常青学校六年级英语科第 4 周周末试卷命题人:丁小花审核人:郭晓燕复审人:邹苏玲学生姓名:家长签名:一写出下列单词或词组。1.1.医院2 2 电影院3 3 邮局4 4 书店5 5 对不起6 6 图书馆7 7 哪儿8 8 请9 9 一双1010 下车1111 三分钟1212 与.相邻1313 告诉1414 左边1515 右转弯1616 寻找1717 直走1818 然后1919 北2020 南二、从方框中选择合适的句子补充对话,把句子代号写在相应的横线上。A:WhatA:What areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo thisthis afternoon?afternoon?B B、1 1A A、2 2B B、I get there by bus.A A、3 3B B、Their home is next to the science museum.Turn left at the traffic lights infront of the bus station.4 4.TheirTheir homehome isis onon thetheleft.left.A A、Im m goinggoing toto thethe sciencescience museummuseum thisthis afternoon.afternoon.B B、5 5三、阅读短文,完成下列各题。(A A)根据短文内容,选择恰当的答案。HowHow areare you?you?I I amam finefine atat school.school.TomorrowTomorrow isis NationalNational Day.Day.WeWe dondont thavehave toto gogo toto school.school.I I amam goinggoing toto taketake a a triptrip withwith mymy friendsfriends inin thethemorning.morning.I I amam goinggoing toto ZhongshanZhongshan Park.Park.I I amam goinggoing therethere byby bike.Itbike.Its snearnear ourour school.school.InIn thethe afternoon,afternoon,I I amam goinggoing toto thethe bookstorebookstore andand buybuysomesome newnew books.books.InIn thethe evening,evening,I I amam goinggoing toto watchwatch TV.TV.WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoingtoto dodo tomorrow?tomorrow?CanCan youyou telltell me?me?YourYour son.son.TomTom()1.1.WhatWhats s thethe datedate tomorrow?tomorrow?A.A.Oct.Oct.1st1stB.B.Nov.Nov.1st1stC.May.C.May.1st1st()2.2.WhereWhere isis TomTom goinggoing onon NationalNational DayDay morning?morning?A.A.thethe bookstorebookstoreB.B.ZhongshanZhongshan ParkParkC.C.thethe schoolschool()3.3.HowHow isis TomTom goinggoing toto thethe park?park?A.A.rideride a a bikebikeB.B.onon footfootC.C.byby subwaysubway()4.4.IsIs thethe parkpark farfar fromfrom TomToms s school?school?A.A.Yes,Yes,itit isis.B.B.No,No,itit is.is.C.C.No,No,itit isnisnt.t.(B B)根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。HowHow cancan I getget toto thethe sciencescience museummuseum?WeWe areare goinggoing toto thethe sciencescience museummuseum tomorrow.tomorrow.ThereThere isis anan oldold thingthingshowshow inin thethe museum.museum.DoDo youyou knowknow howhow wewe cancan getget toto thethe sciencescience museum?museum?Thehe sciencescience museummuseum isis nextnext toto thethe PeoplePeoples s ParkPark.ItIts s notnot farfar fromfromourour school.school.SoSo wewe cancan gogo therethere onon foot.foot.WalkWalk straightstraight toto thethe westwest fromfromourour school,school,nextnext turnturn leftleft atat thethe postpost officeoffice andand walkwalk forfor aboutabout fivefiveminutes,minutes,thenthen turnturn rightright atat thethe traffictraffic lights.lights.YouYou cancan findfind thethe PeoplePeoples sParkPark onon thethe right.right.WalkWalk straight,straight,andand youyou willwill seesee thethe sciencescience museum.museum.()1 1、Tomorrow we are going to the cinema.()2 2、I dont t knowknow howhow toto getget toto thethe sciencescience museum.museum.()3 3、The science museum is next to the Peoples s ParkPark.()4 4、The science museum is far from our school.四、根据答句写出问句。1.1.?TheThe schoolschool isis nextnext toto thethe hospital.hospital.2.2.?TheThe cinemacinema isis easteast ofof thethe bank.bank.3.3.?No,No,youyou cancan taketake thethe No.1bus.No.1bus.4.4.?MyMy homehome isis nextnext toto thethe school.school.5.5.?I I oftenoften gogo toto schoolschool byby schoolschool bus.bus.