读 后 续 写2024届浙江省1月首考害怕长跑的“路痴”-实现小目标,完成大任务故事设定:高中的第一周 可预判主题与“适应新环境”有关主要矛盾:find her way in the huge school building 在偌大的校园中容易迷路,感到陌生语言点:keep ones head above water勉强维持清醒Eva spent the first week of high school trying to keep her head above water.One of the major headaches for her was finding her way in the huge school building.It was a six-story building.On each floor,hallways stretched in four directions,leading to classrooms,laboratories,and teachers offices.Somewhere in the building,there was also a library,a cafeteria,and a gym.困难:主人公Eva方向感差矛盾冲突点:自我设限,决定只记得教室,不探索学校的其余地方。Having a poor sense of direction,Eva found it impossible to get around in such a huge building.All the different hallways and rooms were too much to think about,let alone commit to memory.She decided that she would memorize where her classes were and then pretend that the rest of the place didnt exist.支线任务:体育课上要求跑1公里,这也是Eva感到害怕和无法完成/做好的事。语言点:track跑道In her first P.E.class,Eva was shocked when Coach Pitt announced that everyone had to run one mile around the track outside.She searched the faces of her classmates for signs of panic.There was nothing she feared more than having to run a whole mile.To Eva,“a mile”was used to describe long distances.It was ten miles from her home to her grandfathers,and that always seemed like a long way,even in a car!先抑后扬,主人公预判自己一定是倒一,续写处可写出她取得了意料之外的成绩。语言点:edge ahead 领先;be left in the dust 同学们都绝尘而去,她被落在后面When Coach Pitt blew his whistle(哨子),Eva figured she would be left in the dust.However,while some of her classmates edged ahead,others actually fell behind.“Its just the beginning,”she thought.“Ill come in last for sure.”情节进展:当Eva疲惫无法坚持时,她开始做自己的心里工作,把路程分解,每一次跑一段路,不知不觉就跑完4圈了。语言点:lap 一圈Soon Eva began to breathe hard,with her heart pounding and legs shaking.Feeling desperate,Eva started using a mind trick on herself.She stopped thinking about the word“mile.”Instead,she focused on reaching the shadow east on the track by an oak tree up ahead.Then she concentrated on jogging to the spot where the track curved(拐弯).After that,she tried to see if she could complete her first lap.One lap turned into two,then three,then four.主题语境:人与自我主题:成长类主题意义:超越自我话题:使用心术,克服恐惧Paragraph 1:When Coach Pitt said“Nice work!to her at the finish line,Eva was surprised.Paragraph 2:Eva decided to use the same trick to deal with the school building.我们可以理解为面对问题找到方法实现成长。按照角色的成长历程,我们可以将其分为三部分:自我领悟自我蜕变。续写框架搭建(不唯一):Paragraph 1:When Coach Pitt said“Nice work!to her at the finish line,Eva was surprised.Eva 惊讶的内容具体解释Coach Pitt 和其他同学们都祝贺 Eva,鼓掌鼓励Eva 的反应:原来自已还可以这样做成功一件事情衔接 Eva 把这次成功经验和教学楼迷路联系起来Paragraph 2:Eva decided to use the same trick to deal with the school building.Eva 立刻开始行动结果 通过这个方法,Eva 终于熟悉了整个教学楼结尾升华 从自我设限、路痴胆小到变得勇敢、不再路痴,顺利融入高中生活分句写作:Paragraph l:When Coach Pitt said“Nice work!to her at the finish line.Eva was surpfisea.Eva 惊讶的内容具体解释+Coach Pitt 和其他同学们都祝贺 Eva,鼓掌鼓励思考:Eva 具体惊讶什么呢?不知不觉中完成了比赛,还跑了不错的名次“Can it be true that I finished a mile and won the third prize?I have surely not been dreaming have I?Eva murmured to herself,disbelief lingering until she saw Coach Pitts thumbs-up and heard the claps.Eva的反应:原来自己还可以这样做成功一件事情“I made it!”she thought,a mix of astonishment and newfound confidence surging through her body.A fantastic feeling.previously unfamiliar,took root in herheart.直接联系起来:On her way back to the classroom,Eva couldnt resist replaying her victory over the mile in the PE class.When she approached the six-story building.she slowed her pace,raising her eyes to the oak trees around.An idea blossomed in her mind衔接Eva 把这次成功经验和教学楼迷路联系起来Eva立刻开始行动思考:Eva 具体会有哪些行动?不记具体的目标位置,相反,记路线中有趣的标志或者目标位置附近的有趣的标志,一步步完成任务Without delay,she sprang into action.During the subsequent weeks,the girl discovered a Shakespeare sculpture that could serve as a marker guiding her to the library.The long hallway decorated with some celebrities pictures leading to the laboratory and even a distinctive shape of shadow near the teachersoffices became additional cues in her self-made treasure map结果通过这个方法,Eva 终于熟悉了整个教学楼It turned out that when Eva left the grand mission behind and instead focused on observing the various signs around,the structure of the construction,as if by magic,seemed to unfold in her mind actively结尾升华从自我设限、路胆小到变得勇敢、不再路顺利融入高中生活From then on,Eva,who had defeated the one-mile run and conquered the six-story monster,emerged with newfound confidence,ready to confront and overcome other challenges in her life.