2024年英国服装设计留学学校申请书模板 英国文凭不但广受世界认可,且其课程设置紧凑而严谨,获得学位的时间相对较短,读学士学位一般需三年、硕士学位一年,而其他国家的硕士一般都须要23 年。这里给大家共享一些英国服装设计留学学校申请书模板,欢迎阅读! 英国服装设计留学学校申请书 Dear _, In this age of information, economic globalization is subjecting the entire world to an irresistible, all-encompassing and profound transformation. Any single nation has the likelihood to exceed the boundaries of its domestic market, and its natural and human resources to realize an optimum allocation of resources on the international level. By now, a pattern of multinational competition has developed and Chinas accession into the WTO has provided it with a rare opportunity to integrate into the international mainstream economies and to realize its immense development potential. But at the same time China is bound to an important obligationits solemn promise to abide by all the rules and regulations of trade as agreed upon by all the WTO member countries. Under such circumstances, it is necessary for China to open its market according to prevalent international conventions and practices and bring its mode of economic operation and management, along with relevant laws and regulations, into an international framework until absolute conformity is achieved. Against such a larger background, the physical and geographical concept of the nationality of an enterprise has been virtually eliminated. The intensification of international competition is bound to create resource allocation on a global scale. How to implement cross-population and trans-cultural management system and comprehensively elevate international competitiveness is a challenging subject that enterprises in developing countries like China have to face. It is precisely based on this recognition that I, now on the verge of completing my undergraduate program, plans to pursue a masters program in management whereby I may study and research on how international economy operates and how multinational companies apply their effective management. My four-year undergraduate program in Broadcast and Television Journalism at the Department of Journalism and Information Communication of _ University of Science and Technology has enabled me to acquire an open mentality, acute insights and rich practical experience. I have been the top student of my class, not only because of my consistent No. 1 ranking in terms of academic performance but also because of my role as major organizer of a number of extracurricular activities related to journalistic practices. As vice head of our universitys TV station, I produced a great number of special feature programs. I interned at a local newspaper office and at _ Provincial TV Station, winning a provincial-level award for my journalistic reporting. I was the assistant producer of a special show about _ Province in a serial program “Across China” by _s Phoenix Cable TV. Through playing different roles, as a student of journalism and working as journalist and TV producer, I have developed an important academic foundation, effective management skills and interpersonal communication. In addition, I have a unique advantageI have done a second degree in English for Science and Technology. Those factors will be important for my working toward a more advanced degree program. As a sophomore, I started my bi-degree program in business administration. I prized this important opportunity as I discovered that it is the subject in which my true interest lies. In this program, I have systematically studied all the relevant management courses including Human Resource Management, Marketing, and Market Planning. My academic performance in this program is equally satisfactory. In May 2024, as one of a few student delegates, I participated in the Third MBA Development Forum of China held in the City of _. I helped my advisor prepare his presentation and I also interviewed leading scholars and experts on MBA in our country. This experience significantly deepened my understanding of management and broadened academic perspectives. My distinguished academic performance in the first three years has qualified me for a direct masters program in journalism in my Alma Mater. However, I am very clear about my academic interest and my future career objectives. Therefore I have relinquished the offer in favor of applying for a more advanced education in management. As a discipline western in origin, management science is undoubtedly a field of study whose teaching and research western universities are most good at. Therefore, I am determined to apply for a Masters program The London School of Economics and Political Science,arguably the better of the best western universities in social sciences. Your esteemed university enjoys a unique academic position and an unparalleled academic reputation in the western world, with a large number of leading scholars working in their respective fields. Situated in London where one can witness distinctive cultural parallelism, it will not only teach me the most updated professional knowledge but also ample sociological understanding of its cultural diversity. In my proposed study, I will contribute my research talents because I possess experience of participating in a major research project. For an entire year from December 2024 to December 2024, as the sole undergraduate of the research group, I took part in the Study of _ Citys Specialized Water Management System, which is part of the countrys “863” key scientific and technological research program undertaken by _ Bluewater Science and Technology Company. I performed field study of the water resources in the _ region of _ City and the wealth of statistics that I collected and codified provided valuable reference materials for the entire research group. In addition, I proposed that BOT(Build-Operate-Transfer)could be employed to construct a small-scale waste-water treatment plant. The most important role I played was the substantive research I carried out for the topic on Lake Management System and the research report that I co-authored. Prof. _X, the leader of the research group, praised me as “demonstrating impressive professional dedication and sound research potential, with strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.” I have lived a colorful extracurricular life. Learning dancing in my childhood, I became the leader of the dancing team of our universitys art troupe, and launched traveling performances in neighboring provinces. Representing _ Province, I participated in Chinas First National Dancing Contest for University Students, at which I won the third prize. Moreover, as a key member on the Student Management Committee of our universitys library, I organized a campus-wide book-reading festival. In 2024, as one of the five delegates of our university, I attended the New Millennium Administrative Elites Training Program jointly sponsored by _ Chinese University and _ General Chamber of Commerce. I have been working as a secretary at the International Exchange Department of _ University of Science and Technology where I am responsible for receiving foreign delegations, offering consultations and arranging lectures and academic conference. Based on those experiences, I will continue contributing my extracurricular talents. In this age of increasing specialization, I hope to develop myself into a specialist on human resource management with the best training from one of the worlds best academic institutes. Therefore, receiving a quality education from _ will be a vital step to my personal and career development and to the fulfillment of this long-cherished aspiration of mine. Yours sincerely, xuexila 英国服装设计留学学校申请条件 语言要求:接受雅思,不接受托福。 本科:申请本科的同学可以不要求有美术基础,但要表现出对美学的酷爱和潜力。这类同学可以先接受预科学习,学成再转高校相关专业。 硕士:已经在国内读服装设计本科的学生可以选择去英国念硕士,把专业进一步提升。要求有专业背景,甚至要求有工作阅历。 资金支持:伦敦地区物资较高,平均水平大约在4万英镑/年 是否有奖学金:有 英国艺术留学服装设计专业依据目标方向的不同又分为男装设计、女装设计、戏服设计等,同学们可以根据自己的额爱好偏好程度做选择。 申请服装设计专业,最重要的就是作品集,打算服装设计留学作品集,只是成为服装设计师的第一步,假如觉得打算作品集的压力与作品量已经吃不消,那么就想想那些品牌设计师吧!要打算秋冬、春夏的时装秀以及各种新品发布,其工作量又何其之大?英国艺术留学作品集就犹如一颗艺术的种子,它会经验,萌芽、成长为幼苗、最终成为一颗参天大树,在进入艺术高校学习正课,同样要注意培育艺术修养与创作,信任只有将你所宠爱的时尚设计与生活和个人融合,才能成为所谓的时尚事业。 学校希望从你的作品集里看到以下几个方面的实力 1. 创建力和绘画水平; 2. 动手实力; 3. 探讨技巧; 4. 开放的思路和实践精神; 5. 视觉传达实力。 所以,学校建议英国服装设计留学学校申请在作品集上要留意质量,在每个页面可以看到英文的注释说明,有助于老师更好的理解你的作品,当然作品中要充分的展示个人的创意,不仅仅是单纯的临摹。假如有其它的相关设计作品也可以提交。这就是英国服装设计留学学校申请详细要求。 英国留学申请要素 一、尽早去申请 在英国许多学校的硕士的课程都是在9月底就开课的,但申请是提前一年起先的。当然学生们也是要更早申请。另外一些学校或者是专业在申请上都是有截止日期的,这个大家要查看清晰。假如是想得到有条件录用的也该早申请,因为在二月份的时候学校就不会再发出相关的录用通知了。 假如自己的因为条件不够而无法能直申的,也往往是因为名额或者是别的方面被拒绝。一般这里的学校在处理学生们的申请时都得要4到8周,假如是比较热门的学校或者专业甚至还得10到12周,所以大家在申请的时候就得预留出等通知书的时间了。 二、确定适合的学校 许多学生还是想接着读本专业的,那么大家其实可以看看QS等等的排名。一般这里的学校在综合排名上主要还是参考研究实力的,也就是在这些排名上,属于探讨性的学校往往会有更前面的名次。但一般能排在前50位的学校都是比较好的,而且大多都有自己比较强的专业。学生们就得考虑好自己究竟喜爱哪一个专业,在综合着排名一起选。 三、确定适合的课程 英国的硕士课程有两种,但都是一年时间的。授课式类型的许多都是比较好用性的课程,而探讨型比别的课程会比较难申请一些,因为这些课程大多都是对某个课题做探讨的,就要求学生得有探讨实力或者是相关的探讨成果了。一般选择读探讨式课程的学生,往往都是给自己之后的博士就读做打算,所以假如自己也有读博的安排,那就可以考虑申请了。 四、打算更独特的材料 英国的学校都很在意学生的自述信、举荐信等等这些文书,他们也更想看到学生的申请材料都是有细心打算的。要是许多的材料都很相像或者很乏味,那就没有方法体现自己的特点了,而且太过敷衍了事的话也没有方法给学校一个好印象。 英国服装设计留学学校申请书模板相关文章: