及即上 苍山负雪 明烛天南译文.docx
及即上 苍山负雪明烛天南译文及即上苍山负雪明烛天南这首诗出自元代文学家 王安石的手笔,是一首记叙性诗歌。该诗歌以极具意象的 描绘,生动形象地抒写了旅人行走在苍山负雪之间的情 旦 o诗中先以“及即上”两个字开头,表达了旅者不断前 行的心情,隐含着他们有强烈的激情和渴望,促使他们勇 敢前行,不畏艰难。随着诗句的展开,作者通过描写旅人 行走在苍山负雪之间的情景,表达了对美妙的大自然的热 爱之情。“苍山负雪”,指的是旅人行走于苍茫的山川之中, 白雪皑皑,漫天飞舞。苍山、负雪,是一幅壮观而又雄伟 的景象,也是旅人追求真理的坚定信念和勇敢前行的象 征。而“明烛天南”则表达了作者对大自然无穷魅力的赞 叹之情。“明烛”指的是月光明亮,“天南”则是指一片 苍茫无垠的天空,旅人可以仰望天空,沐浴在明烛的温暖 之中。这首诗歌压缩了一个旅人踏上旅途,行走于雪山之中 的画面。旅人站在雪山之中,仰望着那明烛天南,在那苍茫的大地上,勇敢地前行,享受着大自然的气息,感受着 来自真理的力量。译文:Boldly Moving Forward on the Snow-Capped Mountains, Gazing at the Gleaming Sky to the SouthThis poem by Wang Anshi from the Yuan Dynasty is a narrative poem. With highly imaginative description, it vividly portrays the scene of a traveler walking through the snow-capped mountains.The poem begins with the two words jijishang, expressing the traveler5 s unceasingly advancing mood, implying their strong passion and desire that drives them courageously forward in the face of adversity. As the poem progresses, the author expresses his love for the wonderful nature through the depiction of the traveler walking between the snow-capped mountains.“Snow-capped mountains refers to the traveler walking through vast mountains, with snowflakes floating in the sky. The snow-capped mountains are a magnificent and majestic scene, also a symbol of the traveler, s firm belief in pursuing truth and courageously moving forward.“Gleaming sky to the south" expresses the author's admiration for the infinite charm of nature. "Gleaming means the moonlight is bright, and sky to the south refers to an endless sky. The traveler can look up at the sky, bathed in the warmth of the gleaming light, and feel the power of truth.This poem compresses a picture of a traveler embarking on a journey and walking through the snow-covered mountains. Standing among the snowcapped mountains, gazing at the gleaming sky to the south, the traveler bravely moves forward, enjoying the breath of nature and feeling the power of truth.