2022年全国甲卷 02阅读理解D--高考真题全方位解析+二次开发 (教师版).docx
阅读理解D高考真题全方位解析+二次开发 (教师版)2022年全国甲卷体裁夹叙夹议文梗概本文主要讲述了悉尼在传统与现代的碰撞中发展以及不同身份的人的观点态度。结构Para.1(Para.1-5):旧渡船被双体船取代Para.2(Para.6): 传统与现代化的冲突Para.3(Para.7-8): 既年轻又古老的魅力 Sometime in the early 1960s, a significant thing happened in Sydney, Australia. The city adj.有重大意义的,显著的discovered its harbor. Then, one after another, Sydney discovered lots of things that were just sort of there broad parks, superb beaches, and a culturally diverse population. 32But it is the harbor that adj.极好的,绝佳的=excellentmakes the city.题干32. What is the first paragraph mainly about?解题步骤Step 1:速浏览全段Step 2:找出段落主题句(段首或段尾)Step 3:若无主题句,理清段内层次或逻辑,根据本段内容进行概括和归纳。解题思路本题主要考查理解段落主旨要义的能力,浏览全段发现本段无主题句,因此需要理清段内逻辑进行归纳总结段落大意。本段的逻辑顺序是按照时间顺序,先后列出了不同时间悉尼的重要发现,但是造就这座城市的还是它的港口。定位根据题干内容,可将答案信息定位在文章第一段。选项A. Sydneys striking architecture.此选项内容文章没有提及。无中生有。B. The cultural diversity of Sydney.此选项内容文章没有提及。无中生有。C. The key to Sydneys development.根据本段段内逻辑以及最后一句且结合选项可知,本段主要讨论了悉尼的发展的关键。故C选项为正确选项。D. Sydneys tourist attractions in the 1960s.此选项内容文章没有提及。无中生有。答案指向句翻译32但是港口造就了城市。 33Andrew Reynolds, a cheerful fellow in his early 30s, pilots Sydney ferryboats for a v.领航 n.渡船 living. I spent the whole morning shuttling back and forth across the harbor. After our third run v. 穿梭往返Andrew shut down the engine, and we went our separate ways he for a lunch break, I to explore v.使停止运转the city. 33“Ill miss these old boats,” he said as we parted. “How do you mean?” I asked. 33“Oh, theyre replacing them with catamarans. Catamarans are faster, but theyre not so n. 双体船elegant, and theyre not fun to pilot. But thats progress, I guess.”adj.漂亮雅致的题干33. What can we learn about Andrew Reynolds?解题步骤Step 1:在题干中划出定位词。选多个词定位,以防一个词无法定位。Step 2:到文章里找出题干中的定位词。Step 3:通过定位词 (1-2个) 寻找答案指向句。Step 4:选择答案。解题思路本题属于推理判断题,要求学生根据题干关键词定位关键段落然后根据目标段落内容进行合理推断。定位根据题干关键词Andrew Reynolds,可将答案信息定位到第二段到第五段。选项A. He goes to work by boat.根据第二段Andrew Reynolds.pilots Sydney ferryboats for a living,可知Andrew Reynolds是以渡船谋生,而不是A选项坐船去上班。故此选项属于曲解原文。B. He looks forward to a new life.此选项内容文章没有提及。无中生有。C. He pilots catamarans well.此选项内容文章没有提及。无中生有。D. He is attached to the old ferries.根据第三段“Ill miss these old boats,”和第五段 “Catamarans are faster, but theyre not so elegant, and theyre not fun to pilot.”可知Andrew Reynolds还是留恋旧轮渡的。故D选项正确。答案指向句翻译33Andrew Reynolds是一个30岁出头的乐观小伙,以在悉尼驾驶渡船为生。33我会想念这些旧船的。33双体船更快,但它们没有轮渡那么优雅,驾驶起来没有意思。 Everywhere in Sydney these days, change and progress are the watchwords (口号), and traditions are increasingly rare. 34Shirley Fitzgerald, the citys official historian, told me that in its rush to modernity in the 1970s, Sydney swept aside much of its past, including many of its finest v.不理会,全然无视buildings. “Sydney is confused about itself,” she said. “We cant seem to make up our minds whether we want a modern city or a traditional one. Its a conflict that we arent getting any better at resolving (解决).”题干34. What does Shirley Fitzgerald think of Sydney?解题步骤Step 1:在题干中划出关键人物。Step 2:到文章里找出与该人物相关的内容。Step 3:通过该人物相关内容,说的话,(直接引语)或间接引用的话进行合理推断。Step 4:选择答案。解题思路本题属于观点态度题,要求学生根据题干中人物Shirley Fitzgerald定位到文章中与该人物相关信息并根据此信息推断出Shirley Fitzgerald对悉尼的态度和看法。定位根据题干关键词Shirley Fitzgerald,可将答案信息定位到第六段。选项A. It is losing its traditions.根据第六段Shirley Fitzgerald.told me that in its rush to modernity in the 1970s, Sydney swept aside much of its past, including many of its finest buildings.在上个世纪70年代,悉尼在进军现代化的过程中,把很多它的过去都抛到了一边,包括许多顶级的建筑。可知,Shirley Fitzgerald认为悉尼匆忙奔向现代化,正在失去它的传统。故A选项正确。B. It should speed up its progress.此选项内容文章没有提及。无中生有。C. It should expand its population.此选项内容文章没有提及。无中生有。D. It is becoming more international.根据第六段in its rush to modernity in the 1970s, Sydney swept aside much of its past,悉尼在匆忙地奔向现代化,而不是D选项变得越来越国际化,故此选项属于曲解原文。答案指向句翻译34城市的官方历史学家 Shirley Fitzgerald 告诉我,上世纪 70 年代,悉尼急于追求现代化,忽略了其许多历史建筑,包括许多最优秀的建筑。她说:“悉尼对自己也很困惑。” 35On the other hand, being young and old at the same time has its attractions. I considered this when I met a thoughtful young businessman named Anthony. “Many people say that we lack adj.沉思的,深思的culture in this country,” he told me. “What people forget is that the Italians, when they came to Australia, brought 2000 years of their culture, the Greeks some 3000 years, and the Chinese more still. Weve got a foundation built on ancient cultures but with a drive and dynamism of a young n.活力,干劲country. Its a pretty hard combination to beat.” 35He is right, but I cant help wishing they would keep those old ferries.题干35. Which statement will the author probably agree with?解题步骤Step 1:在题干中划出关键人物。Step 2:到文章里找出与该人物相关的内容。Step 3:通过该人物相关内容,说的话,(直接引语)或间接引用的话进行合理推断。Step 4:选择答案。解题思路本题属于观点态度题,要求学生根据题干中人物the author定位到文章中与作者相关的信息并根据此信息推断出作者的观点态度。定位根据题干关键词the author,可将答案信息定位到第七段和第八段。选项A. A city can be young and old at the same time.根据第七段第一句可知, On the other hand, being young and old at the same time has its attractions.作者赞同Anthony的观点,认为一座城市可以同时既年轻又古老。故A选项正确。B. A city built on ancient cultures is more dynamic.根据文章第七段Weve got a foundation built on ancient cultures but with a drive and dynamism of a young country.悉尼是建立在古老的文化基础上但是又是一个带有年轻国家动力和活力的城市,而不是B选项建立在古老文化基础上的城市更有活力,故此选项属于曲解原文。C. Modernity is usually achieved at the cost of elegance.此选项内容文章没有提及。无中生有。D. Compromise should be made between the local and the foreign.此选项内容文章没有提及。无中生有。答案指向句翻译35另一方面,既年轻又古老也有它的魅力。35他说得没错,但是我还是希望悉尼能够保留那些旧渡船。 拓展练习一、词汇积累1. significant词性adj.词义显著的,有重大意义的2. striking 词性adj.词义吸引人的,引人注目的3. tourist attractions词性n.词义旅游景点4. elegant 词性adj.词义高雅的,优美的5. attach 词性v.词义系,固定6. compromise 词性n.词义折中,妥协二、核心词汇(或短语)的同义替换1. superb = excellent2. striking = attractive3. tourist attractions = scenic spots三、词形变化(派生词)1. significant adj. 显著的,有重大意义的 significance n. 重要性,意义 2. attract v. 吸引 attractive adj. 有吸引力的 attraction n. 吸引力,有吸引力的人或事物3. attach v. 系,固定 attached adj. 非常喜欢.的 输入attachment adj. 附件,附属物;喜爱,爱慕,依恋4. elegant adj. 高雅的,优美的 elegance n. 优雅5. dynamic adj. 动态的,变化的;精力充沛的 dynamically adv. 动态地 dynamism n. 干劲,活力四、一词多义(请根据句意猜测划线词的词义)pilot 5 / 51. d a pilot project 2. b The plane was piloted by the instructor.3. a He spent 17 years as an airplane pilot.4. c The new exams are currently being piloted in a number of areas. a. 飞行员,领航员b. 驾驶,为(船舶)引航c. 试验,试行d. 试验性的,试点的 1 / 1五、作文素材积累He is right, but I cant help wishing they would keep those old ferries.【赏析】but I cant help wishing. cant help doing 禁不住做某事【译文】他说的没错,但是我还是禁不住去希望他们能悉尼能够保留那些旧渡船。【仿写】她不禁琢磨着他在想写些什么。She couldnt help wondering what he was writing. 1 / 1