第十四讲阅读理解专题【学习目标】1了解高中阅读理解考试题型。2掌握阅读理解基本技巧。Ø 高中阅读理解题干类型主旨大意题,细节理解题,推理判断题(含写作意图、目的等),词义猜测题。英语阅读理解题的技巧与策略是学生提高阅读理解需要具备的。Ø 各个题型分类讲解 一、 细节理解题 考查内容主要涉及时间、地点、人物、事件、原因、结果、数字等议论文中例证细节和定义类细节。这类题目的共同特点是:答案一般都能在文章中找到。当然,答案并不一定是文章中的原句,大家需要根据文章提供的信息自己组织语句回答问题。1.事实细节题寻读法 分为直接理解题和间接理解题,直接理解题常用who, what, which, when, where, why和how提问,或判断正误。间接理解题需与原文信息转换,表达上与原文有差异。常见命题形式有: What can we learn from the passage? All the following are mentioned except Which of the following is mentioned (not mentioned)? Which of the following statements is true/right/false/wrong about? 2. 排列顺序题首尾定位法(找出第一个事件和最后一个事件,用排除法缩小范围) 常出现在记叙文和说明文中,一般按事件发生的顺序。常见命题形式有: Which of the following is the correct order of? Which of the following shows the path of signals described in Paragraph?3. 图文匹配题按图索骥理清线索 设题形式:给出图表,根据图表提问问题。4. 数字计算题(方法:审题带着问题找细节对比、分析、计算) 可直接找到相关细节,但需经过计算方可找到答案。二、 主旨大意题 这类题在设题时常会用到title, subject, main idea, topic, theme等词。1.归纳标题题 特点:短小精悍,一般多为一个短语;涵盖性强,一般能覆盖全文意思;精确性强,表达范围要恰当,不能随意改变语意程度或色彩。常见命题形式有:Whats the best title for the text? The best title for this passage is _. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?2. 概括大意题 包括寻找段落大意(topic)和文章中心思想(main idea),常见命题形式有: What is the general/main idea of the passage? Which of the following expresses the main idea? What is the subject discussed in the text? Whats the article mainly about ? 解题技巧阅读理解文章多是议论文和说明文,这两种文体的结构可归纳为:提出问题论述问题得出结论或者阐明观点。对于这类文章,抓主题句是快速掌握文章大意的主要方法。主题句一般出现在文章的开头或结尾。主题句具有简洁性、概括性的特点。主题句在文章中的位置主要有以下几种情况。 位于段首:一般而言,以演绎法撰写的文章,主题句往往在文章的开头,即先点出主题,然后围绕这一主题作具体的陈述。判断第一句是否为主题句,可具体分析段落的首句与第二,三句的关系;如果从第二句就开始对第一句进行说明,论述或描述,那第一句就是主题句。有些段落,在主题句后面有明显引出细节的信号词,如for example, an example of; first, second, next, last, finally; to begin with, also, besides; one, the other; some, others等。在阅读中应尽量利用上述信号词来确定主题句的位置。位于段尾:有些文章会在开头列举事实, 然后通过论证阐述作者的核心论点。因此,如果第一句话不是概括性的或综合性的话,最好快速读一读段落的最后一个句子,看看它是否具备主题句的特征。如果它具备主题句的特征,段落的主题思想就很容易确定了。一般说来,当一种观点不易向人解释清楚或不易被人接受时,主题句便会到段落的末尾才出现。学生可以充分利用引出结论的信号词。如so,therefore,thus,consequently;in conclusion,in short;in a word, to sum up等来确定主题句的位置在段尾。当无明显的此类信号时,学生可在段落的最后一句话前面添加一个引出结论的信号词,以确定其是否是主题句。位于段中:有时段落是先介绍背景和细节,接着用一句综合或概括性的话概括前面所说的内容或事例,然后再围绕主题展开对有关问题的深入讨论。这种文章的主题句往往会在段落中间出现。归纳起来主要有两种情况:先提出问题,然后给予回答(主题句),最后给予解释;或者,先提出问题,然后点出主题思想(主题句),最后给予解释。首尾呼应:主题句在段落的开头和结尾两个位置上先后出现,形成前呼后应的格局。这两个主题句叙说的是同一个内容,但用词不尽相同,这样不但强调了主题思想,而且显得灵活多变。这两个句子并非简单重复,后一个主题句或对该主题作最后的评述,或对要点作一概括,或使之引申留给读者去思考。 无明确主题句:找关键词(出现频率较高), 归纳总结。注意新题型中有一个选项是干扰项,解答此类题时同学易犯以下三种错误: (1)表述过于片面,只涵盖该段个别细节; (2)表述太过于笼统,已经超出该段的内容; (3)表述与段落内容无关,在段落中找不到相关依据 三、推理判断题 主要考查大家对文章中隐含或深层的含意的理解能力。它要求考生根据文章内容做出合乎逻辑的推断,包括考生对作者观点的理解,态度的判断,对修辞、语气、隐含意思等的理解。题干关键词:infer(推断), indicate(象征,暗示), imply/suggest(暗示), conclude(作出结论), assume(假定,设想).1.细节推理判断题 一般可根据短文提供的信息或借助生活常识进行推理判断,常见命题形式有: It can be inferred/ concluded from the text that _. The author implies/ suggests that_. We may infer that _. Which of the following statements is implied but NOT stated? 2.预测推理判断题 根据语篇对文章接下来的内容或可能的结局进行猜测,常见命题形式有: What do you think will happen if/when? At the end of this passage, the writer might continue to write_3.推测文章来源或读者对象 常见命题形式有: The passage is probably take out of_The passage would most likely be found in_Where does this text probably come from?4.写作意图、目的、态度推断题 作者的语气态度往往不会直接写在文章里,只能通过细读文章,从作者的选词及其修饰手段中体会出来。询问写作目的的题,选项里常出现的词是:explain(解释), prove (证明), persuade(劝说), advise(劝告), comment(评论), praise(赞扬), criticize(批评), entertain(娱乐), demonstrate(举例说明), argue(辩论), tell(讲述), analyze(分析)等。询问语气态度的题,选项里常出现的词是:neutral(中立的), sympathetic(同情的), satisfied(满意的), friendly(友好的), enthusiastic(热情的), subjective(主观的), objective(客观的), matter-of-fact(实事求是的), pessimistic(悲观的), optimistic(乐观的), critical(批评的), doubtful(怀疑的), hostile(敌对的), indifferent(冷淡的), disappointed(失望的)。常见命题形式The purpose of the text is_What is the main purpose of the author writing the text? By mentioning, the author aims to show that_What is the authors attitude towards? What is the authors opinion on? The authors tone in this passage is _. 解答技巧推断题是考查大家透过文章表面的文字信息进行分析、综合、归纳等逻辑推理的能力。推理和判断必须以事实为依据,切莫主观臆断。 那些文章中直接陈述的内容不能选,要选择根据文章推理出来的选项。 推理不是凭空猜测,而是立足已知推断未知;作出正确答案时一定要在文中找到依据或理由。 要忠实于原文,以文章提供的事实和线索为依据。不能以自己的观点代替作者的想法;不要脱离原文主观臆断。四、词义猜测题 考点:猜测某个词、词组、句子的意义对文中的多义词或词组进行定义判断某个代词的指代的对象。常见命题形式有: The underlined word/phrase in the second paragraph means _. The word “it/they” in the last sentence refers to_. The word “”(Line 6. para.2)probably means _. The word “”(Line 6. para.2)could best be replaced by which of the following? Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “” ?解答技巧1.通过因果关系猜词通过因果关系猜词首先是找出生词与上下文之间的逻辑关系,然后才能猜词。有时文章借助关联词(如because,as,since,for,so,thus,as a result,of course,therefore等等)表示前因后果。 例如:You shouldn't have blamed him for that,for it wasn't his fault. 通过for引出的句子所表示的原因(那不是他的错),可猜出blame的词义是"责备"。 2.通过同义词和反义词的关系猜词 通过同义词猜词,一是要看由and或or连接的同义词词组,如happy and gay,即使我们不认识gay这个词,也可以知道它是愉快的意思;二是看在进一步解释的过程中使用的同义词,如Man has known something about the planets Venus,Mars,and Jupiter with the help of spaceships. 此句中的Venus(金星)、Mars(火星)、Jupiter(木星)均为生词,但只要知道planets就可猜出这几个词都属于"行星"这一义域。通过反义词猜词,一是看表转折关系的连词或副词,如but,while,however等;二是看与not搭配的或表示否定意义的词语,如:He is so homely,not at all as handsome as his brother.根据not at all.handsome我们不难推测出homely的意思,即不英俊、不漂亮的意思。 3.通过构词法猜词 根据前缀、后缀、复合、派生等构词知识判断生词词义。如:She is unlikely to have stolen the money. ( “un”含否定意义,故为“不太可能”之意。) 4.通过定义或释义关系来推测词义 例如:But sometimes,no rain falls for a long,long time. Then there is a dry period,or drought. 从drought所在句子的上文我们得知很久不下雨,于是便有一段干旱的时期,即drought,由此可见drought意思为"久旱","旱灾"。而a dry period和drought是同义语。这种同义或释义关系常由is,or,that is,in other words,be called或破折号等来表示。5.通过句法功能来推测词义 例如:Bananas,oranges,pineapples,coconuts and some other kind of fruit grow in warm areas.假如pineapples和coconuts是生词,我们可以从这两个词在句中所处的位置来判断它们大致的意思。从句中不难看出pineapples,coconuts和bananas,oranges是同类关系,同属fruit类,因此它们是两样水果,准确地说,是菠萝和椰子。 6.通过描述猜词 描述即作者对该人或该物作出的外在相貌或内在特征的描写。例如:The penguin is a kind of sea bird living in the South Pole. It is fat and walks in a funny way. Although it cannot fly,it can swim in the icy water to catch the fish.从例句的描述中可以得知penguin是一种生活在南极的鸟类。后面更详尽地描述了该鸟类的生活习性。 7. 根据常识猜词 如:The door was so low that he hit his head on the lintel.(lintel “过梁”。) Afraid of waking the baby up, she tiptoed out of the room.(tiptoed “踮着脚走,蹑手蹑脚”)【基础练习】阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AFor visitors who are on a short weekend visit to the island Bali,here is a tip of how to get the most out of their 48 hours visit.Friday3 p.m.There is nothing like a good meal.La Lucciola at Seminyak is the place to be,with its good food,great service and a beautiful view of the sea.5 p.m.About an hour away from La Lucciola is Uluwatu.This southern tip of the island is famous for its famous temple that stands on the edge,high above the sea.The fire dance,is performed here daily at sunset.8 p.m.To finish off the evening,head to Jimbaran Bay where restaurants offer candles,local dances and a moving band of boys singing songs on request.Kick off your shoes,feel the sand,and tuck into the catch of the day.Saturday9:30 a.m.Start the day with another dose of Balinese culture by heading for a dance performance.12 p.m.Kintamani,a favourite with tourists for the panoramic(全景的) view of active volcano Mt.Batur and adjoining crater(火山口) lake.Its a good idea to reach Kintamani early as it tends to get cloudy after 3 p.m.Have lunch at a local restaurant with a view of Mt.Batur and the lake.Tourists can catch the sunrise at the Mt.Batur peak.2:30 p.m.Head back to Ubud,the seat of Balis fine arts,dance and music,and spend the rest of your afternoon strolling through its streets.Sunday6 a.m.Its time for a dip(下降) in the seaand dont forget the camera.10:30 a.m.Another half-day trip to two of the most famous temples in Bali.Drive down to the Taman Ayun temple at Mengwi.12 p.m.Next up is the Tanah Lot temple,perhaps the most famous of them all.Built on a rock that gets cut off from the mainland during high tide,the temple is best seen in the afternoon when it is silhouetted(显出轮廓) against the sun or at sunset.1.From the passage,we know that the fire dance is performed .A.in Ubud B.every dayC.on the sea D.only on weekends2.Why is it better to go to Kintamani early?A.Because the restaurants there close early in the afternoon.B.Because the view of sunrise is better than that of sunset.C.Because the volcano there is not active in the afternoon.D.Because the weather there is not so good after midafternoon.3.Which is the best place for tourists to have a good time at night?A.La Lucciola. B.Mengwi.C.Jimbaran Bay. D.Puri Saraswati.BPatrick Goulet used to be a bike racer,hanging out with his e-bike.Now he is retired,and he and his wife want to travel through Europe by e-bike next year.They were inspired by Gary and Rachel Corbett,an Australian couple who set the world record e-biking 27,800 through Europe and the UK.But his wife Claire is not a former bike racer,although she does bike everywhere in town and they do not own a car.This is where e-bikes come into play.Patrick said,“My wife cant do this with a record bike but with the help of an electric motor.My wife enjoys traveling with her bike to work every day but when she faces strong winds and hills she gets very disappointed.The e-bike has changed all that,no more problems with the strong winds and hills.”Patricks words made me deep in thought.When younger I did a bike camping trip from Toronto Vancouver,throwing stuff away every day to lighter.The struggle against the wind on the way the hardest thing was I ever did.A motor would have changed that;it would have let me carry more stuff,in greater comfort.I imagine that e-bike camping is a different experience entirely.Nowadays,many provinces and states start building those bike lanes because there are going to be a lot more people doing this.I am more convinced every day that e-bikes are going to get close to everyone,changing our cities and changing the world.4.What makes Patrick and his wife plan to travel through Europe?A.Their skill in riding bikes.B.Taking part in bike races.C.Rachel Corbetts encouragement.D.An Australian couples experience.5.The authors bike camping story is mentioned to .A.show the fun of camping by bikeB.advise people to ride outdoorsC.tell the trouble of riding a bikeD.impress e-bikes advantages6.Which does the author expect about e-bikes in the future?A.Governments plan to build ordinary bike roads.B.E-bikes will take the place of public transportation.C.E-bikes will enjoy popularity among the world.D.E-bikes lanes need to be improved soon.CA warm drink of milk before bed has long been the best choice for those wanting a good nights sleep.But now a study has found it really does help people nod offif it is milked from a cow at night.Researchers have discovered that “night milk” contains more melatonin (褪黑激素),which has been proven to help people feel sleepy and reduce anxiety.The study,by researchers from Seoul,South Korea,involved mice being fed with dried milk powder made from cows milked both during the day and at night.Those given night milk,which contained 10 times the amount of melatonin,were less active and less anxious than those fed with the milk collected during daytime,according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food.Night milk quickened the start of sleep and caused the mice to sleep longer.While the effect of cows milk harvested at different time has not been tested on humans up to now,taking melatonin drugs has been suggested to those who are struggling to fall asleep at night.Previous studies have also indicated that milk can be excellent for helping sleep because of the calcium content,which helps people to relax.Milk is also sugar-free and additive-free with nutritionists recommending skimmed milk as the best choice before bed as it is the least fattening.The more fat you take in before bedtime,the greater burden you will put on your body at night.7.According to the text,the mice fed with daytime milk .A.started sleep more easilyB.were more anxiousC.were less activeD.woke up later8.Which of the following is true of melatonin according to the text?A.Its been tested on mice for ten times.B.It can make people more energetic.C.It exists in milk in great amount.D.Its used in sleeping drugs.9.How does the author support the theme of the text?A.By giving examples.B.By stating arguments.C.By explaining statistical data.D.By providing research results.10.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Night Milk and SleepB.Fat,Sugar and HealthC.An Experiment on MiceD.Milk Drinking and Health【参考答案】 1-3BDC 4-6 DDC 7-10 BDDAA篇【语篇解读】巴厘岛是著名的旅游胜地,文章就48小时之旅给出了一些旅游计划,以便游客玩得更尽兴。1答案B细节理解题。根据Friday日程安排的5 p.m.中的最后一句“The fire dance,is performed here daily at sunset.”可知,火舞在这里是每天都跳的。2答案D细节理解题。根据Saturday日程安排12 p.m.中的“Its a good idea to reach Kintamani early as it tends to get cloudy after 3 p.m.”可知,下午3点以后天气就不好了。故答案为D。3答案C细节理解题。根据Friday日程安排中的8 p.m.中的“To finish off the evening,head to Jimbaran Bay.and tuck into the catch of the day.”可知,这里的夜晚很美妙,其他的安排中并没有提及夜晚的活动,故答案为C。 B篇【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Patrick Goulet和他的妻子打算骑电车环游欧洲的故事。4答案D细节理解题。根据题干中的关键词travel through Europe定位到第一段最后一句。根据文中第一段最后一句可知,Patrick和他的妻子受一对澳大利亚夫妇骑电车环游欧洲和英国的影响,打算也骑电车环游欧洲。5答案D推理判断题。根据文中第四段倒数第二句可知,作者借自己骑自行车露营的经历是为了说明骑电车更具优势和长处,故选D项。6答案C推理判断题。根据文中最后一段可知,电动自行车越来越受人们的青睐,许多地方开始修建电车专用道。故选C项。C篇【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。长期以来,人们认为睡觉前喝一杯热牛奶有助于睡眠,但研究表明,只有喝晚上挤的牛奶才真正有助于睡眠。这到底是什么原因呢?快来读文章吧!7答案B细节理解题。由第四段中的信息Those given night milk.were less active and less anxious than those fed with the milk collected during daytime.可知,老鼠喝了白天挤的牛奶会更有活力,也更焦虑,故选B项。8答案D推理判断题。由第六段中的信息taking melatonin drugs has been suggested to those who are struggling to fall asleep at night可知,褪黑激素被用于安眠药中,故D项正确。9答案D推理判断题。文章的第二、三、四、五段都是讲研究人员的实验及其结果,所以作者是用研究人员的研究结果来支持论点的。10答案A标题归纳题。作者在第一段就点明了文章要论述的对象晚上挤的牛奶。在接下来的几段中,作者通过研究人员在老鼠身上做的实验论证了晚上挤出的牛奶与睡眠的关系,所以最适合作文章标题的是A项。