高中英语必修一高级句式翻译练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 (非谓语动词)1.无视她的话,男人快步走了。(doing)_2.我尽最大努力控制马。我努力保持平衡防止自己掉下来。(2018浙江)_3.当我们正要绝望的时候,我们听到了远处有微弱的声音。_4.她冷得无法忍受,精疲力竭,完全不知道该如何应对这种可怕的情况。_5.看到我做了什么,妈妈皱了皱眉头,好像是要我赶快站起来。_6.好奇心切,她从河岸边跑开,穿过田野,去追兔子。_7.听到这句话,阿拉姆Aram高兴地跳了起来。_8.想要表现出我的善良,我弯下腰,捡起球,用尽全力把它扔回去。_9.走了很久,她发现自己迷路了。(having done)_10.失败了三次,她不想再试一次。_11.在街上漫无目的地逛了几小时之后,她感到有点饿,想吃东西。_12 说出真相后,她心里轻松了很多,心情愉快地回家了。_13.做好充分的准备后,她站在窗边,期待着女儿的到来。_14.因为承诺了五点之前我们一定到那儿,所以当车抛锚的时候,我非常慌张。_15.沉浸在强烈的恐惧感中,她一句话说不出来。(done)_16.被老师骂了一顿,她哭了起来。_17.被老师误解,被大家嘲笑,他感到很沮丧。_18.他周围的一切都充满了她的存在,不断地重新揭开伤疤。_19.他父亲死了,留给他很多钱。_20.雨连续下了几天,彻底破坏了我们的旅行计划。_21.这个人年纪轻轻就死了,除了债务之外什么也没留下。_22.灯突然熄灭,我们陷于一片黑暗中。_23.他把花瓶掉在地上,摔成了碎片。_24.她感到累极了,坐在溪边,让疼痛的双脚放松一下。_25.他躺在那儿,眼睛盯着天花板。(with)_26.我热泪盈眶,冲出公寓里冲出来,沿着街道跑。_27.他他冲向房间,心怦怦直跳,满脸通红。_28.这个人坐在椅子上,双手被绑在背后。_29.天快亮时,简醒来,头晕目眩。_30.体育馆在那时变得非常嘈杂,每个人都高声叫着。_附:参考答案1.无视她的话,男人快步走了。(doing)Ignoring her words, the man walked away quickly.2.我尽最大努力控制马。我努力保持平衡防止自己掉下来。(2018浙江)Trying my best to control the horse, I managed to keep the balance from falling off it.3.当我们正要绝望的时候,我们听到了远处有微弱的声音。Being at the point of desperation, we heard a faint voice from the distance.4.她冷得无法忍受,精疲力竭,完全不知道该如何应对这种可怕的情况。Feeling unbearably cold and exhausted, she had no idea how to cope with the terrible situation.5.看到我做了什么,妈妈皱了皱眉头,好像是要我赶快站起来。Seeing what I did, my mother frowned as if to ask me to stand up quickly.6.好奇心切,她从河岸边跑开,穿过田野,去追兔子。Burning with curiosity, she ran away from the bank of the river, and across the field to chase the rabbit.7.听到这句话, Aram高兴地跳了起来。Hearing this, Aram jumped up with happiness.8.想要表现出我的善良,我弯下腰,捡起球,用尽全力把它扔回去。Wanting to appear kind, I bent down, picked up the ball and threw it back as hard as I could.9.走了很久,她发现自己迷路了。(having done)Having walked for quite a long time, she found herself lost.10.失败了三次,她不想再试一次。Having failed three times, she didnt want to try again.11.在街上漫无目的地逛了几小时之后,她感到有点饿,想吃东西。Having wandered aimlessly in the street for hours, she felt a little hungry and wanted something to eat.12.说出真相后,她心里轻松了很多,心情愉快地回家了。Having told the truth, she felt easier in her mind and went home.13.做好充分的准备后,她站在窗边,期待着女儿的到来。Having made full preparations, she stood by the window, expecting the arrival of herdaughter.14.因为承诺了五点之前我们一定到那儿,所以当车抛锚的时候,我非常慌张。Having promised that we would get there before five, I was seized with panic when the car broke down.15.沉浸在强烈的恐惧感中,她一句话说不出来。(done)Immersed in a strong sense of fear, she could not say a word.16.被老师骂了一顿,她哭了起来。Scolded by the teacher , she burst into tears.17.被老师误解,被大家嘲笑,他感到很沮丧。Misunderstood by his teacher and laughed at by everyone, he felt rather upset anddepressed.18.他周围的一切都充满了她的存在,不断地重新揭开伤疤。Everything around him was full of her presence, continually reopening the wound.19.他父亲死了,留给他很多钱。His father died, leaving him a lot of money.20.雨连续下了几天,彻底破坏了我们的旅行计划。It had been raining for several days, completely destroying our travel plan21.这个人年纪轻轻就死了,除了债务之外什么也没留下。The man died young, leaving nothing but debt22.灯突然熄灭我们陷于一片黑暗中。The lamp suddenly went out, leaving us in darkness.23.他把花瓶掉在地上,摔成了碎片。He dropped the vase, breaking it into pieces.24.她感到累极了,坐在溪边,让疼痛的双脚放松一下。She felt exhausted and sat by the stream, relaxing/resting her aching feet .25.他躺在那儿,眼睛盯着天花板。(with)He lay there, with his eyes looking at the ceiling.26.我热泪盈眶,冲出公寓里冲出来,沿着街道跑。With tears welling up in my eyes, I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street.27.他他冲向房间,心怦怦直跳,满脸通红。He rushed to the room with his heart beating wildly and his face flushing.28.这个人坐在椅子上,双手被绑在背后。The man sat in the chair, with his hands tied behind his back29.天快亮时,简醒来,头晕目眩。It was daybreak when Jane woke up with her head spinning.30.体育馆在那时变得非常嘈杂,每个人都高声叫着。The stadium got really noisy at that time, with everybody shouting at the top of his voice.4