高考英语读后续写动作链描写在读后续写中,我们需要大量的动作描写,这时候我们可以利用动作链来展示人物动作。使用动作链可以增强故事的连贯性和可读性。通过描述人物或事物的连续动作,读者能够更清晰地想象故事中发生的情节,感受到时间的流逝和事件的发展。动作链有助于创造生动的画面,使读者更深入地融入故事中,形成更加真实和有趣的阅读体验。1.开门的动作链He approached the door, turned the handle, and slowly pushed it open.他走到门前,转动把手,慢慢推开了门。2.准备早餐的动作链She took out eggs from the fridge, cracked them into a bowl, and whisked them with a fork.她从冰箱里拿出鸡蛋,打破它们放进碗里,然后用叉子搅拌。3.上学的动作链He grabbed his backpack, slung it over his shoulder, and rushed out the door.他抓起背包,挎在肩上,匆忙地冲出门去。4.修理自行车的动作链With a wrench in hand, he tightened the loose bolts, oiled the chain, and checked the tire pressure.手持扳手,他拧紧了松动的螺栓,给链条上油,还检查了轮胎的气压。5.购物的动作链She entered the store, picked up a shopping basket, and started browsing the aisles for items on her list.她走进商店,拿起购物篮,开始沿着过道查找她清单上的物品。6.写作业的动作链Sitting at the desk, he opened his textbook, took out a notebook, and began jotting down notes.坐在桌前,他打开教科书,拿出笔记本,开始记笔记。7.打篮球的动作链Dribbling the ball down the court, he dodged defenders, made a quick pass, and took a shot at the basket.他运球穿过球场,躲过防守者,快速传球,然后投篮。8.做手工的动作链She gathered the materials, cut the paper into shapes, glued them together, and added the finishing touches.她收集材料,把纸剪成形状,粘在一起,然后进行最后的修饰。9.演讲的动作链Taking a deep breath, he stepped onto the stage, adjusted the microphone, and began addressing the audience.他深吸一口气,走上舞台,调整了麦克风,开始对观众讲话。10.烹饪的动作链Chopping vegetables, simmering the sauce, and boiling pasta, she multitasked to prepare a delicious meal.切菜、煮酱、煮意大利面,她同时进行多项任务,准备了一顿美味的餐点。11.描述开车上班的场景。开始:打开车门,坐进驾驶座。中间:插入钥匙,启动引擎,系好安全带。结束:踩油门,车辆逐渐启动,驶出车库。Describe the scene of driving to work.Sliding into the car, I turn the key, feeling the engine hum to life, and with a click, I buckle up, preparing for the journey.12.描写做菜的过程开始:洗净食材,摆放在案板上。中间:切菜,点火,翻炒香料。结束:装盘,摆餐桌,享受美食。Depict the process of cooking.Chopping veggies, sizzling spices, and the aromatic blend create a visual and olfactory feast on the plate.13.描述晨间锻炼。开始:穿上运动服,系好运动鞋。中间:进行热身运动,慢跑,拉伸。结束:停下来,深呼吸,感受身体的疲劳和舒适。Describe the morning exercise routine.Donning workout gear, I stretch, jog to a rhythmic beat, and end with a deep breath, relishing the satisfying fatigue.14.描写买咖啡的过程。开始:走进咖啡店,看着菜单。中间:点单,等待,闻着咖啡香味。结束:拿到咖啡,付款,离开咖啡店。Portray the process of buying coffee.Ordering at the cozy shop, the aroma of coffee fills the air as I wait for a warm cup, leaving with a friendly exchange.15.描述读书的情景。开始:打开书本,翻开第一页。中间:专注阅读,做记号,沉浸在故事中。结束:合上书,思考所读内容,感受阅读的愉悦。Depict the scenario of reading a book.Opening the book, I'm immersed in its world; the occasional page turn echoes in the silence, and closing it leaves a lingering joy.2