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    Unit 7 Integrated skills&Task (牛津译林版)原卷版.doc

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    Unit 7 Integrated skills&Task (牛津译林版)原卷版.doc

    Unit 7 Shopping Integrated skills&Task 本课重点1. 使用适当的语言描述自己的需要2. 从对话中了解购物的信息3. 询问物品的价格本课难点1. some和any的使用2. another的使用常考句型1.Id like to go shopping.2.Can we see another pair? 3.Can I try them on?4.How much are they? 一、单项选择1I dont have _ money to buy the book. What about you? I have _. I can buy it.Asome; someBany; anyCsome; anyDany; some2Is this iPad yours?Yes. My parents bought _ for my language learning.AoneBitCotherDanother3Can I help you?_. I need a birthday card for my brother.AYes, pleaseBNo, thanksCNo, pleaseDYes, youre right4My father is always busy. He never has _ time for me.AeveryBeachCanyDsome5Would you like an iphone7?No. I think it costs _.Atoo highBtoo muchCtoo expensiveDtoo tall6This kind of suit will be sold for $600, which is far more than its real _ .AfeeBpriceCvalueDmoney7Of the three foreign visitors, one is from London, and _ two are from New York.Athe otherBotherCanotherDothers8I want to see the movie Iron Man 3(钢铁侠3).Do you know the _ of the ticket?AnumberBpriceCkindDname9The pen is not cheap for children. The price is so _.AniceBhighCdifferentDexpensive10 What can I do for you? I _ a skirt.AbuyBneedsCwantsDwant 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空11I think this T-shirt _(match) her new blue jeans.12Im going to the toy shop _(buy) a toy car for my little cousin.13Amy, with her family, _(not spend) holidays near the sea every year.14Some young people are interested in _(collect) mobile phones.15Lets _(help) the old man carry the heavy bag.16I plan _(not drink) cola because it is bad for our health.17There _(be) a clothes shop and some gift shops on Renming Road.18The kids need their teachers _(look) after them carefully.19Each of us _(want) to go to Beijing this summer holiday.20Listen!What _Tom _(talk) about in the classroom? 三、完成句子21我想给我的朋友买一个礼物。I'd like_ my friend.22这鞋子看起来很漂亮,我可以试一下吗?The shoes_.Can I_ ?23艾米有足够的钱买这些发夹。Amy has_these_.24这是个看书的好地方,因为这里很安静。It is a_to_, because it's very quiet.25英式英语与美式英语有点不同。British English_American English. 四、完型填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个 最佳答案,并将答案写在答题卷相应题目的答题位置上。Dear boys and girls, I am a student in this middle 26 . I am in Class One, Grade Seven. I 27 my schoolbag in the library. It is blue. Here is a 28 of it. You can 29 an English book, a notebook and a pencil box in it. My ID card is in it, too. 30 are very important(重要的)to me. So I must find the 31 . Can you 32 me? If you find it, please 33 me. My telephone number is 876-0102. You can find 34 in my classroom, too. Thank you 35 your help. Paul26AlibraryBpictureCroomDschool27AmeetBlostCsayDspell28AphotoBpenCmapDsofa29AhaveBhelpCseeDthank30ATheyBWeCThoseDYou31AboxBbookCbedDbag32AfindBspellChelpDexcuse33AaskBcallCknowDsee34AmeByouCherDit35AatBonCinDfor 五、阅读单选 Mickey Mouse and his good friends Donald Duck and Goofy like Chinese kung fu very much. They come to Shaolin Temple(少林寺)in China to learn it. Bat King is not kind but he practises Chinese kung fu very well. He always does bad things to the people in the temple. The people there are very afraid of him. In Shaolin Temple, the master is very strict(严格). They have to practise hard. Donald can't put up with it. He leaves the temple and does not tell anybody. Goofy always does things in the wrong way. At the same time, Bat King has a plan. He wants to beat(打败)the people in Shaolin Temple. Mickey and his friends want to help those people. They study kung fu hard. They also have lots of adventures(冒险). In these adventures, they are better at kung fu. What adventures do they have? Will they beat the Bat King and help the people in Shaolin Temple? Find out in the Disney and Children's Fun storybook Kungfu Mickey.36Why do Mickey Mouse and his friends come to Shaolin Temple?ATo help the people in the temple.BTo beat Bat King.CTo visit the master of the temple.DTo learn Chinese kung fu.37Who is good at kung fu in the beginning?AMickey Mouse.BBat King.CGoofy.DDonald Duck.38What does the underlined phrase "put up with" mean in Chinese? _A忍受B准备C逃避D忽视39From the passage we CANNOT know _.Awho are the friends of Shaolin TempleBwho always does things in the wrong wayCwho wants to beat the people in the templeDwho beats Bat King at last40The passage wants to tell us _.Awe should learn kung fuBwe should help each otherCsomething about a storybookDsomething about Shaolin Temple.


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