对本资料的使用有任何疑问请联系小助手微信:naodong122022年甲卷词汇默写【听力】 英语词性与汉语英语词性与汉语英语词性与汉语feel likereservationdealerflat outanniversaryanxiouscaninquiryadventure【阅读】英语词性与汉语英语词性与汉语英语词性与汉语impressiveprofessionalsweeplivefleeconflictmusicaldealdynamiccomedyfareelegancesurvivingaccessiblecompromiselet outpreservesignificantlikelypreciousdiversetell A from Baim to doincreasinglyarisetrack【七选五】英语词性与汉语英语词性与汉语英语词性与汉语ensurerandomembarrassingbiteculturalmake a messparallelinappropriateupright【完形】英语词性与汉语英语词性与汉语英语词性与汉语keep sth at baypredictintend to do ownershipregretpretend to do membershipinsistpackcompanionshipwalk ones dogcoachreservationcatch ones breath respectexpectationcatch ones attentioncare for sbprejudicein that casepropose to sbamusedcontinue to do thrilleddecide to do 请完成句子翻译和划出句子的主干、谓语动词和附加成分B篇:1. The next step, according to the researchers, is to try and work out whether the cockatoos rely entirely on visual clues (线索), or also use a sense of touch in making their shape selections.句子翻译C篇:2. And it was in Chile she discovered she could get last-minute cheap deals on ships going to Antarctica from the islands off Tierra del Fuego, the southernmost tip of the South American mainland.句子翻译3. The realization that this is a precious land, to be respected by humans, was one of the biggest things that hit home to Ginni.句子翻译:4. Weve got a foundation built on ancient cultures but with a drive and dynamism of a young country. 句子翻译:2 / 2