Unit2WildlifeProtectionAdayinthecloudsLearning aimsTo learn some basic words and expressions about wildlife protection;To consolidate the reading skills like skimming and scanning;To sense the importance and the necessity of protecting wildlife.To share your advice about what we should do to protect the wild animals in groups.1)It is good at running and jumping.2)It is one of the Beijing Olympic mascots(吉祥物).3)It mainly lives in Qinghai and Tibet(西藏).4)Its name is closely connected with Changtang Nature Reserve(羌塘自然保护区)(羌塘自然保护区).LeadinGuess:What kind of animal is it?theTibetanantelopeWhat do you know about the Tibetan antelope?A Day In the Clouds PredictionWhat type of passage is it?What type of passage is it?A.Exposition(说明文说明文)B.Argumentation(议论文议论文)C.Travel journal(旅行日记旅行日记旅行日记旅行日记)D.News report(新闻报道)新闻报道)Pre-readingWhat is the text mainly about?AThe Changtang National Nature Reserve.BThe protection of Tibetan antelopes.CSnowcovered mountains.DSome effective measures.B.Bad times for the Tibetan antelope.A.The authors guide thinks the land is sacred and protecting wildlife is a way of life.7Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4 Match the main idea with each paragraph.Paragraph 5Paragraph 6Paragraph 7 E.The effective measures have helped the population of antelpoes recover.C.The writer visited Changtang in order to observe Tibetan antelopes.D.Tibetan antelopes are in danger.F.Human beings must change the way of life in order to save the planet.G.The Chinese government and volunteers took effective measures to protect them.While-readingOrganization of the passagePart 1 Part 2 Part 3 While-readingReading for structure(Para.1)(Para.26)Body(Para.7)Introduction of the topic.The current situation of Tibetan antelopes.The reason for their reduction in the past.The measures taken The authors reflection.Theairisthinandwehavetorestseveraltimesontheshorthikefromcamp.Toourleft,snow-coveredmountainsdisappearintocloudsthatseemalmostcloseenoughtotouch.Ontheplaininfrontofus,wecanjustmakeoutaherdofgracefulanimals.Thisiswhywerehere-toobserveTibetanantelopes.(para1)Part 1:para1QuestionsQ1:What does the writer see in para1?Q2:Why did the author come to Tibet?vIntroduction of the topic.TibetanantelopesliveontheplainsofTibet,Xinjiang,andQinghai.Watchingthemmoveslowlyacrossthegreengrass,Imstruckbytheirbeauty.Imalsoremindedofthedangertheyarein.Theyarebeinghunted,illegally,fortheirvaluablefur.Part 2:para2QuestionsQ3:From the underlined sentences,we learned that.Though antelopes are with_ they are in _.beautydangerdangerbeautybeautifulVSVSfour antelopesone shahtoosh(沙图什)(沙图什)30,000 dollars210,000 yuan the killing for moneyWhen the buying stops,the killing can too.-WildAidPart 2:para3My guide is Zhaxi,a villager from My guide is Zhaxi,a villager from Changtang.He works at the Changtang.He works at the Changtang National Nature Changtang National Nature Reserve.The reserve is a shelter Reserve.The reserve is a shelter for the animals and plants of for the animals and plants of northwestern Tibet.To Zhaxi,the northwestern Tibet.To Zhaxi,the land is sacred and protecting the land is sacred and protecting the wildlife is a way of life.Were not wildlife is a way of life.Were not trying to save the animals,he trying to save the animals,he says.Actually,were trying to says.Actually,were trying to save ourselves.save ourselves.Q:What is Zhaxis opinion of protecting wildlife?What we have given to nature will be given back one day.QuestionsWhen is the bad time for antelopes?(bad time)whenwhywhathowWhy are they in danger?(2 reasons)How to protect antelopes?(3 measures)What are the things the author thinks?(2 reflections)Questions-6)-6)The Timethe 1980s and 1990sTo save this species from extinctionin June 2015a day nowin the futurepopulationHunters were shooting.Their habitats were becoming.populationThey are in danger.They are being hunted,illegally,for their valuable fur.The Chinese government placed.Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over.Bridges and gates were added.change our way of lifeexist in harmony with natureRead for details(Paras.4-7)The Tibetan antelope was removed from the endangered species list.Humans constant efforts to protect Tibetan antelopes Fill in the blanks with correct forms.Post-readingToobserveTibetanantelopes,wecametoTibet.Therewemade out(1)_herd of graceful animals and were struck bytheirbeauty.I(2)_(remind)ofthedangertheyarein.Theyarebeinghunted(3)_(illegal)fortheirvaluablefur.Toprotectthem,theChangtangNationalNatureReservewassetup,(4)_isashelterforanimalsandplants.In1980sand1990s,thepopulationdroppedbadlybecauseofbeinghuntedandthelossof(5)_(they)habitats.Inordertopreventthisspeciesfrom(6)_(extinct),theChinesegovernmenttookeffective(7)_(measure)toplaceitundernationalprotection.Itspopulationhasrecoveredanditwasremovedfromthe(8)_(danger)specieslist.However,thegovernmentdidntintend(9)_(give)uptheprotectionprogrammes.Tosavewildlife,weshouldlearntoexist(10)_harmonywithnature.a was reminded illegally whichtheirextinctionmeasures endangeredto give inThe outline of the passageIntroduce the topic:Protecting the Tibetan Antelope.whyresultsHunters were shooting them to make profits.They were endangered.Their habitats were getting smaller.The population is recovering.They are no longer endangered animals.howThe Chinese government placed it under national protection.Bridges and gates were added to let them move easily and safely.Volunteers watched them over day and night.We must change our way of life.We have to learn to live in harmony with nature.What should we do to change our way of lifeto protect endangeredanimals?protect our environmentstop buying and eating raise the public awarenessDiscussion&Speechwhatcanweindividualsdo?1.DONOTbuygoodsmadefromanimals.2.DONOTdestroytheirhabitatsandinfluencetheirlife.3.Spreadthenewsaboutthehuntingandprotectionofwildlife.4.Reportiffindinganyillegalhuntingandtrading.Changebeginswithyou.Yourcontributioncounts.Takeaction!A Day In The FutureWhatwewillseeBeautyHarmony&P16.Para11.国家国家自然保自然保护区区2.在离开营地的短途徒步旅行中在离开营地的短途徒步旅行中3.白雪皑皑的群山白雪皑皑的群山4.消失在云层中消失在云层中5.隐约看到一群体型优美的动物隐约看到一群体型优美的动物6.那就是那就是的原因的原因National nature reserve on the short hike from campsnowcovered mountainsdisappear into cloudsmake out a herd of graceful animalsThis is whyimportant phrases and sentences:40%40%60%60%73%73%65%65%1.The air is thin and we have to rest several times _ the short hike from camp.2.To our left,snowcovered mountains disappear _ clouds that seem almost close enough _(touch).3.This is _ were hereto observe Tibetan antelopes.onintoto touchwhyimportant phrases and sentences:PAUL GIBBPAUL GIBBCEOCEOTom SmithTom SmithManagerManagerTom SmithTom SmithExecutiveExecutiveExecutiveExecutiveTom SmithTom SmithExecutiveExecutivePara21.生活生活在平原上在平原上2.被被所触动所触动3.使某人想起使某人想起4.因为因为捕杀捕杀Para31.一个动植物的庇护所一个动植物的庇护所2.一种生活方式一种生活方式3.试图拯救动物试图拯救动物live on the plains ofbe struck by remind sb ofhunt sb fora shelter for the animals and plantsa way of lifetry to save the animalsimportant phrases and sentences:40%40%60%60%73%73%65%65%Para21.Tibetan antelopes live _ the plains of Tibet,Xinjiang,and Qinghai.2._(watch)them move slowly across the green grass,Im _(stike)by their beauty.3.Im also reminded _ the danger they are in.4.They are being hunted,illegally,_ their valuable fur.onWatching struckofforimportant phrases and sentences:Para31.The reserve is a shelter _the animals and plants of northwestern Tibet.2.Protecting the wildlife _ a way of life.forisPara41.对对来说是一个悲惨时代来说是一个悲惨时代2.减少了减少了3.为了谋利而射杀藏羚羊为了谋利而射杀藏羚羊be bad times fordrop byshoot antelopes to make profitsimportant phrases and sentences:Paul ReynoldsPaul ReynoldsManagerManagerManagerManager1.The 1980s and 1990s were bad times _ the Tibetan antelope.2.The population dropped _ more than 50 percent.3.Hunters were _(为了谋利而射杀藏羚羊为了谋利而射杀藏羚羊).4.Their habitats were becoming smaller _new roads and railways _(build).forbyshoot antelopes to make profitsaswere builtimportant phrases and sentences:Paul ReynoldsPaul ReynoldsManagerManagerManagerManagerPara51.从从中挽救中挽救2.将其置于国家保护之下将其置于国家保护之下3.日夜看护日夜看护4.保护他们免受攻击保护他们免受攻击save fromplace it under national protectionwatch over day and nightkeep them safe from attacks1.In order to save this species _ extinction,the Chinese government _(将将其其置置于于国国家保护之下家保护之下).2.Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day _ night to keep them safe from _(attack).fromplace it under national protectionandattacksimportant phrases and sentences:Para61.从从删除删除2.打算做某事打算做某事Para7.1.改变我们的生活方式改变我们的生活方式2.和和和睦相处和睦相处3.不会成为野生动物和地球的威胁不会成为野生动物和地球的威胁remove fromintend tochange our way of life exist in harmony withwe stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planetimportant phrases and sentences:1.The measures were _(effect).2.In June 2015,the Tibetan antelope was removed _ the endangered species list.The government,however,does not intend _(stop)the protection programmes,since the threats _ the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.3.I think about the antelopes and _ Zhaxi told me.4._we really want to save the planet,we must change our way _ life.5.Only when we learn to exist _ nature _(我们才会停止我们才会停止)being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.effectivefromto stopwhatIfcan we stopto ofin harmony withimportant phrases and sentences:1.Our planets wildlife is dying out at an alarming rate.(P14)我们地球上的野生动物正在以惊人的速度灭亡。我们地球上的野生动物正在以惊人的速度灭亡。2.To our left,snowcovered mountains disappear into clouds that seem almost close enough to touch.(P16)我们的左边,白雪皑皑的群山消失在似乎触手可及的云层中。我们的左边,白雪皑皑的群山消失在似乎触手可及的云层中。3.Watching Tibetan abtelopes move slowly across the green grass,Im struck by their beauty.(P16)看着藏羚羊缓缓穿过绿色的草地,我被其美丽所震撼。看着藏羚羊缓缓穿过绿色的草地,我被其美丽所震撼。important phrases and sentences:4.Much is being done to protect wildlife,but if we really want to save the planet,we must change our way of life.(P16)在野生动物保护方面尽管我们正在做大量的工作,但是,如果在野生动物保护方面尽管我们正在做大量的工作,但是,如果真想拯救地球,就必须改变我们自己的生活方式。真想拯救地球,就必须改变我们自己的生活方式。5.Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.(P16)只有学会和大自然和谐共处,我们才不会成为野生生物只有学会和大自然和谐共处,我们才不会成为野生生物和地球的威胁。和地球的威胁。important phrases and sentences: