L M 3 2 4, LM324A, LM2 2 4, LM2902, LM 2 9 0 2 V, NC V2902Single Supply Quad0 p er a tional A mplifiersThe LM324 series are low-cost, quad operational amplifiers with true differential inputs. They have several distinct advantages over standard operational amplifier types in single supply applications. The quad amplifier can operate at supply voltages as low as 3.0 V or as high as 32 V with quiescent currents about one-fifth of those associated with the MCI741 (on a per amplifier basis). The common mode input range includes the negative supply, thereby eliminating the necessity for external biasing components in many applications. The output voltage range also includes the negative power supply voltage. Short Circuited Protected Outputs True Differential Input Stage Single Supply Operation: 3.0 V to 32 V (LM224, LM324, LM324A) Low Input Bias Currents: 100 nA Maximum (LM324A) Four Amplifiers Per Package Internally Compensated Common Mode Range Extends to Negative Supply Industry Standard Pinouts ESD Clamps on the Inputs Increase Ruggedness without AffectingDevice OperationON SemiconductorPDIP-14N SUFFIXCASE 646141TSSOP-14 DTB SUFFIX CASE 948GSO-14D SUFFIXCASE 751ARatingSymbolLM224 LM324, LM324ALM2902, LM2902VUnitPower Supply Voltages Single Supply Split SuppliesVccVcc, Vee32 ±1626 ±13VdcInput Differential Voltage Range (Note 1)Vidr±32±26VdcInput Common Mode Voltage RangeVICR-0.3 to 32-0.3 to 26VdcOutput Short Circuit DurationtscContinuousJunction TemperatureTj150Storage Temperature RangeTstg-65 to+150Operating AmbientTemperature RangeTaLM224-25 to +85LM324, 324A0 to +70LM2902-40 to +105LM2902V, NCV2902-40 to+125MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta= +25, unless otherwise noted.)1. Split Power Supplies.PIN CONNECTIONS(Top View)ORDERING INFORMATIONSee detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 9 of this data sheet.DEVICE MARKING INFORMATIONSee general marking information in the device marking section on page 10 of this data sheet.MARKING DIAGRAMSPDIP-14N SUFFIXCASE 64614八人八人八人入14八人人人人人具14八人具八入A人14八人八人八人入LM324ANO AWLYYWWV V V V V V V1LMx24NO AWLYYWWLM2902NO AWLYYWWLM2902VNO AWLYYWW1SO-14D SUFFIXCASE 751A14H R R R R R RLM324ADAWLYWWH H H H H H H14H R R H R R RLMx24DAWLYWWH H H H H H H14H R H R H H RLM2902DAWLYWWH H H H H H H14H R R R R R RLM2902VDAWLYWWH H H H H H HTSSOP-14DTB SUFFIXCASE948G14RRRRRRRx24AWYW o mim 114RRRRRRR324AAWYWomnn14RRRRRRR2902oAWYWmnn14RRRRRRR2902VQAWYWmimx= 2or3A= Assembly LocationWL= Wafer LotYY, Y= YearWW, W = Work Week*This marking diagram also applies to NCV2902.PACKAGE DIMENSIONSPDIP-14N SUFFIXCASE 646-06ISSUE MNOTES:L DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M 19822 CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.a DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL4 DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH.5 ROUNDED CORNERS OPTIONALDIMINCHESMILLIMETERSMINMAXMINMAXAQ715Q770ia 161880BQ240Q260610660CQ145Q185a 69469DQ015Q021Q38Q53PQOIOQ070L021.78GQ 100 BSC2 54 BSCHQ052Q095L32241JQ008Q015Q20Q38KQ115Q 135292a 43LQ290Q3107.377.87M10-10-XQ015Q039Q38LOISEATINGPLANEQ13(Q005)SO-14D SUFFIXCASE 751A-03ISSUE FNOTES:*1-A-rFrfFTfrfTH:148 -1* D 14 PLK1 . DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5H 19822 CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MIIJ.IMETEKa DIMENSIONS A AND BOO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION.4 MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION Q 15 (0006) PER SIDE5 DIMENSION D DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE Q 127(0 005) TOTAL IN EXCESS OF THE D DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION.令Q25 (Q 010) © 1B ©A 0DIMMILLIMETERSINCHESMINMAXMINMAXA8 558 75Q337Q344Ba 804 000150Q 157C1.351.75QO&lQ068DQ35Q49Q014Q019PQ401.25Q016QQ19G1.27 BSCQ050BSCJQ19Q250008a 009KQ10Q25QOOla 009M0-7-0-7-P5806 20Q228a 244RQ25Q50QOIOa 019PACKAGE DIMENSIONSTSSOP-14DTB SUFFIXCASE 948G-01ISSUE ONOTES:1 . DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14 5M 19822 CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILUMETER.a DIMENSION A DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS MOLD FLASH OR GATE BURRS SH.ULN0T EXCEED Q 15(0 006) PER SIDE4 DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION. INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION SHALL NOT EXCEED0 25 (0010) PER SIDE5 DIMENSION K DOES NOT INCLLDE DAM BAR PROTRUSIOX ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BEQ08 (0 003) TOTAL IN EXCESS OF THE K DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION6 TERMINAL NUMBERS ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY.7 . DIMENSION A AND BARE TO BE DETERMINED AT DATUM PLANE -W-q Q10 (0004)-T- I SEATING1 PLANEmuDIMMILLIMETERSINCHESMINMAXMINMAXA4 90a 10Q193Q200R4.304 50Q169Q 177C1.20QQ17I)Q05Q150002Q 006FQ50Q75Q020Q030G065 BSCQ026 BSCHQ50Q60Q020(1024JQ09Q200 001Q 008JIQ09Q 16Q004Q006KQ19Q300007a 012KIQ19Q25Q0070 010L6 40 BSCQ 252 BSCMo-80-8ON Semiconductor and J are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. "Typical“ parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATIONLiterature Fulfillment:Literature Distribution Center for ON SemiconductorP.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USAPhone: 303-675-2175 or 800-344-3860 loll Free USA/CanadaFax: 303-675-2176 or 800-344-3867 loll Free USA/CanadaEmail: N. American Technical Support: 800-282-9855 Toll Free USA/CanadaJAPAN: ON Semiconductor, Japan Customer Focus Center 4-32-1 Nishi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan 141-0031 Phone:81-3-5740-2700Email: ON Semiconductor Website: For additional information, please contact your localSales Representative.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc= 5.0 V, Vee= Gnd, Ta= 25, unless otherwise noted.)CharacteristicsSymbolLM224LM324ALM324LM2902LM2902V/NCV2902UnitMinTypMaxMinTypMaxMinTypMaxMinTypMaxMinTypMaxInput Offset Voltage Vcc=5.0 Vto 30 V (26 V for LM2902, V), Vicr = 0 V toVcc-1.7 VVo= 1.4 V RS=OQTa=25Ta = Thigh (Note 2)TA=TioW(Note 2)Vio2. Temperature Coefficient of Input Offset Voltage 、A Thigh tO Tiow(Notes 2 and 4)AViq/AT7.07.0307.07.07.0MV/Input Offset Current"Dx = Thigh tO T|qw (Note 2)ho3.0301005.030755.0501505.0502005.050200nAAverage Temperature Coefficient of Input Offset Current 'a = Thigh to Tiow(Notes 2 and 4)Alio/AT1010300101010pA/Input Bias CurrentTa = Thigh to Tlow (Note 2)l|B-90-150-300-45-100-200-90-250-500-90-250-500-90-250-500nAInput Common Mode Voltage Range (Note 3)Vcc =30V(26 V for LM2902, V)Ta=+25"Gx = Thigh tO Tlow (Note 2)V|CR0028.3280028.3280028.3280024.3240024.324VDifferential Input Voltage RangeV|DRVccVccVccVccVccVLarge Signal Open Loop Voltage GainRl=2.0 kQ,Vcc= 15V for Large Vq SwingTa = Thigh to Tiow (Note 2)Avol50251002515100251510025151002515100V/mVChannel Separation 10 kHz<f<20 kHz, Input Referencedcs-120-120-120-120-120dBCommon Mode Rejection, Rs<10k£2CMR7085一6570一6570一5070一5070一dBPower Supply RejectionPSR6510065100一651005010050100dB2. LM224: T|0W = -25, Thigh = +85LM324/LM324A: T|0W = 0, Thigh = +70LM2902: T|0W = -40, Thigh = +105LM2902V & NCV2902: T|0W = -40, Thigh = +125NCV2902 is qualified for automotive use.3. The input common mode voltage or either input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3 3 The upper end of the common mode voltage range is Vcc-1.7 V4. Guaranteed by design.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc= 5.0 V, Vee= Gnd, Ta= 25, unless otherwise noted.)CharacteristicsSymbolLM224LM324ALM324LM2902LM2902V/NCV2902UnitMinTypMaxMinTypMaxMinTypMaxMinTypMaxMinTypMaxOutput Voltage-High Limit(Ta= Thigh to T|ow )(Note 5)VCc= 5.0 V RL =2.0 kQ, Ta= 25Vcc =30V(26 V for LM2902, V),Rl=2.0 kCVcc =30V(26 V for LM2902, V),Rl= 10 kQVoH3.326273.5283.326273.5283.326273.5283.322233.5243.322233.524VOutput Voltage - Low Limit, Vcc = 5.0 V %= 10 kC,A = Thigh tO T|OW (Note 5)Vol5.0205.0205.0205.01005.0100mVOutput Source Current (V|D=+1.0 vVCC=15V)Ta=25"Gx = Thigh tO Tlow(Note 5)lo +20104020一20104020一2010402020104020一20104020mAOutput Sink Current (Vid =-1.0 VVcc= 15 V)Ta=25Ta 二 Tmgh to Tiow (Note 5)(Vid =-1.0 VVo =200 mVTa=25)Io-105.012208.050105.012208.050一105.012208.050105.0208.0105.0208.0一mApAOutput Short Circuit to Ground (Note 6)Isc一4060一40604060一4060一4060mAPower Supply Current (1-A= Thigh tO T|OW )(Note 5)Vcc = 30 V(26 V for LM2902, V),Vo = 0 V Rl = <»Vcc = 5.0 VVq = 0 V Rl = coIcc3. LM224: T|ow = -25, Thigh = +85LM324/LM324A: T|0W = 0, Thigh = +70LM2902: T|0W = -40, Thigh = +105LM2902V & NCV2902: T|0W = -40, Thigh = +125NCV2902 is qualified for automotive use.6. The input common mode voltage or either input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3 V The upper end of the common mode voltage range is Vcc-1.7 Viuoo>!iuasuo/:d)q(uMoqs linoJiQ jo iipnoj-auo)uieuBeia jinojig aAieuasajda【ajnBijZZO33. OsjBgifduiyunoj o; uomujOQseig63ndmosinduj。一CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONThe LM324 series is made using four internally compensated, two-stage operational amplifiers. The first stage of each consists of differential input devices Q20 and Q18 with input buffer transistors Q21 and Q17 and the differential to single ended converter Q3 and Q4. The first stage performs not only the first stage gain function but also performs the level shifting and transconductance reduction functions. By reducing the transconductance, a smaller compensation capacitor (only 5.0 pF) can be employed, thus saving chip area. The transconductance reduction is accomplished by splitting the collectors of Q20 and Q18. Another feature of this input stage is that the input common mode range can include the negative supply or ground, in single supply operation, without saturating either the input devices or the differential to single-ended converter. The second stage consists of a standard current source load amplifier stage.5.0 h$/DIVFigure 2. Large Signal Voltage Follower Response>a>RLEach amplifier is biased from an internal-voltage regulator which has a low temperature coefficient thus giving each amplifier good temperature characteristics as well as excellent power supply rejection.Single SupplyCC(max) 一叶O 0 o o o o o oO0 弓 CC(max)O _LL 5 V to Vgg(max)Split SuppliesFigure 3.土 Vq/Veb power supply voltages (V)120坦1002 O 80D § 60Il 40C z 2000-20Figure 4. Input Voltage Range1.010100 LOk 10 k 100 k 1.0 M£ FREQUENCY (Hz)Figure 5. Open Loop Frequencyo200oooO1&642(ddA>山bnvh山9<no>0000t, UME (ys)Figure 7. Small-Signal Voltage Follower Pulse Response (Noninverting)of FREQUENCY (kHz)Figure 6. Large-Signal Frequency ResponseVco POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)Figure 8. Power Supply Current versus Power Supply VoltageVco POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)Figure 9. Input Bias Current versus Power Supply Voltage<u)HHnos<8lim一一Figure 10. Voltage ReferenceFigure 11. Wien Bridge OscillatoroFigure 12. High Impedance Differential AmplifierHysteresisRIRI +R2(Voh-V()l)Figure 13. Comparator with HysteresisBandpassOutputRI100 k-AAAr100 kvw-1/4、LM324rVrefcc1-2-.refRc2-兀邛RlBPRQRTN2->12foRR"For: qfoa=al. 0 kHzQa= 10和面1NWhere: qTBpa=aCentor Frequency GainTa=aPassband Notch GainR :二 160 kQC := 0001 pRI二 L6 MQR2=16 MCR3=16 MQFigure 14. Bi-Quad FilterGiven: qfoa=acenter frequencyA (Q a=feai n at center irequencyChoose value CQThen: R3 = z-R1=T<)RLR3_K - 4Q2 RI - R3Q fo AFor less than 10% emrfom operational amplifier; o < Q 1D Wwhere 力 and BW are exp