transmitted Addr:88000160 number=87uAborted Frames Addr:88000170 number=0 NP调试计数器调试计数器udisplay efu counter l2 slotnum picnum cardnumudisplay efu counter l3 slotnum picnum cardnumuefu counter clear l2 slotnum picnum cardnumuefu counter clear l3 slotnum picnum cardnumdisplay efu counter l2uL21=0 0,reason:PCT l2 forwarding disableuL22=0 0,reason:Abort flag in FCB is setuL23=0 0,reason:port in blocking/listenning statusuL24=0 0,reason:no VLAN taguL25=0 0,reason:frame of other VLANsuL26=0 0,reason:invalid VLAN IDuL27=0 0,reason:ingress SBSP=TBTPuL28=0 0,reason:ingress broadcast filteruL29=0 0,reason:invalid ingress MIDuL210=0 0,reason:ingress too long frameuL211=0 0,reason:leaning onlyuL212=0 0,reason:aggregation port loop backuL213=0 0,reason:EPCT forwarding disableuL214=0 0,reason:egress VLAN group filteruL215=0 0,reason:VLAN disable display efu counter l3uL31=0 0,reason:wrong protocoluL32=0 0,reason:checksum erroruL33=0 0,reason:L3_CUSTOM_TABLE discarduL34=0 0,reason:multicast address erroruL35=0 0,reason:IP address erroruL36=0 0,reason:route filteruL37=0 0,reason:EPCT IP forwarding disableuL38=0 0,reason:unsupported IP multicast addressuL39=0 0,reason:reserveduL310=0 0,reason:reserveduL311=0 0,reason:reserveduL312=0 0,reason:reserveduL313=0 0,reason:reserveduL314=0 0,reason:reserveduL315=0 0,reason:reserved 数据报文计数命令数据报文计数命令 数据报文数据报文debugdebug命令命令 NP NP表项查询命令表项查询命令 NP NP心跳处理命令心跳处理命令 NP NP调试命令调试命令报文报文Debug命令命令uefu frame cpts on|off uefu frame tscp ponent pID reasoncode rc on|off uefu frame d20 x d20 xtype type on|off 特别注意要翻开以下开关特别注意要翻开以下开关 terminal debugging terminal monitor Quidway-efunps dbgopen 0报文报文Debug命令命令uefu frame cpts on|off 翻开关闭翻开关闭cp到到ts报文调试开关报文调试开关u*0.65394650 Quidway EFU/1/DEBUG:uSend to np in ulIfIndex=c03uSend to np in ifname=Virtual-Template1uSend to np in ucFrameType=2uSend to np in ucLinkType=0uSend to np in ucL2EncapType=0uSend to np in ucL3Type=0uData length=68uTotal Data length=68u*0.65395000 Quidway EFU/1/DEBUG:uSended Packet contents,the first n bytes:u 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15u 0 45 C0 00 44 A1 C6 00 00 01 59 6C D2 C9 01 01 02u 16 E0 00 00 05 02 01 00 30 3C 3C 3C 3C 00 00 00 00u 32 1F 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF 00u 48 00 0A 02 01 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00u 64 64 01 01 01 报文报文Debug命令命令ucFrameType:TS发给发给NP报文的类型报文的类型 L2_Enc_Type 0 x01 L3_IP_Type 0 x02 L3_MPLS_Type 0 x03 DirTrans_Type 0 x04ucLinkType:TS发送给发送给NP二层报文链路层协议类型二层报文链路层协议类型 L2_ETH 0 x01 L2_PPP 0 x02 L2_CHDLC 0 x04 L2_VLAN 0 x08报文报文Debug命令命令uucL2EncapType:TS发送给发送给NP二层报文封装类型二层报文封装类型 L2_Encap_DIX 0 x01 L2_Encap_SAP 0 x02 L2_Encap_SNAP 0 x04uucL3Type:TS发送给发送给NP二层报文的三层报文类型二层报文的三层报文类型 L3_IP 0 x01 L3_MPLS 0 x02D209报文报文DebuguQuidway-efuefu frame d20 x d20 xtype 9 on u*0.84540833 Quidway EFU/1/DEBUG:uEncap type is d209,Header:uSubtype is 9uInifindex is 209911808uLay type is 0uL3 type is 0uL2 type is 2uL2 encaptype is 1u*0.84541033 Quidway EFU/1/DEBUG:u0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 d200 0900 0000 0c83 0000 0000 0201 0000 0000 0000 45c0 0040 c53a 0000 0159 5c62 b601 0102 e000 0005 0201 002c 3c3c 3c3c 0000 0000 8426 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ffff ff00 000a 0201 0000 0028 0000 0000 0000 0000D205报文报文debuguQuidway-efuefu frame d20 x d20 xtype 5 onu u*0.81667883 Quidway EFU/1/DEBUG:uEncap type is d205,Header:uSubtype is 5uSP is 0uETB is 0uTP is 29uOC48 is 0uVLAN ID is 0uFHF is 0uFCInfo is 0uPriority is 3u*0.81668100 Quidway EFU/1/DEBUG:u0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 d200 0500 001d 0000 0000 1d00 0ff0 0000 0000 0003 0100 5e00 0005 00e0 fcff 0107 0800 45c0 0044 6076 0000 0159 6424 1301 0101 e000 0005 0201 0030 6401 0101 0000 0000 f71a 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ffff ff00 000a 0201 0000 0028 1301 0102 1301 0101 3c3c 3c3c D204报文报文DebuguQuidway-efuefu frame d20 x d20 xtype 4 on u*0.16687933 Quidway EFU/1/DEBUG:uEncap type is d204,Header:uSubtype is 4uFrame header is 228 0 3 167 221 0 3 50 76 1uHeader type is 0u ponent is 3uReasoncode is 50 Frame id is 0uFragmented is 0uMore fragments is 0uThread ID is 23uFragment sequence is 0u*0.16688316 Quidway EFU/1/DEBUG:uffff ffff ffff 0000 0000 0000 d200 0411 e400 03a7 dd00 0332 4c01 0332 0000 0000 0000 1700 00e0 fcff 0107 00e0 fc07 86a7 0800 4500 0054 606d 0000 ff01 3337 1301 0102 1301 0101 0000 1384 abce 0001 00fe 9fca bad0 bad0 0001 0203 0405 0607 0809u0a0b 0c0d 0e0f 1011 1213 1415 1617 1819 1a1b 1c1d 1e1f 2021 2223 2425 2627 2829 2a2b 2c2d 2e2f TSCP报文报文debugu翻开关闭翻开关闭ts到到cp报文调试开关报文调试开关u efu frame tscp ponent pID reasoncode rc on|off u*0.84780800 Quidway EFU/1/DEBUG:uthe receive packet type=18uD204 packet type=18uTotal length received=64u*0.84780933 Quidway EFU/1/DEBUG:uReceived Packet contents,the first n bytes:u 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15u 0 45 C0 00 40 C5 9C 00 00 01 59 5C 00 B6 01 01 02u 16 E0 00 00 05 02 01 00 2C 3C 3C 3C 3C 00 00 00 00u 32 84 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF 00u 48 00 0A 02 01 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 报文报文Debug命令命令uPacket type:u D204_L2_NATIVE 0 x11u D204_L3_IP_NATIVE 0 x12u D204_L3_ARP_NATIVE 0 x13u D204_L3_MPLS_NATIVE 0 x14u D204_L3_IS_IS_NATIVE 0 x15u D204_L3_IP_DELIVERTOUP 0 x16u D204_IP_VLINK_TRANS 0 x21u D204_MPLS_VLINK_TRANS 0 x22u D204_IP_NEXTHOP_TRANS 0 x24u D204_MPLS_NEXTHOP_TRANS 0 x28u D204_TRANS_ETH 0 x84u D204_TRANS_PPP 0 x41u D204_TRANS_CHDLC 0 x42u D204_TRANS_VLAN 0 x88报文报文Debug命令命令u PONENT=PPP UP ponent:1,reasoncode:1;ppp is-is ponent:1,reasoncode:2;unknow ppp protocal ponent:1,reasoncode:3;ppp protocal PONENT=ETH UP ponent:2,reasoncode:1 ;eth is-is u PONENT=IP UP /*ponent:3,reasoncode:0;ARP*/u/*ponent:3,reasoncode:1;RARP*/u/*ponent:3,reasoncode:2;reserved MC*/u/*ponent:3,reasoncode:3;icmp*/u/*ponent:3,reasoncode:4;option*/u/*ponent:3,reasoncode:6;uc miss*/u/*ponent:3,reasoncode:7;BGP lookup fib fail miss*/u/*ponent:3,reasoncode:8;MC miss*/u/*ponent:3,reasoncode:9;mtu fail*/u/*ponent:3,reasoncode:10;MTU exceed*/u/*ponent:3,reasoncode:114;GRE*/u/*ponent:3,reasoncode:51;TTL expired*/u/*ponent:3,reasoncode:50;uc redir*/u/*ponent:3,reasoncode:178;vlan redir*/u PONENT=IP DN ponent:19,reasoncode:5;arp miss ponent:19,reasoncode:11;register miss PONENT=MPLS UP ponent:4,reasoncode:0;lookup insegment table failed ponent:4,reasoncode:2;mpls fragment cannot be done ponent:4,reasoncode:51;TTL expired ponent:4,reasoncode:4;router-alert labelu PONENT=MPLS DNu ponent:20,reasoncode:1;ip fragment cannot be doneu ponent:20,reasoncode:3;mpls lookup outsegment failed PONENT=L4 ponent:5,reasoncode:1;l4 redirect to cp 主要流程介绍主要流程介绍 数据报文计数命令数据报文计数命令 数据报文数据报文debugdebug命令命令 NP NP表项查询命令表项查询命令 NP NP心跳处理命令心跳处理命令 NP NP调试命令调试命令NP表项维护表项维护uFIB表维护:udisplay fibunps display fib ip_address netmask_length vpn_iduvpn_id可以通过nps ims display interface和nps disp pct/epct命令看到某个接口的vpn idu IP address = IP prefixLength =24u VPN ID =0 x0000u Signature =0u ecmpThr1 =100u ecmpThr2 =0u nextHop0 =77840.19.1.1u InnerLable =1u IfIndex =0700u H_L:0 x02 TP:0 x1d Action flag:=0 x0040unextHop0 is DIRECTLY_ATT_SUBNET NP表项维护表项维护uARP表u disp arp,u nps disp arp interface_name ip_address OutIfIndex=0 x700u VLAN ID=0u IP address= nextHopMac=0.e0.fc.7.86.a7u encapsulation type is DIXNP的维护的维护uNP中接口信息的查看:EFU模式下 子接口/低速口/逻辑接口:nps ims display interface interface-full-name或 nps ims np query interface-full-name 高速口:nps display pct/epct interface-nameuQuidway-efunps ims display interface ser4/0/1:1u uStart display Ims NP interface full name:ser4/0/1:1.uThe Content of IfDscrTbl Entry is:uThe Key=0 x00000a00uIfIndex=0 x00000a06 MAC Adrr=0 x0uSubIfEnable=0 x1 ARP En=0 x0uIP_Mult=0 x0 BC_Enable=0 x1uubMPLS_MC_Op=0 x0 ubIP_Op=0 x1uubMPLS_UC_Op=0 x1 ubCLNS_Op=0 x0uub2Reserved=0 x0 ubL2Accelerator=0 x0uubVrrp =0 x0 ubReserved1=0 x0uubEncapMask=0 x0 ubL3Skip=0 x0uubEthPromiscuous=0 x0 usReserverdHW=0 x00uubL4Skip=0 x1 ubBA_Flag=0 x0uubSA_LookupEnable=0 x0 ubPct_bridge_flag=0 x0uu12bIngresscontext=0 xa06 usVPNID=0 x0000uucPortType=0 x0 usMTU=1500uu4bUnicastMaxIndex=0 x1 ubL4DownSkip=0 x1uucTTL_threshold=0 x0 ucFlag4=0 x0uucMC_MacIndex=0 x1 ucMC_QBase=0 x90uu11bUnicastQueueBase=0 x090 usTwinsPerBlock=12uusOctetsPerBlock=1392 usCounterId=0 x00000000uucReserved=0 usReserved=0 x00000000 uQuidway-efunps display pct eth1/0/1u Start display pct at ifindex:eth1/0/1.uPCT:u00 E0 FC 55 55 55 A0 00u01 00 00 80 40 59 6D 70uDetail:uMAC address:00.E0.FC.55.55.55.uarp is enabled ip multicast is disabledubroadcast is enabled mpls multicast is disableduip is disabled mpls unicast is disableduclns is disabled reserved multicast addressbitmap:01uvpn_id is 0 l4_skip is enableduba_flag is disabled sa lookup is disabledueth port type is ethernetuingress_contexthex is 040uac field is absent physical port is ethernetuentry address is 65B5u plete unit generate label is enableduhard classifier is enabled start pos of QW 0uprefetched QWs is 4uDone.uQuidway-efunps display epct eth1/0/1u Start display epct at ifindex:eth1/0/1.uEPCT:u01 00 05 DC 18 84 00 00u10 84 00 00 00 0C 05 70u00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00u00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00u00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00u00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00u00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00u00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00uDetail:uPort type is ETHERNET L4 Down Skip is enableduUC Max Index is 1 UC Q_Base is 132u MTU=1500 UIID is 00008uDone.NP表维护表维护uMPLS表项unps mpls query in labelunps mpls query out tokenGRE的维护的维护u在NP中,GRE使用单独的GRE表维护uGRE分片报文重组时,因为NP不支持报文那的重组,此时需要送CP进行处理uGRE表的显示:unps gre queryentry source-ip-address dest-ip-addressunps gre querytable gre-table-index 主要流程介绍主要流程介绍 数据报文计数命令数据报文计数命令 数据报文数据报文debugdebug命令命令 NP NP表项查询命令表项查询命令 NP NP心跳处理命令心跳处理命令 NP NP调试命令调试命令NP心跳检测心跳检测心跳检测开关 nps rainer heart check on|off 当当NP无心跳,整机重起,将无心跳,整机重起,将NP的状态记录到系统监控中的状态记录到系统监控中u display sysmon-log historyu display sysmon-log bufferNP心跳检测心跳检测系统监控记录:u=np no heart report=uThe np heart state is:1 /尤其注意此位,此位为1代表NP无心跳/u/以下记录NP的一些状态/=system monitor report end=主要流程介绍主要流程介绍 数据报文计数命令数据报文计数命令 数据报文数据报文debugdebug命令命令 NP NP表项查询命令表项查询命令 NP NP心跳处理命令心跳处理命令 NP NP调试命令调试命令NP调试局部调试局部u使用CAB地址是一个是因为有些NP信息没有做相应的维护命令,再有就是如果CP和NP间硬件通讯出问题时一般指DIC逻辑,有的用NP来查询信息的维护命令使用无效,此时可以用CAB地址uNP当前状态的查看:nps np display statusu当CP和NP间硬件通讯出问题时,可以用nps cabview 20000870 unps cabview 10100010,nps cabview 10100020:显示FCB、BCB数是否正确,缺省为0 x80000000,即代表800个FCB和BCB unps cabview 90016fb0:显示下行twinbuffer数,缺省为1EBF5 NP调试局部调试局部uNP调试命令 nps chip all 线程调试局部命令谢谢u9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。11月-2311月-23Sunday,November 26,2023u10、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。05:56:1605:56:1605:5611/26/2023 5:56:16 AMu11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。11月-2305:56:1605:56Nov-2326-Nov-23u12、故人江海别,几度隔山川。05:56:1605:56:1605:56Sunday,November 26,2023u13、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。11月-2311月-2305:56:1605:56:16November 26,2023u14、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。26 十一月 20235:56:16 上午05:56:1611月-23u15、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。十一月 235:56 上午11月-2305:56November 26,2023u16、行动出成果,工作出财富。2023/11/26 5:56:1605:56:1626 November 2023u17、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。5:56:16 上午5:56 上午05:56:1611月-23u9、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。11月-2311月-23Sunday,November 26,2023u10、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。05:56:1605:56:1605:5611/26/2023 5:56:16 AMu11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。11月-2305:56:1605:56Nov-2326-Nov-23u12、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份缺乏,可得无限完美。05:56:1605:56:1605:56Sunday,November 26,2023u13、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。11月-2311月-2305:56:1605:56:16November 26,2023u14、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。26 十一月 20235:56:16 上午05:56:1611月-23u15、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。十一月 235:56 上午11月-2305:56November 26,2023u16、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2023/11/26 5:56:1605:56:1626 November 2023u17、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。5:56:16 上午5:56 上午05:56:1611月-23u9、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。11月-2311月-23Sunday,November 26,2023u10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。05:56:1605:56:1605:5611/26/2023 5:56:16 AMu11、越是没有本领的就越加自命非凡。11月-2305:56:1605:56Nov-2326-Nov-23u12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。05:56:1605:56:1605:56Sunday,November 26,2023u13、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。11月-2311月-2305:56:1605:56:16November 26,2023u14、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。26 十一月 20235:56: