获取竞争优势的人力资源管理 之七Human resource management gaining a advantage competitivenessMotivation and pay 激励和薪资报酬1.Discuss the Maslow,the Herziberg and the Adams theories讨论马斯洛,赫兹伯格,亚当斯的激励理论2.Describe the compensation and the bases for determining pay讨论薪资报酬和决定工资水平的因素3.Explain how to establish a pay plan如何制定工资计划4.Discuss long-term and short-term plans长期和短期激励计划1.Fundamentals of Motivation激励理论激励理论n1.1Maslow.马斯洛需要层次论马斯洛需要层次论 A distinguished psychologist who identified five basic categories of human needs,and indicated that each heed becomes active only after the need below it is satisfied.self-actualization ego social safety physiological 1.2 Herznerg and motivator-hygiene theory赫兹伯格双因素理论赫兹伯格双因素理论(1)保健因素保健因素Hygiene factors.According to herziberg,hygiene factors include not only physiological needs such as hunger and thirst but also salary,working conditions,and supervision.offering more hygiene is not the best way to strengthen motivation,in herzbergs view,since they just prevent dissatisfaction.保健因素不仅仅指饿,渴等生理需要,还包括工资,工作条件,领导监督等等因素,满足这些因素并不能带来动机,而只能起到防止员工不满的保健作用。(2)激励因素激励因素Motivator factors.Opportunities for achievement,responsibility and more challenging jobs 激励因素是指获得成就感,在工作中承担起更具责任更有挑战性的工作 Hygiene Factors Dissatisfied Prevent Dissatisfied motivation factors No satisfy Satisfy 1.3 Adams Equity Theory亚当斯的公平理论亚当斯的公平理论n公平理论Equity theory of motivation assumes that people are strongly motivated to maintain a balance between what they perceive as their input,or contributions and what their output,or reward.公平理论指出人们通过将自己投入和收益之比和他人的投入收入指标做比较,以此判断是否得到公平对待。n Op/Ip Or /Irn Op/Ip Or /Irn Op/Ip Or /Ir2.Basic Aspects of Compensation 薪资报酬薪资报酬 n2.1compensation at work 工作报酬工作报酬 Employee compensation means all forms of pay or rewards going to employees and arising from their employment.员工因工作而获得的各种报酬nDirect financial payment直接报酬:wages salaries,incentives,commissions,and bonuses.如工资薪水,奖金,佣金,红利nIndirect employment:financial fringe benefits like employer-paid insurance,vacations,and non-financial rewards like challenging jobs,flexible work hours,a more prestigious office.间接报酬,包括间接货币方式支付的福利,保险,休假,以及非货币方式支付的报酬,如挑战性工作,弹性工作时,豪华办公室等。2.2.Basic consideration in determining pay 决定工资水平的因素nLegal consideration法律和法规nUnion influences 工会的影响nCompensation policies报酬政策nEquity and its impact on pay 公平的影响nLabor Marketplace price劳动力市场价格nbenchmark基准价格ninflation通货膨胀nCost-of-living differentials 地区生活费用nprofitability企业赢利能力nSpecification 任职资格nposition职务因素nEnterprise culture企业文化nLabor cost in different countries 国家间劳动力成本差异nSkill level in different countries 国家间技能水平差异nGDP per person in different countries 国家间人均国内生产总值差异Example:Enterprise culture 受企业文化因素影响的工资结构线实 实付 A 付 C 工 工资 B 资 D 职务评价等级 职务评价等级3.Establishing Pay Rates 确定工资结构3.1 Step1.determine the worth of each job 确定每个职务的相对价值njob evolution is aimed at determining the relative worth of a job.It involves a formal and systematic comparison of jobs in order to determine the worth of on job relative to another.职务评价目的在于判定一个职务的相对价值,确定一个职务相对于其他职务的价值所做的正式系统的比较,以确定该职务的工资等价。(1)Job Evaluation Methods职务评价方法n排序法Ranking methodn the simplest method of job evaluation that involves ranking each job relative to all other jobs,usually based on overall difficulty.是最简单的职位评价方法,依据工作复杂程度等总体指标对每一个职位的相对价值予以排序常青卫生院职位序列n医院院长 25,000 元n护士长 16,000 元n管理员 15,500 元n护士 10,000 元n勤杂工 7,000元 (2)Point method要素计点法nPoint method要素计点法nThe point method is a more quantitative job evaluation technique.It involves identifying 1)several compassable factors,each having several degrees as well as 2)the degree to which each of these factors is present in the job 一种更为复杂的量化职位评价技术。它要求确定多个报酬要素,每个要素分成几等,这些因素的等级是工作的现实情况。Three factors of job evaluation system 三要素工作评价系统举例Title of job Work experiences工作经验Education degree教育程度Work complexity工作复杂性Total scores总计Computer operator403040110Computer procedure405065155System analyzer656085210Step 2 conduct the salary survey薪资调查nSalary survey is at determining prevailing wage rages.A good salty survey provides specific wage rates for specific jobs。市场薪资调查在确定员工报酬时起到决定作用,好的薪资调查为特定的职位提供特定的工资率。nThe ways of the survey调查方法途径nWritten questioners问卷法nTelephone survey电话调查nNewspaper ads 报纸杂志nCommercial survey商业调查nProfessional survey专业调查nGovernment survey政府调查Step 3 Group Similar Jobs Into Pay grades 将类似职位归入同一工资等级nPay grade.工资等级 A pay grade is comprised of jobs of approximately equal difficulty.通过比较将类似职位归入同一工资等级。Step 4 price each pay grade-wage curves 确定工资曲线Step 5 fine tune pay rates对工资率进行微调n(1)develop rate ranges设计工资率系列This will involved correcting out-of-line rates and developing rate ranges调整偏差工资率并设计一套新的工资率系列n(2)correcting out-line rates修正工资偏差率This is to cope with the problem that the average pay for that job is currently too high or too low对过高和过低的工资率进行修正。Wage Structure 工资率结构工资率 工资率结构4.Bases for Determining Pay 工资制度nPay on time 计时工资制nPiecework pay计件工资制nSkill-based pay技能工资制nPay by Working age年功工资制nPosition and skill pay岗位技能工资制nStructure pay结构工资制5.Current Issues in Compensation Management 当前在报酬管理上存在的争议 Determinants of Executive Pay高层管理人员的工资nFour compassable factors:4个决定高层管理人员工资水平的要素nCompany size公司规模nProfitability 赢利能力nNumber of employees 雇员数量nWork experience 工作经验若干国家年销售额2。5亿美元以上公司CEO的报酬比较 国家CEO的总报酬(万美元)CEO的购买力(美国=100)%CEO的报酬和制造业员工报酬之比美国 87.110024巴西59.76641法国58.64016阿根廷53.58729德国49.44011日本45.4359墨西哥35.071446.financial incentives绩效工资n6.1 money and motivation金钱和动机金钱和动机nTalor.the father of the scientific management movement 科学管理之父。nFair day.公平工作日。The fair days work should depend on the a careful,formal,scientific process of inspection and observation公平工作日依赖于仔细,正规,科学的监察,观察过程上所做的工作分析,nScientific management.科学管理Implies careful scientific study of all the factors that go into work and includes workerss motivation,job satisfaction,and optimum production对提高劳动生产率进行的仔细科学的研究,包括动机,工作满意度,最优生产方法等。7.Incentives for Production Employees生产工人激励计划7.1 Piecework 计件工资制 nStraight piecework plan直接计件工资制nGuaranteed piecework有保障计件工资制7.2 Standard hour plan 标准工时制7.3 Group incentive plans团队激励计划8.Incentives for Managers and Executives中高层管理人员激励计划8.1 Short-term incentives:the annul bonus短期激励,年终分红nEligibility资格条件nFound-size determination基金规模的确定nIndividual awards 个人奖励额8.2 long-term incentives长期激励计划nCapital accumulation programs.资本积累方案 Encourage executives to stay with the company by providing them with the opportunity to accumulate capital based on the forms long-term success.通过为高层管理人员积累财富,鼓励他们为完成长期目标与企业共同奋斗。(1)Seven long-term incentive plans 管理人员七种长期激励形式:nStock options 股票期权nStock appreciation right股票增值计划nPerformance achievement plans绩效达成计划nRestricted stock plans定量股票计划nPhantom stock plans影子股票计划nBook value plans股票面值计划nLong-term cash performance incentives现金红利长期绩效计划(2)Implementing Long-term Incentives 长期激励计划的实施One study by consultants McKinsey and company 麦肯锡咨询公司的研究麦肯锡咨询公司的研究nRisk of stock options股票期权的风险nLong-term incentives to managers and top executives长期激励计划对中层和高层管理人员的作用n3 conditions of successful plans成功的长期激励计划的条件:The Measures of performance correlate with shareholder wealth creation,not earning per share growth绩效测量标准和持股人的财富增长相关,而不是和股息增长带来的收入相关Establish valid target levels and communicate them clearly to participants建立明确的目标体系,并和计划参与者详细沟通The performance can be modified if market conditions warrant it 根据市场环境变化,对绩效目标可以进行调整9.incentives for salespeople 销售人员激励计划nSalary plan薪资计划nCommission plan佣金计划nCombination plan复合计划nSpecial rewards特殊奖励10.rewarding key contributors 对关键有功人员的奖励n现金n股权n特殊津贴n非货币奖励 奖励关键有功人员的方法11.Oranizationwide Incentive Plans组织的整体激励计划nProfit-sharing plans利润分享计划nEmployee stock ownership plan雇员持股计划nGain-sharing plain收益分享计划nRisk salary plans浮动工资计划12.Developing Effective Incentive Plans建立有效的激励计划nEnsure that effort and rewards are directly related.确信绩效同报酬挂钩nThe plan must be understandable and easily calculable by the employees计划易于理解,收益容易计算nSet effective standards.制定绩效标准nGuarantee the standards确保标准能执行nGuarantee a base rate 确保基本工资